
3R2 - Melting Point

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 1 octobre 2017 at 20:52:10

Artist: 3R2
Title: Melting Point
Source: Rabi-Ribi
Tags: ラビ-リビ Rabi Ribi Original Soundtrack Steam kano-bi CreSpirit Animen Sekai Project Plurk GemaYue Erina Ribbon Is the order a DLC?
BPM: 135
Filesize: 2758kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bunny Extinction (3,78 stars, 429 notes)
  2. Easy (1,58 stars, 127 notes)
  3. Hard (3,14 stars, 287 notes)
  4. Normal (1,89 stars, 161 notes)
Download: 3R2 - Melting Point
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Rabi-Ribi - Is the order a DLC? OST

  1. Comparé a la densité de la map, je pense que tu devrais monter un peu l'AR de la diff, genre mettre un AR 5.5, ça peut être pas mal, et ça peut permettre a la diff d'être plus claire pour les joueurs.
  2. 00:14:158 (3,2) - Je trouve que ça fait un peu bizarre le stack ici, le joueur il risque de se faire surprendre. Je pense que le soucis c'est qu'ils sont tout les deux pareils, mais dans deux sens différents.
  3. 00:27:491 (1,2,3,1) - Je pense que ça irait mieux si tu faisais comme ça: parce que je trouve que le long slider qui couvre plusieurs sons, ça fait bizarre.
  4. 00:57:269 (1,2) - Pourquoi ne pas remplacer ces deux cercles par un seul slider, vu que le son en fond c'est un enchainement en mode 1/4, je pense qu'un slider pourrait couvrir tout le pattern et correspondrait plus au son que tu map.
  5. 01:13:713 (1,2,3) - Je trouve que la le flow il est un peu trop sec ici. Pourquoi ne pas faire un truc dans ce style-la:

    La diff est super cool et j'adore comment tu l'as mappé, mais je pense qu'il faudrait essayer de voir pour faire une Easy, parce que je trouve que la Normal (même si elle fait seulement 1.88*, ce qui m'étonnes aussi) utilise des rythmes un peu trop compliqué, par exemple les sliders en 1/4, qui enchaine sur des ticks rouges et tout. C'est tout ce que j'ai a dire pour cette diff, vu qu'elle est hyper clean :)
  1. 00:17:824 - Je trouve vachement bizarre a entendre/jouer le fait que tu mappes pas ce beat, qui est similaire a ceux-là: 00:17:936 (5,6,7) - / Tu as fais ça plusieurs fois dans la musique, donc je pense pas que tu vas le changer, mais je te le dis au cas ou quelqu'un d'autre te le dirais.
  2. 00:27:936 (3,4,1,2,3) - Le fait que tu mettes un element de chacun de ces objets en stack sur d'autres elements, ça rend la chose un peu compliqué a voir, essaie de plus les espacer, ou alors de changer l'AR, parce que pour moi, elle a l'air d'être un tout petit peu faible, genre un petit 7.5, ça peut être pas mal.
  3. 01:18:602 (6,7,1,2) - Le flow ici, je le trouve pas trés fou comparé au reste. Essaie de bouger un peu le slider 1, même si il y a un son fort, je pense que le flow comme ça, c'est moins naturel que ce que tu as fais précédemment.
[Bunny Extinction]
  1. Pourquoi ne pas mettre l'AR 9 ici? Surtout que dans la diff, tu utilises beaucoup d'éléments, donc ça serait plus facile pour lire
  2. Un autre truc que je trouve dommage et qui se passe que dans le kiai, c'est le spacing dans ce genre de pattern : 01:14:047 (2,3,4) - qui change souvent. Par exemple ici: 01:17:602 (2,3,4) - tu n'as pas le même spacing que la 01:14:047 (2,3,4) - aprés peut être que tu as fais ça pour l'intensité de la musique, mais j'ai l'impression que sur les deux que je t'ai link, ce sont le même gnere d'intensité.
  3. 01:08:824 (2,3) - Ce genre de mini-streams qui commence en stack sur les deux premières notes et qui ensuite sont espacés je trouve pas ça trés cool, vu que pour le même son comme là 01:17:602 (2,3,4,5) - (mis a part l'intensité qui change) tu garde une distance constante.
Voila tout chef, je pense qu'avec une AR augmentée, la Normale sera plus facile a lire (a moins que ce soit voulu)
Bonne chance :)
Topic Starter

Pachiru wrote:

  1. Comparé a la densité de la map, je pense que tu devrais monter un peu l'AR de la diff, genre mettre un AR 5.5, ça peut être pas mal, et ça peut permettre a la diff d'être plus claire pour les joueurs. - Vu le bpm, AR5 me parait déjà presque trop, donc je ne préfère pas abuser.
  2. 00:14:158 (3,2) - Je trouve que ça fait un peu bizarre le stack ici, le joueur il risque de se faire surprendre. Je pense que le soucis c'est qu'ils sont tout les deux pareils, mais dans deux sens différents. - Le changement de combo le rend plus que lisible, je ne pense pas que ça pose problème.
  3. 00:27:491 (1,2,3,1) - Je pense que ça irait mieux si tu faisais comme ça: parce que je trouve que le long slider qui couvre plusieurs sons, ça fait bizarre.- K
  4. 00:57:269 (1,2) - Pourquoi ne pas remplacer ces deux cercles par un seul slider, vu que le son en fond c'est un enchainement en mode 1/4, je pense qu'un slider pourrait couvrir tout le pattern et correspondrait plus au son que tu map. Je pense que les 2 sons sont trop importants pour ne pas être 2 cercles, mais on verra si ça rale plus dessus.
  5. 01:13:713 (1,2,3) - Je trouve que la le flow il est un peu trop sec ici. Pourquoi ne pas faire un truc dans ce style-la: - Nan dsl le flow n'est pas "sec".

