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阿诺........皮肤里的ini文件立面的指令都由那些呢 :lol:
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凹槽 无视我吧 (逃 :oops:
Magical Pokie
//PLEASE read readme.txt

//Your skin's name. Include a version number for newer changes!
Name: osu! template v3
//Your name. Using your forum username is preferred.
Author: peppy

//When a slider has a reverse, should the ball sprite flip horizontally? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
SliderBallFlip: 0

//Should the cursor sprite rotate constantly?
CursorRotate: 1

//Should the cursor expand when clicked?
CursorExpand: 1

//Should the cursor have an origin at the centre of the image (if not, the top-left corner is used)
CursorCentre: 1

//The number of frames in the slider ball animation
SliderBallFrames: 10

//Should the hitcircleoverlay sprite be drawn above the hircircle combo number?
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1

//Colours are defined as RGB triplets.

//The combo colours. Can be anywhere between 2 and 5 - just leave out the ones you don't want
Combo1: 255,150,0
Combo2: 5,240,5
Combo3: 5,5,240
Combo4: 240,5,5
Combo5: 240,5,5

//The border colour on slider tracks.
SliderBorder: 255,255,255

//Force a slider track to a certain colour.
//SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0

//Colour of the approach circle used for spinners.
//SpinnerApproachCircle: 77,139,217

//The prefix will be used for the png files corresponding to the font. With a prefix of default, you would create pngs for default-0.png default-1.png etc.
HitCirclePrefix: default
//Overlap is number of pixels each character is allowed to overlap the last.
HitCircleOverlap: 3

//Score fonts can be drawn differently to hitcircles. If you only want to use one font, you can set this to the same prefix as your hitcircle font.
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 3
Magical Pokie
反正就是寫作者的....其他沒啥 湊字數
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