The Chinese osu!mania 4K Tournament 2017(CMT 4K 2017) is the second one-on-one, osu!mania 4K specified Chinese regional tournament, hosted by CMT team.
Registration Rules:
1.Every user interested in joining the tournament signs up individually(Registration link will be released after the registration phrase begins).
2.Only these players are eligible to sign up: ◦Either the registered region is China(Mainland), Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, or being capable of speaking Chinese.
◦No restrictions on time zone.
◦Use Chinese as the primary language.
◦No requirement on performance points(pp), but rank(above #4000) is highly recommended.
◦If player has record of violating the osu! community rules in the last 12 months, we may cancel the application of this player.
3.Successfully registered player will receive a confirm email and will be posted on the player list.
4.Map selectors and tournament managers are not allowed to register.
If you will know more message,you can read this(for Chinese)