    La diff est super cool et j'adore comment tu l'as mappé, mais je pense qu'il faudrait essayer de voir pour faire une Easy, parce que je trouve que la Normal (même si elle fait seulement 1.88*, ce qui m'étonnes aussi) utilise des rythmes un peu trop compliqué, par exemple les sliders en 1/4, qui enchaine sur des ticks rouges et tout. C'est tout ce que j'ai a dire pour cette diff, vu qu'elle est hyper clean :) - Imo une Easy ne serait vraiment pas intéressante à jouer et difficilement faisable avec le rythme dont est composé cette musique.
  1. 00:17:824 - Je trouve vachement bizarre a entendre/jouer le fait que tu mappes pas ce beat, qui est similaire a ceux-là: 00:17:936 (5,6,7) - / Tu as fais ça plusieurs fois dans la musique, donc je pense pas que tu vas le changer, mais je te le dis au cas ou quelqu'un d'autre te le dirais. - Les drums sont plus simple à suivre que spam le tout, et ça reste cohérent à suivre.
  2. 00:27:936 (3,4,1,2,3) - Le fait que tu mettes un element de chacun de ces objets en stack sur d'autres elements, ça rend la chose un peu compliqué a voir, essaie de plus les espacer, ou alors de changer l'AR, parce que pour moi, elle a l'air d'être un tout petit peu faible, genre un petit 7.5, ça peut être pas mal. - AR7.3
  3. 01:18:602 (6,7,1,2) - Le flow ici, je le trouve pas trés fou comparé au reste. Essaie de bouger un peu le slider 1, même si il y a un son fort, je pense que le flow comme ça, c'est moins naturel que ce que tu as fais précédemment. - Changé un peu le pattern.
[Bunny Extinction]
  1. Pourquoi ne pas mettre l'AR 9 ici? Surtout que dans la diff, tu utilises beaucoup d'éléments, donc ça serait plus facile pour lire - 8.8 ou 9 ne change pas grand chose, et par rapport au BPM je pense que ça colle mieux.
  2. Un autre truc que je trouve dommage et qui se passe que dans le kiai, c'est le spacing dans ce genre de pattern : 01:14:047 (2,3,4) - qui change souvent. Par exemple ici: 01:17:602 (2,3,4) - tu n'as pas le même spacing que la 01:14:047 (2,3,4) - aprés peut être que tu as fais ça pour l'intensité de la musique, mais j'ai l'impression que sur les deux que je t'ai link, ce sont le même gnere d'intensité. - Fix le premier.
  3. 01:08:824 (2,3) - Ce genre de mini-streams qui commence en stack sur les deux premières notes et qui ensuite sont espacés je trouve pas ça trés cool, vu que pour le même son comme là 01:17:602 (2,3,4,5) - (mis a part l'intensité qui change) tu garde une distance constante. - Simplement parce qu'ils ne couvrent pas le même son. 00:58:157 (2,3) - ce genre là couvre le premier duo de l'instru en plus "wouhou" en fond, c'est pour ça qu'ils sont ainsi.
Voila tout chef, je pense qu'avec une AR augmentée, la Normale sera plus facile a lire (a moins que ce soit voulu)
Bonne chance :)
Danke, updated~
Not really a mod, but here.

[Bunny Extinction]

00:47:491 (2,3,5,6,7) – Make sure stacking is turned on. Currently, (5,2) are overlapping and so they look poor. Try moving (5,6,7) to 340, 342.

00:56:380 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) – Just a preference, but I'd like it if you didn't use the same direction for the linear flows here. The first stream is on a guitar with a different set of notes than the following piano, and those sound pretty different, so I'd prefer to contrast them with different patterns rather than make a comparison between them by using repetition.
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Not really a mod, but here.

[Bunny Extinction]

00:47:491 (2,3,5,6,7) – Make sure stacking is turned on. Currently, (5,2) are overlapping and so they look poor. Try moving (5,6,7) to 340, 342. - Woops yes.

00:56:380 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) – Just a preference, but I'd like it if you didn't use the same direction for the linear flows here. The first stream is on a guitar with a different set of notes than the following piano, and those sound pretty different, so I'd prefer to contrast them with different patterns rather than make a comparison between them by using repetition. - I prefer having this stack and keeping the same direction, since I differentiate them with the spacing.
Generally speaking, I would use a whistle on the very spinner in every difficulty as there is a significant sound to be hitsounded imo.

  1. Honey, the spacing 00:58:157 (2,3) - here is, excuse my language, cancerous to read and it huuurts, could you fix it so the stack is done in the same way like the whole rest? These two circles ruin the pattern here. Same goes to 01:01:713 (2,3) - 01:08:824 (2,3) - These are hideous too. :C
  2. 01:19:824 (4,5) - Also, nazi but it is a pixel off! *runs
  1. 00:19:714 (5,6) - One pixel off. XD
  2. 00:22:603 (3,4) - ^
As the song is not that long I would recommend you make an Easy. Right now the Normal is really dense and fast so an easier diff would benefit the spread. Now the Normal is really really really really really really challenging and hardkorrr. Plizu! ;C

Nonetheless that's a nice mapsettu. Good luck Nozhomoe-Pornoe! o3o
Hello Nozhomi ♥


  1. (Just a personal taste) I would change the actual pink color (that imo is too pushed and flashing atm) with a lighter one so that it fits better with the skin and hair colour of the BG gurls:
    Combo3 : 81,19,242

