
Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on venerdì 26 agosto 2011 at 13:44:32

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Kazahane (TV Size)
Source: H2O: Footprints in the Sand
Tags: lolcubes Jak64 Kenezz KenezzEdward Samah
BPM: 120
Filesize: 8203kb
Play Time: 01:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,87 stars, 77 notes)
  2. Hard (4,65 stars, 155 notes)
  3. Insane (4,86 stars, 180 notes)
  4. Normal (3,89 stars, 122 notes)
  5. Taiko (4,83 stars, 367 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane (TV Size)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 132nd Beatmap.

The ED theme from the anime "H2O: Footprints in the Sand" ^^

Hope you will enjoy it <3

Special thanks to BounceBabe for resizing the BG image, to Jak64 for the taiko BG, and to lolcubes for the mp3 and the video :3


Taiko (By Jak64 & osuplayer111) - Done.
Insane (By osuplayer111) - Done.
Hard (By Samah) - Done.
Normal (By lolcubes) - Done.
Easy (By Kenezz) - Done.
i love u bro ..
why too short ..

Your message is too shortYour message is too shortYour message is too shortYour message is too shortYour message is too shortYour message is too short
Lol Andre <3 go go >~<
wtf why my message too short Dx
this killing me lol~
Nice Taiko diff

(I don't like the 1/8 that much :(( but ok)

Star and good luck!
00:07:094 (1,3) - Don't line up?
00:07:344 (2,4) - ^
00:21:594 (7) - Imperfect.
00:24:094 (1) - ^

IRC modding~

16.24 <xxheroxx> : yo listen to me
16.24 <osuplayer111> : Yo.
16.24 <xxheroxx> : ho modificato un paio di cose nella parte kiai della taiko
16.25 <xxheroxx> : ora te la puusho e la vedi
16.26 <osuplayer111> : è fatta da me
16.26 <xxheroxx> :
16.26 <xxheroxx> : D:
16.26 <xxheroxx> : l'altra parte l'ha fatta tutta davide?
16.27 <xxheroxx> : comunque non ho cambiato poi così tanto, se la vedi
16.28 <xxheroxx> : visto che era la parte kiai ho diciamo "messo da parte le lyrics" per dare un pò più di ritmo, per differenziare di più le altre parti che le seguivano
16.29 <xxheroxx> : comunque vedi S:U
16.32 <osuplayer111> : fino al 34%
16.32 <osuplayer111> : è fatta da lui
16.32 <osuplayer111> : dopo mia
16.33 <xxheroxx> : l'avevo intuito btw
16.34 <xxheroxx> : non che siano brutte le tue parti per carità, solo che dal modo di mettere i cerchi avevo già capito un pò le "parti"
16.38 <osuplayer111> : ad Alace e kanpakyin gli è sembrata buona o3o
16.39 <xxheroxx> : ma non sto dicendo che la taiko così com'è ora non è buona /facepalm
16.39 <xxheroxx> : solo che imo così come l'ho fatta io è meglio
16.39 <xxheroxx> : poi whatever, it's your choise
16.40 <xxheroxx> : ia parte kiai deve essere ritmata imo, non ci devono essere "buchi"
16.41 <osuplayer111> : me la fixo io allora :x
16.41 <osuplayer111> : vediamo che mi esce ;w;
16.41 <xxheroxx> : oook vediamo un pò
16.46 <xxheroxx> : ah 01:04:344 (5,6,7,8,1) - toglilo :<
16.46 <osuplayer111> : mi piace troppo =w=
16.46 <xxheroxx> : /facepalm
16.47 <osuplayer111> : e poi segue la musica
16.47 <xxheroxx> : what?
16.47 <osuplayer111> : ascolta bene :D
16.47 <xxheroxx> : metto pure a 25% guarda
16.48 <xxheroxx> : ok si sente in sottofondo piaaano piano un tun tun tun tun tun
16.48 <xxheroxx> : ma comunque viene difficile da giocare uno stream da 5 in 1/8
16.48 <xxheroxx> : poi come ho già detto it's your choise, ma da quanto sto capendo non hai intenzione di modificare :/

