22:21 ExNeko: Hi
22:21 ExNeko: spe
22:22 SpectorDG: give me 3 minute
22:22 SpectorDG: i need to talk with my gf
22:22 SpectorDG: i mean Juvia
22:23 ExNeko: It's ok
22:34 SpectorDG: here we go ?
22:34 ExNeko: sure
22:34 *SpectorDG is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1454960 Tanchiky - ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX [ExNeko's ANOTHER E.S.M.]]
22:36 SpectorDG: 00:06:000 - how about remove one?
22:36 SpectorDG: there is no whistles
22:36 SpectorDG: just bit strong synth
22:36 SpectorDG: Extra mapped 1 note here
22:37 ExNeko: I feel it's louder then above
22:37 ExNeko: same like here 00:06:750 (6750|1,6750|0) -
22:38 ExNeko: so i double it
22:38 SpectorDG: okay
22:38 SpectorDG: 00:11:250 - it feels your burst are kinda hard than extra
22:39 ExNeko: hmm
22:39 SpectorDG: maybe try 12 43 12 43 21 34 21 34 ?
22:39 ExNeko: cut some notes
22:39 ExNeko: i
22:41 ExNeko: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11058518
22:42 SpectorDG: okay then it's good
22:42 SpectorDG: 00:12:468 (12468|0,12562|1,12656|2) - make 1 3 1 ? these sound are not strong like previous dubstep part
22:43 ExNeko: ok
22:43 ExNeko: fixed
22:43 SpectorDG: 00:15:468 - add note on 3
22:43 SpectorDG: you did same thing as 00:13:875 (13875|3,13875|2,13968|1,13968|0,14062|3,14156|1,14156|2,14250|0,14250|3) -
22:43 SpectorDG: double double single double double
22:44 ExNeko: fixed
22:44 SpectorDG: alright
22:44 SpectorDG: 00:16:312 (16312|1) - same thing as 00:14:812 (14812|3) -
22:45 ExNeko: ok
22:45 SpectorDG: 00:17:718 (17718|0,17812|1,17906|2,18000|0,18093|1,18187|2,18281|0,18375|1,18468|2,18562|0,18656|1,18750|2,18843|0,18937|1,19031|2) - why stairs are just mapped 1~3 ?
22:46 ExNeko: oh
22:46 ExNeko: I miss a note here 00:18:375 (18375|3) -
22:47 SpectorDG: nah
22:47 ExNeko: alright
22:47 SpectorDG: same parts you didn't mapped double
22:47 SpectorDG: so single note is ok
22:47 SpectorDG: just try something like this ? https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/2vWgOGZ.png
22:48 SpectorDG: or double note on Red line
22:49 ExNeko: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11058579
22:49 ExNeko: how about this
22:49 SpectorDG: looking good
22:50 ExNeko: fine
22:52 SpectorDG: 00:19:875 (19875|3,19875|2,19968|0,19968|1,20062|3,20156|2,20250|1,20250|0,20343|3,20343|2,20437|0,20531|1) - same parts, but you followed another sound on 00:21:375 (21375|3,21375|0,21468|2,21562|1,21656|2,21656|3,21750|0,21750|1,21843|3,21937|0,22031|3,22031|2,22125|1,22125|0) - this part?
22:53 ExNeko: I just think too similar is not good, so I changed some pattern
22:54 ExNeko: hmm
22:54 SpectorDG: okay selfmod for your same-to-same parts
22:54 ExNeko: ye
22:54 SpectorDG: i will check just unrankables also some good suggestions on special parts
22:55 ExNeko: ok
22:55 SpectorDG: 00:36:000 (36000|0,36000|3,36375|3,36375|0,36750|0,36750|3,36937|2,36937|1) - maybe make bit difference?
22:55 SpectorDG: vocals are E S M R
22:56 SpectorDG: E S is very similar voals
22:56 SpectorDG: how about change M vocals for 23?
22:56 SpectorDG: E = 1 4 S = 1 4 M = 2 3
22:56 ExNeko: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11058624
22:57 ExNeko: alright
22:57 SpectorDG: okay then
22:59 SpectorDG: 00:39:000 - followed synth for double?
22:59 ExNeko: .
22:59 ExNeko: Is already double
23:00 SpectorDG: yeah i meant you mapped double notes for synth?
