
Looking for a fun game to play... and failing...

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I'm here today to ask your advice on what I should do. Right now I'm semi-playing DMC4, League of Legends and osu! - semi-playing meaning I might play one one day, then get bored and play one of the others, etc. This is all well and good, but I'm not really getting anywhere with this tactic. The lack of full-time playing means I hardly stand a chance of mastering DMC enough to even stand a chance at any of the harder difficulties; League of Legends just goes on and on, and you can't really achieve anything - you just play for the fun, and when that fun starts to run out because you are always solo queued with brainless fucktards, there's not much incentive to play any more; as for osu!, I see it as more of a pseudo-hobby than a game. In my free time I might find a nice map and play a few of the ones I already have, and I find it fun, while it simultaneously opens a gateway for me to a whole new 'culture' of music.

So, what's the problem? Excluding osu!, I'm just not drawn into games enough to enjoy them/ play them long enough to start liking them or even complete them. I remember the good old PS1 days, when I literally funnelled my life into games like Alundra (which I never completed because it was so damn hard, yet SO DAMN LUCRATIVE. I remember printing out 50-page long walkthroughs because I was so determined to get further.) There were games like Front Mission 3 and Final Fantasy 8 which I absolutely loved and enjoyed thoroughly - even when the timer on the FF8 save slot screen went red because it hit 99:99, I kept playing.

But now I limbo around between games and start to get into them, and then get nowhere with actually enjoying them or completing them. I read about these same games that I try to get in to and people say, "It was a really enjoyable experience and I played it through at least three times..." or something along those lines, or for MMOs, "I've put over 300 hours into the game and still love it."

And you know what? I envy them. I envy them so hard, because no matter how hard I try, I can't force myself to be drawn into a game.

What is the cause of this is? I wish I knew, so I could stab it in the fucking face. At the beginning of this summer holiday, I went through the process of jail-breaking my Wii so I could play Monster Hunter Tri, because I didn't have any money and it looked like the sort of thing I'd really like to play. I played it for a few days... since then my Wii has sat there gathering dust, and no matter how much I want to play it and I want to enjoy it, I just can't bring myself to turn the thing on again.

A few weeks ago I downloaded Eden Eternal... I played it for about half an hour, then quit. It's not like anything was bugging me, or I specifically disliked an aspect of it - I just exited the game. Since then it's been sat here on my desktop, and my train of thought is one of defeat. I think, "That game could be really fun..." but something within me just irks me with, "Why the fuck would I play it anyway? Surely there's something better out there."

Methinks this is part of the problem. I'm trying to find something better, and every time I just can't force myself to enjoy it and get disappointed. Buddhism springs to mind, eh? No desire, no suffering.

I'm trying to re-create that enjoyable experience I faced a few years ago as a child, when I could play FF8, FF10, FM3 and even games that were widely considered sub-par, such as Zone of the Enders - and I could damn well enjoy them and play them more and more. And in this quest I find my downfall.

So I have these moments - sometimes even days - when I sit down and look for games to play. And I always fail. Just now I spent roughly two hours on mmohut looking for a fun game. Instead of picking a game that exists and taking all the fun enshrined within, I seem to be seeking a 'perfect' game, and I will always fall flat on my face. All these MMOs that I saw today, even looking at the blurb makes me cringe;

"Play up to 45,679 classes from 667 races! Spend some fucking expensive currency on items that give you stupid transient boosts in playing a game that's fucking grind grind grind grind grind all day long! 16,000TB of content, and more added every day! (Un)Cooperative player community! Extreme user (un)friendliness!"

I'm sorry, but what the fuck? This isn't fun. BUT THAT'S THE PROBLEM. People find it fun I WANT TO FIND IT FUN. So many games that I've downloaded that I've played for a slice of an hour and then stopped for a mysterious cornucopia of reasons - Lord of the Rings Online, Lands of Chaos Online, Last Chaos, Maplestory, MU Online... and the list goes on. Why can I not just settle down with a game that I fucking enjoy and get drawn into it? Why can't I re-establish that same bond that I had with gaming a few years back?

I suppose, all in all, this boils down to, "I want my childhood back." But what could change so drastically in a number of years which I have too many fingers on one hand to count? Is it that damn hard to just sit down and get sucked into a game instead of interspersing a handful of pseudo-enjoyable ones that I only play because I have little else to do, and not because I actually want to play them?

You could call this a reverse-addiction. Some people lack the willpower to quit a game - I'm struggling in vain to find the willpower to play one. I must be one of a kind, and I really hate it.

Please osu! community, help me. :'(
Go outside
Also, mmos are inherently unfun. That's why you play them with a group of people, so you can talk about how awful that particular game is and how awful everyone else is for being terrible at a bad game. In a similar vein, mmos without PvP are stupid.

You need a static group of friends to play mmos with if you're going to play mmos.
Start a blog.

Also Cave Story.
why not try other genres? Also if you like rpg stuff try mother 3. You have to get the fan translation though, and a rom.
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Ivalset wrote:

Go outside
I do that anyway, but I'm unsure as to how that even scratches the crux of the issue.

