
EGOIST - Namae no Nai Kaibutsu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017년 8월 10일 목요일 at 오후 5:53:38

Artist: EGOIST
Title: Namae no Nai Kaibutsu
BPM: 180
Filesize: 7260kb
Play Time: 05:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Psycho (5.98 stars, 1200 notes)
Download: EGOIST - Namae no Nai Kaibutsu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
good game
sorry for my bad english
00:07:907 (1,2,3,4) - Unevenly
00:18:907 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:26:240 (6,7) - they are touching the previous slider a bit. move it
01:01:573 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:28:073 (1) - mapping based on the voice and it isnt good
00:32:740 (4,1,2,3) - ^
00:38:740 (1,2,3) - ^
00:34:823 (3) - it is 2007 year?
00:37:740 (1) - wat
00:38:740 (1,2,3) - note
00:50:740 (6) - ds
00:54:740 (8) - ds
01:21:907 (2) - make beautiful blanket
01:23:240 (2) - ^
01:24:573 (2) - ^
01:50:240 (5) - it should repeat only at once (make two siders)
01:51:573 (5) - ^
01:50:240 (5,3,4) - overlap
it is jump training lol
Good luck!
Topic Starter

-Alcaida wrote:

sorry for my bad english
00:07:907 (1,2,3,4) - Unevenlyi use Ctrl+Shift+F(so it was evenly)
00:18:907 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:26:240 (6,7) - they are touching the previous slider a bit. move it
01:01:573 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:28:073 (1) - mapping based on the voice and it isnt good
00:32:740 (4,1,2,3) - ^
00:38:740 (1,2,3) - ^
00:34:823 (3) - it is 2007 year?
00:37:740 (1) - wat
00:38:740 (1,2,3) - note
00:50:740 (6) - ds
00:54:740 (8) - ds
01:21:907 (2) - make beautiful blanket
01:23:240 (2) - ^
01:24:573 (2) - ^
01:50:240 (5) - it should repeat only at once (make two siders)
01:51:573 (5) - ^
01:50:240 (5,3,4) - overlap
move silghtly left
it is jump training lol
Good luck!

thanks a lot
My Angel Kitten
from m4m req

00:42:407 (2) - object is not snapped
04:26:405 (2) - remove this and change this 04:26:239 (1) - with slide
00:18:907 (1,2,3,4,5) - keep distance like you made 00:13:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:59:573 - make it reverse slider

gluck ^-^
Topic Starter

My Angel Kitten wrote:

from m4m req

00:42:407 (2) - object is not snappedI can not find anything wrong.
04:26:405 (2) - remove this and change this 04:26:239 (1) - with slide I do not know why I need to slide.
00:18:907 (1,2,3,4,5) - keep distance like you made 00:13:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
01:59:573 - make it reverse slider

gluck ^-^

thanks a lot

  1. 뒷부분 미완인가영?
  2. 음.. 세세하게 하나하나 잡기보단 대략적으로 설명해드릴게요.
  3. 혹시 매핑하실때 그리드스냅 이거 켜고 하시나요?
    직선배치같은건 다른방법으로도 얼마든지 가능하고 갠적으로 매핑할때 전~~~~혀 도움 안된다고 생각합니다. 끄고하시는걸 추천 (t누르면 켜고끌수있어요)
  4. 음이 없는곳엔 노트를 두지 말아주세요. (오버매핑) 가급적 음이 있는곳에만.
    예를들면 00:52:323 (2) - 00:53:657 (2) - 00:56:323 (2) - (등 그외에 많은 3연타들)이 음악적으로 딱히 3연타가 나올만한 소리는 없죠.
    키아이에 있는 이 01:29:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 긴연타에서도 01:31:157 - 여기 파란틱 제외하고 다른 파란틱들은 딱히 연타가 들어갈만한 위치는 아닌 것 같네요.
  5. 에디터 위에 타임라인을 보시면 흰틱 빨간틱 파란틱이 있죠

    대~부분의 음악은 흰틱>빨간틱>파란틱 순으로 음이 들어가요.
    리듬이 복잡한 부분은 오른쪽 밑에 playback rate로 속도 느리게 해서 들어보시면 어느음이 매핑할만한 음인지 구분하기 편해요.