  1. 00:13:269 (1,2) - I don't like how this pattern is connected with the previous 00:12:713 (3) being the two sliders' bodies too close to each other. Instead to keep the circle (1) on the same line of 00:12:713 (3)'s tail, I would suggest you to move it slightly on the right so you can place the 00:13:491 (2) - between the two elements to make a perfect triangle: (Well, this is just a small suggestion but if you decided to apply this you should even fix next elements as well)
  2. 00:14:158 (3) - I personally would make the tick at 00:14:602 (4) - clickable instead of the slider's tail due to the normal sampleset placed on it. You could use two 1/2 sliders so that the last 00:15:046 (1) - would be more emphasized as it should be becoming so the only circle of the section:
  3. 00:17:269 (2) - Probably not a big issue but you could make it with the same direction of the previous 00:16:158 (3) - (you can copy past the (3) and CTRL + G it, extending it). If you apply don't forget to make the 00:17:936 (3) - again parallel with it.
  4. 00:26:158 (2) - (a bit nazi) This would flow better if you placed its tail on the same x of its head xP like you did for 00:26:824 (3) -
  5. 01:00:602 (2,3) - Is this unstack from 00:59:269 (3) - intentional? If not you can stack it properly
  6. 01:04:380 (3) - I honestly think this slider breaks the flow you actually created. To be consistent with 01:03:047 (1) - it should be curved on the other side. You could make something like:
  7. 01:15:936 (2) - Make this slider symmetric like this?
  8. 01:20:601 (4,1) - The stack leniency actually make the (1) almost overlap with 01:20:158 (3) - and it's a bit ugly to see tbh. What about fixing like this?
  9. Very good map! Mine are just small suggestions

  1. 00:05:491 (3,4) - Stack these properly with 00:04:380 (1) - ? I can guess you did this to avoid the overlap with 00:04:602 (2) 's reverse arrow but you can edit its shape to avoid this. Same for 00:09:047 (3,4) - . I don't get if it's intentional or not, if yes sorry xD
  2. 00:28:380 (1) - I think this rhythm pattern is a bit hard for this diff. I would suggest you to use this rhythm instead to fill more properly all the sounds in the music:
  3. 00:33:602 (3) - Place this equidistant from previous and next element?
  4. 00:50:158 (6,1) - I dislike a bit this kind of shape for short sliders honestly xD I would change them to something else, but well, I guess it's just my personal opinion xP
  5. 00:57:269 (1) - Would this break I would have expected a bigger distance for this circle from the previous slider honesly
  6. 00:59:935 (2,3) - I would move this pattern a bit further from the previous (1) (like you did 01:03:491 (2) - and for all other patterns) because the rhythm of 00:59:491 (1,2) - actually looks an 1/4 instead than 1/2 due to the spacing used that is similar to 00:58:824 (4,5) - that is 1/4. This actually confused me orz @.@
  7. 01:09:158 (3) - I would move this slider a little upward because it's covered by accuracy bar
  8. 01:24:380 (1) - This circle should be moved 1 grid on the right because it's actually not aligned with the previous stream shape

  1. 00:09:158 (6) - This is cool but unreadable :< You could unstack this a bit from the previous to make it easy to read and play
  2. 00:30:380 (1) - There shouldn't be NC here since you didn't use it for next patterns (but I peronally would use NC on every stream to avoid this long combos xD)
  3. Comment: This map is without a doubt very particular but I personally don't like how you often used the 1/4 spacing for the 1/2 patterns as well, it kinda can confuse while gameplaying. I can make you some examples: 00:10:602 (5,6) - (this should be a repeating slider like you did for all previous pattern so the jump is easily predictable). 00:11:491 (1,2,3) - this is the spacing you largely used for 1/4 jumps but this is 1/2, 00:13:824 (4,5) - same for here, it has the same spacing of 00:13:491 (2,3) - that is 1/2 instead, 00:15:824 (5,6) - an other 1/4 spacing for 1/2 rhythm, and 00:19:380 (5,6) - an so on.. Well, the map structure is very well made but I just got some displeasure for this kind of inconsistent spacing (maybe because I am a fanatic of constant spacing map TwT).
That's all by me Nozhomi! I hope my mod will help you and I am glad to have modded this map.
Good luck for the rank!
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

Generally speaking, I would use a whistle on the very spinner in every difficulty as there is a significant sound to be hitsounded imo. - I prefer not for the end of the map, even if it would make sense.

  1. Honey, the spacing 00:58:157 (2,3) - here is, excuse my language, cancerous to read and it huuurts, could you fix it so the stack is done in the same way like the whole rest? These two circles ruin the pattern here. Same goes to 01:01:713 (2,3) - 01:08:824 (2,3) - These are hideous too. :C - brb kms but fixed before I did.
  2. 01:19:824 (4,5) - Also, nazi but it is a pixel off! *runs - I don't like you now.
  1. 00:19:714 (5,6) - One pixel off. XD - zzz
  2. 00:22:603 (3,4) - ^ - more zzz
As the song is not that long I would recommend you make an Easy. Right now the Normal is really dense and fast so an easier diff would benefit the spread. Now the Normal is really really really really really really challenging and hardkorrr. Plizu! ;C :!:

Nonetheless that's a nice mapsettu. Good luck Nozhomoe-Pornoe! o3o

Chewin wrote:

Hello Nozhomi ♥


  1. (Just a personal taste) I would change the actual pink color (that imo is too pushed and flashing atm) with a lighter one so that it fits better with the skin and hair colour of the BG gurls: - Wasn't combo 3 but 4, did something similar to your screen tho ^^
    Combo3 : 81,19,242

