
Halozy - Cornelia

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 23 ธันวาคม 2560 at 18:39:07

Artist: Halozy
Title: Cornelia
Source: 東方紺珠伝 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
Tags: clownpiece touhou grandslam Nagao Chiemi 長尾ちえみ crouka Comiket 91 The Pierrot of the Star-Spangled Banner 星条旗のピエロ
BPM: 135
Filesize: 7575kb
Play Time: 05:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Lunatic (4.08 stars, 919 notes)
Download: Halozy - Cornelia
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Take a look at the sky high and fly to the moon
Try to find the lost dream for make feel alive
どんな困難で難解な道も 乗り越えた先に待つ未知へと
綱がってるから 広い宇宙へ
[coustom diffname]
  1. 00:20:678 - 01:51:345 - add drum finish follow bass+3tenro ?
  2. 00:26:900 (1,2) - 01:57:567 (1,2) - use drum-clap 01:57:641 - ~ 01:57:937 - better than hitnormal imo
  3. 00:44:233 (1,2,3,4) - 00:51:345 (1,2,3,4) - you use it too many, 100% copy is dull, ctrl+g this or try other ways?
  4. 01:13:789 (3) - 01:13:900 - i incline use 2 click here, and chorus too easy imo,
  5. 01:28:011 (3) - 01:31:567 (3) - ↑↑↑ i will use 2 note, 01:36:233 (1,2,3,4,5) - same reason as above, i think kiai need more note
  6. 02:58:011 - here is you see auto lose 1/2 HP with HR, so i suggest add note here 03:13:567 - 03:15:345 -
  7. 03:26:011 (7) - 1/2 slider follow voice better ?
  8. 03:00:678 (4) - try move to 192/148
bite you death
m4m from ur q

classic touhou diffname
  1. 00:24:122 (4) - imo ctrl+h would fit better here since before this you tilt sliders away from eachother everywhere else but here and 00:26:122 (5) - (could ctrl j this)
  2. 00:35:122 (4,5) - either add a circle inbetween these or make 4 into a 1/6 repeatslider like this
  3. 00:51:011 (4) - move to around x200 y300 so it fits better with 00:50:011 (1,2,3) -
  4. 01:12:233 (1) - could be moved to x371 y147 for better aesthetics, like this
  5. 01:20:011 (9,1) - this gap seems very big, decrease it maybe?
  6. 01:26:678 (5) - move this up a bit?
  7. 01:36:233 (1,2) - has same spacing as 1/2 snapped notes before (01:34:900 (2,3) - here). could be misread as normal 1/2 rhythm
  8. nc 01:42:456 (5) - and 01:44:233 (5) - for consistency?
  9. 02:18:122 (4) - same as 00:51:011 (4) - (mentioned earlier in mod)
  10. 02:26:900 (3) - consider changing this to a 1/6 repeatslider or a triplet
  11. 02:29:567 (1,2,3) - copy this rhythm here
  12. 02:36:678 (1,2,3) - same as above
  13. 03:58:456 (1,2) - increase sv?
  14. 03:59:493 (2,3) - nc to make the 1/3 rhythm readable
  15. 04:07:122 (9,1) - decrease spacing maybe?
  16. 04:39:345 (1) - wrong hitsound?

thats all i could find, hope it helps!
about a week ago
one thing that urked me is that the slider tick is set to 2, which i really didnt understand since sliders like 00:30:011 (4) - 00:31:789 (4) - 00:35:345 (5) - have the slidertick and when u hear the slidertick its misleading since there really isnt a sound there. i understand places like 00:34:011 (1) - which have a sound at 00:34:233 -, so in that place u can set one sample set to have a silent slider tick and the other to have one so u can have the best of both worlds :)
00:02:011 - with the sliders after this point you can make it curve to differntiate it from 00:00:234 (1,2,3,4) - which has no vocals the sliders after 00:02:011 - do. also if u want to do this point, also change 00:10:456 (4) - to be straight to be diffrent from 00:07:345 (1,2,3,4) - for the same reason
00:41:789 (3) - imo u can make it to 1/4, since with 00:41:789 (3) - being a circle after those 1/2 sliders 3 gets all the emphasise while the vocal at 00:42:011 - should
00:56:900 (5) - silent here, hitsound reeee
01:12:233 (1) - repeat here doesn't represent music well here since u mapped 01:10:900 (1,2,3,4,5) - to a stream, 01:12:233 (1) - should also be mapped to a stream since its in kiai which is in a more intense section then 01:10:900 (1,2,3,4,5) -
01:51:789 (8) - i'd like for this sound to get emphasized more since it is really prominet and loud. what i think a better rythem here could be a 3/4 slider or a 1/4 reapeater if u still want the stream sounds at 01:51:900 - mapped, also if u opt out for the slider one i think having a higher sv would be great there :D
02:43:789 - 02:56:233 - i think that this section is extremely weird spacing wise since u use mostly the same spacing throughout but with music getting louder and louder, it'd be nice for the spacing to get higher and higher
03:59:493 (2) - awkward since 2 has the same sound as everything around it but treated as a stack like its a weaker sound than 03:59:345 (1) -