    예를 들어서
    00:45:407 (5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 이부분에서는

    00:45:573 -
    00:45:657 -
    00:45:740 -
    00:45:907 -
    00:46:157 -
    00:46:240 -
    00:46:407 -
    00:46:573 -
    00:46:740 - (음이사라지는곳)
    00:46:907 -
    00:47:073 - (약한음)
    00:47:240 -

    정도가 노트를 둘만한 음이니

    이런식으로 노트를 둘 수 있겠네요. (슬라꼬리로는 약한음표현)
    (그렇다고 이대로 쓰라는 소리는 아닙니다. 여러번 고쳐가면서 가장 음악에 어울리는 리듬을 찾아야죠.)

  6. 파트별 난이도조절
    한 파트안에서 난이도 차이가 심하게 나면 상당히 어색한 느낌이 있겠죠? (음악은 크게 바뀌지 않았는데 난이도가 크게 변하니)
    01:10:907 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4) - 이 파트를 예로 들자면

    01:10:907 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - 어려움
    01:12:240 (1,2) - 급쉬워짐
    01:12:907 (1,2,3,4) - 어려움
    01:13:573 (1,2) - 다시 쉬워짐
    01:14:240 (1,2,3,4) - 어렵
    01:14:907 (1,2) - 다시쉬움

    음악적으로는 크게 변하지 않았는데 난이도(노트간격)가 자꾸 들쭉날쭉하니 상당히 어색한 감이 있네요.
    난이도가 아무리 상위난이도라도 너무 들쭉날쭉하지 않는게 좋아요.
  7. 전체적인 난이도조절
    00:28:240 - 00:49:573 - 를 A파트
    00:49:573 - 01:10:907 - 를 B파트
    01:10:907 - 01:32:073 - 를 C파트라고 한다면
    음악적으로 강약을 따져 봤을때 난이도를 숫자로 표현한다면
    A파트 : 3
    B파트 : 6
    C파트 : 10
    대략 이런식으로 맞춰지는게 적당하겠죠
    그런데 지금은 C가 A보다 약간 어려운정도고 B는 급 쉬워진 느낌이 있네요.
    맵 전체적으로도 음악이랑 어울리게 난이도를 조절하면 맵을 좀더 퀄리티높게 찍을수 있겠네요.
이과라서 뭔가 상당히 두서없게 적어놨는데
제가 적어둔 부분만 딱 고치고 끝내지 마시고 맵 전체적으로 생각해보세요.
다른 맵을 모딩해서 답글을 받는것도 다른매퍼가 어떤생각으로 그렇게 찍었는지 알 수 있기때문에 매핑 실력늘리기 좋은방법이에요.
혹시 영어가 어느정도 되시면 ... 64IrtqSOUA 이 채널에 유용한 매핑 영상이 많으니 추천드립니다.
이해안되시는 부분 있으시면 언제든 물어보세요~
Topic Starter

SLM wrote:


  1. 뒷부분 미완인가영?
  2. 음.. 세세하게 하나하나 잡기보단 대략적으로 설명해드릴게요.
  3. 혹시 매핑하실때 그리드스냅 이거 켜고 하시나요?
    직선배치같은건 다른방법으로도 얼마든지 가능하고 갠적으로 매핑할때 전~~~~혀 도움 안된다고 생각합니다. 끄고하시는걸 추천 (t누르면 켜고끌수있어요)
  4. 음이 없는곳엔 노트를 두지 말아주세요. (오버매핑) 가급적 음이 있는곳에만.
    예를들면 00:52:323 (2) - 00:53:657 (2) - 00:56:323 (2) - (등 그외에 많은 3연타들)이 음악적으로 딱히 3연타가 나올만한 소리는 없죠.
    키아이에 있는 이 01:29:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 긴연타에서도 01:31:157 - 여기 파란틱 제외하고 다른 파란틱들은 딱히 연타가 들어갈만한 위치는 아닌 것 같네요.
  5. 에디터 위에 타임라인을 보시면 흰틱 빨간틱 파란틱이 있죠

    대~부분의 음악은 흰틱>빨간틱>파란틱 순으로 음이 들어가요.
    리듬이 복잡한 부분은 오른쪽 밑에 playback rate로 속도 느리게 해서 들어보시면 어느음이 매핑할만한 음인지 구분하기 편해요.

    예를 들어서
    00:45:407 (5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 이부분에서는

    00:45:573 -
    00:45:657 -
    00:45:740 -
    00:45:907 -
    00:46:157 -
    00:46:240 -
    00:46:407 -
    00:46:573 -
    00:46:740 - (음이사라지는곳)
    00:46:907 -
    00:47:073 - (약한음)
    00:47:240 -

    정도가 노트를 둘만한 음이니

    이런식으로 노트를 둘 수 있겠네요. (슬라꼬리로는 약한음표현)
    (그렇다고 이대로 쓰라는 소리는 아닙니다. 여러번 고쳐가면서 가장 음악에 어울리는 리듬을 찾아야죠.)