  1. 00:13:269 (1,2) - I don't like how this pattern is connected with the previous 00:12:713 (3) being the two sliders' bodies too close to each other. Instead to keep the circle (1) on the same line of 00:12:713 (3)'s tail, I would suggest you to move it slightly on the right so you can place the 00:13:491 (2) - between the two elements to make a perfect triangle: (Well, this is just a small suggestion but if you decided to apply this you should even fix next elements as well) - Would be a huuuuge pain to fix the rest of the map from doing this, and imo that's not a terrible pattern so sorry I'll keep it.
  2. 00:14:158 (3) - I personally would make the tick at 00:14:602 (4) - clickable instead of the slider's tail due to the normal sampleset placed on it. You could use two 1/2 sliders so that the last 00:15:046 (1) - would be more emphasized as it should be becoming so the only circle of the section: -
    So two 1/2 would be too much, tho I did one circle + 1/2 slider who is k.

  3. 00:17:269 (2) - Probably not a big issue but you could make it with the same direction of the previous 00:16:158 (3) - (you can copy past the (3) and CTRL + G it, extending it). If you apply don't forget to make the 00:17:936 (3) - again parallel with it. - K
  4. 00:26:158 (2) - (a bit nazi) This would flow better if you placed its tail on the same x of its head xP like you did for 00:26:824 (3) - - They are tho :/
  5. 01:00:602 (2,3) - Is this unstack from 00:59:269 (3) - intentional? If not you can stack it properly - 00:59:269 (3,2) - are if you consider stack leniency (did you forgot to enable stacking on editor ?)
  6. 01:04:380 (3) - I honestly think this slider breaks the flow you actually created. To be consistent with 01:03:047 (1) - it should be curved on the other side. You could make something like: - It don't break flow, just consider it's like a slider cutted in two parts .
  7. 01:15:936 (2) - Make this slider symmetric like this? - Haha no that's my kind of sliders don't worry.
  8. 01:20:601 (4,1) - The stack leniency actually make the (1) almost overlap with 01:20:158 (3) - and it's a bit ugly to see tbh. What about fixing like this? - Oki
  9. Very good map! Mine are just small suggestions

  1. 00:05:491 (3,4) - Stack these properly with 00:04:380 (1) - ? I can guess you did this to avoid the overlap with 00:04:602 (2) 's reverse arrow but you can edit its shape to avoid this. Same for 00:09:047 (3,4) - . I don't get if it's intentional or not, if yes sorry xD - Intentionnal because of stack leniency.
  2. 00:28:380 (1) - I think this rhythm pattern is a bit hard for this diff. I would suggest you to use this rhythm instead to fill more properly all the sounds in the music: - Oki
  3. 00:33:602 (3) - Place this equidistant from previous and next element? - Yes
  4. 00:50:158 (6,1) - I dislike a bit this kind of shape for short sliders honestly xD I would change them to something else, but well, I guess it's just my personal opinion xP - It's bunny ears like the main character of the game.
  5. 00:57:269 (1) - Would this break I would have expected a bigger distance for this circle from the previous slider honesly - Flipped everything after so it's a bit more spaced now.
  6. 00:59:935 (2,3) - I would move this pattern a bit further from the previous (1) (like you did 01:03:491 (2) - and for all other patterns) because the rhythm of 00:59:491 (1,2) - actually looks an 1/4 instead than 1/2 due to the spacing used that is similar to 00:58:824 (4,5) - that is 1/4. This actually confused me orz @.@ - Woops that's my bad wrong spacing.
  7. 01:09:158 (3) - I would move this slider a little upward because it's covered by accuracy bar - Adjusted a bit even of wasn't really probematic.
  8. 01:24:380 (1) - This circle should be moved 1 grid on the right because it's actually not aligned with the previous stream shape - Yes

  1. 00:09:158 (6) - This is cool but unreadable :< You could unstack this a bit from the previous to make it easy to read and play -
  2. 00:30:380 (1) - There shouldn't be NC here since you didn't use it for next patterns (but I peronally would use NC on every stream to avoid this long combos xD) - Woops my bad, also nah they're not that long.
  3. Comment: This map is without a doubt very particular but I personally don't like how you often used the 1/4 spacing for the 1/2 patterns as well, it kinda can confuse while gameplaying. I can make you some examples: 00:10:602 (5,6) - (this should be a repeating slider like you did for all previous pattern so the jump is easily predictable). 00:11:491 (1,2,3) - this is the spacing you largely used for 1/4 jumps but this is 1/2, 00:13:824 (4,5) - same for here, it has the same spacing of 00:13:491 (2,3) - that is 1/2 instead, 00:15:824 (5,6) - an other 1/4 spacing for 1/2 rhythm, and 00:19:380 (5,6) - an so on.. Well, the map structure is very well made but I just got some displeasure for this kind of inconsistent spacing (maybe because I am a fanatic of constant spacing map TwT).- I understand your thoughts here. It's just I play a lot with spacing variation to adapt it to reflect more the music intensity, and how it progress during the song. And I would say than this is really not that much when you look at mapping nowaday.
That's all by me Nozhomi! I hope my mod will help you and I am glad to have modded this map.
Good luck for the rank!
Easy added, and it's boring z (blame Krfawy and Pachiru).
Thx both for modding~
  • [Bunny Extinction]
  1. 00:07:936 (1) - This circle is slightly too close. You mostly used sth like 2.8x and there is 2.5x. +-0.1 dont ruin it that much but 0.3 is felt. Yea its insane and most people dont care about it but i think it is a bit important for good gameplay.
  2. 00:11:491 (1) - Its unstacked
  3. 01:19:603 (3) - ^
  4. 01:20:269 (7) - ^
  5. 01:23:713 (6) - It looks a bit too far imo
  • [Hard]
  1. 00:19:158 (4) - Its unstacked (I wont make nazi mod cus i mostly dont know if you did it specially so pls check it in every diff)
  • [Normal]
  1. Check AiMod
  2. 00:57:269 (1,2,1) - I think 3 stacks can be too hard for normal diff
  3. 01:26:158 (1,1) - If my memory is not wrong you can make 3/4 spin after note. Best way is delete 01:26:158 (1) - and start spin there.
  • [Easy]
  1. Check AiMod
  2. 01:26:158 (1,1) - Same like in normal
Damn its so hard to find something noteworthy ;-;
Topic Starter

