
Touhou PyP Mafia [GAME OVER - Town wins!]

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It doesn't matter. Even if you turn up cop, we just lynch Backfire tomorrow. With 14 alive we can afford like a billion mislynches anyway. A cop of an unknown sanity is a lot harder to confirm than a vigilante, and the risk of having a roleblocker running around is too great.
Oh another thing: if JInxy is really cop and Backfire is mafia and I die, bmin just watch Rantai every single night except tonight. You'll never die and Rantai will never die without you knowing who did it, so we just win if there is one mafia left.
Okay guys, formally un-afking from this game now. Just took my test worth like 40% of my grade, so now my time is free.

Catching up on this and VG~
Damn and I was going to claim cop with a result on Raging Bull.

Yeah, I'm Kaguya, Raging Bull being my lynchee. Shoot him instead please.
Shoot whoever you hate. Options are RB or Akro.
Well yep if they're both going to claim lyncher, just pick one~

The plan to hit akrolsmir was just because he was less confirmed at the time.
Well, now I'd like to think I'm more confirmed, just look at my past history of voting and attacks compared to RB's.

I suspect we might actually be bulletproof as someone mentioned earlier- the role PM said something about not being able to be killed so I'm supposed to try and lynch RB. Though again, test this on him not me.
Bulletproof lynchers that cause someone else to win when lynched?

How the hell are we supposed to stop them?

I guess town can win with them or something.

Lybydose wrote:

I guess town can win with them or something.
Pretty sure this was the case, I think that lynching one would just have the other exit with a win. Wanna try it :D ?
Sure whatever.

Backfire shoot Raging Bull because he is significantly less useful than akrolsmir.

KRZY watch Raging Bull to confirm bulletproofness if he survives.
Raging bull's post implied that he wasn't bulletproof or anything.

Akrols could also easilly be lying and trying to avoid being shot as mafia, since he was the planned target anyway.

No way to actually tell at this point. *shrug*
Raging bull's first post was "har har I'm vanilla"

then "o wait I have to take out my rival"

Lybydose wrote:

Raging bull's first post was "har har I'm vanilla"

then "o wait I have to take out my rival"
Basically revealing himself as a lyncher renders the game unwinnable, but since I said to shoot him he just claimed anyway.

Akrols is doing the same thing, only he didn't have the chance to hide it. (Though he admitted attempting the cop gambit.)

Both could likely be telling the truth, and we may be better off shooting someone like Salvage or another unconfirmed like that or something. *shrug*

Do whatever, honestly. Let's just make sure the aux actions are all aligned properly.
I'm all for shooting Salvage, mostly because he's most likely to be the last mafia.

I really hope this is the case for them. We can take the gambit of Townie winning with Lyncher, or just shoot one of them. Salvage being mafia or not will be deadly obvious once we lynch JInx.
Hmm why's that? I think he's pretty much mafia either way. Then the 3rd mafia is either jinx or backfire.
Oh right
Shoot me naw plz.
also pieguy has checked the forum several times and still no post. What's going on? phantom voters?

I came up with a better plan, so if the lynch actually hasn't happened yet, I'm going to unvote
The better plan:

Lynch Salvage
JInxy investigates DxS
Backfire kills JInxy
bmin watches me
I track Jinxy
KRZY watches Backfire
LS and Wojjan do whatever

If JInxy is mafia, he will die to backfire. In addition, I will see his night results in my investigation. He couldn't get away with blocking Backfire because he's being voyeur watched and I'm tracking him.

They can't kill me and block bmin to avoid results because backfire's shot would still go through.

If backfire is mafia, JInxy will survive. Alternatively, JInxy will die and be revealed as town. Nothing could cover for the fact that JInxy lived, as there should be no one protecting him.
Edit to plan:

KRZY watches JInxy instead to account for the possibility of a mafia doctor.
Topic Starter
JInxyjem has been lynched (actually quite a while ago)

Lynch scene coming in anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours... (You can keep talking until I post the lynch scene)
Ok back to original plan then:

Backfire kill Raging Bull
KRZY watch Raging Bull
bmin watch me
Suburu attempts to kill off Salvage
my role does nothing anyways so i guess dying i'll clear the way for the real mafia guy.
Also note that the above plan is slightly different than before, you're hitting Raging Bull instead of akrolsmir

Salvage wrote:

my role does nothing anyways so i guess dying i'll clear the way for the real mafia guy.
well it's either you or DxS
or the ridiculous situation that both JInxy and Backfire are both mafia, which is certainly possible
i don't mind being me , as you said there is plenny of misslynch/kills available and a high amount of confirmed towns , this game is pretty much done.
Raging Bull
Aww Oh well. Not bulletproof or anything. Good luck :(
So akro still doesn't win the game as long as Raging Bull isn't lynched, right?

