Holy shit this is amazing
Kinda sucks that I can't use it though since the .ini file is missing ><
Kinda sucks that I can't use it though since the .ini file is missing ><
You are so smart!ziin wrote:
@echo OFF
set osupath=c:\program files\osu!
set skinpath=c:\program files\osu!\skins\Theme of Hidan No Aria v1.32\Title Skin
start "" "%osupath%\osu!.exe"
PING -n 10 >nul
copy "%titlepath%\title.png" "%osupath%\data\" >nul
Copy/paste this into a text file and save it as a bat file. Edit the osupath and titlepath to correctly refer to their respective locations. If osu takes longer than 10 seconds to boot, change the ping to be -n 20 or something to wait 20 seconds before copying the title screen over.
Once osu boots and the command prompt closes just go into options, multiplayer, single player, or whatever and you'll have your title screen.
@echo OFF
set osupath=d:\program files\osu!
set skinpath=d:\program files\osu!\skins\Theme of Hidan No Aria v1.32\Title Skin
start "" "%osupath%\osu!.exe"
PING -n 15 >nul
copy "%osupath%\title.png" "%osupath%\data\" >nul
Play -> special.NALU wrote:
Nice Skin! One thing for the main title of the game is that when I pressed the special button,it doesn't work. If I click the 'Special' it keeps going to option mode. 무튼 스킨 잘 다운받겠습니다. 태고모드까지 스킨이 다 있다니..lots of effort to work on it..