great map
Hello, from ur queue


* 00:10:456 (4) - ctrl + g? feels a bit unspaced
It feels too easy when compared to these (00:01:567 (4) - 00:03:345 (4) - 00:05:122 (4) - 00:08:678 (4) - )

* 00:35:196 - 00:35:271 - imo mapping these sound could play fun. possibly with a reverse slider.

* 01:26:678 (5) - ctrl + g maybe? (6) seems to lack emphasis.

* 01:55:011 (5) - ctrl +g?
(3) and (5) going same direction was a fun & unique concept around this section(01:45:122 - and 00:14:456 - )
(and speaking of it, you could also apply that rule somehow at 00:14:900 (3) - )

* 03:48:456 - adding a circle here or removing 03:41:345 (2) - 03:44:900 (2) - would be better for rhythm consistency
(I personally prefer removing btw, because of the calm music)
also snare (normal sampleset) at 03:48:678 - sounds right to me.

* 03:54:900 (1) - consider removing NC since you didn't nc at stream ends. 01:11:345 (5) - 02:42:011 (5) -

* 04:15:345 (1) - remove nc

* 04:34:456 (3) - I couldn't really understand why you didn't place this right in the center of 04:34:011 (1) - & 04:33:567 (8) - .
Feels so inconsistent to me to have kinda compressed(?) triangle here.

* 04:39:345 (1) - wrong hs? soft sampleset + finish

* 04:43:678 - missing whistles and finishes from here

* 05:00:233 (1) - silence sliderend?

That's all from me.
Really fun map. GL!
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:

[coustom diffname]
  1. 00:20:678 - 01:51:345 - add drum finish follow bass+3tenro ? :arrow: ok
  2. 00:26:900 (1,2) - 01:57:567 (1,2) - use drum-clap 01:57:641 - ~ 01:57:937 - better than hitnormal imo :arrow: somehow it sound weird for me lol
  3. 00:44:233 (1,2,3,4) - 00:51:345 (1,2,3,4) - you use it too many, 100% copy is dull, ctrl+g this or try other ways? :arrow: not sure what you mean here but i think it fine as it is since if i change anything there it will break the spacing consistency for me
  4. 01:13:789 (3) - 01:13:900 - i incline use 2 click here, and chorus too easy imo, :arrow: want to focus on vocal here
  5. 01:28:011 (3) - 01:31:567 (3) - ↑↑↑ i will use 2 note, 01:36:233 (1,2,3,4,5) - same reason as above, i think kiai need more note :arrow: same i want to focus on vocal since i find it the strongest beat here , i don't think kiai part is that much intense that it would need more notes
  6. 02:58:011 - here is you see auto lose 1/2 HP with HR, so i suggest add note here 03:13:567 - 03:15:345 - :arrow: ok
  7. 03:26:011 (7) - 1/2 slider follow voice better ? :arrow: i think the current rhythm give a better transition to the next rhythm part
  8. 03:00:678 (4) - try move to 192/148 :arrow: lol no
thanks :)

bite you death wrote:

m4m from ur q

classic touhou diffname
  1. 00:24:122 (4) - imo ctrl+h would fit better here since before this you tilt sliders away from eachother everywhere else but here and 00:26:122 (5) - (could ctrl j this) :arrow: kinda aim for the circle flow movement for most part but i find the current one play better imo
  2. 00:35:122 (4,5) - either add a circle inbetween these or make 4 into a 1/6 repeatslider like this :arrow: it feel pretty weird to have this being the only 1/6 in the part here so i try to undermapped it by put a bit more emphasis on a main guitar andkick
  3. 00:51:011 (4) - move to around x200 y300 so it fits better with 00:50:011 (1,2,3) - :arrow: mm maybe i organized overall a bit weird , fixed
  4. 01:12:233 (1) - could be moved to x371 y147 for better aesthetics, like this :arrow: moved on my own
  5. 01:20:011 (9,1) - this gap seems very big, decrease it maybe? :arrow: with the speed of 9 and also vertical jumps i don't it a much issue to play it also it goes better with the impact on the beat there too
  6. 01:26:678 (5) - move this up a bit? :arrow: yea
  7. 01:36:233 (1,2) - has same spacing as 1/2 snapped notes before (01:34:900 (2,3) - here). could be misread as normal 1/2 rhythm :arrow: player can recognize the difference by the nc and how the music change there imo
  8. nc 01:42:456 (5) - and 01:44:233 (5) - for consistency? :arrow: yea
  9. 02:18:122 (4) - same as 00:51:011 (4) - (mentioned earlier in mod) :arrow: mm this one seems fine for me
  10. 02:26:900 (3) - consider changing this to a 1/6 repeatslider or a triplet :arrow: changing to instrument in the middle of vocal there feel really weird for me so no lol
  11. 02:29:567 (1,2,3) - copy this rhythm here :arrow: but i don't want to follow vocal cus it doesn't strong as 02:33:456 - imo
  12. 02:36:678 (1,2,3) - same as above :arrow: same
  13. 03:58:456 (1,2) - increase sv? :arrow: i wonder why ?
  14. 03:59:493 (2,3) - nc to make the 1/3 rhythm readable :arrow: the current shouldn't have much problem imo since the player will recgnize it's 1/3 pattern from 2 now and then they will know how to play 3 next , i will see more people opinion about this tho
  15. 04:07:122 (9,1) - decrease spacing maybe? :arrow: same as 01:20:011 (9,1) -
  16. 04:39:345 (1) - wrong hitsound? :arrow: yea

thats all i could find, hope it helps!
thanks :)

-Latias- wrote:

about a week ago
one thing that urked me is that the slider tick is set to 2, which i really didnt understand since sliders like 00:30:011 (4) - 00:31:789 (4) - 00:35:345 (5) - have the slidertick and when u hear the slidertick its misleading since there really isnt a sound there. i understand places like 00:34:011 (1) - which have a sound at 00:34:233 -, so in that place u can set one sample set to have a silent slider tick and the other to have one so u can have the best of both worlds :) :arrow: i get what you mean but actually there is a beat there if i listen to it carefully just very low volume so i feeling like the hitsound a bit too loud there so i decreased it
00:02:011 - with the sliders after this point you can make it curve to differntiate it from 00:00:234 (1,2,3,4) - which has no vocals the sliders after 00:02:011 - do. also if u want to do this point, also change 00:10:456 (4) - to be straight to be diffrent from 00:07:345 (1,2,3,4) - for the same reason :arrow: try to make the slider goes with the guitar and vocal lol like i try to make slider shape static unchange when it a constant guitar and when vocal and high guitar kick in i change shape for better transition

00:41:789 (3) - imo u can make it to 1/4, since with 00:41:789 (3) - being a circle after those 1/2 sliders 3 gets all the emphasise while the vocal at 00:42:011 - should :arrow: 1/4 would be pretty weird since the drum start to decrease its intensity there so i decided not to use extend 1/4 to emphasis the drum anymore
00:56:900 (5) - silent here, hitsound reeee :arrow: what do you mean ? there is a hitsound there
01:12:233 (1) - repeat here doesn't represent music well here since u mapped 01:10:900 (1,2,3,4,5) - to a stream, 01:12:233 (1) - should also be mapped to a stream since its in kiai which is in a more intense section then 01:10:900 (1,2,3,4,5) - :arrow: slider just give a bit more impact on the next 1/4 notes here imo and also start thing of with the stream right away kinda make like a hard to direct the rhythm well as you can see i start off previous stream with 01:10:456 (4) - to give direction on the rhythm for player to play them well on the next 5 notes since the drum stream here just kinda happened unexpected imo
01:51:789 (8) - i'd like for this sound to get emphasized more since it is really prominet and loud. what i think a better rythem here could be a 3/4 slider or a 1/4 reapeater if u still want the stream sounds at 01:51:900 - mapped, also if u opt out for the slider one i think having a higher sv would be great there :D :arrow: 1/4 slider is for a better drum transition to the next rhythm there imo switching to guitar suddenly just dossn't feel right for me rhythm-wise and higher sv wouldn't be a good idea for me cus 1/4 slider already feel fast with the music for me and there's not much buff on the speed in the instrument tho lol
02:43:789 - 02:56:233 - i think that this section is extremely weird spacing wise since u use mostly the same spacing throughout but with music getting louder and louder, it'd be nice for the spacing to get higher and higher :arrow: i find most stanza here have like similiar intensity so i try not to mess with spacing much the only time i would increase is when the snare like 02:44:233 - kick in (after the snare remain the similiar intensity too so the spacing with be organized the same)
03:59:493 (2) - awkward since 2 has the same sound as everything around it but treated as a stack like its a weaker sound than 03:59:345 (1) - :arrow: start the 1/6 off with jumps a bit too harsh tho imo so i try to make it a more reasonable spacing-wise by introduce 1/6 with simple spacing then jumps it