In other words, night action kill =/= lynch?
Raging Bull
Nah. He's gonna turn into a vanille townie
Raging Bull

JInxyjem wrote:

Well, I am Cop. I don't know how the contradiction happened, but I am town.
Lynched in my sleep >_>
Kinda why I roleclaimed since I expected akrol to do something while I sleep.
You don't have to believe me, but I assure you, im town. ;w;
Well we'll find out as soon as JInxy's lynch is posted
Topic Starter
After some discussion, it was determined that Mystia Lorelei would be the one to go. After all, she enjoys confusing people and making them unable to see anything, and is able to do so just by singing to them. She could definitely cause a lot of trouble in this particular incident. She had a motive too, after being defeated multiple times in the past.

For this occasion, everyone decided that there was only one way to perform this particular lynch. They sent a group of two people into the forest. When they came back, they appeared to be wheeling a yakitori stand with them. As they returned, Mystia had a frightened look on her face, as she knew what was coming next. She started singing in order to confuse everyone, but someone immediately covered her mouth.

Regardless of whatever position she held in this incident, in her last moments, you could definitely tell she now regretted conning people with that stand...

JInxyjem - Mystia Lorelei (Mafia Roleblocker) - Lynched D3

It is now Night 3. Please send all night actions to either me or Lilac within 24 hours.
edit : sry about this didn't see the lynch thing.
Oh hey I didn't die by yuyuko

Who knew Seraph Knights are still used
Topic Starter
(sorry for being late :cry:)

When everyone woke up, they weren't quite sure what to expect. After all, they had two deaths the first night, but zero the previous night. They did a head count, just in case, and found that two people were missing.

One of them was Cirno. They figured that since she was such an idiot, she probably just forgot about the whole thing. They went down to the lake by the Scarlet Devil Mansion in order to remind her what was going on, and they found her asleep.

"That idiot, falling asleep at a time like this..."

Then they woke Cirno up. Or at least they tried, and tried, and tried... It seems that Cirno is actually dead.

The other one, Fujiwara no Mokou, was supposed to be immortal, so she couldn't have possibly died. However, when they searched for her in the Bamboo Forest, she appeared to have fainted. Although she was supposed to be immortal, they figured that by the time she came to the entire incident might be over, so she was practically dead.

LadySuburu - Cirno (Mason + 9% Vigilante) - Nightkilled N3
Raging Bull - Fujiwara no Mokou (Lyncher*) - Nightkilled N3

*In this game, Mokou wins with town if her target is killed in another way, so she was considered part of the town

It is now Day 4. Deadline is Sunday, 3:02 GMT.
Motivated tracking let me track two targets last night. I tracked Salvage and DxS.

DxS did nothing.
Salvage targeted LadySuburu.

vote: Salvage
Vote: Salvage

Maybe I don't need to read this thread after all ^_^
Yeah you don't.

Everyone is confirmed town except akrolsmir, Salvage, and DxS.

Salvage is now confirmed mafia, akrolsmir is highly likely to be a lyncher turned town, and DxS is whatever.

If for some reason the game doesn't end when we lynch Salvage, Backfire should vig kill akrolsmir I guess.
Vote: Salvage
Even though it's pointless, I watched Lyby and no one targeted him last night.
Vote: Salvage

Did he even claim?
Vote: Salvage

Just like day 1.
Fuck it, lets get this over with. vote : Salvage
Bye Salvage

Vote: Salvage
i hate you guys

Vote : Salvage
Topic Starter
Everyone gathered at the Hakurei Shrine. Within a minute, they had made up their mind. Someone had pointed out that they had seen Hijiri Byakuren doing something to Cirno last night, and now Cirno was dead? This couldn't be a coincidence.

"I would never harm the youkai around here by doing something like this!" However, everyone had already made their decision.

For this occasion, they called Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. Fortunately, she happened to be on a break, so she was able to join everyone. She had been watching this incident, and knew that Hijiri was definitely up to something. She showed everyone her Rod of Remorse, and then asked Hijiri if she would repent for what she had done. She adamantly refused, claiming she never did anything. Shikieiki, facing no choice, wrote something on her rod of remorse and hit Hijiri quite forcefully with it. Hijiri fell to the ground, in pain, while still claiming that she did nothing. Shikieiki continued to hit Hijiri as she let out more and more cries of pain.

