
David Wise - Title Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 27 listopada 2018 at 16:06:06

Artist: David Wise
Title: Title Theme
Source: Battletoads
Tags: NES Super Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Mega Drive Genesis Gear Game Boy Gameboy Amiga CD32 arcade
BPM: 161,85
Filesize: 1149kb
Play Time: 00:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,52 stars, 86 notes)
  2. Boss Fight (4,51 stars, 131 notes)
  3. Easy (1,39 stars, 35 notes)
  4. Hard (3,4 stars, 109 notes)
  5. Insane (3,95 stars, 121 notes)
  6. Normal (2,01 stars, 64 notes)
Download: David Wise - Title Theme
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First actually probably maybe ranked map of mine. LOL NOPE

4th one

00:10:600 (3) - ctrl+g jak dla mnie dla lepszego flowu
^jezeli byś się zdecydował, to 00:11:342 (4) - możesz wtedy przenieść na miejsce 00:10:229 (2) - reszta placement zależny od Ciebie
00:29:889 (1) - volume 5 na koncu spinnera?


00:01:697 (4) - nc
00:04:665 (4) - ^
00:29:889 (1) - volume


00:29:982 (1) - volume

Light Insane:

00:00:584 (2) - raczej bym to kólko zoverlapowal pod koncem 00:00:214 (1) -
00:09:858 (3) - zakręć trochę bardziej tym sliderem, bo płaski jak hot10 z podstawówki (
00:29:982 (1) - volume

Boss Fight:

00:04:665 (1) - dodaj punkcik po środku w dół pomiędzy startem slidera a czerwonym punktem, ładniej wygląda
00:18:019 (1) - może overlap na 00:17:648 (1) - bo troche takiego cry thundera tu odjebałeś
00:29:982 (1) - i standardowo volume

No ale w sumie dobry mapset, nie wiele złego to widzę, tylko moje nieważne shity, po +12SP i na ranked. gl
delete my name from tags lol
Topic Starter

-NeBu- wrote:


00:10:600 (3) - ctrl+g jak dla mnie dla lepszego flowu Nie, ponieważ musiałbym całą resztę przemapowywać, distance snap musi być stały
^jezeli byś się zdecydował, to 00:11:342 (4) - możesz wtedy przenieść na miejsce 00:10:229 (2) - reszta placement zależny od Ciebie ^
00:29:889 (1) - volume 5 na koncu spinnera? k


00:01:697 (4) - nc k
00:04:665 (4) - ^ k
00:29:889 (1) - volume k


00:29:982 (1) - volume

Light Insane:

00:00:584 (2) - raczej bym to kólko zoverlapowal pod koncem 00:00:214 (1) - Zrobiłem coś innego
00:09:858 (3) - zakręć trochę bardziej tym sliderem, bo płaski jak hot10 z podstawówki ( ^
00:29:982 (1) - volume k

Boss Fight:

00:04:665 (1) - dodaj punkcik po środku w dół pomiędzy startem slidera a czerwonym punktem, ładniej wygląda Dałem do góry
00:18:019 (1) - może overlap na 00:17:648 (1) - bo troche takiego cry thundera tu odjebałeś Nie, według mnie jest to grywalne i adekwatne
00:29:982 (1) - i standardowo volume k

No ale w sumie dobry mapset, nie wiele złego to widzę, tylko moje nieważne shity, po +12SP i na ranked. gl
Dzięki :)

Left wrote:

delete my name from tags lol
Sorry D:
lubię circlejerkować z polakami
Boss Fight
00:06:149 (1) - wycisz końce pls
00:11:156 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - te jumpy są śmiesze, bardziej overdone być nie mogły :^DDDDDDDD weź 00:11:713 (6,7,1) - przesuń na x=341,y=45, bo boli w oczy ten trójkąt
00:23:768 (6) - to powinno mieć większego jumpa, wyższy pitch
Light Insane
Jeżeli nie planujesz innego insane diffa, to daj temu nazwę "Insane" lel
00:16:906 (5,6,7,8) - według mnie powinieneś przerobić je na albo 2 kickslidery albo jednego reverse slidera 1/4 trwającego 4 1/4, mogą mieć problem ze staminą (chociaż 160 to nie dużo)
00:18:019 - ten part mnie dziwi. Pod wysokie dźwięki dajesz niski spacing, im niższe dźwięki, tym wyższy. Może zrób na odwrót? Będzie lepszy efekt
00:07:261 (2,3,4,5,6) - ale mnie ten rytm boli, zrób, jak zrobiłeś w 00:13:382 (4,5,6,7) -
00:13:196 - tutaj spokojnie możesz dodać notkę

szybciutko, bo fajne nawet
Topic Starter

MrDorian wrote:

lubię circlejerkować z polakami
Boss Fight
00:06:149 (1) - wycisz końce pls k
00:11:156 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - te jumpy są śmiesze, bardziej overdone być nie mogły :^DDDDDDDD weź 00:11:713 (6,7,1) - przesuń na x=341,y=45, bo boli w oczy ten trójkąt k
00:23:768 (6) - to powinno mieć większego jumpa, wyższy pitch coś tam zrobiłem
Light Insane
Jeżeli nie planujesz innego insane diffa, to daj temu nazwę "Insane" lel k
00:16:906 (5,6,7,8) - według mnie powinieneś przerobić je na albo 2 kickslidery albo jednego reverse slidera 1/4 trwającego 4 1/4, mogą mieć problem ze staminą (chociaż 160 to nie dużo) k
00:18:019 - ten part mnie dziwi. Pod wysokie dźwięki dajesz niski spacing, im niższe dźwięki, tym wyższy. Może zrób na odwrót? Będzie lepszy efekt z bólem serca i masą zmarnowanego czasu, zrobione
00:07:261 (2,3,4,5,6) - ale mnie ten rytm boli, zrób, jak zrobiłeś w 00:13:382 (4,5,6,7) - k
00:13:196 - tutaj spokojnie możesz dodać notkę k

szybciutko, bo fajne nawet
Doktorspiele o3o
20:28 CptSqBany: krfuwuś o3o
20:28 Krfawy: Kapitanuś :3
20:28 Krfawy: OMG GRATULACJE
20:28 Krfawy: Jestem z ciebie dumny! (>o3o)>
20:29 Krfawy: o3o
20:29 CptSqBany: <33
20:29 CptSqBany: a teraz proszę o modzika <3
20:29 Krfawy: wiem że chodzi ci o tą krótką mapkę XD
20:30 CptSqBany: Skończyłem 6 diffów krfuwuś
20:30 CptSqBany: sam mnie namówiłeś
20:30 CptSqBany: TO TERAZ MI POMÓŻ ;-;
20:31 Krfawy: OKI ;3;
20:31 Krfawy: POMOGEU ;3;
20:32 Krfawy: Boże, sześć? XD
20:32 CptSqBany: <3
20:32 Krfawy: widzę ostro jedziesz XD
20:32 CptSqBany: :D
20:44 CptSqBany: NO POMUSZ
20:45 Krfawy: ale teraz? X'D
20:45 CptSqBany: speedrank ftw
20:45 Krfawy: XDDD
20:46 Krfawy: skarbeńku
20:46 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Boss Fight]]
20:46 Krfawy: 00:18:019 (1,2) - slajdery te 3/4 mogą mieć wyciszone końce, nie sądzisz? X'D
20:47 CptSqBany: mogą, ale nie muszą
20:48 Krfawy: to weź, pażałsta, wycisz je bo tak kulawo brzmią
20:48 Krfawy: a w poprzednich sekcjach wyciszałeś ;3; np te 00:06:149 (1,1,1) -
20:49 CptSqBany: nom
20:49 Krfawy: i lepiej będzie zachować spójność bo tak jest niekonsekwentnie c'nie ;3;
20:49 CptSqBany: no ok :/
20:50 Krfawy: i w sumie jeszcze trapi mnie to że spinner na samiuteńkim końcu jest słyszalny, może użyjesz custom hitsound dla końcówki z pustym dźwiękiem XD
20:51 CptSqBany: nie mam takich wymysłów :/
20:51 Krfawy: czyli mówisz ni, oki ;3;
20:51 Krfawy: dobra i dla tego poziomu jeszcze jedna rzecz
20:52 Krfawy: 00:16:720 (3,3,3,1,3) - może dasz na te poszczególne kółeczka gwizdki żeby było podkreślenie motywu w tej sekcji?
20:52 Krfawy: 00:29:703 (1) - oraz na samym początku i na samym końcu tego slajderuszka
20:53 CptSqBany: oki =)
20:53 Krfawy: oku o3o/
20:53 Krfawy: dobra to z tego diffa chyba wsjo
20:54 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Insane]]
20:54 CptSqBany: :C
20:55 Krfawy: dobra, w tym diffie te slajdery 3/4 też można by wyciszyć (końcówki) żeby była konsekwencja w hitsoundach ;3;
20:56 Krfawy: jeeej <3
20:56 Krfawy: dobra, teraz skupmy się na Insejnieukeu
20:56 Krfawy: 00:11:898 (8) - może gwizdek XD
20:57 CptSqBany: krfuwuś
20:57 CptSqBany: nie zwracaj uwagi na hitsoundy
20:57 CptSqBany: przekopiuje sobie z najwyzszego diffa
20:57 Krfawy: oki o/
20:58 Krfawy: haem 00:09:858 (3) - jeżeli chcesz możesz wstawić w tym slajderze szarą kropkę pomiędzy tymi dwoma środkowymi punkcikami żeby slajderek był mniej płytki, np. na X269 Y58 o3o
20:59 CptSqBany: nigdy nie umiałem robic takich sliderkow
21:00 CptSqBany: dziekuuje
21:00 Krfawy: pażałstałke o3o
21:01 Krfawy: 00:26:736 (8) - tutaj zastanawiam się nad tym że różnica między tym a następnym obiektem nie jest aż tak wyczuwalna bo ta ósemka i jedyna są bardzo blisko siebie
21:01 Krfawy: może wstaw to trochę niżej, np. na koniec 00:25:809 (4) - tego slajdera?
21:02 CptSqBany: ale