great map
great mod w
thanks :)

@slm your mods reply on the below one btw lol
00:18:789 (4) - previous sliders like this were closer or felt easier to aim, this one like stands out lol, make it closer
01:03:900 - would be nice if you cover this( or at least 01:03:678 - this ) with circles since it is an end of small section and vocal goes high, and moreover it'd be more fun that way! 02:33:789 (3,4) - yeah, same place
02:10:900 (2,3) - it look like 01:46:900 (1,2) - so some may mistake here, like 1% of players lol nvm
02:40:233 (1) - you surely forgot to soft/drum finish here
03:59:493 (2,3) - it plays ok but why is 3 more spaced i don't get it
04:46:233 (7) - this too feels a bit too far lol
05:00:233 (1) - remove whistle from tail, it sounds rather noisy
sorry for late mod

[for app]
00:13:789 (2,3,4) - looks little bit weird imo. stacking can be better or change 00:13:789 (2,3) - into 1/4 slider can be good
00:38:456 (3,4) - how about set consistent rhythm with 00:31:345 (3,4) - ? They have same musics.
00:53:345 (3,1) - looks too far comparing with other patterns imo. reduce DS.
01:04:233 (1,2,3,4) - felt weird for me because you suddenly followed drums, for seeing others, I think you followed vocals, 00:57:122 (1,2) - like this, how about set consistent rhythm?
01:26:011 (2,3) - I suggest avoiding overlap like 01:25:567 (1,2) -
01:29:122 (1,2,1,2) - 01:32:678 (1,2,3) - set consistent rhythm? can be better for drums(or vocal)
03:59:345 (1,2,3) - this 1/3 beats looks really hard to read imo, can be changed with slider.
04:24:678 - add a beat here? Has drum sound.

hi~ from my q


00:13:789 (2,3,4) - this note seems more earlier then the sound.. i heard the sound here 00:13:863 -
03:25:567 - nc maybe?
03:59:345 (1,2,3) - hmm space them equally because the sound at that part is just the same .. there are no sound changing so i dont think making spacing like this 03:59:345 (1,2) - is a good idea

hmm that all i can find .. sorry for very short mod :?
rest is kindda fun playing especially with dt xD
goodluck ^^
Topic Starter

SLM wrote:

Hello, from ur queue


* 00:10:456 (4) - ctrl + g? feels a bit unspaced
It feels too easy when compared to these (00:01:567 (4) - 00:03:345 (4) - 00:05:122 (4) - 00:08:678 (4) - ) :arrow: really? mmm they share the similiar feeling tho imo i will fix if i see more mods about this lol

* 00:35:196 - 00:35:271 - imo mapping these sound could play fun. possibly with a reverse slider. :arrow: no i think it would just appear unexpected and make thing pretty weird

* 01:26:678 (5) - ctrl + g maybe? (6) seems to lack emphasis. :arrow: ok

* 01:55:011 (5) - ctrl +g? :arrow: never really think about that concept lol i just feel like what a sudden jumps from 4 to 5 to emphasis change in guitar
(3) and (5) going same direction was a fun & unique concept around this section(01:45:122 - and 00:14:456 - )
(and speaking of it, you could also apply that rule somehow at 00:14:900 (3) - )

* 03:48:456 - adding a circle here or removing 03:41:345 (2) - 03:44:900 (2) - would be better for rhythm consistency
(I personally prefer removing btw, because of the calm music) :arrow: they have different purpose tho 03:48:456 - part is follow instrument for the nice transition to next intrument focus rhythm and 03:41:345 (2) - 03:44:900 (2) - are both emphasis on vocal rhythm
also snare (normal sampleset) at 03:48:678 - sounds right to me.