Eventually, she admitted herself. Shikieiki quickly and fiercely condemned her for what she had done, and determined that she instantly be sent to Hell.

Salvage - Hijiri Byakuren (Mafia goon) - Lynched D4

It is now Night 4. Please send all night actions in to either me or Lilac within 24 hours.
Topic Starter
When everyone woke up, they definitely expected to see someone dead. Everyone met at the Hakurei Shrine in order to find out who died. Again, they found two people missing.

One of them, Houraisan Kaguya, was supposed to be immortal like Mokou. They figured that she was just over at Eientei doing nothing in particular, so that's where they headed. Unfortuantely, no one seemed to know where she was, so they headed back. However, while walking back from Eientei, they found Kaguya, who seemed to have died just like everyone else. Or perhaps she had just fainted like Mokou. Either way, they regarded her as dead for now.

The other person, Konpaku Youmu, was already a half-ghost in the first place, not to mention she previously lived in Hakugyokurou. They weren't quite sure exactly where to look, so they didn't bother. However, eventually Lunasa Prismriver showed up and told everyone that Youmu was back in Hakugyokurou for some reason. Either way, it seemed doubtful that she would be back at all...

akrolsmir - Houraisan Kaguya (Lyncher) - Nightkilled N4
Rantai - Konpaku Youmu (Seraph Knight) - Nightkilled N4

It is now Day 5. Deadline is 23:02 Saturday.
Vote: DxS

No way yukari is town.
What the hell...
Vote : DxS

DxS (2) - Wojjan, Backfire

It takes 4 to lynch.
Who did you target tonight? You must answer
Actually, fuck it. There's no other explanations to my result I received.

I watched Rantai and was targetted by KRZY. KRZY was the only person.

Vote: KRZY
Ugh I was convinced Backfire was a Serial Killer, which would make perfect sense with pretty much everything.

Now I have no idea. There were two kills, which means either someone else is SK or there is a 5th mafia. Or Backfire is SK AND there's a mafia. If it's the latter, that would be retarded as hell.
Wojjan who did you motivate the night before last?
It wouldn't make sense at all if KRZY wasn't SK/Mafia. KRZY was the ONLY one who targetted Rantai.
It's possible DxS is in fact a mafia ninja and he killed Rantai.

However, that doesn't make sense - why would Chris have performed the 1st kill and Salvage the 3rd and just leave the mafia ninja to chill this whole time?
Who did you track and what was the result?
Backfire. He targeted akrolsmir.

I'd like Wojjan to confirm who he motivated two nights ago though.
I'm leaning Backfire as SK since that kill was extreamly anti-town. I want Backfire -> KRZY -> DxS lynch order. This may change however.
I can't see how killing me was good play for town or for scum or for SK. Anyways, go town.
Ok here's the deal: one of the killers is obviously Backfire. He may or may not be SK. He could really be a 2-shot vig.

The other killer is NOT one of these people:


If there is a mafia AND SK and we mislynch (hit neither), we lose unless the SK and mafia kill each other/the same target since it will be 2 town vs. 1 mafia vs. 1 SK.

Now then, serial killers are required to kill every night. Why was there no second kill the first night then? If DxS is in fact a commuter, it may be that Backfire tried to kill him Night 1. Then he got roleblocked Night 2. This is the only explanation.

Therefore, it is impossible for both DxS to be mafia and Backfire to be SK.
I just killed akro because thats what you told me to do :(
So possible groups of anti-town will be

KRZY + Backfire

We are for sure to hit a Mafia/SK in two lynches
I very much doubt that Backfire is SK. 5 mafia + 1 SK + 2 Lynchers = wtff

Backfire wrote:

I just killed akro because thats what you told me to do :(
We never did. We told you either RB or Akro and that was all. You are either Mafia/SK or (sorry for the rudeness) just plain stupid as a town.

bmin11 wrote:

So possible groups of anti-town will be

KRZY + Backfire

We are for sure to hit a Mafia/SK in two lynches
No because bmin11 might be mafia.
Woah woah. You want me to quote the post? I was specifically supposed to shoot akro. RB was already dead, wasnt he?

Lybydose wrote:

No because bmin11 might be mafia.
And ya I would totally betray Chris and JInx. Best mafia plan
And I hope you are just joking Lyby. Rantai protecting me overnight and no deaths on N2 confirms me town. The only other protective role, which was Backfire, was roleblocked that night.