23:00 ExNeko: not only synth
23:00 SpectorDG: PR 50%
23:01 SpectorDG: some whistles?
23:01 ExNeko: yea
23:01 SpectorDG: okay then it's fine
23:02 SpectorDG: 00:47:250 (47250|3,47250|0,47343|2,47343|1,47437|3,47437|0,47531|2,47531|1,47625|0,47625|3,47718|1,47718|2,47812|0,47812|3,47906|2,47906|1,48000|0,48000|3) - mapped trills on 8/1 parts hmm ..
23:03 ExNeko: ok
23:03 ExNeko: fixed
23:03 SpectorDG: 00:48:750 - difference sound are just mapped same line
23:03 SpectorDG: maybe you can try more fun
23:03 SpectorDG: like
23:04 ExNeko: like
23:04 ExNeko: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11058668
23:04 SpectorDG: oh it's just doubles
23:04 SpectorDG: maybe this one https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/5HiUcMY.png ?
23:05 ExNeko: kep
23:05 ExNeko: I don't like this LN
23:05 SpectorDG: ok
23:05 SpectorDG: 00:54:000 (54000|3,54000|0,54093|1,54187|3,54187|2,54281|1,54281|0,54375|3,54468|2) - make 12 4 23 14 2 3 ?
23:06 SpectorDG: because vocal stream is kinda focused right hand
23:06 ExNeko: good
23:06 SpectorDG: also it's very rude to handling
23:06 SpectorDG: oh okay
23:06 ExNeko: xdd
23:08 SpectorDG: 00:54:656 - i suggested something like this https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/2MsBTpi.png
23:08 SpectorDG: 00:54:656 - 00:54:937 - are twin sounds
23:08 SpectorDG: after 4/1 LN's too
23:09 ExNeko: looks good
23:09 ExNeko: fixed
23:10 SpectorDG: if you gd' extra diff, i will give another suggestion like that https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/ttP4mkb.png
23:11 ExNeko: lol
23:11 ExNeko: its just a another diff
23:11 SpectorDG: 00:59:250 - this burst is still hard than Extra
23:12 ExNeko: oop
23:12 ExNeko: nerf some
23:13 SpectorDG: 01:01:593 - haha
23:13 SpectorDG: they single notes non-stop mapped 23 untill 01:13:500 - here
23:13 SpectorDG: 23 is ok but just map jacks on same parts
23:15 SpectorDG: like 01:02:250 (62250|1,62437|2,62625|1) - these are same sounded 01:03:937 (63937|1,64125|2,64312|1) - ^ 01:05:250 (65250|2,65437|1,65625|2) - ^ 01:06:750 (66750|2,66937|1,67125|2) - ^
23:15 ExNeko: okay, I change some cols
23:15 SpectorDG: alright
23:16 SpectorDG: 01:18:937 (78937|1) - should be jacks?
23:16 SpectorDG: like you did same as 01:15:000 (75000|0,75000|3,75000|2,75187|2,75187|0) -
23:16 SpectorDG: 01:15:750 (75750|2,75750|1,75937|1,75937|2) -
23:16 SpectorDG: 01:16:500 (76500|3,76500|1,76687|3,76687|1) -
23:17 SpectorDG: 01:21:187 (81187|1) - same as above
23:17 ExNeko: ok
23:18 SpectorDG: 01:48:000 (108000|0,108000|2,108000|3,108375|3,108375|2,108375|0,108750|3,108750|2,108937|0,108937|1,109125|1,109125|0,109312|3,109312|2,109500|1,109500|0,109500|2,109500|3) - rearrange them same as previous part
23:18 SpectorDG: vocals are E S M R
23:19 ExNeko: alright
23:19 SpectorDG: 01:54:750 - you added LN on [4] for previous same part
23:19 SpectorDG: if im wrong
23:20 SpectorDG: 02:02:812 (122812|1,122812|3,122812|0) - these LN's are must be end on 02:03:000 - here, like a other diffs
23:21 ExNeko: yp
23:21 ExNeko: fixed
23:22 SpectorDG: change HP OD to 8
23:22 ExNeko: ok
23:22 SpectorDG: okay it's looking good for me now :p
23:22 ExNeko: well
23:22 ExNeko: thx for mod!
23:22 SpectorDG: m4m with food it's ok