I'm a fairly accomplished DDR/Stepmania player and filemaker, and I figured I would try this as well.
Getting used to sliders is weird for a DDR player I have to say. The maps with few sliders are so much easier than the ones that have a lot XD
I'm already enjoying the greater creative freedom osu! allows me. Being able to place notes anywhere > 4 arrows.
The editor is pretty intuitive too, I like it a lot, but there are just so many more things you can do compared to Stepmania. Eventually I'll figure out how everything works...
Maybe someone here recognizes me from FFR, ODI, KBO... or maybe not? Anyway, hello ^_^
Getting used to sliders is weird for a DDR player I have to say. The maps with few sliders are so much easier than the ones that have a lot XD
I'm already enjoying the greater creative freedom osu! allows me. Being able to place notes anywhere > 4 arrows.
The editor is pretty intuitive too, I like it a lot, but there are just so many more things you can do compared to Stepmania. Eventually I'll figure out how everything works...
Maybe someone here recognizes me from FFR, ODI, KBO... or maybe not? Anyway, hello ^_^