Lybydose wrote:

If for some reason the game doesn't end when we lynch Salvage, Backfire should vig kill akrolsmir I guess.

bmin11 wrote:

And I hope you are just joking Lyby. Rantai protecting me overnight and no deaths on N2 confirms me town. The only other protective role, which was Backfire, was roleblocked that night.
It's either you or KRZY that's bussing all of his own teammates (or DxS is a ninja).
oh sorry. Wait, what?! how did I let that happen??? ffffffffffff
Actually, I shot BOTH of them. :l
RB and akro. :c
I'm no ninja.

Also your what the hell jesture is really pissing me off backfire. any reasons?

Vote: KRZY

Most logical way we can finish this game.
Actually the whole "no one died when Rantai did a protection thing" is probably the most confirming thing possible. I don't think any mafia would read that far into it to avoid sending in a kill AND block the known doctor AND AND AND.

So yeah, bmin is town I suppose.
Of course I have a reason. I dont want to get mis-lynched. Who would?
goddamnit I had an elaborate plan typed up but lost it
Also Unvote

Lybydose wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

And I hope you are just joking Lyby. Rantai protecting me overnight and no deaths on N2 confirms me town. The only other protective role, which was Backfire, was roleblocked that night.
It's either you or KRZY that's bussing all of his own teammates (or DxS is a ninja).
KRZY did not had to buss as he only had to call out motivated, tracked, watched, hid, and killed as a result. There's nothing that would be betraying his teammates. On D3, he just had to say "nothing happened" as Backfire was roleblocked. KRZY didn't had to betray and such at all, which means he had no reason to not call his result as a mafia.

EDIT: Thank you Lybydose. I knew you would get it
Ok, remember what I said earlier about the combination of Backfire SK/DxS mafia not being possible.

Yeah it can't exist. Oh yeah and DxS can't be SK.

That means if we lynch KRZY, we won't be in a double killer situation. If KRZY turns up town, that means DxS is the mafia. If KRZY turns up mafia and the game is STILL GOING, that means backfire is SK.
Im not a serial killer.
The roles are at least a little dependent on the character, right?
Has KRZY posted his character role?
I'd be interested to see if we could tell anything off of that. If not, bleh.

What reason would Reisen have to be a Serial Killer? :l
Wojjan is absolutely confirmed town because what the fuck motivator scum that targets town?
Rolled is absolutely confirmed town because LS is a confirmed mason that named Rolled as a fellow mason.

bmin11 is confirmed town unless the incredibly unlikely scenario happened that bmin11 got all four of his teammates killed while happening to send in "no kill" on a night that an unknown doctor that is now confirmed protected him and it was confirmed by me that he protected him and there would be absolutely zero logical reason for him to send in a "no kill" at the time because he could have just killed me instead if he's really a mafia watcher.

So yeah, lynch KRZY, lynch either Backfire or DxS depending on result.
KRZY claimed to be Hatate Himekaidou
Well, seeing as how I'm fairly confident I can read my role PM well and I know i'm town, Vote : KRZY
Oh yeah and ninja DxS seems unlikely, because like I said before, why would they send Chris/Salvage to do kills instead of him?
Hatate huh....well she is a press/paparazzi kinda girl, so she might be considered sneaky. Something like a bad guy. Yeah, KRZY has to be something, at least.
Well bmin is Aya Shameimaru, so I guess it would make sense for those two to be on opposing teams.
The only concerning part is if KRZY just said "Backfire protected Lybydose", JInx would have slipped through with his Cop Claim. I'm leaning DxS to be mafia, but I guess lynching KRZY is the safest way for us.
Oh and if there really is an SK + mafia still alive, tomorrow's vote is going to be on Lilac and pieguy for me.
...Lilac and Pieguy?
Topic Starter

KRZY (3) - bmin11, DeathxShinigami, Backfire
DeathxShinigami (1) - Wojjan

4 votes to lynch.

vote: KRZY

bmin you should watch me I guess
I'm no stupid
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Hakurei Shrine

Everyone had met again, and it was clear that the incident was drawing to an end. This was especially true when Shameimaru Aya reported seeing Himekaidou Hatate around Konpaku Youmu, one of the people who died last night.

Of course, Hatate denied all the accusations against her. After all, she was reporting about the very same incident herself, about what exactly had been happening to various people during the night in an attempt to determine the perpetrators of this incident. And her information had been quite accurate, helping to find four people partially responsible for the incident. However, something didn't seem quite right about her.

"I was watching Youmu all last night! You were the only one who came anywhere near her! It had to be you!"

"It wasn't me, Aya! I never killed anyone! There are quite a few beings in Gensokyo you could have easily overlooked. I would never kill anyone!"

