This theme is created as similar as the arcade version [GUIs and Gameplay(size and placement), maybe sound effects] I've been planning on making it years ago but I just started getting the assets (from StepMania 5 and AMX themes).
Keys avalilable: 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k(single), 6k(half-double), 8k, 10k(double) (still thinking how 7k and 9k will look like)
I may release it months later because exams are going
Things that hold back the release:
-The position of the lane (What I do, I compare the skin screenshot and the actual gameplay screenshot via image slider)
-The size of the arrows (same this as the first one)
-Need full list of osu!mania skin commands (I haven't find the updated one)
1. More noteskins
2. Customizeable judge
3. 1P and 2P side will download serperately
4. Reverse (RV) [like the actual arcade version, it is probably the same as the stepmania version, it may look different in Others]
2. Customizeable judge
3. 1P and 2P side will download serperately
4. Reverse (RV) [like the actual arcade version, it is probably the same as the stepmania version, it may look different in Others]
Note: If you want the themes PM me :3
EDIT: This take longer than I expected, since I swapped my hard drive in my laptop. I have to redownload Photoshop (dunno how to use GIMP help)
EDIT 2: My hard drive broke three times, I'm really frustrated and ill probably hold this project, for now?