19:42 iloveyou4ever: eyy a day passed finally lolol, will wait til you finish checking d o t's map XD
20:05 Stefan: hey
20:05 Stefan: just some questions
20:05 Stefan: 03:09:456 (527,529) - what exactly are they following
20:05 iloveyou4ever: yeah
20:06 iloveyou4ever: yeah though there're not such 1/8 drum sounds on the background, but the drum roll is quite obvious so I want to emphasize by putting 1/8
20:06 iloveyou4ever: tried putting 1/6 or 1/4 but doesn't work well
20:08 Stefan: hmm, 1/8 are always a thorny scenario. I don't really find them enjoyable to tap
20:08 Stefan: It is playable but that's not a valid point.
20:09 iloveyou4ever: hmm that what you'd suggest?
20:09 Stefan: leaving the 1/8 notes out
20:09 Stefan: maybe if you really want to emphasize these two notes
20:09 Stefan: you could use finishers
20:09 Stefan: I think they have some interesting effect in that situation.
20:10 iloveyou4ever: the roll is ''rushing'' but not strong, I guess finishers won't work
20:10 iloveyou4ever: hmm...
20:10 Stefan: well, mapping everything audible is not always a good choice
20:11 iloveyou4ever: tried, works good actually but it lost impact for 03:10:198 (529) - :/
20:12 Stefan: I find it's not a big loss but I understand what you mean
20:12 iloveyou4ever: does 1/8 really lower playability or lossing effect of sth? I can't understand ehhhh
20:12 Stefan: I said it IS playable
20:12 iloveyou4ever: hmm yeah it's not a big loss
20:12 Stefan: but I also said that not everything that can be heard should be mapped
20:13 Stefan: personally I consider the joy of playing this part droppin a bit with these relatively questionable 1/8 doublets
20:13 iloveyou4ever: why is that the case for this part?
20:13 iloveyou4ever: oh...
20:14 Stefan: you neither used it for 01:54:417 - 01:55:198 -
20:15 Stefan: and for the plain reason the 2nd loop actually has these drum echo that could leave the option of 1/8 is meh.
20:15 Stefan: But I will leave the final word to you.
20:15 iloveyou4ever: both parts have rolls sounds yeah
20:16 iloveyou4ever: my reason of keep asking is not that I need to wait one more day, but the reason is not convincing to me :/
20:16 iloveyou4ever: not blaming you, it's the flaw of the style
20:17 Stefan: okay.
20:17 Stefan: btw
20:17 Stefan: 03:45:353 (11) -
20:17 Stefan: move to :355
20:17 iloveyou4ever: let me try again and again and give you an answer 5 mins later
20:17 Stefan: okay.
20:17 iloveyou4ever: fixed!
20:21 Stefan: 04:43:478 (9) - move to :459
20:22 iloveyou4ever: my fault, fixed!
20:22 Stefan: 04:45:350 (12) - move to :352
20:22 iloveyou4ever: ok!