Asserin wrote:

  • [Bunny Extinction]
  1. 00:07:936 (1) - This circle is slightly too close. You mostly used sth like 2.8x and there is 2.5x. +-0.1 dont ruin it that much but 0.3 is felt. Yea its insane and most people dont care about it but i think it is a bit important for good gameplay. - FiXed.
  2. 00:11:491 (1) - Its unstacked
  3. 01:19:603 (3) - ^
  4. 01:20:269 (7) - ^ - Yes for all, but if they're back after that's not my fault.
  5. 01:23:713 (6) - It looks a bit too far imo - Clap emphasis.
  • [Hard]
  1. 00:19:158 (4) - Its unstacked (I wont make nazi mod cus i mostly dont know if you did it specially so pls check it in every diff) - Yeeee
  • [Normal]
  1. Check AiMod - Strange I don't have anything :/
  2. 00:57:269 (1,2,1) - I think 3 stacks can be too hard for normal diff - I will let it stacked, since I think that's probably k with NC, tho I know that's a big edgy so I'll see with future mods about it.
  3. 01:26:158 (1,1) - If my memory is not wrong you can make 3/4 spin after note. Best way is delete 01:26:158 (1) - and start spin there. -
    I can yes so I won't change it (yes I'm sure I can).
  • [Easy]
  1. Check AiMod - Yes
  2. 01:26:158 (1,1) - Same like in normal - Same.
Damn its so hard to find something noteworthy ;-;
Hey Noz owo

Voilà le mod que je te fais sur la map :D

[Bunny Extinction]
00:28:380 (1,2) - Tu devrais peut-être espacé ces notes comme ça: pour bien montrer que le timing est un peu différent du reste
00:51:935 (7,8) - Ces deux sliders sont un poil trop collés, genre le spacing visuel entre les deux est vachement petit comparé au reste des éléments de la map
01:15:047 (9,10,1) - dommage que (1) soit si proche aussi, le bord de la map pose effectivement problème, je pense que tu peux facilement prendre tout le combo 01:13:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - et le déplacer vers le haut pour éviter cette distence extrêmement proche à cet endroit, donnant ce résultat: (je propose volontairement de prendre tout le combo jaune pour que l'overlap des sliderends 01:13:713 (1,6) - soient respectés
Rien d'autre à dire pour cette diff, très clean :D

00:15:046 (1,2) - peut-être que mettre un slider 1/2 aiderait à la jouabilité, surtout pour une hard
00:28:936 (3) - vu l'intensité de ce petit pattern, je pense que note+slider 1/4 fitterais mieux, surtout qu'à des passages moins intenses en hitsounds tu utilise ce pattern (comme ici: 00:25:270 (6,7) - )
00:35:047 (2) - proposition random, mais placer ce slider plutôt comme ceci: pour faire un double blanket?
01:13:269 (6) - j'aurais plutôt fait ce slider sans white tick pour éviter ce "faux blanket", ça colle mieux à l'esthétique du pattern à mon avis

00:14:158 (3) - il manquerait pas un whistle ici?
00:36:380 (1) - 00:50:602 (1) - je mettrais les additions en soft sur ces deux objets tbh, les cymbals en drum ça à vraiment pas assez d'impacte imo
Rien à ajouter sur cette diff, extrêmement propre pour être honnête :)

00:22:158 (1,2) - malheureusement ces deux sliders ont pas l'air de tracer une belle courbe. Je pense qu'en orientant un peu (1) avec ctrl+r, et en adaptant (2) aussi, on peut donner un meilleur effet. Il faudra évidemment refaire la symmétrie sur 00:23:936 (1) - pour conserver ton idée de symmétrie sur ce slider
00:36:380 (1) - 00:50:603 (1) - pareil que sur la normal pour les hitsounds, d'ailleur j'imagine que ça s'applique à toutes les diffs :thinking:
Same, diff très clean :D

Gl pour la map, elle est très fun :)
Topic Starter

Xenok wrote:

Hey Noz owo

Voilà le mod que je te fais sur la map :D

[Bunny Extinction]
00:28:380 (1,2) - Tu devrais peut-être espacé ces notes comme ça: pour bien montrer que le timing est un peu différent du reste - Je sens qu'on va me dire de le refaire symétrique mais k.
00:51:935 (7,8) - Ces deux sliders sont un poil trop collés, genre le spacing visuel entre les deux est vachement petit comparé au reste des éléments de la map - K
01:15:047 (9,10,1) - dommage que (1) soit si proche aussi, le bord de la map pose effectivement problème, je pense que tu peux facilement prendre tout le combo 01:13:713 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - et le déplacer vers le haut pour éviter cette distence extrêmement proche à cet endroit, donnant ce résultat: (je propose volontairement de prendre tout le combo jaune pour que l'overlap des sliderends 01:13:713 (1,6) - soient respectés - Là bizarrement j'aime moins, je préfère quand ils sont proches comme ça ^^
Rien d'autre à dire pour cette diff, très clean :D

