This might have been said already but it'd be quite convenient to have a mod that doesn't actually count scores. Used to practise your streams or jumps or just wanting to play without having to worry about it counting towards your average accuracy or in your most played. You can play offline but if you go offline, you are really restricted and can't converse with others. Another point is: if you practise still logged in and play low star maps (for some reason) and click on recommended difficulty on the osu!website, it thinks you should play a lower star than you can play.
{ I personally play 4 - 5* + but i used to play low 2* with friends as jokes and because that was the level they played at. Now i have to look for 4 - 5* + manually and can't rely on the "recommended difficulty" feature of the download section }
This could be just an error of the website but still.
{ I personally play 4 - 5* + but i used to play low 2* with friends as jokes and because that was the level they played at. Now i have to look for 4 - 5* + manually and can't rely on the "recommended difficulty" feature of the download section }
This could be just an error of the website but still.