21:02 CptSqBany: mrdorian
21:02 CptSqBany: mnie zgnoil ze tam za duzy bedzie jump
21:02 CptSqBany: w stosunku do piosenki
21:03 CptSqBany: :((
21:03 Krfawy: hm no faktycznie trochę duży
21:03 Krfawy: ALE jakbyś zrobił blanketa z tym slajderem
21:03 Krfawy: to będzie gut moim zdaniem o3o/ XD
21:04 Krfawy: bo rozumiesz, będzie przejście z siódemki w dół troszkę ale lekkie bo dźwięk zanika, ale będzie dobre podkreślenie dla różnicy dźwięków z następnym tripelm \:D/
21:04 Krfawy: chyba że chcesz to możesz zostawić jak jest \o\
21:05 CptSqBany: zmienilem
21:05 CptSqBany: oki
21:05 Krfawy: dobra, sprawdzam harda
21:06 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Hard]]
21:06 CptSqBany: oki o3o
21:06 CptSqBany: hard jest niewyważony imo
21:06 CptSqBany: bo nie umiem hardów mapować
21:07 CptSqBany: ale jebać venixa czekalbym 100 lat
21:07 Krfawy: 00:05:314 (3) - to jest bardzo głupie moim zdaniem bo koniec slajdera ma o wiele większą moc niż jego początek i jeżeli już to lepiej by się grało jeżeli to będą dwa kółka lub
21:07 Krfawy: 00:05:036 (2) - jeżeli tutaj będzie tylko jedno kółko a 00:05:221 - stąd będzie slajder 1/4 z powtórzeniem lub trójka
21:09 Krfawy: wiem że rozwali to pattern ale to po prostu gra się słabo obecnie ;_;
21:09 CptSqBany: [ że tak?]
21:09 Krfawy: ooo
21:10 Krfawy: no będzie git o3o
21:10 CptSqBany: :D
21:12 Krfawy: 00:11:898 (6) - zastanawiam się że lepiej tutaj będzie dać raczej kółko bo na końcu slajdera nie ma żadnego wyraźnego dźwięku, tylko trwa ten "saksofon", ale tak naprawdę gdyby się chciało coś podkreślać wyraźnego to trzeba by było używać slajdera o długości 1/8
21:13 Krfawy: także radzę kółko dać osobiście ;3;
21:13 CptSqBany: oki ;3;
21:14 Krfawy: co je
21:14 Krfawy: 00:02:067 (2) - mój aimod mówi że to jest niesnapnięte do rytmu
21:14 Krfawy: weź to przesuń w bok i z powrotem na miejsce XD
21:14 CptSqBany: oki
21:14 CptSqBany: juz
21:14 Krfawy: oki
21:14 Krfawy: to wsjo w Hardzie o3o/
21:14 CptSqBany: Dziekuje
21:15 CptSqBany: Pażastałke
21:15 Krfawy: czeka w sumie zagram ostatnie trzy poziomy
21:15 Krfawy: bo tych najlatwiejszych nie gralem XD
21:15 CptSqBany: oki
21:16 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Advanced]]
21:16 Krfawy: myślę że 00:29:703 (5) - to możesz dać spokojnie tutaj na ten gęstszy slajder :D
21:16 CptSqBany: Dopsz
21:17 CptSqBany: tylko tyle? :o
21:17 CptSqBany: kurcze, sądziłem że najgorszy diff ze wszystkich
21:17 Krfawy: szczerze ten Advanced bardzo mi się podoba XD
21:18 CptSqBany: Tak? >o<
21:18 Krfawy: Tak! >3<
21:18 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Normal]]
21:19 *CptSqBany is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Normal]]
21:19 Krfawy: 00:16:535 (2) - radziłbym to jednak odstawić trochę dalej bo ludzie będą myśleli że to jest stos typ 1/2 XD
21:19 CptSqBany: troche cieżko :/
21:19 CptSqBany: bo bym musial cale patterny przesuwac
21:20 Krfawy: możesz to obrócić o 15 stopni i dać na np. X466 Y235
21:20 CptSqBany: a NO
21:20 CptSqBany: pażastałka
21:20 Krfawy: nie za szto o3o
21:22 Krfawy: 00:29:518 (5) - w związku z tym że to ostatni obiekt do klikania może daj tutaj gwizdek XD
21:22 Krfawy: w normalu to wszystko
21:22 CptSqBany: oki ;w;
21:23 *Krfawy is editing [ David Wise - Title Theme [Easy]]
21:23 Krfawy: 00:29:333 (4) - to samo jeżeli zaakceptujesz w normalu
21:23 Krfawy: no, to wszystko o3o/
[Bossfight - Milkyway]
00:01:697 (1,2,3) - blanket ci sie popsuł przez stack 2 i 3, zaznacz wszystko i daj na coś w stylu x:346 y:229
00:07:447 (1) - jakby nie było jest bardzo miło ale wycisz końcówkę
00:09:858 (1) - lekko wystaje spod 00:09:487 (1) -
00:16:350 (2,1) - IMO mógłbyś zmienić ten spacing, teraz można się łatwo pomylić że to są po prostu czwórki a nie stream
czego nie CS7 dude
00:00:214 (1,2) - za duży spacing w porównaniu do innych przerw 1/4 między sliderami itp

