
JAM Project - Ryuusei Lovers (TV Size) [Taiko|Osu]

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原标题是「流星Lovers」,所以应当在tag里加上Ryuusei,或者把标题改成Ryuusei Lovers然后在tag加Meteor
然后麻烦把Jam Project和你自己的名字从tag里移掉……这个没必要

00:18:899 (1,2) - 可以交换 比较有flow(虽然我不知道flow是什么)
00:30:512 (1) - 往右下角移一点因为尾端碰到前面的00:28:964 (1) - 了
00:32:060 - 只是建议:你可以放一段soft sample的长滑条
00:38:254 (1) - 我好像有提过这个转盘的问题 太短了而且后面的note也太近了
00:44:447 - 同00:32:060 -
00:55:286 (1) - 在00:57:609 - 结束
01:07:673 (1) - 只是考虑一下在01:09:996 - 结束的可能性,可选
01:24:706 - 完全可以一个N Finish敲上去的,而且听不见声音新手容易miss,建议考虑

建议你戴上耳机调大音量然后自己看 然后找LKs之类的人看下 我有点不会吐槽
00:33:609 - 00:44:447 - 这段降低音量到40%或者改成S之类的
00:45:996 - 00:55:286 - 这段调到50%
00:39:415 - clap
00:40:189 (1,2) - 往右调整一点避开遮挡 然后00:40:576 (2) - 这形状可以调整下……
01:24:706 - 同EZ

音效问题见Normal 对照修改
00:33:222 - 不要消音 实在是不能再说
00:36:415 (6) - 这里三连摆在白线相当难听 我知道你肯定持相反意见 不过我的意见是删掉这个note
00:45:609 - 不要消音 我就不写理由了
01:09:512 - 01:09:512 - 01:09:512 - 太空了,可以在指定的三个地方加上note
01:20:835 (2) - 突然来个Anti-Jump立刻就挂了。摆远一点,或者在01:20:641 - 加note

00:39:609 (1,2) - 交换NC
00:45:415 - 00: 45:415 00:45:512 - 觉得这两处可以加上note,或者把00:45:609 (1) - 改成1/8并且渐强音量(30-80 Normal)
00:49:867 (3) - 建议问一下XAT这个程度的reversearrow遮挡可不可以
01:09:222 (1) - 没有鼓点节奏的话我觉得这里用切分音比较和谐

00:31:673 (1) - 你没回我mod我也不知道你什么理由。这里还是那句,建议旋转180度放到对面,不然间隔不同不好读图

你问我的评价是什么,虽然我上次mod过了我觉得还是remap plz比较好。至于为什么,主要是节奏太乱,不是很整齐,kiai的节奏反而放的更散了,打起来也不是很爽。kiai完全可以用二四白线来下蓝,或者红线下蓝来体现热烈的感觉。


Flower wrote:


原标题是「流星Lovers」,所以应当在tag里加上Ryuusei,或者把标题改成Ryuusei Lovers然后在tag加Meteor
然后麻烦把Jam Project和你自己的名字从tag里移掉……这个没必要 改了

00:39:609 (1,2) - 交换NC 这个我感觉我的挺好啊
00:45:415 - 00: 45:415 00:45:512 觉得这两处可以加上note,或者把00:45:609 (1) - 改成1/8并且渐强音量(30-80 Normal)光改了音效
00:49:867 (3) - 建议问一下XAT这个程度的reversearrow遮挡可不可以 KPY说能行
01:09:222 (1) - 没有鼓点节奏的话我觉得这里用切分音比较和谐 原先的更符合音乐

Topic Starter

Flower wrote:


原标题是「流星Lovers」,所以应当在tag里加上Ryuusei,或者把标题改成Ryuusei Lovers然后在tag加Meteor --fixed
然后麻烦把Jam Project和你自己的名字从tag里移掉……这个没必要 --不是我说拿掉了我没法做user page

00:18:899 (1,2) - 可以交换 比较有flow(虽然我不知道flow是什么) --fixed
00:30:512 (1) - 往右下角移一点因为尾端碰到前面的00:28:964 (1) - 了 --fixed
00:32:060 - 只是建议:你可以放一段soft sample的长滑条 ---因为这是easy我想想还是别堆满的好
00:38:254 (1) - 我好像有提过这个转盘的问题 太短了而且后面的note也太近了 --fixed
00:44:447 - 同00:32:060 - --想想这是easy还是算了吧
00:55:286 (1) - 在00:57:609 - 结束 --fixed
01:07:673 (1) - 只是考虑一下在01:09:996 - 结束的可能性,可选 --fixed
01:24:706 - 完全可以一个N Finish敲上去的,而且听不见声音新手容易miss,建议考虑 --fixed

建议你戴上耳机调大音量然后自己看 然后找LKs之类的人看下 我有点不会吐槽
00:33:609 - 00:44:447 - 这段降低音量到40%或者改成S之类的
00:45:996 - 00:55:286 - 这段调到50%
00:39:415 - clap --fixed
00:40:189 (1,2) - 往右调整一点避开遮挡 然后00:40:576 (2) - 这形状可以调整下…… --fixed
01:24:706 - 同EZ --fixed

