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Cory of PRIVATE Corp
Hello to all of you fans of this epic great genre. My name is Cory (real first name) of PRIVATE Corp (spelled EXACTLY like that. I'm very picky about it), and as of now I'm getting the chance to post in the boards. I'm not going to write a lot but to those who want to know, I am a fan-fiction writer and I'm a real big music lover. If you want to check out my work, check out the link leading to my FanFiction page and maybe you'll find something new to read.

As for me being on here... I got a project in mind, so look around and you'll find my name. It's not hard to miss.
Firo Prochainezo
Eh, I giggled at your nick.
dj M2fiesta
Hurrays...your the first user that's an epic fan-fiction writer. =).

Anyways, welcome to osu and have fun. ^^.
Welcome, I saw your epic LONG name before you posted this. :3
Nao. Get yourself a avatar. :D
animask wrote fanfic, can you compete with that? It's pretty "!!!!!!"
Welcome to osu ! And by the way epic name ! :)
Teach animask how to write fanfics, PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
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Cory of PRIVATE Corp
Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone! And I want to say to those who still browse around here, check out this one fan-fic project I have in the works (AND SO NEED THE HELP IN!)
Firo Prochainezo

Hika wrote:

Teach animask how to write fanfics, PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
I know, right?
Sleep Powder
I fail at dialouge sooooo bad.
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