00:15:046 (1,2) - peut-être que mettre un slider 1/2 aiderait à la jouabilité, surtout pour une hard - C'est possible mais je ne pense pas que ça aide tant que ça, surtout que c'est une transition donc j'aime bien le côté du triplet.
00:28:936 (3) - vu l'intensité de ce petit pattern, je pense que note+slider 1/4 fitterais mieux, surtout qu'à des passages moins intenses en hitsounds tu utilise ce pattern (comme ici: 00:25:270 (6,7) - ) - Ca ne collerait pas du tout au drums, et ce serait beaucoup plus dur à jouer.
00:35:047 (2) - proposition random, mais placer ce slider plutôt comme ceci: pour faire un double blanket? - Uuuuuhhhhh non merce ^^'
01:13:269 (6) - j'aurais plutôt fait ce slider sans white tick pour éviter ce "faux blanket", ça colle mieux à l'esthétique du pattern à mon avis -
C'est un pattern que j'aime beaucoup faire, je le trouve bo et là il s’enchaîne très bien avec le slider suivant.

00:14:158 (3) - il manquerait pas un whistle ici? - Thx hitsound copier ^^'
00:36:380 (1) - 00:50:602 (1) - je mettrais les additions en soft sur ces deux objets tbh, les cymbals en drum ça à vraiment pas assez d'impacte imo - Changé partout, étonnant que t'ai attendu la Normal pour le dire XD
Rien à ajouter sur cette diff, extrêmement propre pour être honnête :)

00:22:158 (1,2) - malheureusement ces deux sliders ont pas l'air de tracer une belle courbe. Je pense qu'en orientant un peu (1) avec ctrl+r, et en adaptant (2) aussi, on peut donner un meilleur effet. Il faudra évidemment refaire la symmétrie sur 00:23:936 (1) - pour conserver ton idée de symmétrie sur ce slider - Ça doit être mieux j'espère ^^'
00:36:380 (1) - 00:50:603 (1) - pareil que sur la normal pour les hitsounds, d'ailleur j'imagine que ça s'applique à toutes les diffs :thinking: -
Déjà fait kappa.

Same, diff très clean :D

Gl pour la map, elle est très fun :)
Honk merci~
im cute
Quick Mod lol

Bunny Extinction
00:49:268 (2,3) - Could interfere with some HP bars on skins
01:14:380 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Combo's are also used to show rhythm split this to either make it a triangle or two connected jumps
01:16:935 (8,9) - These being in that position make no sense to me try putting them close together at the end of the slider
01:22:380 (10) - Jud this one up a bit
01:24:602 (2) - Could make this slider a bit more unique since the sound it lands on
01:25:713 (7) - move this forward so the head is in 01:24:936 (3) -

00:14:269 (3,4) - could put these sticking out the end of 00:13:491 (2) -
00:27:491 (1,2,3,4) - this combo doesn't follow any rules or pattern
00:35:047 (2) - could put this more in the middle of 00:34:602 (1) - and 00:35:380 (3) -
00:35:713 (4,5) - could make these flow from 00:35:380 (3) - into 00:35:936 (6) -
01:08:824 (2,3,4) - Aline these so that 01:09:158 (3) - is in the center point

In my opinion your map is amazing definitely ready for the rankings!
I doubt this is worth any kudosu since it barely has any tips/mods lol
Topic Starter

_-Super-_ wrote:

Quick Mod lol

Bunny Extinction
00:49:268 (2,3) - Could interfere with some HP bars on skins - Sad because when you map, you have to fit only the basic skin and not custom.
01:14:380 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Combo's are also used to show rhythm split this to either make it a triangle or two connected jumps - This means nothing sorry, changing NC would be inconsistent, and 01:14:602 (6,9,10) - are doing a 120° pattern so it's k.
01:16:935 (8,9) - These being in that position make no sense to me try putting them close together at the end of the slider - Not because they're stacking with 01:16:047 (3) - and also keep the spacing consistent with rest of pattern.
01:22:380 (10) - Jud this one up a bit - The point of this placement is to not put in on the same lvl than previous one.
01:24:602 (2) - Could make this slider a bit more unique since the sound it lands on - I don't make the woosh so I don't need to.
01:25:713 (7) - move this forward so the head is in 01:24:936 (3) - - I want to have the tail stacked to have spacing reflecting intensity of that beat.

00:14:269 (3,4) - could put these sticking out the end of 00:13:491 (2) - - I prefer make them visually more evident to play.
00:27:491 (1,2,3,4) - this combo doesn't follow any rules or pattern - That's a symmetry pattern.
00:35:047 (2) - could put this more in the middle of 00:34:602 (1) - and 00:35:380 (3) - - Did only for 2nd slider (was like 1 or 2 pixels).
00:35:713 (4,5) - could make these flow from 00:35:380 (3) - into 00:35:936 (6) - - That's already the case.
01:08:824 (2,3,4) - Aline these so that 01:09:158 (3) - is in the center point - Yeah true.

In my opinion your map is amazing definitely ready for the rankings!
I doubt this is worth any kudosu since it barely has any tips/mods lol
Well there's green on my answer so ye.
Nao Tomori
loli bg

[bunny extinction]
00:03:491 (5) - would b nice to make these things doubles as well, since the blue tick has a more prominent sound than the slider end but leaving it as a repeat puts equal strength on all sounds. plus you already introduced doubles.
and u do it later like 2 times so yea

00:14:602 (8) - nc cuz switched instruments?