音效问题见Normal 对照修改
00:33:222 - 不要消音 实在是不能再说 --我。。这里本来没啥音乐啊O3O。。。
00:36:415 (6) - 这里三连摆在白线相当难听 我知道你肯定持相反意见 不过我的意见是删掉这个note --不愧是老婆就是了解我不过还是fixed了
00:45:609 - 不要消音 我就不写理由了 --这里还是消了好毕竟我也不是用自定义音效的233
01:09:512 - 01:09:512 - 01:09:512 - 太空了,可以在指定的三个地方加上note --下面还有个I呢。。
01:20:835 (2) - 突然来个Anti-Jump立刻就挂了。摆远一点,或者在01:20:641 - 加note --fixed

00:39:609 (1,2) - 交换NC
00:45:415 - 00: 45:415 00:45:512 - 觉得这两处可以加上note,或者把00:45:609 (1) - 改成1/8并且渐强音量(30-80 Normal)
00:49:867 (3) - 建议问一下XAT这个程度的reversearrow遮挡可不可以
01:09:222 (1) - 没有鼓点节奏的话我觉得这里用切分音比较和谐

00:31:673 (1) - 你没回我mod我也不知道你什么理由。这里还是那句,建议旋转180度放到对面,不然间隔不同不好读图

你问我的评价是什么,虽然我上次mod过了我觉得还是remap plz比较好。至于为什么,主要是节奏太乱,不是很整齐,kiai的节奏反而放的更散了,打起来也不是很爽。kiai完全可以用二四白线来下蓝,或者红线下蓝来体现热烈的感觉。


Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Hi~ qq request~

叫Extra多没意思……而且也不是真的有那么难 换个名字多好 Suicidal啦Deadly啦Heroic啦Legendary啦
而且遮挡太乱 有时间最好remap一下对比一下梗然后再remap第三次(好吧当我没说)
00:21:028 (1,1) - 遮挡丑 往下移 --下面?再下面没地方了
00:25:093 (1,2,3) - 很难读而且没有什么梗 建议向左下至少偏移两格 --fixed
00:25:093 (1,4) - 交换NC --fixed
00:27:802 (3,4,5,7) - 移到上面去 00:27:802 (3) - 的位置大致是x=328 y=68 其他顺移,这样可以不让00:28:964 (1) - 被遮挡 --这里挡住也没什么不好吧
00:28:964 (1) - 建议略微顺时针旋转以使滑条尾对准00:29:544 (2) --可以这样
00:31:673 (3) - 间距一样不好读图 建议旋转180放到对面 --我个人认为能打这种难度的多数难不倒他了况且这都是滑条。。
00:51:802 - 可加个note,一般这种二连有点讨厌 --这样不是正好对上节奏么,不用了
00:54:318 (10,11) - 敢放开点么>_< --fixed
00:59:157 (4) - 挡住略难看 要么叠在00:58:189 (15) - 下面 --就这样吧。。
00:58:189 (15) - 这么明显一个finish还用我说么…… --fixed
01:01:480 (3) - reverse arrow被挡住了 nuke --fixed
01:16:576 (1,2,3,4,5) - 放到01:16:189 - 好听些,但是01:16:770 - 01:16:867 - 还是要加note --这个就这样。。
01:16:964 (5) - NC --fixed
01:26:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这什么……1/4滑条摆满都好听一些 或者删掉01:27:544 (6) ,在01:27:415 - 01:27:609 - 各加一个1/4滑条
01:30:802 - 虽然别人也这么摆但建议在01:30:899 - 结束 因为最后转盘声音会突然降低 --转盘的话fixed,其他的保留

Good luck~
  1. 新Guest diff的Tags還沒弄好


  • 00:30:899 (1) - 建議改成2連+1/4 slider來回 (記得補上音效)
    00:33:996 (4,5) - 這裡節奏nooooooooo, remap前我不記得有這種問題…改成這樣吧 (同記得補音效)

    00:35:157 (1,2,3) - 這三個的間距我看不太懂…前面雖然也有這種情況, 勉強可以算是隨音樂變化弄的…但這邊就沒原因要弄不相等間距
    00:40:770 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這部份突然就成Insane了, 至少得把連打的間距降低, 然後(6,7)的間距放大一點
    00:42:706 (1,2) - 節奏noooooooo, 放slider時應該多考慮一下到底有沒踩中vocal/鼓點…否則就像現在這樣各種off-beat
    將(1,2)後移1/2拍, 空出的位置加個circle吧

    00:45:802 (1) - 中間兩個紅點看不懂…但主要問題是00:46:383 (2) - 這個要移除, slider應該後移1/2, 結尾加clap
    00:47:544 (1,3) - clap錯位了, 倒是可以選擇加在00:47:931 (2,3,4) -
    00:50:254 (4) - 目測很多不刪300的人, 或HD玩家要淚流滿面…換一個比較容易看見的地方? (雖然我這建議的也不是好位置2333)

    00:51:222 (5) - 疊好?
    00:52:964 (4,5) - 00:53:738 (7,1) - 別這樣! 這兩組的間距為什麼差這麼遠(runs, 解決方案:

    01:09:222 (1) - 不放正中嗎, 反正都會被combo burst擋的
    01:13:093 (5,1) - 間距開大一些
    01:18:899 (4) - clap
    01:20:641 (2) - 移到 01:21:222 - , 01:20:835 (3) - 前移1/2拍 (記得修音效)
目測我不說你也看的出來, 間距的問題挺嚴重的…不是要求整張圖都要依照distance snap來弄, 而是間距要下的合理
非特殊idea的情況下, 比如說前一combo開的1.2左右, 接下個note只有0.6的話…就會很獵奇的


  • 00:39:802 (1) - 移到這邊?