nie wiem do czego sie moge przyczepić
ewentualnie wszystko brzmi jakby offset był do tyłu ale takie uroki utworów na NESa
Topic Starter

XVoIR wrote:

[Bossfight - Milkyway]
00:01:697 (1,2,3) - blanket ci sie popsuł przez stack 2 i 3, zaznacz wszystko i daj na coś w stylu x:346 y:229 Poprawiłem według swojego uznania
00:07:447 (1) - jakby nie było jest bardzo miło ale wycisz końcówkę k
00:09:858 (1) - lekko wystaje spod 00:09:487 (1) - to jest sprawa pikselozy, nie dam rady tego lepiej wyrównać, bedzie musiało tak być
00:16:350 (2,1) - IMO mógłbyś zmienić ten spacing, teraz można się łatwo pomylić że to są po prostu czwórki a nie stream Poprawiłem według swojego uznania
czego nie CS7 dude Bo CS6, pozatym nie chcę za dużej przerwy w Star Ratingu robić pomiędzy insane a hardest diffem
00:00:214 (1,2) - za duży spacing w porównaniu do innych przerw 1/4 między sliderami itp Albo się z tobą nie zgodzę, bo to bardzo małą robi różnicę w gameplayu, albo ja nie rozumiem o co ci chodzi.

nie wiem do czego sie moge przyczepić
ewentualnie wszystko brzmi jakby offset był do tyłu ale takie uroki utworów na NESa
Hello! M4M as per your request~


Boss Fight, Unsnapped objects: 00:00:314

Hard, Unsnapped objects: 00:29:749 - Slider repeat 00:29:842 - Slider repeat

Advanced: 00:29:749 - Slider repeat 00:29:842 - Slider repeat

[Boss Fight]

00:03:181 (1,2,3,4) - I think 4 should overlap with 1, since it's a common theme you've done on previous instances of that pattern.
00:05:778 (1,2,3) - IMO, these should be spaced out a bit..these feel a bit weak compared to the sounds they are emphasizing.
00:09:116 (1,1,1) - These 3 sliders should have antiflow when you compare them to the first pattern at 00:06:149 (1,1,1) - which does the same.
00:22:841 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This could be arranged a bit nicer, I think. You follow a very symmertical, hex grid jump patterning so it should look similar. How about something like this?


00:22:470 (7,8,9) - This should be overlapping with 4, looking at your current overlapping scheme.

Nice diff!


00:04:665 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This seems a bit too hard for this diff, consider reducing spacing? This seems like a really big spike for nothing intense going on in the song.


All good!


All good!


00:04:665 (3,1) - I think this blanket might be a bit off.

Couldn't find much in the lower diffs. The song is short in nature so there is way less room for mistakes. You have very nice ideas in the top diff, and follow consistency nicely in the lower diffs. Good job!

Best of luck!! Thank you for modding my map~
Topic Starter

Xilver wrote:

Hello! M4M as per your request~


Boss Fight, Unsnapped objects: 00:00:314 k

Hard, Unsnapped objects: 00:29:749 - Slider repeat 00:29:842 - Slider repeat i hope i repaired it /m\

Advanced: 00:29:749 - Slider repeat 00:29:842 - Slider repeat ^

[Boss Fight]

00:03:181 (1,2,3,4) - I think 4 should overlap with 1, since it's a common theme you've done on previous instances of that pattern. k
00:05:778 (1,2,3) - IMO, these should be spaced out a bit..these feel a bit weak compared to the sounds they are emphasizing. I would make 1,2 close and 3 more distant, but i think it would be too hard to read, so i've just scaled the triple
00:09:116 (1,1,1) - These 3 sliders should have antiflow when you compare them to the first pattern at 00:06:149 (1,1,1) - which does the same. I tried
00:22:841 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This could be arranged a bit nicer, I think. You follow a very symmertical, hex grid jump patterning so it should look similar. How about something like this? Cool, done =)


00:22:470 (7,8,9) - This should be overlapping with 4, looking at your current overlapping scheme. It is overlapping with 7 in 7,8,9. If i would stack it, the snapping would break too

Nice diff!


