
Finish the story!

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Finish the story type things always spark creativity on other forums I've been on, so I want to see what you guys come up with.

1. I'll start of with a single line, after that you can add as much as you want
2. No double posting
3. It can involve anyone, any time and any place you'd like.
4. Killing a character is allowed, but remind you, the ability to bring them back from the dead is there.
5. Here's the catch, NO ENDING THE STORY
6. Have fun with it.

The first line is...

Potatosiris was walking down the street when suddenly...
Ignore this, CDFA had better.
Shohei Ohtani
He felt himself deep in his thoughts. "What is a man?" he asked himself. He looked at his hands "Am I truly a man? Or am I just a feeble creation walking into the world. A man is one with a purpose. One who has definite goals. I, though, have nothing." He looked down. "Nor am I a woman. A woman has purpose too. Even in the sexist countries, they still do more than I do." He contemplated this discovery for hours. How could he live his life with such failure? Had he tried hard in school? No. That was a woman's job, his friends said. Did he do Drama like he wanted? No. That was not a man's job. But Potatosiris spent much time watching in the theatre. Not performing, just watching. "Oh how my life would have been different if I thought for myself instead of listening to the general public. Oh, if only I had a chance to restart!" he screamed in his head. Suddenly, he found a good looking teenager sitting on the street. He started at this man. Why was he so intrigued. There was nothing special about this man. He had a teen-boner, like most others, and he was not special in any sort of way. The teenager got up, and immmediatley made passionate love to Potatosiris. They both fainted on the street, ignored by the public. When they woke up, they were in eachother's bodies! this was GREAT! He could finally re-live his life! The other boy did not wake up. Due to internal anal bleeding, Potatosiris's body had died, therefore killing the mind of the teenager. "Dang." Potatosiris said.
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Potatosiris awoke with a start. "Da fudge was that?" he questioned himself as he looked at his surrondings. Nothing interesting on his left, but when he suddendly turned to his right, he saw something that he could not a bit believe. A beautiful young woman lie half naked next to him. "What a strange dream." he said to himself as he lie his head back on a pillow.
Shohei Ohtani
Potatosiris awoke again back on the street. "What the hell I didn't even fall asleep. How did I fall alseep and wake up again. And I still don't know who the hell I am" Potatosiris said. He went to find answers. Suddenly, he knew what to do. He took out his wallet.

"Mike Hawke" it said. "Dammit" Potatosiris stated. He walked down the street, and decided that although he was now Mike Hawke, he would still pursue his dream as an actor. After all, its not too hard to act in a different body, right? "tAw bIieiee awhre naw- oh maayyunnn that suuuuyyyuuckksss" he stated. [i]What the hell is happening? I swear that my mind didn't mean to do that!" he thought. Then he realized it. He had a southern accent. His life as an actor was not going to go anywhere when he sounds like he should be cooping chickens and milking cows. "Well, Mike Hawke surely must be good at something, right?" he thought. He rarely spoke. He took this idea from a character called Nephenee, in his favorite game, Fire Emblem. He loved Nephenee, Potatosiris did. If she existed in this world, he would marry her at an instant. Now, with this similarity, he loved Nephenee even more. He has to go home. His hormones were ready. But one problem arose. Where the hell did he live?
Man what the hell walls of text.

If this wasn't like the 50th time someone has started one of these threads, I would actually participate. The first one was actually ok.
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Suddenly, everything around Potatosiris turned blue and he awoke once more. Believe it or not, the Matrix had just crashed.
Shohei Ohtani
The matrix turned out to be a big supportergot and was deleted from existance.

"Wow, whoever the hell keeps on waking me on and off is going to get ate in the ass" he said, sighing under his breath. He walked down to the police office, and asked the man "Hey dude. May I do a search on Mike Hawke?" he asked. "Get the hell out of here you dumbass kid" the officer said under his breath. "DAMMIT MAN LOOK FOR MIKE HAWKE" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "IT'S GOING TO BE IN YOUR ASS IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF HERE" the officer yelled. "WE NEED SECURITY OVER HERE" Potatosiris screamed. "THIS IS A POLICE STATION, YOU DUMBASS" another officer yelled. Mike Hawke was kicked out of the police station. "I guess I'll just go to the school that Mike goes to" Potatosiris sighed. He looked at the ID Card. "Herp D. Derp High School." it stated. "My body is ready. . . or at least the doppelganger that I'm using. . . or am I really a doppelganger of Mike?. . .gyuuh" The thoughts raced in his head. This was the only thing Potatosiris hated about himself. His mind was too broad, not focused. Oh well.
Then he buries himself underground and makes potatoes.

Then his children are eaten with butter.
Topic Starter
Mike looked around and happened to find a pocket knife laying on the ground. He picked it up and stabbed himself a few times. His body hit the ground with a thud. Dead he was.
Then he got up and said "I AM NOT READING THOSE WALLS OF TEXT" and then fell over again.
then he dug a hole into a game, realising its the tf2ware server on tf2 he has no choice but to play the minigames...
noticing that minigames the are actually super boring, he cried.
He didn't even have TF2 installed in his computer, so it didn't really matter.
Shohei Ohtani
He didn't even have a computer.
He didn't even exist.