"No, my reporting ability is perfect! There's no way I could miss anything~"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that! Plus, I helped find out the people responsible for this! If I was responsible, why would I do that?"

"That may be true, but I've been helping out too! And we've been rivals for a while now! Of course, we're just friendly rivals, but rivals nonetheless!"

They went on for hours... and hours... and hours...

Eventually, Aya tackled Hatate, pulled Hatate's skirt up, and quickly took a picture before Hatate had a chance to react. By then, of course, everyone had become either bored or annoyed and left, but Aya proudly announced that she would now be distributing this picture to everyone else. Hatate began blushing as she started to cry. "P-please don't... I never did anything..."

By the time Hatate spoke these last words, Aya had already flown off, and was just a small dot in the distance. Hatate quickly made her way to Aya's cabin, where she knew she could find her copying the picture she just took. However, when she arrived, they found that everyone was there. Not only everyone who Reimu had told to figure out who did it, but Shikieiki Yamaxanadu as well. Hatate knew, given what happened to Hijiri Byakuren, exactly what was coming.

Shikieiki spoke aloud as she wrote on her rod of remorse, "Causing the destruction of the Hakurei Border. Lying on many occasions about said incident. Killing many people in an attempt to cover up said incident. Exposing self to A-... wait a minute, that was Aya's fault. Oh well, let's put it on here anyway~" As Shikieiki rose her rod, Hatate had a horrified look in her eyes. Shikieiki then hit Hatate with the rod so hard that she fell to the ground screaming in pain. She continued to hit Hatate despite Hatate's cries of immense pain, sorrow, and humiliation. It took hours, but eventually, Hatate admitted herself, still crying from the physical and emotional pain she had experienced.

Shikieiki then brought everyone to her court of paradise, in order to make a formal judgement. Hatate initially said she was innocent, but remembering what she had went through, quickly changed her mind. After a quick deliberation, Hatate, of course, was sent to Hell, as everyone applauded. They knew that after this occasion, they wouldn't have to worry about it any more.

KRZY - Himekaidou Hatate (Mafia Voyeur) - Lynched D5

After everyone returned, Hakurei Reimu approached everyone. "Good job, you took quite a load off my back. The spell card system is now up and working again, and everything should resume as it was before...except for the fact that 12 people died. Oh well~"

Town wins :)
gj guys .. town op like hell lmao.
Topic Starter
Role list:

1. Lybydose - Toyosatomimi no Miko (Tracker)
2. Quaraezha - Kirisame Marisa (Town Lover+1-shot Strongman)
3. Rantai - Konpaku Youmu (Seraph Knight)
6. Two - Murasa Minamitsu (Bus Driver)
7. Mashley - Patchouli Knowledge (Hider)
9. LadySuburu - Cirno (Mason+9% Vigilante)
10. Rolled - Daiyousei (Mason)
11. 0_o Kiddo-kun DeathxShinigami - Yakumo Yukari (Commuter)
12. akrolsmir - Houraisan Kaguya (Lyncher)
13. Wojjan - Yasaka Kanako (Motivator)
14. bmin11 - Shameimaru Aya (Watcher)
15. Raging Bull - Fujiwara no Mokou (Lyncher)
17. Gabi Backfire - Reisen Udongein Inaba (2-shot Night Vigilante+1-shot Doctor)

4. JInxyjem - Mystia Lorelei (Mafia Roleblocker)
5. Chris - Unnamed Giant Catfish (Mafia 2-shot Strongman)
8. animask - Alice Margatroid (Mafia Lover)
16. Salvage - Hijiri Byakuren (Mafia goon)
18. KRZY - Himekaidou Hatate (Mafia Voyeur)

Mod notes:

  1. Watcher is extremely OP, especially when the roleblocker is dead and there's no way to stop it
  2. A mafia was lynched every day o.o
  3. Each night either had 2 kills or no kills
  4. There was no SK, which we did because everyone was saying "please no SK". In exchange, we had 5 mafia, but then again one was a lover and we had a lot of town power roles
  5. If motivated, Cirno would become a 99% vigilante
  6. Cirno was #9. I didn't even notice this until halfway through the game at which point I laughed for about 10 minutes straight o.o
  7. Each role had an individual color, which was just a random idea I had :P
Thanks Lilac for helping me determine the roles, write the lynch/death scenes, and with votecounts/other general questions and other various tasks :D

Mafia chat (over 300 posts!)
Dead chat (less than 25 posts :cry:)
Mason chat (made by LadySuburu after the game started)

More coming later
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