With help from LowComboFC and C00L
About JABC
Just Another Beatmap Contest is a recently created, unofficial mapping contest with the key focus of showcasing innovation and creativity. We hope to provide a good contest experience and we can't wait to see all of the entries.
- Register with the link below. Join the discord and read #information.
- The contest .osz will be released on a certain date. Contestants have 72 hours (3 days) to create and finish a difficulty.
- Once you are done with your entry, Discord or forum PM me with your .osu and I will implement it into a set with all entries.
- If you did not finish early, you MUST hand in what you had done immediately or your entry will not be accepted. I will give everyone 5 minutes to put into a pastebin or something of the sort.
- Judges will be given anonymous sets with everyone's entries and they will judge them.
- Once the judging period is over, winners will be announced and I will give prizes.
July 2nd: Announcement day. Registration opens up to the public and the contest starts.
July 5th: Registration closes and judge applicants are interviewed/tested.
July 6th: Judge picks finalized and contest is ready to go.
July 6th, 17:00 UTC: Contest begins. Mappers have 72 hours to create and finish a difficulty.
July 10th, 17:00 UTC: Contest ends, and all entries are compiled into one huge anonymous mapset.
July 17th: Results announced and winners get prizes in the upcoming days.
First place winner will receive 6 months of osu!supporter.
Second place winner will receive 4 months of osu!supporter.
Third place winner will receive 2 months of osu!supporter.
Important Information
Judging Criteria
Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I make a difficulty for osu!mania/Taiko/Catch the Beat?
While I repect mappers from those modes, I cannot accept entries from any of the other gamemodes as this contest is meant for osu!standard only. Sorry!
May I use custom assets (Storyboard, Skin, Hitsounds)?
As entries will be through uploading a .osu file, bundling your own custom hitsounds, storyboard, or skin is impossible. If you would like to add those after the contest is over, gladly do so.
Do I have to join the discord server to participate?
Yes, as all announcements and upcoming information WILL go out through discord. If you don't have discord, you'll need to download it.
May I collab with friends?
This contest is not for collaboration projects- all diffs should be made by one person.
While I repect mappers from those modes, I cannot accept entries from any of the other gamemodes as this contest is meant for osu!standard only. Sorry!
May I use custom assets (Storyboard, Skin, Hitsounds)?
As entries will be through uploading a .osu file, bundling your own custom hitsounds, storyboard, or skin is impossible. If you would like to add those after the contest is over, gladly do so.
Do I have to join the discord server to participate?
Yes, as all announcements and upcoming information WILL go out through discord. If you don't have discord, you'll need to download it.
May I collab with friends?
This contest is not for collaboration projects- all diffs should be made by one person.
RulesRules are exactly that: rules. They must NOT ever be broken or else you risk getting disqualified from the contest!
- All entries must follow the ranking criteria. The ultimate, final push is for rank so following the ranking criteria is optimal to get there as fast as possible.
- You may only create ONE difficulty. The difficulty you submit to us is your final product, and you may not submit updates!
- Copying other people's content is not allowed.
- While the contest is happening, no one is allowed to share any part of their beatmap to anyone.
- Submisssions will not be accepted after the submission date has passed.
- Do not change the timing or mp3 of the map. You'll be submitting through .osu anyway, so doing this is pointless.
Please click this link to visit this registration form: here
If you are applying to become a contestant, click the "Contestant" bubble.
If you are applying to become a judge for the contest, click the "Judge" bubble.
You are allowed to register from July 2nd (The date this gets posted) to July 5th!
Feel free to contact me through this forum thread, through forum PMs, and through Discord PMs if you have ANY questions about the contest.