17.03 <xxheroxx> : a che punto stai?
17.03 <xxheroxx> : finito?
17.03 <osuplayer111> : già fatto da un bel pò
17.03 <xxheroxx> : vediamo...
17.04 <xxheroxx> : hmm meglio
17.04 <xxheroxx> : la mia versione era migliore ovviamente ma whatever cough
17.04 <osuplayer111> : modestia 100%
17.05 <xxheroxx> : S:D
17.05 <xxheroxx> : ah comunque non è meglio far finire il kiai un pò prima?
17.06 <xxheroxx> : tipo a 01:16:594
17.06 <xxheroxx> : tick bianco
17.09 <xxheroxx> : che ne dici?
17.10 <xxheroxx> : forse finirlo prima sarebbe meglio, anche perchè sembra che la canzone "si abbassi di tono" in quel punto
17.10 <xxheroxx> : però sono indeciso :/
17.11 <xxheroxx> : ah, un paio di cosette per la taiko:
17.11 <xxheroxx> : 01:01:094 (3) - aggiungi cerchio rosso
17.11 <xxheroxx> : 01:02:094 (8) - fallo rosso
17.11 <xxheroxx> : tutto qua
17.13 <osuplayer111> : ora vedo :3
17.14 <xxheroxx> : ma lo sai che la normal è una figata? °° cioè omg
17.14 <xxheroxx> : si sposa con questa canzone
17.15 <osuplayer111> : io amo la mia Insane
17.15 <osuplayer111> : :Q_
17.15 <xxheroxx> : ti piace proprio il tuo stile eh
17.16 <osuplayer111> : yup
17.16 <xxheroxx> : Insane: 00:53:344 (5,6) - LO STAAAAAAACK
17.16 <xxheroxx> : leva il grid snap e sistemalo per bene
17.17 <osuplayer111> : ooook
17.17 <xxheroxx> : sempre insane: 01:05:344 (4,5) - forse è meglio stackarli, intendo il cerchio e l'inizio slider
17.18 <osuplayer111> : lo stack è fatto apposta in 00:53:344
17.19 <osuplayer111> : come devo metterli uuugh
17.19 <xxheroxx> : devi metterli in modo che combacino con la fine dello slider che c'è prima
17.19 <xxheroxx> : devo farti uno screen?
17.20 <osuplayer111> : si forse è meglio ;w;
17.20 <xxheroxx> : ok ok
17.22 <xxheroxx> :
17.22 <xxheroxx> : inb4 usi la skin taiko
17.24 <xxheroxx> : ehm poi appena finisci apri la hard un secondo
17.24 <xxheroxx> : 00:58:594 (2,3,4) - è fatto di proposito?
17.25 <osuplayer111> : si
17.25 <xxheroxx> : il (3) dovrebbe stare nel tick blu imo
17.25 <xxheroxx> : suona mooolto meglio
17.25 <xxheroxx> : così com'è adesso è... strano
17.25 <osuplayer111> : ok lo cambio
17.25 <osuplayer111> : la pattern è pure più bella :)
17.27 <osuplayer111> : uppo?
17.27 <xxheroxx> : sto vedendo la easy
17.27 <xxheroxx> : l'hai fatta te?
17.27 <osuplayer111> : Kenezz
17.27 <xxheroxx> : ah ecco
17.27 <osuplayer111> : -.-"
17.28 <xxheroxx> : lol
17.28 <xxheroxx> : uppa
17.28 <osuplayer111> : non sei divertente
17.28 <xxheroxx> : io sono diversamente ironico
17.29 <xxheroxx> : e non tutti la sanno cogliere :U
I started watching the anime you told me and it's quite good :3, and nice song by the way <3
00:58:594 (3) - whistle?