00:04:665 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This seems a bit too hard for this diff, consider reducing spacing? This seems like a really big spike for nothing intense going on in the song. I think I've made it a little bit easier =)


All good!


All good!


00:04:665 (3,1) - I think this blanket might be a bit off. k

Couldn't find much in the lower diffs. The song is short in nature so there is way less room for mistakes. You have very nice ideas in the top diff, and follow consistency nicely in the lower diffs. Good job!

Best of luck!! Thank you for modding my map~
Thank you very much for kind words and help <3 Hope your map will be ranked soon!
M4M from my queue
00:03:181 (1) - 00:18:019 (1) - 00:20:986 (1) - 00:22:470 (3) - 00:25:438 (3) - It seems to me that the rounded version would look better
00:05:778 (3,4) - imo slider there is better
00:07:261 (2) - 00:10:229 (2) - 00:13:196 (4) - 00:16:164 (1) - try to delete them and watch. I guess it's better without them for that diff
00:18:946 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - flow there isn't good imo
00:26:365 (3,4) - ctrl+g need there
00:06:149 (1,2,3) - that's cool, but there 00:07:447 (1) - it should be end on white tick, for more comfortable and this will be ok cuz music there is different then before
00:13:382 (1) - same^
00:18:019 (1,2,3) - there and there 00:23:954 (1,2,3) - shouldn't be the triples. It's playing weird. Just do the same 1/4 revers
00:13:567 (2) - just delete it or delete and change 00:13:382 (1) - to 1/2 slider
Boss Fight
00:03:923 (3,4) - smth went wrong there))
Topic Starter

ncuh wrote:

M4M from my queue
00:03:181 (1) - 00:18:019 (1) - 00:20:986 (1) - 00:22:470 (3) - 00:25:438 (3) - It seems to me that the rounded version would look better I've rounded a little two first ones, but two last ones are okay, because the pattern =)
00:05:778 (3,4) - imo slider there is better You need to teach new players to these things, if I would put a slider there, they wouldn't be educated enough about these patterns to go straight up to Advanced diff after playing Normal
00:07:261 (2) - 00:10:229 (2) - 00:13:196 (4) - 00:16:164 (1) - try to delete them and watch. I guess it's better without them for that diff It wouldn't be intuitive enough
00:18:946 (3,4,1,2,3,4) - flow there isn't good imo It teaches the antiflow, also there are bunch of patterns like these in this map, so idk why you picked out only this one. Not changing
00:26:365 (3,4) - ctrl+g need there No, spacing would be broken

00:06:149 (1,2,3) - that's cool, but there 00:07:447 (1) - it should be end on white tick, for more comfortable and this will be ok cuz music there is different then before I've just silented slider's end
00:13:382 (1) - same^ ^
00:18:019 (1,2,3) - there and there 00:23:954 (1,2,3) - shouldn't be the triples. It's playing weird. Just do the same 1/4 reversIn my opinion it looks and plays even weirder if i put 5th slider there. Not changing
00:13:567 (2) - just delete it or delete and change 00:13:382 (1) - to 1/2 slider Nope, I think this is good as it is
Boss Fight
00:03:923 (3,4) - smth went wrong there)) O right, thanks XD
Thanks for mod!
Fu Xuan
  1. Disable Widescreen Support
  2. The hitsoudns are too soft. i can't hear them.
  1. 00:07:261 (2) - Why even mute this note?

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible.
  2. 00:09:116 (1,2) - imo flow gets weird here. Why not let 00:10:229 (2) - follow the direction of 00:09:116 (1) - ? Since it is an "Easy" anyway, might as well follow the flow
  3. 00:15:051 (1,2) - ^ Same here.
  1. 00:05:778 (3,4,1) - Isn't this a bit too hard for a Normal?
  1. Woah, SV 1.50 too fast.
  2. 00:10:229 (4) - Remove NC here?
  3. 00:29:703 (5) - What's this change of rhythm lol
  1. 00:11:713 (4,5,6) - Spaced triple is too hard for this diff
  2. 00:07:447 (1,2) - Spacing is too far, how do you think can players of this level click that. There isn't even any emphasis here.
  3. 00:13:382 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:16:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Nerf this? It's like you've made a stream.
  5. 00:29:703 (6) - what
  1. 00:00:214 (1) - There is no sound on the sliderend here.
  2. 00:04:665 (1,2,3) - This can flow more better.
  3. 00:23:954 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. Stack leniency pls
[Boss Fight]
  1. Ant cs
  2. 00:00:214 (1) - No sound on the sliderend again.
  3. 00:05:778 (1,2,3) - Can flow more better/Can be structured more better.
  4. Nice aesthetics.
  5. Idk how to mod these kinds of mapping tho.
m4m, ih


00:07:261 (2) - at click note, 5% volume is unrankable.


