This will probably last some time between half a year to oh-it will-end-eventually, but oh well
So, as the thread title suggests, count up to 10,000 in increments of +1 (one) per post. Once the target is reached, the game and said thread may die in a slow and painful virtual fire.
Consecutive posting is not nice I think, so don't do it :3
Because of school workand things that are better than this thread, I'll seldom check this thread to see exactly how far/close is this thread from reaching 10,000.
Have fun. Don't unleash hell, though :B
Oh and also, congrats to LunaticMara who won the only one round this thread actually managed to complete so far.
The polls managed to break horrendously back around mid-2011. To this date it is not fixed. I enjoy that. :>
So, as the thread title suggests, count up to 10,000 in increments of +1 (one) per post. Once the target is reached, the game and said thread may die in a slow and painful virtual fire.
Consecutive posting is not nice I think, so don't do it :3
Because of school work
Have fun. Don't unleash hell, though :B
Oh and also, congrats to LunaticMara who won the only one round this thread actually managed to complete so far.
The polls managed to break horrendously back around mid-2011. To this date it is not fixed. I enjoy that. :>