  6. 파트별 난이도조절
    한 파트안에서 난이도 차이가 심하게 나면 상당히 어색한 느낌이 있겠죠? (음악은 크게 바뀌지 않았는데 난이도가 크게 변하니)
    01:10:907 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4) - 이 파트를 예로 들자면

    01:10:907 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - 어려움
    01:12:240 (1,2) - 급쉬워짐
    01:12:907 (1,2,3,4) - 어려움
    01:13:573 (1,2) - 다시 쉬워짐
    01:14:240 (1,2,3,4) - 어렵
    01:14:907 (1,2) - 다시쉬움

    음악적으로는 크게 변하지 않았는데 난이도(노트간격)가 자꾸 들쭉날쭉하니 상당히 어색한 감이 있네요.
    난이도가 아무리 상위난이도라도 너무 들쭉날쭉하지 않는게 좋아요.
  7. 전체적인 난이도조절
    00:28:240 - 00:49:573 - 를 A파트
    00:49:573 - 01:10:907 - 를 B파트
    01:10:907 - 01:32:073 - 를 C파트라고 한다면
    음악적으로 강약을 따져 봤을때 난이도를 숫자로 표현한다면
    A파트 : 3
    B파트 : 6
    C파트 : 10
    대략 이런식으로 맞춰지는게 적당하겠죠
    그런데 지금은 C가 A보다 약간 어려운정도고 B는 급 쉬워진 느낌이 있네요.
    맵 전체적으로도 음악이랑 어울리게 난이도를 조절하면 맵을 좀더 퀄리티높게 찍을수 있겠네요.
이과라서 뭔가 상당히 두서없게 적어놨는데
제가 적어둔 부분만 딱 고치고 끝내지 마시고 맵 전체적으로 생각해보세요.
다른 맵을 모딩해서 답글을 받는것도 다른매퍼가 어떤생각으로 그렇게 찍었는지 알 수 있기때문에 매핑 실력늘리기 좋은방법이에요.
혹시 영어가 어느정도 되시면 ... 64IrtqSOUA 이 채널에 유용한 매핑 영상이 많으니 추천드립니다.
이해안되시는 부분 있으시면 언제든 물어보세요~

너무 세세히 써가지고 제가 미안해지는 ㅋㅋ 암튼 정말 고맙습니다 천천히 읽어보고 하나식 고쳐나갈께요
Hello from M4M, heres my mod back!

I forgot to put my replay I hope you see it!

Here is my replay


First of all, its spelled Psycho :P

First thing I have to say is, you used the same spacing with 1/4 beats and 1/2 beats at the start. It is still readable with high AR but still worth checking.

I played around with CS 4, I might be biased because my aim isn't on point. But it felt better. Also it doesn't create any bad overlaps.

00:48:989 (1) - NC is not necessary here, vocal starts earlier, if thats what you aimed for.

00:58:073 (2,3) - Consider spreading them a little more.

01:16:573 - On this part, NC spam is not necessary. Also too much repeated patterns back to back.

03:10:907 (1,1) - Two NC isn't necessary, AR is enough to read the 1/1 gap.

04:17:573 - For this Kiai part, I expected spacing to be more distant, but it was the same. No big deal but its the highest part of the song.
Topic Starter

Fursum012 wrote:

Hello from M4M, heres my mod back!

I forgot to put my replay I hope you see it!

Here is my replay


First of all, its spelled Psycho :P

First thing I have to say is, you used the same spacing with 1/4 beats and 1/2 beats at the start. It is still readable with high AR but still worth checking.

I played around with CS 4, I might be biased because my aim isn't on point. But it felt better. Also it doesn't create any bad overlaps.It is like you

00:48:989 (1) - NC is not necessary here, vocal starts earlier, if thats what you aimed for.fix

00:58:073 (2,3) - Consider spreading them a little more.fix

01:16:573 - On this part, NC spam is not necessary. Also too much repeated patterns back to back.I will refer to it

03:10:907 (1,1) - Two NC isn't necessary, AR is enough to read the 1/1 gap.That's what it is for fitness. It does not matter because the location is in the expected location

04:17:573 - For this Kiai part, I expected spacing to be more distant, but it was the same. No big deal but its the highest part of the song.

thanks a lot
01:28:073 (7) - i think its good if you place the circle right next this slider 01:27:573 (5) -