00:55:094 (2,3,4) - why no perfect triangle?
01:18:594 (1,2,3) - ^

could have added more whistle

00:47:594 (4) - try this rhythm?
00:57:344 (3) - this is actually on 1/6

song from H2O? sounds really nice, maybe i should go watch that
Hi osuplayer~ :)


  • Is your video's dimensions 848*480?
    According to Current Draft of the Rules/Guidelines

    •The video's dimensions must not exceed 800x600. This is so video files keep a decent filesize and do not increase the beatmap's size by too much.
    but I'm not sure it's issue or not now.

  • Fine.
  1. 00:24:594 (T) - This green line isn't snapped.
  2. 00:30:094 (3) - Use finish instead of whistle at the end of slider?
  3. 01:04:094 (1) - ^
  1. 01:08:469 (2) - Add finish?
  2. 01:15:094 (5) - Add whistle at the start of slider?
  1. 00:06:344 (6) - How about adding a repeat?
  2. 00:08:344 (4) - ^
  3. 00:14:344 (6) - ^
  4. 00:25:594 (4) - Try to use normal-hitsound at the start.
  5. 01:12:344 (8) - Add finish at the end of slider?
Pretty solid mapset as always<3
Sorry that I can't mod taiko :P
Good luck~
Hi Andrea I'm here again :D

  1. Orz...the video cannot exceed 800x600 as Ranking Submission Criteria said it.
issue/unrankable stuff!
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. None~
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:22:594 (3) - Probably Use n1 hitosund here?because the sliderslide is too noisy.
  2. 00:26:594 (2) -^ Same!
  3. 00:30:594 (3) - ^Same (won't note this again)
  1. 01:02:594 (3,4) - I totally not suggest put this kind of beat/spacing in Easy diff,it might make confused to newbie,oh,well,let you decide it.
issue/unrankable stuff!
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. nope!
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:11:594 (4) - I guess you better remove a whistle at the beginning of the slider.
  2. 01:01:844 (2,3,4,5) - Sorry for a bit nazi here,would you make this square more better,I mean the end of the slider(2)- (3.4)- and the beginning of the slider(5)-
issue/unrankable stuff!
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. Nope
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. First I want to say..Could have added more whistle,this song can have more whistle.
  2. 00:54:969 (4) - The rhythm sounds weird for me,I think this slider should stop on blue tick and you can hear nothing support(drum/vocal)it,so place on red tick is much better.
  3. 01:16:094 (2,3,4,5,6) - wat?The only stream in this difficulty?You should consistent the whole difficulty,so use a slider instead of it.
  • Modded in IRC.
issue/unrankable stuff!
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. Nope
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:19:094 (x) - Probably add a note here and stack on (1)-?
  2. 00:59:469 (9,10) - I think you can put sone whistle on these slider and decrease the volume.that's looks good to me.
Good as always.

And this hitsound finish is great to me,try about it?

01:04:094 (4) - add clap?


-tick rate 1?

00:24:594 (1) - remove the whistle from the body of this slider?
01:04:094 (1) - clap on start?


00:48:594 (1) - this?
00:52:844 - add a note?
00:57:844 - ^


00:49:094 (2) - add whistle?
00:50:594 (6) - add whistle on end?
00:53:094 (4) - add whistle?
01:04:094 (1) - ^
01:05:094 (3) - ^
01:07:094 (3) - ^
01:08:844 (3) - add whistle on end?
01:13:094 (2) - add whistle?
01:15:094 (7) - ^
01:16:844 (1) - add whistle on end?
01:19:094 (1,2) - add finishes?

nice map~ :)
Clean here!

Set tick rate for Normal diff to 1 please.

00:32:594 (1) - grab 2nd slider point, move it to the left 1 so it becomes a symmetrical slider
owo thats it for this diff

00:45:844 (1) - perhaps extend this to the next white tick? it sounded better to me and its still quite easy to hit.
01:18:594 (1) - remove new combo here.