00:17:648 (4,1) - plz no use this unexpected 1/4 sudden jump at low diff.
00:27:292 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - they don't have consistent DS


00:00:214 (1,2) - i mentioned this at highest diff. I think this 1/4 jump should be remove, since this 1/4 partten is only unique partten at this diff.

[Boss Fight]

Overall, structure is good. but i don't make sense why you make many 1/4 jump, which placed like 1/2 beat placement.
Especially, 00:22:470 (1,1) - this 1/4 jump is too far for playing.
In my opinion, Using mainly 1/4 jump doesn't ideal contents, which player want recently..
This concern will apply more strongly at lower diff. (insane, hard diff)

00:10:414 (1) - lol, idk why you suddenly use this shape, instead of normal curve shape.
00:10:971 (2,3,4,5,6) - seems like you may intend some triangle on here. But there is no regular triangle.
How about try to make regular triangle at 00:10:971 (2,3,5) - , or 00:11:342 (4,5,6) - ?
00:16:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - this small circle stream jump make really difficulty spike,
since other partten is pretty easily partten for playing.
I suppose it will make bother to many players. But there is no unrankable. so just let you know if you care of players.
00:17:555 (4,2) - might be worthness, but, stack?
00:29:703 (1) - hmm, it should be reduce repeating reverse, as i can't hear some beat at 00:29:889 - .
I just think that this slider need to finish at 00:29:843 (2) - .

kcul doog
Topic Starter

-Aqua wrote:

  1. Disable Widescreen Support k
  2. The hitsoudns are too soft. i can't hear them. Since the song itself is pretty quiet, the hitsounds are meant to be a bit quiet,
    but okay, i will increase the volume a little
  1. 00:07:261 (2) - Why even mute this note?

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Hitsounds from notes and sliders must be audible.
    Failed usage of hitsound copier. My bad
  2. 00:09:116 (1,2) - imo flow gets weird here. Why not let 00:10:229 (2) - follow the direction of 00:09:116 (1) - ? Since it is an "Easy" anyway, might as well follow the flow There is nothing complicated in this. The flow goes okay in my opinion.
  3. 00:15:051 (1,2) - ^ Same here. ^
  1. 00:05:778 (3,4,1) - Isn't this a bit too hard for a Normal? Maybe... changed to slider
  1. Woah, SV 1.50 too fast. changed to 1,4
  2. 00:10:229 (4) - Remove NC here?
  3. 00:29:703 (5) - What's this change of rhythm lol I've asked separate mapper if this is ok if I put 1/8 slider there and he said its ok. so...
  1. 00:11:713 (4,5,6) - Spaced triple is too hard for this diff ok, stacked now
  2. 00:07:447 (1,2) - Spacing is too far, how do you think can players of this level click that. There isn't even any emphasis here. ehh ok
  3. 00:13:382 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:16:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Nerf this? It's like you've made a stream. now it should be ok
  5. 00:29:703 (6) - what what?
  1. 00:00:214 (1) - There is no sound on the sliderend here. k
  2. 00:04:665 (1,2,3) - This can flow more better. k
  3. 00:23:954 (1,2,3) - ^ I think this is okay as it is
  4. Stack leniency pls Its ok as it is imo
[Boss Fight]
  1. Ant cs
  2. 00:00:214 (1) - No sound on the sliderend again.
  3. 00:05:778 (1,2,3) - Can flow more better/Can be structured more better. idk if now its ok
  4. Nice aesthetics. ty
  5. Idk how to mod these kinds of mapping tho.

Lami wrote:

m4m, ih


00:07:261 (2) - at click note, 5% volume is unra0000FF]already repaired[/color]


00:17:648 (4,1) - plz no use this unexpected 1/4 sudden jump at low diff. already repaired
00:27:292 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - they don't have consistent DS I used ctrl+shift+D, blame peppy


00:00:214 (1,2) - i mentioned this at highest diff. I think this 1/4 jump should be remove, since this 1/4 partten is only unique partten at this diff. k

[Boss Fight]

Overall, structure is good. but i don't make sense why you make many 1/4 jump, which placed like 1/2 beat placement.
Especially, 00:22:470 (1,1) - this 1/4 jump is too far for playing. k
In my opinion, Using mainly 1/4 jump doesn't ideal contents, which player want recently..
This concern will apply more strongly at lower diff. (insane, hard diff)

