
New Tablet

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First and Foremost, sorry if this is in the wrong section. But anyways I've just gotten a new tablet. The standard Bamboo tablet that I see a lot of Osu! players using. I've spent in total about 4 hours adjusting the size of the tablet to fit the screen and I'm pretty sure after a lot of "Ok I'm just going to stick to mouse" I've found a happy medium. But my horizontal jumps just feel completely off. I don't have a screenshot of my config right now but it's basically a small square. It feels faster vertical than horizontal and but I don't overshoot notes, it just feels like sometimes I can't reach them. And now I'm at the point where it will probably take a day to get used to mouse again but tablet is just too fun -.- Any suggestions? Maybe hand positioning? I use the tablet like I'd be writing on paper. I see some people who use the whole tablets screen and I find that impossible to play. Well any suggestions would help, so thank you in advance. And If needed I'll post a screenshot of my tablets config. Thnaks :D
This is what mine look like
You might just be feeling your horizontal jumps are off because you might not be used to it yet. But I don't get how it feels like off if its a square? I have force proportions on,try that. You can also just try to get a feel with the new active area for about 30 minutes. Flip the tablet to whatever your primary hand is (for writing) like if your right handed (if there are buttons on your tablet) the buttons should face opposite,the light and the brand name (slightly trans) should be the same way too. I don't really know,just try to get a feel for it cause I can't really help anymore.
Do you have "Force Proportions" enabled?
You should

/E: Oh, was mentioned in the previous post. I'm blind \:D/
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I don't have force proportions enabled! But what exactly does that do? I'm using a 1024x768 resolution. Does it basically fit it to the screen? Either way thanks guys! I'll update after I've tried it. Keeping my fingers crossed =X
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Slip wrote:

This is what mine look like
You might just be feeling your horizontal jumps are off because you might not be used to it yet. But I don't get how it feels like off if its a square? I have force proportions on,try that. You can also just try to get a feel with the new active area for about 30 minutes. Flip the tablet to whatever your primary hand is (for writing) like if your right handed (if there are buttons on your tablet) the buttons should face opposite,the light and the brand name (slightly trans) should be the same way too. I don't really know,just try to get a feel for it cause I can't really help anymore.
You were also talking about having the buttons face the opposite way (or logo because my tablet doesn't have buttons. I guess it's an older generation.) But if I'm right handed you're saying flip the tablet to be left handed basically? As in the little red part that says Wacom that holds the pen should be on the left side instead of the right? Sorry trying to word that is weird.
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And I'm sorry to keep bumping this but It's only jumps on the far right of the screen that I feel like I can't reach. And if I change the proportion of the tablet I shoot way over them.
Is it possible for you to try and inch the active area slowly so it doesnt make such a drastic change. (for the record this feels like it should be in the help forum at this point.)
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Thanks, and yeah I thought this might be a bit off in the pages. I'll post in the "help" forum next time. I didn't know we had one -.-
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