00:09:094 (1,2) - (nazi alert) these are just barely barely unstacked. stack them?
00:10:094 (3,4) - (nazi alert) these are just barely barely unstacked. stack them?
00:18:344 (1) - turn in grid snap 4 and center on the y-axis?
00:54:969 (4) - this slider doesnt sound right ending on a 1/4th. make a new slider and end it on the next 1/2?

00:17:344 (13) - kat?
00:46:969 (7) - don?
00:47:594 (1,2,3,4) - don kat kat don? also feels wierd rhythmically.
01:18:594 (1,2,3) - big kat, big don, big kat?

01:20:844 (5,6) - soft whistles?
and thats it

Very nice mapset.
Pretty close to flawless
All of them just a suggestion

  1. AR+1 HP+1?
  2. 00:34:594 (3) - 1 grid left? (grid size: Tiny)
  3. 00:36:594 (1) - 1 grid right? (grid size: Tiny)
  4. 00:58:594 (3) - Remove whistle and add finish at beginning?
  5. 01:04:094 (4) - Remove whistle and add soft-clap

  1. HP+1?
  2. 01:02:594 (5) - add whistle at end?
  3. 01:04:094 (1) - Remove whistle and add finish at end?

look fine>w<b

  1. 01:00:594 (1) - add whistle at end?
  2. 00:59:969 (10) - Maybe start it at 00:59:969 and end it at 01:00:094? sounds much better

i'll try to give suggestion xD (some of them maybe not fits to your style . . sorry for that)
since i can't find anything in this map

00:16:344 (5) - add one reverse? or add a short 1/4 sliders at 00:16:844?
00:16:969 (6) - maybe make it a long slider that ends at 00:17:844?
00:19:344 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe try this ?
00:21:594 (7) - some slider nazi xD ... ?
00:31:594 - feels a bit empty here.... maybe add a slider that ends at 00:32:094
00:33:594 (4,5,6,7) - maybe change (4,5) into sliders and (6,7) into sliders?
00:37:594 - feels empty too... maybe create a slider that start at 00:37:344 and ends at 00:38:094 -
00:42:594 (3) - nazi again (sorry for this ... i just can't help to not naziing sliders ) make it more curve ?
00:44:844 - feels empty too maybe try this ? (i dunno why ...but slow sliders seems rally fits here)
00:45:844 - same here

01:02:594 (5,6) - i just . . .well . . .try this ? or flip it vertically
01:10:594 (1,2,3,4) - about this.... you followed vocal before this . . .maybe follow the vocal too (long slider or spinner)
00:24:610 - unsnapped timing section

00:08:594 (5,1) - umm... make this?

done xD...
Lots of mods while I was asleep. o_o

qinche wrote:

00:55:094 (2,3,4) - why no perfect triangle? I wanted to make (3) more clear, making it a perfect triangle would make it half hidden by a hitburst. Not a huge deal I guess, I actually like it slightly crooked like this hehe.
01:18:594 (1,2,3) - ^

Suzully wrote:

The video's dimensions must not exceed 800x600. This is so video files keep a decent filesize and do not increase the beatmap's size by too much. Just a comment as I provided the video, for 16:9 format, maximum allowed dimensions are 848x480. The video uses those dimensions. Besides, even with video the map doesn't even come close to 10MB. :D
  1. 00:24:594 (T) - This green line isn't snapped. Intentional. If I snap it, it will affect the slider start, and if I move it further away it will trigger the normal whistle on the slider path.
  2. 00:30:094 (3) - Use finish instead of whistle at the end of slider? No, because every finish follows the percussion in the music, whistle emphasizes the voice.
  3. 01:04:094 (1) - ^

pieguy1372 wrote:


-tick rate 1? I think 2 works better, sorry. :)

00:24:594 (1) - remove the whistle from the body of this slider? No, because there is such a sound in the music and I wanted to emphasize that.
01:04:094 (1) - clap on start? Hmm, nah, haven't used a single clap in the map, not gonna do it here.