Ivalset wrote:

Also, mmos are inherently unfun. That's why you play them with a group of people, so you can talk about how awful that particular game is and how awful everyone else is for being terrible at a bad game. In a similar vein, mmos without PvP are stupid.

You need a static group of friends to play mmos with if you're going to play mmos.
It's not just MMOs though, I'm having trouble latching on to anything.

adam2046 wrote:

Start a blog.

Also Cave Story.
>_< Huh? Why a blog?

tyrael6192 wrote:

>_< Huh? Why a blog?
Your post was extremely long and unnecessarily detailed for the question it was asking (not exactly a bad thing). It seems more like you wanted to vent your feelings on the subject.
Thus I suggested that you start a blog, partly as a joke.

It may be a good idea to simply pick a single game and focus all your attention on it even if you're not 100% into it or you feel like getting distracted by other games.
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That is true. This has been bothering me for a while and I've been wanting to rant at someone regarding the topic.

As for the 100% focus, I get hamstrung by the concept that I'll fall out of touch with all the other stuff I'm playing. Right now the dilemma is forgetting the DMC combos and enemy moves and losing my dodge rhythm, forgetting how to play osu!, etc. Every time I try to do that, I think, "Hmm. Might as well play osu! for 10 minutes, so I don't get rusty." and end up wanting to play more, and thus the cycle of interspersed semi-enjoyable games starts again.
tl;dr, go play TF2
The solution is to stop playing all of the other bad games you're playing. Like osu!. Quit playing that trash game.
just play a game that doesn't require any skill, like Katamari, or CtB

awp wrote:

just play a game that doesn't require any skill, like Katamari
Katamari is one of the few games I feel bad at. I mean endless mode is fun, but sometimes I have trouble just unlocking it.
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awp wrote:

just play a game that doesn't require any skill, like Katamari, or CtB
But then that gets boring because there's no challenge and hence no sense of achievement.
Go play GTA or Bully then.
It seems like you're playing nothing but strategic games and pick-up-and-play action stuff. Try something immersive for a change, like Bioshock or Half-Life 2. Deus Ex 3 might be another good game to lose yourself in; I've yet to install it, so I can't say for sure.

Or perhaps you just need a break from gaming. Go watch some TV shows, read some books.
Pretend you are one of the cool kids and go "OMG HALOGEARSBLACKOPS!"
Do what I do.
Play with your friends. :D
Play those games you played when you were young. I've been playing Populous 3 again with some friends on multiplayer, and it's an huge, extremely fun timesink.
I've been extremely bored of all video games lately. My solution is just riding my bike everywhere xD. Try Portal 2 maybe? It's fun because you feel great when you solve something but then get mad when you can't xD.
I have the same problem as the OP. My solution has been to forego the games themselves and instead cycle through their forums. I spend way more time on the forums for minecraft, S4 League, and osu than I actually spend playing any of those games, probably more than all of them combined. Not a great solution by the way, I end up just cycling through all of them with mild interest until I get so bored that I often just sit doing nothing for a while so there will be more posts next time. Really tired of it.

Of course, I've had this problem forever rather than it being a new thing, I generally play halfway through a game in a few days then never touch it again. Exceptions generally happen across a very long total time, like putting 100 hours of play time in but only across 5 years of owning it.

Oh yeah, I'm also pretty sure that being unable to motivate yourself to do something you enjoy is a sign of depression. One of us might want to get that checked out.
Gaming is serious business. Seriously, stop looking for a F2P MMO if you want to have fun and try other genres. There are so many great games out there and you can't find one? Maybe you're just not into video games anymore? And if you really want to play a MMORPG try World of Warcraft or Rift, they are worth the money and time (solo or with friends).

My problem is that I can't decide what to play next after finishing a game. :)
I suggest you go with LANable games like L4D, L4D2, Dead Island and CS. Better yet, why not stick with osu!?
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Try Burnout(any will do, excluding 1 and 2, of course). Personaly, I recommend Revenge but that's just me. Seems to me that you just need a dose of adrenaline(not necessarily a big one). When you start doing takedowns you'll feel better, trust me. :)

If that doesn't help(or if you don't own any game of the Burnout series), maybe MGS2 Substance(helps when you need to practice your mind), Onimusha, Tekken.... really, anything that requires brains and having a good reflex or two.
Go outside the box and play hello kitty roller rescue.
Too bad OP disappeared.
Who cares, someone is looking at this and going "OHH I WANNA PLAY THAT!"
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OP has not disappeared >=O

OP was just hiding under a rock somewhere...
dunno what platforms you have so i assume it's very good pc only
i recommend almost anything made by bioware(dragon age, mass effect)
Assassin's Creed (every single one)
TES IV Oblivion thought with Skyrim coming you might wanna wait for that
These few come to mind right now and will easily take away 20 hours per game if you are interested, maybe a little lesser for assassin's creed
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