    00:39:802 (1,2,1,2) - clap錯位了
    00:50:641 (3) - 漏刪的whistle?
    01:06:899 (3) - ^
    01:25:480 (1,2) - 建議移到屏幕中下方的位置, 因為會被spinner-clear/osu擋到
mod完才發現這個不是Normal, 再點進N看了眼覺得E跟N長的好像… :(

  • 00:58:383 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 節奏微妙的違和, 整段改成這樣: (00:59:157 - 01:00:706 - clap / 00:59:544 - 01:01:093 - finish)

    01:04:576 (1) - 刪一下new combo
    01:04:964 (5) - new combo
    01:12:318 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap錯位
    01:25:480 (1,2) - 同Easy

Guest I就交給別人挑了>_< 做的還是可以的, 不過有幾個地方需要改進一下…不過略沒動力寫了(喂
Topic Starter

Pokie wrote:

  1. 新Guest diff的Tags還沒弄好


  • 00:30:899 (1) - 建議改成2連+1/4 slider來回 (記得補上音效)
    00:33:996 (4,5) - 這裡節奏nooooooooo, remap前我不記得有這種問題…改成這樣吧 (同記得補音效)

    00:35:157 (1,2,3) - 這三個的間距我看不太懂…前面雖然也有這種情況, 勉強可以算是隨音樂變化弄的…但這邊就沒原因要弄不相等間距 --fixed,已经改成等距了
    00:40:770 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這部份突然就成Insane了, 至少得把連打的間距降低, 然後(6,7)的間距放大一點
    00:42:706 (1,2) - 節奏noooooooo, 放slider時應該多考慮一下到底有沒踩中vocal/鼓點…否則就像現在這樣各種off-beat
    將(1,2)後移1/2拍, 空出的位置加個circle吧

    00:45:802 (1) - 中間兩個紅點看不懂…但主要問題是00:46:383 (2) - 這個要移除, slider應該後移1/2, 結尾加clap --fixed
    00:47:544 (1,3) - clap錯位了, 倒是可以選擇加在00:47:931 (2,3,4) - --fixed
    00:50:254 (4) - 目測很多不刪300的人, 或HD玩家要淚流滿面…換一個比較容易看見的地方? (雖然我這建議的也不是好位置2333)

    00:51:222 (5) - 疊好? --fixed
    00:52:964 (4,5) - 00:53:738 (7,1) - 別這樣! 這兩組的間距為什麼差這麼遠(runs, 解決方案:

    01:09:222 (1) - 不放正中嗎, 反正都會被combo burst擋的 --fixed
    01:13:093 (5,1) - 間距開大一些 --fixed
    01:18:899 (4) - clap --fixed
    01:20:641 (2) - 移到 01:21:222 - , 01:20:835 (3) - 前移1/2拍 (記得修音效)
目測我不說你也看的出來, 間距的問題挺嚴重的…不是要求整張圖都要依照distance snap來弄, 而是間距要下的合理
非特殊idea的情況下, 比如說前一combo開的1.2左右, 接下個note只有0.6的話…就會很獵奇的


  • 00:39:802 (1) - 移到這邊?

    00:39:802 (1,2,1,2) - clap錯位了 --fixed
    00:50:641 (3) - 漏刪的whistle? --fixed
    01:06:899 (3) - ^ --fixed
    01:25:480 (1,2) - 建議移到屏幕中下方的位置, 因為會被spinner-clear/osu擋到
mod完才發現這個不是Normal, 再點進N看了眼覺得E跟N長的好像… :(

  • 00:58:383 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 節奏微妙的違和, 整段改成這樣: (00:59:157 - 01:00:706 - clap / 00:59:544 - 01:01:093 - finish)

    01:04:576 (1) - 刪一下new combo --fixed
    01:04:964 (5) - new combo --fixed
    01:12:318 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap錯位 --fixed
    01:25:480 (1,2) - 同Easy --fixed

Guest I就交給別人挑了>_< 做的還是可以的, 不過有幾個地方需要改進一下…不過略沒動力寫了(喂
Add whistle on the last spinner for all diffs!

00:35:931 (2) - Remove clap
00:41:738 (2) - Remove the clap on repeat and change the finish to clap on tail
00:48:318 (4) - Remove clap
00:51:415 (4) - ^
00:55:286 (1) - Remove finish
01:03:802 (2,3,1) - Try
2 = Finish
3 = Clap
1 = Finish (head)
01:07:673 (1) - Finish + clap? sounds good o:
01:14:641 (2) - Remove clap

00:21:609 (2) - Fix claps starting from here they are on 1+3 beats
00:39:415 (3) - Remove all claps on this slider
00:40:189 (1) - Clap
00:51:028 (2) - Remove clap on end
00:51:802 (3) - Clap
Don't forget to re add claps
00:58:383 (1,2,3,1,2) - This will play better and follows vocals better

01:03:415 (1) - Fix claps from here, they became every 1+3 beats again..
01:04:576 (4) - Replace clap with finish
01:15:415 (1) - This is more accurate if you make the slider repeat on 01:15:706 but I guess current one is also fine..

00:34:189 (5) - Move this clap to previous note
00:38:835 (2,3) - Like this~

00:43:480 (2,3) - Same ^
00:58:964 (4) - Change to this!