Absolutely nothing was true.

That which is bereft of life, is as much bereft of death.

Someday, the world will be cold.
Shohei Ohtani
and then he fapped furiously to pictures of Michelle Obama.
Cave Johnson, we're done here.
Shohei Ohtani
The story is finnished.
worst fl player
The story is never ending ( never DYING muhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa )
We can make our own story mah babeee c(:
at a land far far away . There is a closet that was in a room of a house that have lots of strange ornament laying around the garden
Out of the closet came a wild beast. One resembling the true form of necromancy. And from the garden, he raised a forest of dead trees.
the wild beast is in fact the lich king himself. he tried to make my home his base. his dream to conquer the world with darkness is however cut short because he just had to enter the closet back to sleep. moments later the closet was showcased for yard sale, and bought by [insert name here]. this guy told me that he's gonna-
live in the closet so he then bought it and bring to his home. Little did he know the surprise that lay in the closet.. as he bring the closet back to his bedroom. He open the closet .....
But.... It refused....
He was lazy drunkard with nothing in life to look forward to.
Until he finds a magic lamp on the trash...
Expecting a genie, he rubbed the lamp. But behold, Peppy the Eater of Worlds emerged in his glorious circle clicky form. Soon, the world was devoured. And not even the PP farmers were spared from Peppy's wrath.
He got disappointed on the lamp. He threw it then walked off sad, suddenly got hit by a truck, died.

The end.
A normal young boy gets sucked into another world
creating a time paradox replacing the original story
by making a new one
And then the boy wakes up on a deserted island
surrounded by sex crazed elfs
and he tried to escape cuz he's a scared shota boi
worst fl player
honestly I'm surprised that this thread I necro'd is still going. Oh well.

OT : he fails to escape and gets ran over by stefan
Hitoshirenu Shourai
But it wasn't really Stefan, it was actually Count Chocula!
As any boy would, the child prayed to Stefan.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
A bright light shone as Stefan ascended from the earth, his demonic form glistening in the stage lights he prepared for dramatic entires, and he spoke thus: "You okay?"
Astonished that Stefan had answered his call, tears began to run down the boy's face. "Thank mr stefan", he repeated.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
"Don't thank me yet," he smirked, "my services aren't free." He knelt down in front of the boy, heat radiating from him like a sauna, the ground beneath him steaming in protest. He then pulled out a small cup, "Got any change?"
The confused boy check his pockets and realized he didn't have any change, " I don't have anything" he utters . Stefan looks down and say " Ok then you can do something else for me" while unzipping his pants.
for a moment, the boy was deeply astonished by stefan's gigantic excalibur, however his focus was shifted to his face instead. " You look pale, are you okay? gosh could be heatstroke mmm ". The boy is unable to look stefan in the face, he turned away and his ears turn bright red." waa.. it felt like there's butterfly in my stomach, it tickles but doesnt feel bad at all.. What is this feeling.." , he quietly muttered and shot few glances on stefan's face and lower part of his body.
the boy's suspicious reaction made stefan anxious and lamenting for his action, as he steadily zipped up his pants. " ahh, I need to go, but i felt very weak, my leg hurts, my throat hurts, my vision is all blurry now and my leg hurts BUT STILL I NEED TO GO."

Stefan approached the seemingly daydreaming weird boy. " I felt like dying rn but not till I become a man." the boy listen intently while tilting his head 90 degree anticlockwise, " mm and then and then? "the boy blushed and retort in curious manner. " Look, I don't know what you're doing in this barren desert, but Im trying to convince myself that you are godsent.. I mean i saw you fell from the sky and shit, you know" Stefan fell on his knees and cringe in pain. He tried really hard to stand but his leg has totally given up. " Boy, i had no choice but to leave my-- NO, THE HUMANITY fates in your hand. will you hear me out, my child?" Stefan's consciousness rapidly fading away, out of sheer will he tried to adjusted himself and look at the boy face to face. " you're too close and handsome, i mean but no.. you're breath, i um you are too close! " the boy bashfully faced stefan despite his sorry state. " Stefan reached to his tender ears and whispers "
your waifu is shit "
(Wtf did I just read)
Stefan wakes with a start at the odd dream, or maybe nightmare, he just had. He stares at the ceiling as he contemplates what such an obscure piece of imagery had been in his sleeping thoughts as well as the internal screaming of the realization he must face the dozens of shitposts he must endure. It's not a terrible life but maybe he should reconsider his life choices.
Wow the story....

Ot: Upon checking the enviroment , He is confused that how he ended up on a bed of rose garden.
and burn it into the garden.
As the flames rise around him, he accepts that soon he will be in his own personal nirvana as he closes his eyes and smiles. The scent of burning plant flesh brings him odd pleasure.
And back then, there were a lion lived in there.
He isn't afraid. The flames swirl and scare the normally fearsome animal and Stefan walks through the flames as he feels his own personal glory. It's refreshing.
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