Zelos wrote:

00:45:844 (1) - perhaps extend this to the next white tick? it sounded better to me and its still quite easy to hit. Yeah it does sound a little better, but it doesn't sound bad as it is now. Usually people complain that if you have a spinner end a full 1/1 before the next note that it's too hard, so I will keep it as it is now, sorry.
01:18:594 (1) - remove new combo here. I wanted to keep my basic rule to have a new combo every 2 stanza (if possible and if it fits) with new combo when I change the instrument I follow. I think this new combo works here so I won't remove it, a good suggestion though.

Hinacle wrote:

  1. HP+1? Nah, I know that HP drain is already quite lenient, but increasing it won't really add to difficulty (tested it) and it will affect score/star rating too much.
  2. 01:02:594 (5) - add whistle at end? Done, sounds good.
  3. 01:04:094 (1) - Remove whistle and add finish at end? Nah, there is no similar percussion sound in the music, whistle is enough.

Index-San wrote:

01:02:594 (5,6) - i just . . .well . . .try this ? or flip it vertically Well, i like them as circles, gives more of a "precise" feel because the voice does as well. Sliding at this point would be unfitting for my taste. Sorry. :)
01:10:594 (1,2,3,4) - about this.... you followed vocal before this . . .maybe follow the vocal too (long slider or spinner) Actually, if you look at the long section before this one, you will notice they are identical which instrument they follow. Originally I was following the voice here, but it was hard to do it accurately and was forced to map a blue tick, which made this slightly too hard for a normal.
00:24:610 - unsnapped timing section This is on purpose, considering how I still want a normal sound at the slider start and a soft finish on the slider slide without triggering a normal finish there.
Yup, all mods considered, thanks guys.
Also for future modders: 00:24:610 - This timing section is intentional in the Normal diff!

Download: Haruka Shimotsuki - Kazahane (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Normal].osu

qinche wrote:

could have added more whistle
Prefer not.

Suzully wrote:

01:08:469 (2) - Add finish?
Don't think it really fits.
01:15:094 (5) - Add whistle at the start of slider?
Probably a bit over the top.

kanpakyin wrote:

First I want to say..Could have added more whistle,this song can have more whistle.
I think it's alright.
00:54:969 (4) - The rhythm sounds weird for me,I think this slider should stop on blue tick and you can hear nothing support(drum/vocal)it,so place on red tick is much better.
Changed it to something else.
01:16:094 (2,3,4,5,6) - wat?The only stream in this difficulty?You should consistent the whole difficulty,so use a slider instead of it.

pieguy1372 wrote:

00:48:594 (1) - this?
Agreed, it plays a little nicer.
00:52:844 - add a note?
Following the vocals, so no.
00:57:844 - ^

Zelos wrote:

00:09:094 (1,2) - (nazi alert) these are just barely barely unstacked. stack them?
Distance snap of 0 says they're already stacked.
00:10:094 (3,4) - (nazi alert) these are just barely barely unstacked. stack them?
You're right about this one though.
00:18:344 (1) - turn in grid snap 4 and center on the y-axis?
00:54:969 (4) - this slider doesnt sound right ending on a 1/4th. make a new slider and end it on the next 1/2?
Changed this in kanpakyin's mod.

Hinacle wrote:

look fine>w<b
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Everything has been updated.