01:00:512 (4,5) - ^
01:20:641 (2) - Remove clap on end
01:21:222 (3) - Clap

00:18:899 (1,2) - Remove 1 repeat from both
00:32:060 (1) - Ctrl + G
00:32:835 (1) - ^
00:34:964 (4) - Try 284/204?
00:36:706 (2) - NC here instead of previous slider
01:07:673 (1) - Ctrl + G
01:08:060 (2) - ^
01:09:222 (1) - Make this repeat on 01:09:512
I like this insane :D

00:20:447 (7) - Add NC here to make this rhythm easier to read
00:23:738 (4) - Move this to 00:23:544 and fix spacing (I suggest 304/256)
00:26:641 (5) - Extend to 00:26:931
00:29:931 (4) - Move to 00:30:028 (296/16)
00:45:609 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wow lol I'm not sure if this is rankable..
00:51:706 (10) - Remove this note, and make 5 note stream starting 00:51:802
01:13:673 (2,3,4) - This rhythm is not good.. change to this

01:26:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is really not good ._.


Mythol wrote:

Add whistle on the last spinner for all diffs! I used 50% volume's normal-finish.

00:18:899 (1,2) - Remove 1 repeat from both I don't like this rhythm...
00:32:060 (1) - Ctrl + G not mod it
00:32:835 (1) - ^ changed
00:34:964 (4) - Try 284/204? okey
00:36:706 (2) - NC here instead of previous slider fixed
01:07:673 (1) - Ctrl + G not mod it
01:08:060 (2) - ^ not mod it
01:09:222 (1) - Make this repeat on 01:09:512 It's a syncopation.....
I like this insane :D thank you~ ><

Topic Starter

Mythol wrote:

Add whistle on the last spinner for all diffs! --fixed

00:35:931 (2) - Remove clap --fixed
00:41:738 (2) - Remove the clap on repeat and change the finish to clap on tail -fixed
00:48:318 (4) - Remove clap --fixed
00:51:415 (4) - ^ --fixed
00:55:286 (1) - Remove finish --fixed
01:03:802 (2,3,1) - Try
2 = Finish
3 = Clap
1 = Finish (head) --fixed
01:07:673 (1) - Finish + clap? sounds good o: --fixed
01:14:641 (2) - Remove clap --fixed

00:21:609 (2) - Fix claps starting from here they are on 1+3 beats --fixed
00:39:415 (3) - Remove all claps on this slider --fixed
00:40:189 (1) - Clap --fixed
00:51:028 (2) - Remove clap on end --fixed
00:51:802 (3) - Clap --fixed
Don't forget to re add claps
00:58:383 (1,2,3,1,2) - This will play better and follows vocals better
--oh,I think now it is well
01:03:415 (1) - Fix claps from here, they became every 1+3 beats again.. --fixed
01:04:576 (4) - Replace clap with finish --fixed
01:15:415 (1) - This is more accurate if you make the slider repeat on 01:15:706 but I guess current one is also fine.. ---Ummm...

00:34:189 (5) - Move this clap to previous note --fixed
00:38:835 (2,3) - Like this~
--all right~fixed
00:43:480 (2,3) - Same ^ --fixed
00:58:964 (4) - Change to this!
--fixed >A<
01:00:512 (4,5) - ^ --fixed
01:20:641 (2) - Remove clap on end --fixed
01:21:222 (3) - Clap --fixed

00:20:447 (7) - Add NC here to make this rhythm easier to read --fixed
00:23:738 (4) - Move this to 00:23:544 and fix spacing (I suggest 304/256) --not mod it
00:26:641 (5) - Extend to 00:26:931 --not mod it
00:29:931 (4) - Move to 00:30:028 (296/16) ---not mod it
00:45:609 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wow lol I'm not sure if this is rankable.. --no problem...
00:51:706 (10) - Remove this note, and make 5 note stream starting 00:51:802 --not mod it
01:13:673 (2,3,4) - This rhythm is not good.. change to this
01:26:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is really not good ._. --no mod it

thank you for modding~


毛夫人的排版太让人蛋碎了..又是个那么固执的人 哎



00:20:060(5,7)-add clap
00:22:577(1,2,3)-把(1)换成note 然后把(2)的折返去掉 00:22:770-这里拉条slider
(1)头上加个whistle (2)头上加个clap 尾上加个whistle (3)的whistle去掉
00:24:318(3,4)-add clap (3)只要头上就可以了
下面这图是我觉得这样放比较合适 如果你觉得这么改比较好的话 改完来问我音效的加法
反正前奏部分你就往24白线上加clap 合适就保留 不合适就删 whistle也不用加太多 参考我上面的就行 不然会有点喧嚣
00:45:996(5)-add NC
00:48:512(12)-remove clap
这部分的clap加在二四白线上就可以了 太多也吵

水梦部分我就不看了 放心
好久的圖 好像很厲害的樣子

Red: Must be fixed.
Blue: Highly recommended.
Black: Just suggestion/nazi stuff.