00:10:414 (1) - lol, idk why you suddenly use this shape, instead of normal curve shape. ehh.. ok
00:10:971 (2,3,4,5,6) - seems like you may intend some triangle on here. But there is no regular triangle.
How about try to make regular triangle at 00:10:971 (2,3,5) - , or 00:11:342 (4,5,6) - ? Now I've done it using Ctrl+Shift+D, hope its ok now
00:16:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - this small circle stream jump make really difficulty spike,
since other partten is pretty easily partten for playing.
I suppose it will make bother to many players. But there is no unrankable. so just let you know if you care of players. I've nerfed it a bit
00:17:555 (4,2) - might be worthness, but, stack? just done it while nerfing
00:29:703 (1) - hmm, it should be reduce repeating reverse, as i can't hear some beat at 00:29:889 -
I just think that this slider need to finish at 00:29:843 (2) - k

kcul doog
siemano ~~


Tak ogólnie to wszystko ok, tylko w niektórych miejscach możesz wyrównać DS bo nie ma w nich patternów w których musisz wymuszać mniejszy lub większy dystans (np blankeciory co nie). Np: 00:26:365 (4) - 00:27:849 (2) -

No i takie małe pierdoły jak 00:20:986 (1,3) - gdzie nie są wcale w tym samym położeniu X: (00:20:986 (1) - po ctrl+G ma X:161 a 00:22:470 (3) - 160)

00:23:954 (1,2) - Tutaj byś mógł linear flow poprawić, bo patrz jak to wygląda po przymierzeniu
00:26:921 (1,2,3) - Cały pattern podrasuj jeśli chodzi o triangle, wystarczy że wyrównasz po obydwu stronach DS w 00:27:849 (2) -


00:15:793 (3,1) - No to ten, popraw sobie tutaj blankecik ;w;

00:07:447 (1) - Zrób tutaj symetryczny ten slider, w takiej formie wygląda mało estetycznie i trochę randomowo ;/
Ogólnie to jeśli chodzi o początek to średnio mi się podoba cały ten grid snap I proste sliderki, ale to już kwestia gustu.

Nie chcę mi się robić dużego moda więc zostawiam tak, gl
Topic Starter

deadpon3 wrote:

siemano ~~


Tak ogólnie to wszystko ok, tylko w niektórych miejscach możesz wyrównać DS bo nie ma w nich patternów w których musisz wymuszać mniejszy lub większy dystans (np blankeciory co nie). Np: 00:26:365 (4) - 00:27:849 (2) - k

No i takie małe pierdoły jak 00:20:986 (1,3) - gdzie nie są wcale w tym samym położeniu X: (00:20:986 (1) - po ctrl+G ma X:161 a 00:22:470 (3) - 160) k

00:23:954 (1,2) - Tutaj byś mógł linear flow poprawić, bo patrz jak to wygląda po przymierzeniu k
00:26:921 (1,2,3) - Cały pattern podrasuj jeśli chodzi o triangle, wystarczy że wyrównasz po obydwu stronach DS w 00:27:849 (2) - k


00:15:793 (3,1) - No to ten, popraw sobie tutaj blankecik ;w; k

00:07:447 (1) - Zrób tutaj symetryczny ten slider, w takiej formie wygląda mało estetycznie i trochę randomowo ;/ k
Ogólnie to jeśli chodzi o początek to średnio mi się podoba cały ten grid snap I proste sliderki, ale to już kwestia gustu.

Nie chcę mi się robić dużego moda więc zostawiam tak, gl
Dzieki :)
  1. Chyba nic.
  1. Mógłbyś usunąć te bezsensowe timing pointy, bo one nic nie dają. A mapa jest sehr gut.
  1. 00:11:342 (5,6) - Myślę, że mniej zakrzywione slidery wyglądałyby tu lepiej niż te prawie kółka ;)
  2. 00:18:946 - 00:20:430 - 00:21:914 - itd. Tutaj mógłbyś daćkółka albo rozpocząć 1/2 slider, ponieważ nawet w Easy followowałeś ten dźwięk, a BPM jest wystarczająco niskie, żeby zrobić trochę do klikania graczowi.
  3. Fajny diff :^)
  1. 00:24:325 (2,3,4) - Jakbym grał mapę mtmcla. Kocham cię za to <3
  1. 00:20:986 (1) - A czemu by nie dodać tutaj tripla klikanego, żeby zrobić takie "triplet, slider, triplet itd." fajne?
  2. 00:22:841 (2) - NC bo zmiana prędkości slidera
  3. 00:26:921 (1) - To samo co w punkcie 1.
  1. 00:06:520 (2,3) - NC, zmiany prędkości sliderów
  2. 00:09:487 (2,3) - ^ (resztę sam wyłapiesz chyba xd)
[Bos Fajt]
  1. 00:03:181 (1,2,3) - Trochę to dziwnie wygląda jak masz dwa identyczne jumpy z innymi beatami. Dla lepszego readingu proponowałbym 00:03:737 (3) dać trochę dalej.
  2. 00:12:455 (1) - Z Ctrl + G gra się wygodniej moim zdaniem
Rankuj z tym. Powodzenia :D
Topic Starter