* 03:54:900 (1) - consider removing NC since you didn't nc at stream ends. 01:11:345 (5) - 02:42:011 (5) - :arrow: ok

* 04:15:345 (1) - remove nc :arrow: o yea

* 04:34:456 (3) - I couldn't really understand why you didn't place this right in the center of 04:34:011 (1) - & 04:33:567 (8) - .
Feels so inconsistent to me to have kinda compressed(?) triangle here. :arrow: i think they share the same emphasis as the first part of thing , 3 spacing emphasis the strong snare and triplet spacing emphasis finish

* 04:39:345 (1) - wrong hs? soft sampleset + finish :arrow: no, i place finish on all 3rd white tick , 04:38:900 - is a special case cus of how it sound so impact

* 04:43:678 - missing whistles and finishes from here :arrow: forgot to add but i realize before reply to mods lol

* 05:00:233 (1) - silence sliderend? :arrow: lowered volume

That's all from me.
Really fun map. GL!
thanks :)

Mirash wrote:

00:18:789 (4) - previous sliders like this were closer or felt easier to aim, this one like stands out lol, make it closer :arrow: ok
01:03:900 - would be nice if you cover this( or at least 01:03:678 - this ) with circles since it is an end of small section and vocal goes high, and moreover it'd be more fun that way! 02:33:789 (3,4) - yeah, same place :arrow: mmm i find my current rhythm feel better cus it's a better switch from vocal to instrument one imo
02:10:900 (2,3) - it look like 01:46:900 (1,2) - so some may mistake here, like 1% of players lol nvm :arrow: yea song just doesn't feel nut there so i doubt a lots of people would misread it but i will see more comment about this
02:40:233 (1) - you surely forgot to soft/drum finish here :arrow: ya
03:59:493 (2,3) - it plays ok but why is 3 more spaced i don't get it :arrow: to not let the player go wtf if the 1/6 rhythm here just start out with all notes high spacing so i first introduce 1/6 rhythm with simple spacing like 2 then a jumps to real thing on 3
04:46:233 (7) - this too feels a bit too far lol :arrow: lol ok
05:00:233 (1) - remove whistle from tail, it sounds rather noisy :arrow: lowered volume
thanks :)

Neoskylove wrote:

sorry for late mod

[for app]
00:13:789 (2,3,4) - looks little bit weird imo. stacking can be better or change 00:13:789 (2,3) - into 1/4 slider can be good :arrow: spacing is there to atleast emphasis the change in beat on 4
00:38:456 (3,4) - how about set consistent rhythm with 00:31:345 (3,4) - ? They have same musics. :arrow: aaa you are right but it would need like a big remap to the pattern there imo , i think we can treat it as a caution rhythm for player to prepare for 00:42:011 (4,5) - also variety is kinda accepted there too imo
00:53:345 (3,1) - looks too far comparing with other patterns imo. reduce DS. :arrow: the nc can help reading it a bit imo
01:04:233 (1,2,3,4) - felt weird for me because you suddenly followed drums, for seeing others, I think you followed vocals, 00:57:122 (1,2) - like this, how about set consistent rhythm? :arrow: because vocal here sound a bit weaker compare to the one i follow vocal imo so i just follow instrument instead
01:26:011 (2,3) - I suggest avoiding overlap like 01:25:567 (1,2) - :arrow: can't see any problem with the overlap imo , the low spacing there is for the build up tho
01:29:122 (1,2,1,2) - 01:32:678 (1,2,3) - set consistent rhythm? can be better for drums(or vocal) :arrow: 01:32:678 (1,2,3) - vocal doesn't get legato effect as much as 01:29:122 (1,2,1,2) - so i use different rhythm
03:59:345 (1,2,3) - this 1/3 beats looks really hard to read imo, can be changed with slider. :arrow: really? i think the introducing 1-2 spacing there can give a player a bit of bulidup and readability to play 3 nice
04:24:678 - add a beat here? Has drum sound. :arrow: but i want to focus on vocal here

thanks :)