  1. Untick "Letterbox during breaks" in all standard diff. There's no breaks & you've added a video
  2. Rotte's Insane has different Preview Time, please change to 58251 (Current 58189)
  3. Remove "Jam Project" from tags since that's the title of the song
[ ExTrA Collab]
  1. 00:16:638 (1) - Move this spinner end at 00:18:574 - (1/4 later) to make consistent with other diff
  2. 00:25:735 (1) - I don't think reserve at downbeat is a great idea. 感覺重音缺少打擊感... use note + 1/2 slider instead
  3. 00:29:026 (1) - Remake this slider please, it's so ugly imo lol 扭的這麼奇捌有意義? Try this
  4. 00:30:380 (1,1,1) - Please make their spacing consistent. 前兩個中間有空拍 後兩個中間沒空拍可是spacing卻一樣想害誰
  5. 00:46:058 (5) - NC to prove this is different to 00:45:671 (1,2,3,4) -
  6. 01:09:574 (2,3) - NC since SV change, so make an attention will make the pattern more readable
  7. 01:24:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - change the rhythm to this, your rhythm is hard to read & unfit with songs imo

    This diff needs more work on the flow/placement imo.
[ Rotte's Insane]
  1. 00:22:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - I feel your flow is a bit awkward, maybe try smf like this?

  2. 00:32:122 (4,1) - You use soft-sound at (4), so swap their NCes to make an attention to the player
  3. 00:46:832 (1,2) - This jump appears so soon, and the flow is not good at all, consider reduce the spacing (put at x:296, y:328)
  4. 01:19:929 (6) - Why you change the spacing here? There's no reason to make a jump after somewhere should use same spacing. (3,4,5,6)這裡的音樂都一樣 沒有特別起伏 所以用同樣spacing然後在(6,1)做個跳感覺好一點
[ Hard]
  1. 00:21:477 (2,3) - I have no idea why you add jump like this. (3) should be place with 1.0 DS. Anyway put (3) to x:248, y:80 to make a better flow
  2. 00:34:058 (4) - missing clap or serious?
  3. 00:34:445 (6) - Remake this by a random curve slider or something please, current is so ugly
  4. 00:34:445 (6,1) - why anti-jump here? makes me feel it's a 1/2 part actually. Use 1.0 DS to replace this please
  5. 00:39:090 (3) - Why change spacing? A mistake? lol Use 1.0 DS to place this please since I don't see any reason to change spacing here
  6. 00:39:864 (1,2) - I'd use 1/1 slider to change these objects, like you did at 00:41:413 (1) -
  7. 01:12:768 (3) - 我覺得要做跳就做大一點 1.2跟1.0看起來差距真的不大 但是就變的很醜 不然就是都統一用1.0就好了
[ Normal]
  1. 00:53:413 (3) - I'll use 2 notes instead this slider because the downbeat is at sliderend. 這裡的音樂感覺就是前面跟後面不同句 用slider串在一起變的超違和
  2. 01:17:026 (3,1) - Swap nces is better imo. That's your nc rule...
  3. 01:25:542 (1,2) - (有夠nazi)這兩個對稱嘛 (2)ctrl+H過去跟(1)沒完全重合
[ Easy]
  1. 00:22:445 (2) - clap instead finish to make consistent with other diff. Finish here is soooooo unfit D:
  2. 01:15:477 (1) - (end) remove finish
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

好久的圖 好像很厲害的樣子

Red: Must be fixed.
Blue: Highly recommended.
Black: Just suggestion/nazi stuff.

  1. Untick "Letterbox during breaks" in all standard diff. There's no breaks & you've added a video --fixed
  2. Rotte's Insane has different Preview Time, please change to 58251 (Current 58189) --fixed
  3. Remove "Jam Project" from tags since that's the title of the song

[ ExTrA Collab]
  1. 00:16:638 (1) - Move this spinner end at 00:18:574 - (1/4 later) to make consistent with other diff --fixed
  2. 00:25:735 (1) - I don't think reserve at downbeat is a great idea. 感覺重音缺少打擊感... use note + 1/2 slider instead --no mod it
  3. 00:29:026 (1) - Remake this slider please, it's so ugly imo lol 扭的這麼奇捌有意義? Try this
  4. 00:30:380 (1,1,1) - Please make their spacing consistent. 前兩個中間有空拍 後兩個中間沒空拍可是spacing卻一樣想害誰 --no mod it
  5. 00:46:058 (5) - NC to prove this is different to 00:45:671 (1,2,3,4) - --fixed
  6. 01:09:574 (2,3) - NC since SV change, so make an attention will make the pattern more readable --fixed
  7. 01:24:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - change the rhythm to this, your rhythm is hard to read & unfit with songs imo

    This diff needs more work on the flow/placement imo.
--no mod it

[ Hard]
  1. 00:21:477 (2,3) - I have no idea why you add jump like this. (3) should be place with 1.0 DS. Anyway put (3) to x:248, y:80 to make a better flow --fixed I put to x:244,y:100
  2. 00:34:058 (4) - missing clap or serious? --no mod it
  3. 00:34:445 (6) - Remake this by a random curve slider or something please, current is so ugly --fixed
  4. 00:34:445 (6,1) - why anti-jump here? makes me feel it's a 1/2 part actually. Use 1.0 DS to replace this please --fixed
  5. 00:39:090 (3) - Why change spacing? A mistake? lol Use 1.0 DS to place this please since I don't see any reason to change spacing here --fixed
  6. 00:39:864 (1,2) - I'd use 1/1 slider to change these objects, like you did at 00:41:413 (1) - --no mod it
  7. 01:12:768 (3) - 我覺得要做跳就做大一點 1.2跟1.0看起來差距真的不大 但是就變的很醜 不然就是都統一用1.0就好了
--change 1.3 DS