02:14:907 (1,2,3) - for me its very confusing. Put the circle behind the slider and then stacking it,It would be better if you separate it

02:16:573 (3,4) - give some space for this slider this to close

02:22:907 (1,2,3,4) - this to mybe

02:42:907 (1) - why not place this slider on this circle 02:42:573 (3) - that will be batter if you place on there

03:44:240 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - well this stream little bit confusing because that rotation. Try to enlarge the rotation it will make it better

04:02:407 (4) - make this little bit spacing with circle

04:10:240 (4,5) - is this not too far away for a resting place?

well sorry if my grammar is bad :/
Topic Starter

Mr kamfret wrote:

01:28:073 (7) - i think its good if you place the circle right next this slider 01:27:573 (5) -
02:14:907 (1,2,3) - for me its very confusing. Put the circle behind the slider and then stacking it,It would be better if you separate it
02:16:573 (3,4) - give some space for this slider this to close
02:22:907 (1,2,3,4) - this to mybe
02:42:907 (1) - why not place this slider on this circle 02:42:573 (3) - that will be batter if you place on there
03:44:240 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - well this stream little bit confusing because that rotation. Try to enlarge the rotation it will make it better
I will consider it.
04:02:407 (4) - make this little bit spacing with circle
04:10:240 (4,5) - is this not too far away for a resting place?
I think this space is enough.

well sorry if my grammar is bad :/
thanks very much

I hope you can understand my thoughts.

  1. First, the difficulty name must be "Psycho", and not "Pysco". Or not unless this is intentional, then don't bother changing it.
  2. The background is at size 1884x1200. It will be better if you change it to common resolution like 1920x1080 or 1366x768.
  3. 00:04:240 (1,2) - 00:01:574 (1,2) - I find it weird how these two sets are mapped differently.
  4. 00:06:407 (6) - Bad time to start a slider. I suggest moving the slider to 00:06:240 - . Also, maybe put a reverse too, like 00:03:573 (5) - .
  5. 00:08:407 (4,5) - Swtiching the rhythm by Ctrl+G makes the slider a bit more logical. Reposition the objects afterwards.
  6. 00:22:907 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think the song is too calm to put these largely spaced objects. Consider having changes here.
  7. 00:29:573 (1) - Unnecessary spacing increase.
  8. 00:41:573 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'm kinda sure there has nothing changed drastically in the song. This part of the song is extremely similar to 00:36:240 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - so I don't see why the (1,2) jumps are there.
  9. 00:48:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The stream is overmapped. No new sounds are played on the blue ticks/lines.
  10. 00:51:573 (1) - Make this into two circles to emphasize the incoming snare.
  11. 00:59:240 (1) - 01:00:573 (2) - Overmapped. Same reason as the one before.
  12. 01:05:407 (1) - The position in the timeline doens't quite make much sense to me. Make this start on 01:05:573 - .
  13. 01:15:907 (3,4,1,2,3) - The movement here is too linear.
  14. 01:20:240 (1,1,1,1) - No need to repeatedly put NCs.
  15. 01:20:073 (2,1) - Flow can still be improved. Put 01:20:240 (1) - to the right side instead.
  16. 01:25:573 (5,1,2,1,2) - Shouldn't 01:25:573 (5) - be a (1,2) jump as well? The high intensity sounds (vocals) start there.
  17. 01:29:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Um, I'm not really sure about this stream...
  18. 01:49:073 (7) - It would be better if you put a circle at 01:49:407 - instead of reversing 01:49:073 (7) - .
  19. 02:28:240 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - The sounds increase after four objects. Try to change the spacings here according to the song.

    Some stuff I mentioned repeat afterwards.

All I can say is that, for me, the slider usage and jumps are very random. It would be a wise decision to actually follow the song, that way you will know when to increase or decrease spacing or when to use or not use sliders.

Overall, the map could still be improved.

That's all from me. Good luck to you!
Topic Starter

-Harpuia- wrote:


I hope you can understand my thoughts.