00:17:713 (5,6,7) - meh uve been doing doubles all along, why switch to triple based clicks here? doubles still sound better

00:19:047 (3) - omg plz mapping doubles as kicksliders is my trigger

00:29:269 (1,5) - shouldn't you make them going outward? lol

00:38:158 (1,5) - looks kinda cramped compared to other patterns

00:43:158 (9,10) - differentiating 10 and 11 somehow cuz different instrument would be nice. maybe angle change?

01:00:713 (7,8) - think putting the kickslider where 7 is and then a 1/2 gap works better.

01:15:269 (10,1) - visual spacing plz

can u cut the mp3 lol
last 7-8 seconds can be removed with a faster fade out

00:03:491 (3) - double here is too bvious to skip imo.
00:07:047 (3) - etc

00:17:936 (5,6) - ctrl g rhythm makes more sense

00:42:935 (5) - imo delete this and then make 00:43:269 (7) - actually clickable triple, then the density is the same but the drums get clicked nicely

00:58:824 (4,5,6) - can u make this look better plz

01:07:936 (6,1) - same, give more spacing between them plz..

01:15:046 (6,7) - same
00:17:269 (2,3,1) - make them equal spacing -_-

00:00:825 (1) - think using lower spacing is better for 2/1 gaps cuz players will not react immediately to he circle, something like .85 makes it clear there is a big gap while also not being surprising for noobs when there is a large spacing popping up.

think u need a bit of 1/2 use in the kiai, considering that the section before it has 1/2 gaps and the normal has constant 1/2. like 01:02:824 - could be a good spot to add a circle, or 01:06:380 - , etc.

01:22:602 (1,2) - plz more visual spacing
Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

loli bg

- Well she's small so that makes sense no ? :D

[bunny extinction]
00:03:491 (5) - would b nice to make these things doubles as well, since the blue tick has a more prominent sound than the slider end but leaving it as a repeat puts equal strength on all sounds. plus you already introduced doubles.
and u do it later like 2 times so yea - Ok

00:14:602 (8) - nc cuz switched instruments? - Ok

00:17:713 (5,6,7) - meh uve been doing doubles all along, why switch to triple based clicks here? doubles still sound better - I did it differently simply because the music is different, there's 3 instrument beats, so I do a triplet. And even if I do a doublet here, it would end with a weird rhythm who don't fit the song on 00:18:158 - .

00:19:047 (3) - omg plz mapping doubles as kicksliders is my trigger - Did from 00:15:491 (3) - and I don't plan to change it for a double,
I prefer it so much as a kickslider.

00:29:269 (1,5) - shouldn't you make them going outward? lol - These sliders are bunny ears :3

00:38:158 (1,5) - looks kinda cramped compared to other patterns - Spaced them a bit more.

00:43:158 (9,10) - differentiating 10 and 11 somehow cuz different instrument would be nice. maybe angle change? - Ok

01:00:713 (7,8) - think putting the kickslider where 7 is and then a 1/2 gap works better. - No for two reasons, first make not 01:00:824 - clickable would make the drum + strong instrument beat play passively and that's not smth I want, and second making a triplet is a part of the concept of doing more streamy this part of the kiai.

01:15:269 (10,1) - visual spacing plz

can u cut the mp3 lol
last 7-8 seconds can be removed with a faster fade out - Nah it's nice for the scoreboard. Also
You must cut your .mp3 if you're using less than 80% of it.
so we're k.

00:03:491 (3) - double here is too bvious to skip imo. - So I prefer not put double on the intro since it's the calm part of the song. Also it's consistent with sliders like 00:01:047 (2) - .
00:07:047 (3) - etc - You get it.

00:17:936 (5,6) - ctrl g rhythm makes more sense - I definitly prefer having the circle on the drum beat, also that's the same on last diff so I prefer.

00:42:935 (5) - imo delete this and then make 00:43:269 (7) - actually clickable triple, then the density is the same but the drums get clicked nicely - Sounds like smth okay to do.

00:58:824 (4,5,6) - can u make this look better plz - Ewwww yes pls.

01:07:936 (6,1) - same, give more spacing between them plz. - Ok

01:15:046 (6,7) - same - Ok a bit.
00:17:269 (2,3,1) - make them equal spacing -_- - Should be a bit better.

00:00:825 (1) - think using lower spacing is better for 2/1 gaps cuz players will not react immediately to he circle, something like .85 makes it clear there is a big gap while also not being surprising for noobs when there is a large spacing popping up. - Ok why not.

think u need a bit of 1/2 use in the kiai, considering that the section before it has 1/2 gaps and the normal has constant 1/2. like 01:02:824 - could be a good spot to add a circle, or 01:06:380 - , etc. - Did your suggestion, hope it is okay.