[ Normal]
  1. 00:53:413 (3) - I'll use 2 notes instead this slider because the downbeat is at sliderend. 這裡的音樂感覺就是前面跟後面不同句 用slider串在一起變的超違和 --fixed
  2. 01:17:026 (3,1) - Swap nces is better imo. That's your nc rule... --fixed
  3. 01:25:542 (1,2) - (有夠nazi)這兩個對稱嘛 (2)ctrl+H過去跟(1)沒完全重合

[ Easy]
  1. 00:22:445 (2) - clap instead finish to make consistent with other diff. Finish here is soooooo unfit D: --fixed
  2. 01:15:477 (1) - (end) remove finish

OK my diff has been checked,and I'll wait Rotte to finish check her diff.Thanks for your modding~

Flask wrote:

好久的圖 好像很厲害的樣子

Red: Must be fixed.
Blue: Highly recommended.
Black: Just suggestion/nazi stuff.

  1. Untick "Letterbox during breaks" in all standard diff. There's no breaks & you've added a video
  2. Rotte's Insane has different Preview Time, please change to 58251 (Current 58189)
  3. Remove "Jam Project" from tags since that's the title of the song

[ Rotte's Insane]
  1. 00:22:058 (2,3,4,5,6) - I feel your flow is a bit awkward, maybe try smf like this? I changed it with others ways

  2. 00:32:122 (4,1) - You use soft-sound at (4), so swap their NCes to make an attention to the player ok~
  3. 00:46:832 (1,2) - This jump appears so soon, and the flow is not good at all, consider reduce the spacing (put at x:296, y:328) I changed it with others ways
  4. 01:19:929 (6) - Why you change the spacing here? There's no reason to make a jump after somewhere should use same spacing. (3,4,5,6)這裡的音樂都一樣 沒有特別起伏 所以用同樣spacing然後在(6,1)做個跳感覺好一點 同样也是用其他办法改的

Hi there

00:58:445 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, it's hidden for beginners while gameplay
01:10:832 (1) - ^ (hitbursts are also overlap this too)

00:18:961 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden due to blend w/ default spinner. Do the colorhax by doing this
01:10:832 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, it's hidden for beginners while gameplay
01:17:800 (2) - Why finish?
01:18:187 (3) - Clap?

00:21:090 (4) - Why finish?
00:25:542 (4) - ^
00:34:058 (4) - Clap?
00:34:445 (6) - Clap at tail slider?
00:40:832 (4) - Why finish?
01:25:542 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden due to blend w/ default spinner. Do the colorhax by doing this

[ExTrA Collab]
* If this collab, please name the part with SB elements inside this map

Once you done, in-game PM me
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

00:58:445 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, it's hidden for beginners while gameplay --fixed,move up
01:10:832 (1) - ^ (hitbursts are also overlap this too) --fixed,move right

00:18:961 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden due to blend w/ default spinner. Do the colorhax by doing this --fixed,change blue
01:10:832 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, it's hidden for beginners while gameplay --fixed,move up
01:17:800 (2) - Why finish? --fixed,remove finish now
01:18:187 (3) - Clap? --fixed,add clap now

00:21:090 (4) - Why finish? --fixed,remove finish
00:25:542 (4) - ^ --fixed,remove finish
00:34:058 (4) - Clap? --fixed
00:34:445 (6) - Clap at tail slider? --fixed
00:40:832 (4) - Why finish? --fixed
01:25:542 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden due to blend w/ default spinner. Do the colorhax by doing this --fixed,change pink colour

[ExTrA Collab]
* If this collab, please name the part with SB elements inside this map --fixed

Once you done, in-game PM me
IRC Modding
19:05 Sagisawa-Yukari: Hi,Leorda.
19:05 *Sagisawa-Yukari is listening to Jam Project - Meteor Lovers (TV Size)
19:05 Sagisawa-Yukari: all done
19:05 Leorda: ok
19:05 Sagisawa-Yukari: please check it
19:17 Leorda: um hey
19:17 Sagisawa-Yukari: ?
19:17 Leorda: there some inconsistent preview time through each diff. Please fix it using notepad
19:18 Leorda: also, remove letterbox at Collab diff for consistency through all diff
19:18 Sagisawa-Yukari: oh.Let me see
19:19 Sagisawa-Yukari: Umm...which diff's preview time is different?
19:19 Leorda: Extra Collab only
19:19 Sagisawa-Yukari: OK
19:19 Leorda: also, 00:34:445 (6)- in hard diff, why clap?
19:20 Sagisawa-Yukari: OK this clap removed
19:22 Sagisawa-Yukari: OK,I sumbit again
19:24 Sagisawa-Yukari: remove letterbox at Rotte's Insane
19:24 Sagisawa-Yukari: orz..I remeber I have removed but why...orz
19:32 Leorda: ok
19:32 Leorda: i'll check
19:34 Leorda: hello?
19:35 Sagisawa-Yukari: ?
19:35 Leorda: Preview time in Extra collab are not consistent with other diff
19:35 Sagisawa-Yukari: oh...
19:36 Sagisawa-Yukari: Umm...Let me sumbit and download again ...
19:38 Sagisawa-Yukari: ExTra collab's previewTime will be the same as other diff
19:38 Sagisawa-Yukari: I have sumbited again...
19:40 Leorda: ummmm, looks good~