  1. First, the difficulty name must be "Psycho", and not "Pysco". Or not unless this is intentional, then don't bother changing it.
  2. The background is at size 1884x1200. It will be better if you change it to common resolution like 1920x1080 or 1366x768.
  3. 00:04:240 (1,2) - 00:01:574 (1,2) - I find it weird how these two sets are mapped differently.ok
  4. 00:06:407 (6) - Bad time to start a slider. I suggest moving the slider to 00:06:240 - . Also, maybe put a reverse too, like 00:03:573 (5) - .ok
  5. 00:08:407 (4,5) - Swtiching the rhythm by Ctrl+G makes the slider a bit more logical. Reposition the objects afterwards.shape should be the same before
  6. 00:22:907 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think the song is too calm to put these largely spaced objects. Consider having changes here.consider it
  7. 00:29:573 (1) - Unnecessary spacing increase.ok
  8. 00:41:573 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'm kinda sure there has nothing changed drastically in the song. This part of the song is extremely similar to 00:36:240 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - so I don't see why the (1,2) jumps are there.ok
  9. 00:48:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The stream is overmapped. No new sounds are played on the blue ticks/lines.consider it
  10. 00:51:573 (1) - Make this into two circles to emphasize the incoming snare.I will refer to it
  11. 00:59:240 (1) - 01:00:573 (2) - Overmapped. Same reason as the one before.ok
  12. 01:05:407 (1) - The position in the timeline doens't quite make much sense to me. Make this start on 01:05:573 - .ok
  13. 01:15:907 (3,4,1,2,3) - The movement here is too linear.ok
  14. 01:20:240 (1,1,1,1) - No need to repeatedly put NCs.consider it
  15. 01:20:073 (2,1) - Flow can still be improved. Put 01:20:240 (1) - to the right side instead.This section will change a lot
  16. 01:25:573 (5,1,2,1,2) - Shouldn't 01:25:573 (5) - be a (1,2) jump as well? The high intensity sounds (vocals) start there.ok
  17. 01:29:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Um, I'm not really sure about this stream...ok
  18. 01:49:073 (7) - It would be better if you put a circle at 01:49:407 - instead of reversing 01:49:073 (7) - .consider it
  19. 02:28:240 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - The sounds increase after four objects. Try to change the spacings here according to the song.ok

    Some stuff I mentioned repeat afterwards.

All I can say is that, for me, the slider usage and jumps are very random. It would be a wise decision to actually follow the song, that way you will know when to increase or decrease spacing or when to use or not use sliders.

Overall, the map could still be improved.

That's all from me. Good luck to you!
thanks a lot
add more tags
AR 9.5 is too fast, I'd recommend 9.3 instead
disable count down
00:03:907 - this tail is uneccessary, better remove reverse
00:07:407 (2) - no finish
00:25:573 (3,5) - overlapped, try to fix that
00:49:240 (2,4) - overlapped 00:51:906 (2,4) -
keep in mind that heavy overlap/cluttered mapping should be avoided.
01:14:823 - vocal here, dont skip that
01:16:323 (2) - 01:17:656 (2) - remove
01:24:073 (4,1) - stack downbeat make no sense, unstack it instead
01:26:241 (1) - nc?
01:31:157 - good tick to map
02:11:073 (1,2,1,2) - these sounds are overmapped, fact that you just need 02:11:740 (1,2,1) - for the background music
02:25:073 - sudden high velocity here doesnt make sense, use 1.0x is fine already
02:34:823 - vocal
I think you should try to map more first before pushing your map forward. You know, this is too soon for you to be honest.

And a thing, try to contact to the mapper before m4m any map (from modreq indeed), it is just bad when you force someone to m4m automatically m4m without noticing.
good luck
Topic Starter

Hikan wrote:

add more tags
AR 9.5 is too fast, I'd recommend 9.3 instead
disable count down
00:03:907 - this tail is uneccessary, better remove reverseok
00:07:407 (2) - no finishIt was adapted to the flow.
00:25:573 (3,5) - overlapped, try to fix thatum Interpretation may be different.
00:49:240 (2,4) - overlapped 00:51:906 (2,4) - ok
keep in mind that heavy overlap/cluttered mapping should be avoided.
01:14:823 - vocal here, dont skip thatconsider it
01:16:323 (2) - 01:17:656 (2) - removeconsider it
01:24:073 (4,1) - stack downbeat make no sense, unstack it insteadi dont understand but fix not overlap
01:26:241 (1) - nc?ok
01:31:157 - good tick to mapconsider it
02:11:073 (1,2,1,2) - these sounds are overmapped, fact that you just need 02:11:740 (1,2,1) - for the background musicok
02:25:073 - sudden high velocity here doesnt make sense, use 1.0x is fine alreadyok
02:34:823 - vocalconsider it
I think you should try to map more first before pushing your map forward. You know, this is too soon for you to be honest.

And a thing, try to contact to the mapper before m4m any map (from modreq indeed), it is just bad when you force someone to m4m automatically m4m without noticing.
good luck
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