
Osu! localisation Folder and its txt file

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Minz Schwuli
Hello Guys and Girls, and Attack Helicopter~

I like Osu! - but sometimes I dont feel the game - because I need changes -
Therefore I fought myself trough forums for new fonts and text ingame! :o
But didn´t find anything funny or laughable :( soooo I decided to go to the Skinning and Customization group to ask for cool things!

So I wanted to ask you guys, for some spare time to make something funny/nice/or Random in my game! :D
The file is in German (but you can change it to whatever seems funny for you :D)
And I made the file easy to edit.

If you have time of course :!:

Link to the .txt file (it´s actually an Excel Spreadsheet) ->

If the post isn´t in the right place, I´m sorry :( (and the post can be erased)
*cough* my english is somehow pretty bad right now - Im sorry, again...
this is not a place to request skins here
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