
An anti nervous trick? ^^

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First of all am I in the right Forum section? I hope so =/


( First of all im very very sorry for my bad or not so good english but I have a bit headache and yea so don't be to hard to me and I really really hope you guys/girls ^^ understand what I'm trying to say to you )

I have just a little or maybe a simple question. Do you guys have some tricks or tips how I can be totally relaxed while playing a map and get a 300++ streak? It's just this:

Everytime I play a map ehm just take Kagefumi Etranger - Hatsune Miku this as an example.

I played this a lot now but I really suck at the end or if I get a 200,300++ Combo why? Because I get every time nervous and move my mouse/or my pen ( if I play with a tablet ) to fast or I miss click the beats aaaaand I don't know how I can solve this getting-nervous-problem and play totally calmed and do all diff's like nothing.

Or could it be that I made a loooooong Osu break? Because a while ago I played Osu with my old account I had no problems I played easy/normal like nothing hard was mostly perfect or ~ 90% and with hard it was the same.

So are there some tips or tricks?
I've heard some people put a post-it note on top of the combo number.

Though really, I think practice is the best solution. The more confident you are with your playing ability the less nervous you'll be.
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I just thought that such an answer will come ^^ but I guess you are right and I think I try the trick with the post-it note ;)

But thx anyways =)
I get less nervous under stressful situation after drinking some beer (but not a big quantity, just to get a little more relaxed and reliant on rhythm rather than what's on screen). Also there's that mindset thingy... you can try imagining yourself passing the map/hard moments of it (it's pretty much how sportsmen train their mentality) or just convince yourself you're passing this map cos you came here to do that (can't really explain in words... just have the self-confidence to do things rather than having second thoughts like "is my skill enough to do this?"). It's pretty obvious you want to pass maps, not fail them, just let yourself know it ^_^.
Oh and one more trick: enjoy the game to the fullest ^_^. Enjoy the great community out there, have a good time hanging out with us (it's not like you have to neglect real life that way :_>). Being in good mood always helps.
tell yourself it's easy and you're the best (around, no one's ever gonna keep you down)

it's easier in cases like mine where you are
The only cure is to keep going until you succeed, if you don't give up that is.
That's the only thing that works in my case though.
It's a shame that Ozzy's trick only works if you have a high self-esteem.
Start by not giving a fuck about the game.

I'm serious.
While playing.

Cookiezi got Cry for Eternity FC by doing that true story.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

tell yourself it's easy and you're the best (around, no one's ever gonna keep you down)

it's easier in cases like mine where you are
That's work

Wishy22 wrote:

Start by not giving a fuck about the game.

I'm serious.
^ or this.
However it's quite hard, cause I wouldn't go for SS if I didn't care about it.
Vicious cycle. :\
free your mind-> take a shower/ fap / watch family guy
-> then practice like hell^^
There is a point when practicing a map where you will realize its only a matter of time till you S this. Remember the times this map seemed impossilbe-> get confidence from your own abillities and play calm because of that.
on the other hand ozzy is totally right^^
Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you!
I get nervous when I was about to SS a beatmap for the very first time (especially hard maps) and ended up failing sometimes.

But I didn't get that again the second time around. :D
Go for A's first, ignore the map for a good month or so, come back, easy S.
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Krzysiek wrote:

Oh and one more trick: enjoy the game to the fullest ^_^. Enjoy the great community out there, have a good time hanging out with us (it's not like you have to neglect real life that way :_>). Being in good mood always helps.
I enjoy the game to the fullest but after some fails it's just frustrating Ü.Ü

OzzyOzrock wrote:

tell yourself it's easy and you're the best (around, no one's ever gonna keep you down)

it's easier in cases like mine where you are
I did this trick a lot and it worked sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.

Jalatiphra wrote:

free your mind-> take a shower/ fap / watch family guy
-> then practice like hell^^
There is a point when practicing a map where you will realize its only a matter of time till you S this. Remember the times this map seemed impossilbe-> get confidence from your own abillities and play calm because of that.
on the other hand ozzy is totally right^^
1. Always done when I play Osu 2. Hmm i gonna try this one 3. ehhh yea ^^ or just play with my gf should work too? 4. I rather say How I meet your mother =P 5. Ok ^^

Xyresic wrote:

Go for A's first, ignore the map for a good month or so, come back, easy S.
That's what I'm going to do now.

Well THANKS to all of you for your tips. And the best one:

Shael wrote:

Ü.Ü xD
Takes a lot of time to get not nervous. At 300+ to 400+ combos my fingers usually turn stiff and I can feel the back of my head go numb and sooner or later, I break the combo and start cursing. So far, not found any good way to resolve that problem.

0_o wrote:

I've heard some people put a post-it note on top of the combo number.
pretty hardcore :X

Wishy22 wrote:

Start by not giving a fuck about the game.

I'm serious.
^ This

Guujin wrote:

Wishy22 wrote:

Start by not giving a fuck about the game.

I'm serious.
^ This
I think I might try that lol...

As for me, if I happen to glance at the combo counter and notice it at a really high number, I'll start to get nervous and that occasionally leads to me missing a beat. Same thing goes for if I happen to glance at the pie-timer thing at the top right especially if I'm close to the end of a song I never beat before. And then if I happen to get a 500x combo and see the blue fire, that'll instantly surprise me :p (then the beat miss shortly after).

I wonder if playing with no HUD would help :lol:
Put invisible combo numbers in your skin, put a very loud MISS sound, put settings on low-end PC.
That way you won't see anything of the combo.
F m L_old

Guujin wrote:

Put invisible combo numbers in your skin, put a very loud MISS sound, put settings on low-end PC.
That way you won't see anything of the combo.
give us your skin then

if you delete combo numbers then the score numbers wont appear.

