
Catch the Beat - New-level mappers' count

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This post is mainly based on Catch the Beat - Mapper Rankings

Catch the Beat - New-level mappers' count

What's This?
In 2016 and 2017,The Osu!Catch has developed a lot.In the early of 2016,you could ever see 0 CtB map in Qualfied state.But now,it looks impossible.(Sorry guys.This happend in Apr 2017......)That's why?Mappers,of course.In the CtB mapping world,there are lots of High-level mappers,such as - Magic Bomb - , JBHyperion , Ascendance , Deif , CLSW , Spectator , ZiRoX , etc.Except High-level mappers,there're a number of New-level mappers.Some of them even don't know how to map CtB well.Because the number of CtB mappers is small,they can hardly learn from others.So,I think it's necessary to give them a place to introduce themselves.

So here it is.

Why Bother?
Ranking 1st is always a hard time.I want to show those new mappers The Catch The Beat Mapping Community.They should know each other but not playing by themselves.Lots of mappers mapped their 1st by themselves.Some of them are really good ideas.But they even don't know how to rank them.So I show these mappers in the list.Welcome to CtB mapping!

How Does it Work?
Though mappers in the list haven't rank a diff yet,I will show their Sets & GDs they've made.Including diffs for rank,diffs for loved and diffs for graveyard.Also,I'll show how many Cup/Salad/Platter/Rain/Overdose diffs they've made.

Rules & Types
Plz read this part carefully if you want to join the count.
  1. This list is for CtB mappers.If you don't map CtB as your main mode Or just map for fun,you won't be accepted.
  2. This list is for New-level mappers.It only accepts mappers who haven't ranked anything.
  3. If you joined the list and finally rank one CtB diff,I'll say "Congratulations!" and then remove you from the list.
  4. The list is in alphabet order.
  5. Because there may too many new mappers,so if you want to join the list,you should count your map first,and then post it here but not count by me.Use the code below.
  6. If you have sth to update,plz post to let me know.
Code for post.↓
[notice][size=150]n.[b](your ID)[/b] - (Num of your CtB set) / (Num of CtB-GD you gived) / [b](Num of your total CtB diffs)[/b] / [color=#80FF00](Num of Cup you made)[/color] / [color=#0000FF](Num of Salad you made)[/color] / [color=#FFBF00](Num of Platter you made)[/color] / [color=#FF0000](Num of Rain you made)[/color] / [color=#BF80FF](Num of Overdose you made)[/color][/size][/notice]

  1. When you count,you should count your diff by Stars.For example,if you made a 1.6* "Cup",you should count it as a Salad.
  2. The diffs you count should at least uploaded.
  3. The code is the basic.You can write some other things like the sets you're working,the GDs you're working,how others think of you,etc.Below is a perfect example.
n.sxy62146214 - 3 / 4 / 16 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 2
  1. Working set for Rank:PianoreGD – Peach Blossom
  2. Working set for Loved:C418 – 0x10c
  3. Working GD for Rank:MDK – Fingerbang[sxy's Platter]
  4. Like making Platter and Rain.
  5. "sxy's XXX"
  6. BoberOfDarkness:sxy big map fan.


Last update:2017/4/29
Recent new mappers:Sanyi , sczer.

1.Sanyi - 3 / 1 / 9 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 2
  1. Working set for Rank: Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira!
  2. Working set for approval: Silent Siren - Koi Yuki
  3. Another marathon: Boxplot - Escape With The Clouds
  4. Some mappers says Sanyi's Shinsaku is good.
2.sczer - 1 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0
  1. Working set for Rank:myuu - Flowered Rust
  2. Like mapping every diff except Overdose.
3.sxy62146214 - 3 / 4 / 16 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 5 / 3
  1. Working set for Rank:PianoreGD – Peach Blossom
  2. Working set for Loved:C418 – 0x10c
  3. Like making Platter and Rain.
  4. "sxy's XXX"
  5. BoberOfDarkness:sxy big map fan.

Something else
Bad at English.
Spelling and Grammar mistakes.
WTF CtB mapping.
I just want to rank a diff before the Final Exam.
Ultra BBCode

Make CtB mapping great again!
hi im neu mepper

it would also be able to add/count unnoticed mappers, seems fine.
n.Sanyi4Life - 3 / 1 / 8 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2

  1. Working on this set for ranked: Chino(CV.Minase Inori) - Shinsaku no Shiawase wa Kochira! (I still have to map the Platter and hitsound the mapset)
  2. Working on this map (not now) for approval: Silent Siren - Koi Yuki (needs to be remapped)
  3. My other marathon: Boxplot - Escape With The Clouds (Is a experiment, nothing serious currently, maybe I will work on this one day, maybe not)
  4. My Salad GD: Hikasa Yoko, Uchida Maaya, Taketatsu Ayana, Akesaka Satomi - Gokujo.Joking? (I don't know if this is still going for ranked, my diff isn't implemented yet but can be found on the beatmap thread)

My favorite diff to map is Rain, after that Salad I think. Hareimu said that I have potential as a mapper after playing my Koi Yuki map (older version). Piku and murutattack played the Rain of my Shinsaku map and said both that the diff is good.

Sanyi4Life wrote:

This list is for CtB mappers.If you don't map CtB as your main mode Or just map for fun,you won't be accepted.[
I'm pretty sure most newer mappers only map because it's "fun".
n.sczer - 1 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0

Working on this set for ranked:myuu - Flowered Rust

Working on a second not yet submitted project

Would love to do GD for someone

Like mapping every diff exept overdose (just way too bad for that)
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Since I finished my Platter on my Shinsaku map, I have one more Platter difficulty:

n.Sanyi4Life - 3 / 1 / 9 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 2

And btw there is a mistake in the code here is a fixed version:

[notice][size=150]n.[b](your ID)[/b] - (Num of your CtB set) / (Num of CtB-GD you gived) / [b](Num of your total CtB diffs)[/b] / [color=#80FF00](Num of Cup you made)[/color] / [color=#0000FF](Num of Salad you made)[/color] / [color=#FFBF00](Num of Platter you made)[/color] / [color=#FF0000](Num of Rain you made)[/color] / [color=#BF80FF](Num of Overdose you made)[/color][/size][/notice]
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Weber wrote:

I'm pretty sure most newer mappers only map because it's "fun".
naa, it's boring, specially if you want to make a "full set".
cool idea owob
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Oh yes.Thanks for lots of High-level mappers' support.
Plz recommend this to new mappers because it's hard for me to pm them......
Nice, I hope there are more new mappers will/want to contribute to this community.
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