  1. Obviously the artist has to be "JAM Project"
  2. The original title of this song is "流星Lovers (Ryuusei Lovers)" 流星 translates into "meteor", but I think it's best to use original one. or at least add "ryuusei" into tags so that people can seach for this song with the original title.
  3. The source is also wrong; you should add subtitle as well. it should be "Super Robot Wars OG2 -The Inspector-".
I'm sorry that I have to pop this ><
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

  1. Obviously the artist has to be "JAM Project" --fixed
  2. The original title of this song is "流星Lovers (Ryuusei Lovers)" 流星 translates into "meteor", but I think it's best to use original one. or at least add "ryuusei" into tags so that people can seach for this song with the original title. --fixed
  3. The source is also wrong; you should add subtitle as well. it should be "Super Robot Wars OG2 -The Inspector-". --fixed
I'm sorry that I have to pop this ><
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:



毛夫人的排版太让人蛋碎了..又是个那么固执的人 哎

00:18:415(1)-spinner还是到这里结束比较合适 ---最后想了想还是结束在原地比较好。。


00:20:060(5,7)-add clap
00:21:609(2,4,7)-^ --综合前面的节奏感觉还是不要加了
00:22:577(1,2,3)-把(1)换成note 然后把(2)的折返去掉 00:22:770-这里拉条slider
(1)头上加个whistle (2)头上加个clap 尾上加个whistle (3)的whistle去掉 --最后考虑下whistle和clap都不加了
00:24:318(3,4)-add clap (3)只要头上就可以了 --no mod it
下面这图是我觉得这样放比较合适 如果你觉得这么改比较好的话 改完来问我音效的加法
反正前奏部分你就往24白线上加clap 合适就保留 不合适就删 whistle也不用加太多 参考我上面的就行 不然会有点喧嚣
00:45:996(5)-add NC --fixed
00:48:512(12)-remove clap --fixed
这部分的clap加在二四白线上就可以了 太多 也吵

水梦部分我就不看了 放心
每次過來看都是這map被戳 233
  • --Common-- --Warning-- --Strongly recommendation-- --Emphasis--
[ General]
  1. None!
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:55:348 (3) - i'd prefer to add a circle here and put it after slider(2) with finish, after that, shorten and delay the spinner 1/4 or 1/2 tick
    2. 01:07:735 - same pattern as above..
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:25:929 (1) - umm~~ sounds like there should be a finish on that start~~ i can heard the vocal with "A~~~" , and finish is very suitable imo. :p
    2. 01:14:703 (2) - 也加个finish? 很燃喔.
[ Normal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:55:348 - 这里和easy一样,下面的就不讲了.
    2. 01:23:219 - 这里也是~
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:15:477 (1) - clap on that end.
    2. 01:20:122 (1) - 这么燃不加个finish嘛 :3
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 对了,还是提一句滑条前加circle的那个梗,如果别的diff都加了这里也改改吧~ 个人觉得很适合这首歌。
    2. 00:31:638 (6) - 这里听起来节奏理当是个四连啊~ 试试这样的节奏?~ 铺面基本不用变 去掉repeat就好了~
    3. 01:20:122 (1) - 这个叠在原地打起来有点别扭。。前面刚是一个往返,觉得打这里的时候下意识的要继续往回走,所以干脆把这个滑条往下移,像这样?
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. clear~!
[ Insane]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:20:800 - 这里不连打不性福!!
    2. 00:23:413 (5) - 不能理解这里为什么空一拍。。感觉一空把前面烘托出来的一点东西都扔掉了。。塞个circle放在x:224 y:312吧。
    3. 00:39:768 - add a circle and stack with (1,2)? plays fine and sounds better imo.
    4. 01:25:542 (9) - 果断要加两个repeat啊!~~或者再加两个然后spinner后移1/4也可以。现在觉得缺东西..
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. clear..!~
[ ExTrA Collab]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. clear.
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:42:961 (4) - sounds wired.. how about remove the clap or change it to finish?~ :3
    2. 01:03:864 (2) - move the clap which on that slider's repeat to end? sounds a bit wired in red tick..
    3. 01:25:058 (4,7,11) - add whistles on these circle?~ sounds pretty. :3
[ Aoiko]

d= don ( Normal )
k= katsu ( Clap or Whistle )
D= Big Don ( Finish )
K= Big Katsu ( Clap/Whistle + Finish )
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:20:413 - add a not here?
    2. 01:11:219 - sounds like there should be added a k.
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:20:316 (1,2,3,4,5) - if you followed the thing i said in suggestions of design, dddkd is much more suitable imo.
    2. 00:29:026 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - try d ddk ddk ddk ?
    3. 00:31:735 (2) - 感觉用D的话更燃诶 :3
    4. 00:44:509 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - dddkd kdk kk
    5. 00:50:703 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - dddkd kd sounds much more better and plays fun imo.
    6. 01:07:735 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - dddkd k kddkd k ?
    7. 01:12:671 (4) - k
    8. 01:25:155 (6) - ^
    9. 01:25:929 (1) - D
神图lol 燃成渣了。~ Good luck with ranking~
Aoi is offline,I moded it.