F m L wrote:

Guujin wrote:

Put invisible combo numbers in your skin, put a very loud MISS sound, put settings on low-end PC.
That way you won't see anything of the combo.
give us your skin then

if you delete combo numbers then the score numbers wont appear.
I don't have that skin, I'm using a private one that has nothing of the above in it.
If I didn't give a fuck about it i'd close it. Being nervous is really normal and you get more and more used to passing harder songs over time. Once you've fucked up because of being nervous on the same song for like the 3rd time, you'll notice that gets replaced with rage. And that rage helps you focus, if you're like me. If you aren't, then i dunno, i'd drink a bit to calm down or something, lol.

Guujin wrote:

Put invisible combo numbers in your skin, put a very loud MISS sound, put settings on low-end PC.
That way you won't see anything of the combo.
Dude no, low-end PC takes snaking sliders off and that's like the most important thing to have on.

ragelewa wrote:

Guujin wrote:

Put invisible combo numbers in your skin, put a very loud MISS sound, put settings on low-end PC.
That way you won't see anything of the combo.
Dude no, low-end PC takes snaking sliders off and that's like the most important thing to have on.
true that, but the rest isn't needed, would be distracting.
Try focusing on the hitcircles and nothing else. At least that's how you don't get distracted, but then you're already on the way to not getting nervous.
Just go with the rythm. I like to compare osu! to malabarism, since when you do malabarism, you don't focus on every ball you throw up into the air - you look up, toss the balls, they enter your field of vision, begin to fall and you position your hand depending on how you calculate its landing spot. Because I don't have to focus on every hitcircle to land a hit, if I just stare on the center of the screen I can have a good preception of the whole area and move my hand accordingly (that may be because I play with a 15" laptop monitor though.) Anyway, the less you move, the less stress you'll create. sometimes my wrist starts to hurt in the middle of a song, and that ruins my concentration so I concentrate the weight of my arm in my elbow, lift my wrist and hover my hand on top of the zx keys, and that makes it easier for me to do streams without getting tired...

Anyway, I sometimes suffer with that and found out doing the following helps me a lot - cover up your combo while you're playing. I used to non intentionally look at my present combo and that would make me nervous all of a sudden - if I had a high combo, I'd start missing beats and ruin the playthrough. I don't play the same map 50 times without interruptions either, I play it three times at best then try it again another day. Sometimes you paly a map so many times you're no longer in the ideal mindset for playing osu, so it helps.
maybe if you play a easy and long map for reach this count combo
Even if you enjoy playing and don't really care about your score. You still get that nervousness when you reach a high combo (round 700-800) for me, even if you weren't intending to FC the map.

I guess it can't be helped.
that's just a flaw of a person that they get nervous, not caring is the best
oh loving you
I got the same situation, my mind will think of something else while playing!! And i get super nervous or tense when playing online. I think the best solution is to play 1-2 minutes songs~ lol
think of nothing when playing

works for me :/

Guujin wrote:

that's just a flaw of a person that they get nervous, not caring is the best
I'm flawed

ragelewa wrote:

Guujin wrote:

that's just a flaw of a person that they get nervous, not caring is the best
I'm flawed
me too

Guujin wrote:

ragelewa wrote:

I'm flawed
me too
Me three!

OT: You can try not looking at the combo. As soon as you hit a 500+ combo you might screw up. I totally did the first time I got a 500 combo. Those blue flames made me so excited! Then I lost the combo.


kriers wrote:

Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you!
^How I get by


K Y L E wrote:

Those blue flames made me so excited! Then I lost the combo.
You can get rid of the Combo Flame from the Option menu. :P

hoihoisoi wrote:

Takes a lot of time to get not nervous. At 300+ to 400+ combos my fingers usually turn stiff and I can feel the back of my head go numb and sooner or later, I break the combo and start cursing. So far, not found any good way to resolve that problem.
Same thing happens to me. It makes me break the computer. But that didn't happen. Please someone help!

ioana2008v wrote:

hoihoisoi wrote:

Takes a lot of time to get not nervous. At 300+ to 400+ combos my fingers usually turn stiff and I can feel the back of my head go numb and sooner or later, I break the combo and start cursing. So far, not found any good way to resolve that problem.
Same thing happens to me. It makes me break the computer. But that didn't happen. Please someone help!
try hitting it with a hammer
Just do it often enough. Some time it will get usual for you to have high combos. :>
It's the same with top40 ranks... the first few times you really screw up as soon as you get past rank 40.

And for multiplayer games... TAB is the magical button. <3
Lol this issue gets brought way to much, ull lose ur nervousness when ur confident, and know u can rape the map, everytime u acheiv something badass ull get that nervous feeling, its normal brah
hey guys did you know why SS-rankers get SS easier than S-rankers despite being poorer in skill?
It's because keeping an SS is all about routine and confidence /o/

kriers wrote:

hey guys did you know why SS-rankers get SS easier than S-rankers despite being poorer in skill?
It's because keeping an SS is all about routine and confidence /o/
no it's about being asian

palion wrote:

kriers wrote:

hey guys did you know why SS-rankers get SS easier than S-rankers despite being poorer in skill?
It's because keeping an SS is all about routine and confidence /o/
no it's about being asian

palion wrote:

kriers wrote:

hey guys did you know why SS-rankers get SS easier than S-rankers despite being poorer in skill?
It's because keeping an SS is all about routine and confidence /o/
no it's about being asian
I'm not asian. D:
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