Thanks everyone for modding :)
Okay, now when updates are done, let's mod! :D

  1. I really disliked the red combo color. Already told you that hehe, I don't think it fits with the video at all, and while it is on the pinwheel I still think it's just a nice touch to the BG, rather than the important color. Still, up to you if you wanna change this (in my diff there is no red hehe).
  1. 00:59:969 (10) - To follow the music better, I suggest that you map a circle at this timeline and just move the slider to 01:00:094. If you listen to the background melody, it's following it much more accurately.
  2. 01:19:094 (1,2,3) - Maybe reduce the spacing between 1 and 2 a little? Or make a perfect triangle out of these 3? Like this.
  3. 01:20:094 (3) - Consider moving this finish to 01:20:594 (4) instead and use a whistle instead. I think this sounds better as the percussion only starts building up at that spot. Just a suggestion.
  1. 01:12:469 - Maybe add a note here to follow the voice more accurately?
  1. 01:19:094 (4) - Maybe use a new combo here just to make the combo shorter? It's the longest combo on the map currently.
Just gave taiko a quick peek and couldn't find any wrong stuff.
Lets star spam this map a little more!
Topic Starter
Updated :3

Thanks for modding >w< And also thanks for the stars! :D
There's some things for this world
1 is love
1 is peace

And I can call it Love and Peace :3

Bubbling is not one of them orz
Love this song so I'll shoot a STAR !!
Kizuita yo tatoe itamu kokoro ga
Hikari saegitta to shite mo!!!! ~~
Not popping the bubble, but...


That dark blue colour is kinda hard to see against the background picture sometimes.


Only map with tick rate 2, intentional?

00:22:594 (4) - Add a repeat? Fills in the space a bit, and there's something in the background that follows it.


00:24:594 (2,3) - Can this be unstacked? All your other sliderend stacks up to here are 1/4, and there's a very natural-sounding spot to put a note at 00:25:094... Alternatively, adding a note 00:25:094 works just as well.


00:47:594 (4) - Sounds funny; sounds a bit better?
Topic Starter
I'm not going to change what you've pointed out on Insane since I already refused it before on qinche's mod.

If Samah or lolcubes are going to change something I'll let you know =w=

And also I don't think I'm gonna remove that colour, it seems fine to me, if someone else will point it out, I will though.

Thanks for modding it :3

Kytoxid wrote:


Only map with tick rate 2, intentional? Yep. :D

00:22:594 (4) - Add a repeat? Fills in the space a bit, and there's something in the background that follows it. Nah, those stuff in the background are not something you should map imo, atleast not for a normal diff. I can see the reason you suggested it, but I like this better. :3

lolcubes wrote:

  1. 01:19:094 (4) - Maybe use a new combo here just to make the combo shorter? It's the longest combo on the map currently.
About the all mods only I change this and the NormalCustomSlider1 \:D/
PS: Sorry for the delay u.u

Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kazahane (TV Size) (osuplayer111) [Easy].osu

Kytoxid wrote:

00:24:594 (2,3) - Can this be unstacked? All your other sliderend stacks up to here are 1/4, and there's a very natural-sounding spot to put a note at 00:25:094... Alternatively, adding a note 00:25:094 works just as well.
Nah, I think it fits.
Topic Starter
Will update Easy fixes when Kytoxid or arien are online~


Thanks guys for checking into the mods.
Since it was just minor 1 fixing on [Easy] :3

Fixed bubble ;___;
inb4, speed ranking orz
Topic Starter
Thanks once again arien and sorry for the trouble >_<

Hope everything is fine now :3
D: I'm late to give star again Orz
D: my message too short again Orz
Topic Starter
Thanks bakaquintitem :)

You're never late, don't worry ^^
All looks good to me, still need more nightcore songs later though ;)

Raging Bull
Congratulations! :D But yeah need more nightcore maps hahaha.

Yay. Another heard in pending. :3
Topic Starter
Thanks James for rank and Raging Bull for compliments! :3

And also thanks to everyone as well like always for everything (mod, testplay, etc.) <3
Yay congrats.
Brb getting some sleep so I can play this properly tomorrow! :D
Congratz Andreee~~
Shimotsuki Haruka very good!!

Congratulations :)

Gratz. :P
The hard is actually a hard, not an insane with a different name, wow.
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