Foster the People is an indie pop band out of Los Angeles, California. It's a three man group, with Torches being their biggest album yet. They're most known for "Pumped Up Kicks", which reached #1 Billboard's Alternative Songs chart.
I'm starting this project mainly for my love of Foster the People, and would love to see other mapping styles incorporated with their songs!
Please have at least two ranked maps before claiming a song. And please do try to get your map ranked.
Claims expire in two weeks if not uploaded. Graved maps also lose claim.
Helena Beat - claimed by foulcoon
Pumped Up Kicks - claimed by NotShinta
Call It What You Want - Pending by dkun
Don't Stop (Color on the Walls) - Ranked by MoodyRPG
Waste - claimed by RandomJibberish
I Would Do Anything for You - Ranked by dkun
Houdini - WIP by Xgor
Life on the Nickel -
Miss You - claimed by EEeee
Warrant -
on a little side note: MMzz is offering taikos for any of the FtP maps. i'll offer a guest if needed as well!