
Questions on Skinning?

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Hi! I have been trying to make a skin, and I've been looking for sounds, which I've found.
But some of my sounds, like applause aren't showing up.
I converted them to WAV and mp3 files for the ones I had to change, but my applause is an mp3 file, It asked me to replace the original and I did. When I played a song, it still showed up as the old one, and I deleted that one.
I am also looking for some sound effects, since I have a few already but I don't want to keep repeating each one.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated!
If you replace skin elements while in-game, you need to refresh it with ctrl + alt + shift + s
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Oh okay! Yeah I've checked it and now some elements are showing up.
Sorry to bother, but I was also looking for some nice circle or cursors.
And I'm not sure how to make the mod boxes either. I've never made a skin before
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Also my spinner bonus sounds weird.
Not sure it was a good idea to put a voice in. Does it usually repeat? I'm not sure where to find good effects/spinner bonus
It's best to use short sound under 400ms because the way spinner bonus played is repetitive
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Oh okay, thanks.
I managed to get my new sounds in as well but when I was testing Taiko, the drum placement was off and under the actual drum.
I will be trying to fix Taiko/look for better spinnerbonus sounds
Images of Taiko
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