Judges: asrieldr33murr & potatojet
First place gets 4 month supporter
Second place gets 2 month supporter
Third place gets a spot on my channel of 2.2k subscribers
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eaYGRT
It's a simple premise....
A normal mapping contest, little to no rules except it must be passable with an S rank
Except all the songs are 1 minute 30 seconds or less
Let's see how far we can take this
Send me a pm if you're willing to enter in the contest.
Map will be unveiled once I get 4 mappers on board
There will also be a bonus round for CTB mapping after the main maps are all said and done (you can choose to participate if you wish, just let me know)
Map judging criteria:
Map will be judged on two overarching categories:
- Playability
- Aesthetics
With different subcategories and on a 1-10 scoring system
First place gets 4 month supporter
Second place gets 2 month supporter
Third place gets a spot on my channel of 2.2k subscribers
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/eaYGRT
It's a simple premise....
A normal mapping contest, little to no rules except it must be passable with an S rank
Except all the songs are 1 minute 30 seconds or less
Let's see how far we can take this
Send me a pm if you're willing to enter in the contest.
Map will be unveiled once I get 4 mappers on board
There will also be a bonus round for CTB mapping after the main maps are all said and done (you can choose to participate if you wish, just let me know)
Map judging criteria:
Map will be judged on two overarching categories:
- Playability
- Aesthetics
With different subcategories and on a 1-10 scoring system