01:22:602 (1,2) - plz more visual spacing - Done in same time than previous point.
Bunny thx~
The song isn't really connected to the DLC in any way but was rather changed earlier (1.8, patch before 1.85, the DLC patch) to get rid of any royalty free music within the game. Nightwalker, Plan B and Azure are the other 3 songs that we're added because of this. The songs that these replaced were:
Starting Forest Night -> Nightstalker
Prepare Event -> Plan B
Midstream Jam -> Melting Point
Waste -> Azure (rip)

tag nazi on duty
Topic Starter

riktoi wrote:

The song isn't really connected to the DLC in any way but was rather changed earlier (1.8, patch before 1.85, the DLC patch) to get rid of any royalty free music within the game. Nightwalker, Plan B and Azure are the other 3 songs that we're added because of this. The songs that these replaced were:
Starting Forest Night -> Nightstalker
Prepare Event -> Plan B
Midstream Jam -> Melting Point
Waste -> Azure (rip)

tag nazi on duty
I still think it's a good thing to keep it on the tags, since this patch prepared the dlc (it showed it when you loaded the game before it was even out) so I'll keep it in. Thx~
Nao Tomori
add rabi and ribi to tags separately? lol

00:29:269 (1,5) - ya i mean to make the motion going outwards so its mre clear that theyre ears cuz atm it just looks kinda weird imo

00:19:047 (3) - these thingss - u put clickable doubles on the melody in most other places so having them as kicksliders randomly for a section just feels rly out of place lol

00:43:268 (10,11) - not enough imo, try smh like but looking nice so that the change is REALLY OBVIOUS

als for the mp3 i mean cut it at like 01:31:491 - cuz everything after there is mre or less inaudible

00:42:158 (2,3) - isual spacing plz

just look through and make more spacing between the things like this, they look so cramped zz

everything else looks ok

Topic Starter

Naotoshi wrote:

add rabi and ribi to tags separately? lol - Added as space between rabi and ribi so now should be better :>

00:29:269 (1,5) - ya i mean to make the motion going outwards so its mre clear that theyre ears cuz atm it just looks kinda weird imo -
I don't think there's anything weird here, tho I tried to curve a bit the end of slider if that what you mean. If not well poke me with example or more deep simple explanations.

00:19:047 (3) - these thingss - u put clickable doubles on the melody in most other places so having them as kicksliders randomly for a section just feels rly out of place lol - I had a different view in mind, but I think that make sense and wasn't so hard to fix. Tho I keep 00:16:158 (6,7,8) - as they are to have 00:16:380 - drum clickable.

00:43:268 (10,11) - not enough imo, try smh like but looking nice so that the change is REALLY OBVIOUS -
Tbh, I don't really like that example, and I think it's enough obvious to see the change sorry ><

als for the mp3 i mean cut it at like 01:31:491 - cuz everything after there is mre or less inaudible - I did the same on all other Rabi-Ribi songs and never had problems, this is not smth worth a cut or anything. It's just the fade out from the original OST ;w;

00:42:158 (2,3) - isual spacing plz

just look through and make more spacing between the things like this, they look so cramped zz - Did it for your example and some others.

everything else looks ok

Don't steal my mukyu >:c
Nao Tomori
i love little loli fairy girls they are so cute omg <3 <3 i want to adopt one and do stuff to her
Any metadata source?

I wonder why the combo length during the Kiai is the half of the rest. Imo it should be kept consistent with the rest and such a short combo is quite confusing on telling the sequences of the notes. Same for Normal

Considering it is only 1.89*, applying AR5 and OD4 for a Normal is a bit extortionate, tbh OD4 for Normal is scary. Try lower it by 0.5 or 1.

00:43:935 (2,3) - This flow is a bit annoying.

00:13:491 (2,3,4) - This rhythm is a bit weird imo for 00:14:158 which is the same intensity as 00:14:269 (3,4) - is assigned onto a slider-tail. Maybe you could try this:

[Bunny Extinction]
00:28:380 (1,2,3) - This is too hard to read. Due to current relatively low AR, the visual spacing between 00:28:380 (1,3) - is really confusing players from normally read the jump between 1 and 2 and its subsequent 1/2 gap between 2 and 3. I prefer to stack 00:28:491 (2,3) - together.

01:22:602 (1) - Noting that the drum layer of the music changes here, it is better to apply some change on patterns too. For example 01:23:269 should not be mapped with slider-tail but circles.

Call me back!
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

Any metadata source?

I wonder why the combo length during the Kiai is the half of the rest. Imo it should be kept consistent with the rest and such a short combo is quite confusing on telling the sequences of the notes. Same for Normal - Was Nao idea but that's fine too.

Considering it is only 1.89*, applying AR5 and OD4 for a Normal is a bit extortionate, tbh OD4 for Normal is scary. Try lower it by 0.5 or 1. -
Tbh the star rating don't mean everything here. The diff benetifs from these settings with the use of many 1/2 rhythm. Also reducing them would break the gap with Hard, so I really don't want to lower them.

00:43:935 (2,3) - This flow is a bit annoying. - Tried smth a bit different, hope it's k for you.

00:13:491 (2,3,4) - This rhythm is a bit weird imo for 00:14:158 which is the same intensity as 00:14:269 (3,4) - is assigned onto a slider-tail. Maybe you could try this: - Oki

[Bunny Extinction]
00:28:380 (1,2,3) - This is too hard to read. Due to current relatively low AR, the visual spacing between 00:28:380 (1,3) - is really confusing players from normally read the jump between 1 and 2 and its subsequent 1/2 gap between 2 and 3. I prefer to stack 00:28:491 (2,3) - together. - Stacked.

01:22:602 (1) - Noting that the drum layer of the music changes here, it is better to apply some change on patterns too. For example 01:23:269 should not be mapped with slider-tail but circles. - Swaped 01:23:047 (2,3) - , tell me if that's k for you.

Call me back!
Regarding metadata, since there's absolutly no website where you can found it, we have (sadly) to trust the OST game files and ingame name (like all other rabi-ribi songs ranked).

Updated, thx a lot~
YAY Good luck Nozhomi!
I love this BG! (I assume they are all traps though)
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

I love this BG! (I assume they are all traps though)
They're not tho XD

Thx a lot pyon~
wtf why is this hard?
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