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Hitoshirenu Shourai
OMG where's the video. ;.; don't do an echo49 on us now...
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Hitoshirenu Shourai
Video? If you can find me a video with this length of the song, that'd be great. >_>;

hitoshirenu wrote:

Video? If you can find me a video with this length of the song, that'd be great. >_>;
iirc, Vivid by Fairy Fore is Final Fantasy Unlimited's intro song. Using FFU's opener should work just fine as a video.

I could upload the video for that, but at the moment I can't check whether this song is full length or the version used in the show.
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Hitoshirenu Shourai
Actually, it's the ending to FFU, and the video wouldn't work because this version of the song is more than twice the length of the TV version. >_>
Ah. It's been two years.

Perhaps loop the video or play it backwards once it ends or make it run awkwardly at half speed.
Jean_old This is the PV for the song. XD

I really like the beatmaps, 'cause I love this song.. but, on Hard (and I'll assume Insane too, but I doubt I could pass that), I think the beats start way too fast. If you cut off a couple of seconds at the start for beat placing I think it would be a lot more playable, but the rest of the song was great.
I was thinking about making a map for this song, but now someone has done it for me, very neatly indeed.

Anyway, the mid-song break (from 1:54:81 to around 2:16:60) in Easy and Normal seems too long for me. I suggest you split it into two, one from 1:54:81 to 2:06:24 and another one from 2:16:95 to 2:29:10. I also agree with Jean; the beat starts too fast. Make it starts from 0:03:38 or 0:14:81 would be better. Apart from those, this song is great and I really enjoy it. ;)
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Hitoshirenu Shourai
If someone could show me how to insert a few seconds in the beginning of the song, then that would be very helpful. This isn't the only song where the music has started right away, and for sure, it won't be my last. Personally, I think that after people have played it a few times, they can remember to move their cursor to the middle for the beginning. Something that would help with that is if there were some sort of keyboard shortcut to enter a song. =/

hitoshirenu wrote:

If someone could show me how to insert a few seconds in the beginning of the song, then that would be very helpful. This isn't the only song where the music has started right away, and for sure, it won't be my last. Personally, I think that after people have played it a few times, they can remember to move their cursor to the middle for the beginning. Something that would help with that is if there were some sort of keyboard shortcut to enter a song. =/
I'm adding this into osu!. Hold off until tomorrow night and it'll be ready :).

hitoshirenu wrote:

If someone could show me how to insert a few seconds in the beginning of the song, then that would be very helpful.
If you have Goldwave, it's just a matter of opening the mp3 in it and selecting "Edit>Insert Silence". This is the version (read: torrent) I have and Goldwave's been working for me for the last six or so months.

There are other programs that can insert silences as well (including Sound Recorder!) so you have quite a few options.
Uh, I'm not for posting torrent links on these forums, sorry. The trial is available via google and has very few limitations (actually I still use this even after its expired :D).
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Hitoshirenu Shourai

peppy wrote:

I'm adding this into osu!. Hold off until tomorrow night and it'll be ready :).
Awesome! Now to figure out what to do to that break... ^_~
Except I still can't pass the hard and insane version. I like the beatmaps. I hope to see you go through Insane when this gets ranked (So I can see your replay). :twisted:

And, well. Peppy already said it in IRC, you should need to fix those 2 notes in normal.

That's all.
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Hitoshirenu Shourai

Extor wrote:

Except I still can't pass the hard and insane version. I like the beatmaps. I hope to see you go through Insane when this gets ranked (So I can see your replay). :twisted:

And, well. Peppy already said it in IRC, you should need to fix those 2 notes in normal.

That's all.
Fixed and uploaded. >_>
*plays Normal* Oo, nice map, beautifully spaced and everything, timing is perfect, ready for rank--- oh wait. Should try another level before doing that.


Is it just me, or are insane maps now trending towards being totally impossible for mouse clickers? =(
I agree that this song on insane is quite impossible!
Who cares? You still have the normal and hard version to beat at your pleasure. =P

I think this one needs to go to the rankings... doesn't it?
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Hitoshirenu Shourai
Added 2 seconds of Lead-In. =D
Will check this after class!
In after everything was corrected, apparently. No arguments with Normal, Hard was also good.

I was a bit disappointed to see that Insane was only the opening riff (I started getting the hang of it and won =D!)

Couple things with hard that are pretty minor: at 6 seconds in, they're spaced a bit wider than usual for a couple seconds. The slider at 1:24:99 does seem to go with anything. It's snapped to a half-beat, yes, but it doesn't go with anything. If you advance the slider's start position to the next whole beat and shorten the slider by a half beat I think it sounds alot better. Another alternative is to make it start on the whole beat before that marker. I personally prefer the second alternative, having the red slider start at 1:24:81 and ending on 1:25:88.

That one slider is the only thing I felt off in this entire beatmap. If you deem it appropriate to change, maybe I can get a bit of practice marking beatmaps as Ranked Beatmaps =D
Topic Starter
Hitoshirenu Shourai

awp wrote:

In after everything was corrected, apparently. No arguments with Normal, Hard was also good.

I was a bit disappointed to see that Insane was only the opening riff (I started getting the hang of it and won =D!)

Couple things with hard that are pretty minor: at 6 seconds in, they're spaced a bit wider than usual for a couple seconds. The slider at 1:24:99 does seem to go with anything. It's snapped to a half-beat, yes, but it doesn't go with anything. If you advance the slider's start position to the next whole beat and shorten the slider by a half beat I think it sounds alot better. Another alternative is to make it start on the whole beat before that marker. I personally prefer the second alternative, having the red slider start at 1:24:81 and ending on 1:25:88.

That one slider is the only thing I felt off in this entire beatmap. If you deem it appropriate to change, maybe I can get a bit of practice marking beatmaps as Ranked Beatmaps =D
At 6 seconds in, they're spaced that way to make it a bit tougher, and hey, it looks better too. As for the slider at 1:24:99, it goes with the "ru" in the vocal, so I have no idea what there is to complain about. Maybe you have the wrong one in mind? o_o;
There's a delay between the music and the vocals, and I kept hearing the music whenever I did it. I can hear the vocals at 1:24:99, so thanks for pointing that out - it does line up nicely. I can see it catching me every time, though.

EDIT: Ranking this. There's no pending issues.
So, I'm trying to full combo hard on this song.

266 tries in, I still can't get past the intro 96% of the time, yet I don't hate the song yet >_>

We'll see my reaction at try 500.
the song is cool >=L

or rather, the song makes me think of FFU and even though FFU was mediocre it makes me think of FF which is cool >=L
I love this map <3
Map of the Year
it's so short, why
Here. Have some chocobos.
(Screencap from FFU episode 11. Kweh!)
lol, this was quite an intereesting read tbh.
Funny to take a look at the ranking process 9 years ago in comparison to what it is now xD

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