Strawberry wrote:

[ Aoiko]

d= don ( Normal )
k= katsu ( Clap or Whistle )
D= Big Don ( Finish )
K= Big Katsu ( Clap/Whistle + Finish )
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:20:413 - add a not here? fixed
    2. 01:11:219 - sounds like there should be added a k. Add it.
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:20:316 (1,2,3,4,5) - if you followed the thing i said in suggestions of design, dddkd is much more suitable imo. not really ,ddddd is moe~
    2. 00:29:026 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - try d ddk ddk ddk ? ddk ddd ddk is well
    3. 00:31:735 (2) - 感觉用D的话更燃诶 :3 还是保留以前的吧...
    4. 00:44:509 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - dddkd kdk kk ok这个不错
    5. 00:50:703 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - dddkd kd sounds much more better and plays fun imo. however,ddddd is not bad
    6. 01:07:735 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,1) - dddkd k kddkd k ? not mod it
    7. 01:12:671 (4) - k ok
    8. 01:25:155 (6) - ^ fixed
    9. 01:25:929 (1) - D okey
神图lol 燃成渣了。~ Good luck with ranking~
Topic Starter

Strawberry wrote:

[ General]
  1. None!
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:55:348 (3) - i'd prefer to add a circle here and put it after slider(2) with finish, after that, shorten and delay the spinner 1/4 or 1/2 tick --fixed
    2. 01:07:735 - same pattern as above..
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:25:929 (1) - umm~~ sounds like there should be a finish on that start~~ i can heard the vocal with "A~~~" , and finish is very suitable imo. :p --fixed
    2. 01:14:703 (2) - 也加个finish? 很燃喔.
[ Normal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:55:348 - 这里和easy一样,下面的就不讲了. --fixed
    2. 01:23:219 - 这里也是~
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:15:477 (1) - clap on that end. --fixed
    2. 01:20:122 (1) - 这么燃不加个finish嘛 :3
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 对了,还是提一句滑条前加circle的那个梗,如果别的diff都加了这里也改改吧~ 个人觉得很适合这首歌。
    2. 00:31:638 (6) - 这里听起来节奏理当是个四连啊~ 试试这样的节奏?~ 铺面基本不用变 去掉repeat就好了~ --fixed
    3. 01:20:122 (1) - 这个叠在原地打起来有点别扭。。前面刚是一个往返,觉得打这里的时候下意识的要继续往回走,所以干脆把这个滑条往下移,像这样?

    [ ExTrA Collab]
    1. Unrankable stuff
      ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
      1. None!
    2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
      ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
      1. clear.
    3. Hitsounds
      ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
      1. 00:42:961 (4) - sounds wired.. how about remove the clap or change it to finish?~ :3 --fixed
      2. 01:03:864 (2) - move the clap which on that slider's repeat to end? sounds a bit wired in red tick.. --ok remove and add clap at end of silder
      3. 01:25:058 (4,7,11) - add whistles on these circle?~ sounds pretty. :3

神图lol 燃成渣了。~ Good luck with ranking~
thank you for modding ><
Before bubble

* Taiko BG are now unrankable (proof)

00:41:413 (1,2) - Make the same timing pattern as 00:39:864 (1,2)? For following vocal?
00:58:445 (1) - Why finish at end slider?

00:32:122 (1) - This slider must not have more than one slider, because i'll confuse beginner who play this diff
01:07:348 (3) - Stack under slider are confusing for beginners

00:21:090 (5) - Why finish?
00:25:735 (7) - ^
01:21:864 (3) - Why finish at head slider?

[Rotte's Insane]
01:18:574 (1) - Add clap at end slider?
01:20:509 (2) - Add clap?

Call me again when you're done

Leorda wrote:

Before bubble

[Rotte's Insane]
01:18:574 (1) - Add clap at end slider? fixed
01:20:509 (2) - Add clap? fixed

Call me again when you're done
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Before bubble

* Taiko BG are now unrankable (proof)
--fixed delete now

00:41:413 (1,2) - Make the same timing pattern as 00:39:864 (1,2)? For following vocal? --fixed,now the same pattern as 00:39:864 (1,2)
00:58:445 (1) - Why finish at end slider? ---fixed

00:32:122 (1) - This slider must not have more than one slider, because i'll confuse beginner who play this diff --fixed
01:07:348 (3) - Stack under slider are confusing for beginners --fixed

00:21:090 (5) - Why finish? --fixed
00:25:735 (7) - ^ --fixed
01:21:864 (3) - Why finish at head slider? --fixed

Call me again when you're done
Ok then

I think you should use "流星Lovers" for un-romanized song title... Am I wrong? D:
I saw front posts, but it was chinese so I can't understand it :<

Hearted after song title fix~
1 day ¥100
2 days ¥180
3 days ¥250
5 days ¥400
10 days ¥750
1 month ¥2200
超过1 month价格面议。

popner wrote:

1 day ¥100
2 days ¥180
3 days ¥250
5 days ¥400
10 days ¥750
1 month ¥2200
超过1 month价格面议。
建议下楼抢劫 :x
1st rankeddddddddd

gratz :D
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

1st rankeddddddddd

gratz :D
congratz :D
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

congratz :D
oh,thank you Melo chan~ :D
Your username is on tags. Anyway, congrats!!

Philippines wrote:

Your username is on tags. Anyway, congrats!!
Inb4 nonsense Derank to remove the Tag.
Topic Starter

Philippines wrote:

Your username is on tags. Anyway, congrats!!
Athena Tennos
恭喜 来晚了233
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