YukiZura- wrote:

hi~ from my q


00:13:789 (2,3,4) - this note seems more earlier then the sound.. i heard the sound here 00:13:863 - :arrow: currently don't know the actual snap of this tbh main drum is 1/6 but im not sure what is the thing after 1/6 snap to which is thing i try to snap to instead will see more comment about this
03:25:567 - nc maybe? :arrow: yea
03:59:345 (1,2,3) - hmm space them equally because the sound at that part is just the same .. there are no sound changing so i dont think making spacing like this 03:59:345 (1,2) - is a good idea :arrow: i think that starting the unexpect 1/6 with big spacing will surely give player wtf feeling so i try to start thing with simple spacing and moving on to the real spacing to give player a more easier time with this

hmm that all i can find .. sorry for very short mod :?
rest is kindda fun playing especially with dt xD
goodluck ^^
thanks :)

all 4 of you mods is good btw
Adol Christin
hello again Celsius, sry for late


  1. 00:12:678 (1) - what about shorten this slider by 1/4 and add a circle on the current sliderend? circle+triple sounds cool.
  2. 00:30:900 (2,3) - suggest u change the rhythm into this, which fits the bass much better. current one sounds like u r too lazy to consider. :P 00:39:789 (2,3) - same:
  3. 02:01:122 (3) - nc
  4. 02:54:233 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - from this combo intensity of music is gradually increasing. suggest u slightly increase the distance (about 0.3-0.5) to express this feeling.
  5. 03:39:122 (2) - suggest u move this to about (178,296). comparing with 03:35:345 (1,2) - and 03:42:456 (1,2,3) - , current one make players feel inconsistent.
  6. 03:47:789 (1) - move this to (210,140) to have a better view in distance.

that's all from me. good luck!
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

hello again Celsius, sry for late


  1. 00:12:678 (1) - what about shorten this slider by 1/4 and add a circle on the current sliderend? circle+triple sounds cool. :arrow: mm sound pretty weird for a quiet part of song like this imo lol
  2. 00:30:900 (2,3) - suggest u change the rhythm into this, which fits the bass much better. current one sounds like u r too lazy to consider. :P 00:39:789 (2,3) - same: :arrow: simple rhythm /= lazy , i try to follow the vocal sound here and try to make the thing suit well for the calm part like this
  3. 02:01:122 (3) - nc :arrow: ok
  4. 02:54:233 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - from this combo intensity of music is gradually increasing. suggest u slightly increase the distance (about 0.3-0.5) to express this feeling. :arrow: i tried
  5. 03:39:122 (2) - suggest u move this to about (178,296). comparing with 03:35:345 (1,2) - and 03:42:456 (1,2,3) - , current one make players feel inconsistent. :arrow: i try to build the feeling from 03:37:122 (1,2,3,1) - which is the only section that have something like this happen , i think. you can see that i try to increase spacing at 1 to give a feeling to prepare for a jumps at 2 -> 3 there
  6. 03:47:789 (1) - move this to (210,140) to have a better view in distance. :arrow: ok

that's all from me. good luck!
nice , thanks :)
My first marathon mod as a BN wew
  1. 00:26:900 (1) - reducing by 1 tick would make it easier to snap to 2, the extra tick isn't 100% necessary. Same for 01:57:567 (1) - and 02:13:345 (5) - and 03:58:456 (1,2) - and 04:55:345 (1) -
  2. For a few objects that are 1/4 snapped apart like 00:41:456 (2,3) - and 01:02:456 (1,2,3) - and 02:56:456 (2) - etc. would be better if you spaced them out a bit. The intensity of the music behind them doesn't feel low so using a bit higher spacing so that they're spaced feels more fitting imo
  3. 01:28:233 (4) - Normal samplset on head like 01:31:789 (4) - ?
  4. 02:43:789 (1) - This section is quite click intensive compared to the rest of the sections when it is still somewhat calm. I think deleting 02:47:122 (9) - would just give that bit of a break to make it more comfortable, or you could turn 02:46:900 (8) into a 1/2 slider but I think a break would be nicer.
  5. 02:43:789 (1) - Also because the music at the start of the section is a lot less intense than the end 02:54:456 (1) I think gradually increasing the spacing would be a more appropriate approach here.
  6. 03:57:789 - Goodluck!
  7. 03:59:345 (1,2,3,1,2) - Tbh i find this pattern overly challenging. The changing of snaps at 03:59:789 (1) , the anti jump 03:59:345 (1,2) - and stack of 03:58:456 (1,3) - . It involves a lot more skill to play this than it does for the other parts of the map
  8. 04:57:789 (3) - 2 kick sliders would make a much more intuitive rhythm imo, same goes for other sliders like this
[]solid mapping, reply and call me back ~
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Kisses wrote:

My first marathon mod as a BN wew
  1. 00:26:900 (1) - reducing by 1 tick would make it easier to snap to 2, the extra tick isn't 100% necessary. Same for 01:57:567 (1) - and 02:13:345 (5) - and 03:58:456 (1,2) - and 04:55:345 (1) - :arrow: mmm i don't want to ignore the 1/6 beat here 00:27:271 - , i think the speed of the slider here can match or similiar with 1/8 one so it shouldn't have too much problem with the snapping imo
  2. For a few objects that are 1/4 snapped apart like 00:41:456 (2,3) - and 01:02:456 (1,2,3) - and 02:56:456 (2) - etc. would be better if you spaced them out a bit. The intensity of the music behind them doesn't feel low so using a bit higher spacing so that they're spaced feels more fitting imo :arrow: sure i fixed some
  3. 01:28:233 (4) - Normal samplset on head like 01:31:789 (4) - ? :arrow: nice catch
  4. 02:43:789 (1) - This section is quite click intensive compared to the rest of the sections when it is still somewhat calm. I think deleting 02:47:122 (9) - would just give that bit of a break to make it more comfortable, or you could turn 02:46:900 (8) into a 1/2 slider but I think a break would be nicer. :arrow: make sense but i think doing that might break the consistency of rhythm for this and the next one , i think they both have the same instrument and that what i'm focusing on , it might be too much click but i think it goes with how instrument play here imo
  5. 02:43:789 (1) - Also because the music at the start of the section is a lot less intense than the end 02:54:456 (1) I think gradually increasing the spacing would be a more appropriate approach here. :arrow: ok increased a bit
  6. 03:57:789 - Goodluck! :arrow: same
  7. 03:59:345 (1,2,3,1,2) - Tbh i find this pattern overly challenging. The changing of snaps at 03:59:789 (1) , the anti jump 03:59:345 (1,2) - and stack of 03:58:456 (1,3) - . It involves a lot more skill to play this than it does for the other parts of the map :arrow: aa this is something new i want to try to introduce to the mapping scene it's how we take account on how the song and beat speed are and apply to the cursor and click , 03:59:345 (1,2,3,1,2) - assuming that 90% of players are single tap the way to pass this easily is to notice on how the speed of the beat change and apply that to cursor and clicking , the stack shouldn't be much problem tho imo since most player can play this intuitively like what they used to on the others map but similiar pattern way imo , i'm sure that if player can listen to the rhythm in the music carefully they can play this fine , i think lol
  8. 04:57:789 (3) - 2 kick sliders would make a much more intuitive rhythm imo, same goes for other sliders like this :arrow: sound weird for me imo , i don't think the beat here can fit the kick slider well cus the guitar actually sound like it ending at 04:58:011 - so continuing with 04:58:122 - just sound weird imo
[]solid mapping, reply and call me back ~
02:56:456 (2,3,4,5,6) - I think I would like to see some increased spacing here given that this is way more intense than 02:49:345 (2,3,4,5,6)

02:13:345 (5) - maybe reduce this tick at least? This is snapped to 1/8 unlike the other sliders and the structure and position of it makes it look like it will be a single reverse slider.

00:41:122 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna space 3 then space 2 at least. A bit weird reading-wise that you have different spacing for the same snaps also these are similar intensity too so there's that. same for 01:02:456 (1,2,3) -
Do you have a source?

hp 7 feels a bit too harsh for a low SR insane, plus it's 4.5 CS so the higher hp might be more frustrating than it's worth for a lot of players, especially HR players. Recommend hp 6

OD feels a bit too high too since it's not that stream intensive, plus there's those snaps I mentioned. OD 7-8?
w ~
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My first marathon nomination ~
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thank you very much :)
03:59:345 (1,2,3) - 1/3 is already unexpected, so using more readable placements would be better. like consistent spcaing or something

call me back!!
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ok then , fixed

thanks pishi :)
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thank you very much :)
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