Chalwa wrote:

  1. Chyba nic.
  1. Mógłbyś usunąć te bezsensowe timing pointy, bo one nic nie dają. A mapa jest sehr gut. k
  1. 00:11:342 (5,6) - Myślę, że mniej zakrzywione slidery wyglądałyby tu lepiej niż te prawie kółka ;) k
  2. 00:18:946 - 00:20:430 - 00:21:914 - itd. Tutaj mógłbyś daćkółka albo rozpocząć 1/2 slider, ponieważ nawet w Easy followowałeś ten dźwięk, a BPM jest wystarczająco niskie, żeby zrobić trochę do klikania graczowi. fixed
  3. Fajny diff :^)
  1. 00:24:325 (2,3,4) - Jakbym grał mapę mtmcla. Kocham cię za to <3
  1. 00:20:986 (1) - A czemu by nie dodać tutaj tripla klikanego, żeby zrobić takie "triplet, slider, triplet itd." fajne? za trudne na ten diff
  2. 00:22:841 (2) - NC bo zmiana prędkości slidera k
  3. 00:26:921 (1) - To samo co w punkcie 1. To samo co w punkcie 1.
  1. 00:06:520 (2,3) - NC, zmiany prędkości sliderów k
  2. 00:09:487 (2,3) - ^ (resztę sam wyłapiesz chyba xd)
[Bos Fajt]
  1. 00:03:181 (1,2,3) - Trochę to dziwnie wygląda jak masz dwa identyczne jumpy z innymi beatami. Dla lepszego readingu proponowałbym 00:03:737 (3) dać trochę dalej. Dałem tak jak w pierwszym przypadku, dla consistency.
  2. 00:12:455 (1) - Z Ctrl + G gra się wygodniej moim zdaniem tu ma być taki "antiflow". Zostaje jak jest
Rankuj z tym. Powodzenia :D

Boss fight
  1. 00:05:592 - This note has the exact same intensity of 00:05:407 so it feels more ideal to have it as a clickable object.
  2. 00:05:870 - Recommend to map this note because it feels wrong to just gloss over sounds in this diff when there are obvious sounds here but also because you mapped it at 00:11:713 (6,7,8)
  3. 00:11:713 (6,7,8) - If you're going to mp this you should map the same sound that appears in the same melody -> 00:11:249

  1. 00:16:350 (1) - NC isn't necessary
  2. 00:22:470 (1) - ^

  1. 00:17:741 and 00:17:926 - The blue ticks are the same here as 00:16:535 (1,2,3) so it feels off to not map them when following the music.
  2. 00:16:535 (1,2,3) - The design and structure of this pattern makes it very hard to read. Something such as this would be a lot easier to read
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

Boss fight
  1. 00:05:592 - This note has the exact same intensity of 00:05:407 so it feels more ideal to have it as a clickable object. k
  2. 00:05:870 - Recommend to map this note because it feels wrong to just gloss over sounds in this diff when there are obvious sounds here but also because you mapped it at 00:11:713 (6,7,8) k
  3. 00:11:713 (6,7,8) - If you're going to mp this you should map the same sound that appears in the same melody -> 00:11:249 k

  1. 00:16:350 (1) - NC isn't necessary k
  2. 00:22:470 (1) - ^ k

  1. 00:17:741 and 00:17:926 - The blue ticks are the same here as 00:16:535 (1,2,3) so it feels off to not map them when following the music.k
  2. 00:16:535 (1,2,3) - The design and structure of this pattern makes it very hard to read. Something such as this would be a lot easier to readk
G r e e t i n g s (hello Naxess and Aiess xd)


00:27:849 (2) - Missing whistle, 00:21:914 (2) - has a whistle so why not here

I just want to say something about the use of hitsounds, generally only on this diff. I just think that it's weird seeing that you emphasize the sounds on the sliderends of 00:07:632 (3) - 00:13:567 (3) - instead of the sliderheads. With the necessity of the player clicking and holding on the sliderhead to hold until the end, it requires the use of feedback and rhythm. With you putting the emphasized whistles on the end of the slider, it seems weird since it requires no feedback to know when the slider actually ends. I'd suggest putting the hitsounds on the head of the slider to give the player feedback of when to time their hit; Most people generalize players that play easy diffs as newbies so it'd make sense to make your map as friendly as possible to give them a sense of what they're about to head into.

Adding on to this, the sliderend of 00:04:665 (3) - could be emphasized more to suit the overwhelming feeling of the triple kick at 00:05:778 (4) - . I can see that you're giving sounds that are almost equal to this triple (00:23:212 (4,5) - ) some added emphasis with the extended use of hitcircles so I think you could do the same here. I'd suggest to reduce the length of the slider by 1/1 and add a hitcircle to give some extra emphasis. (This goes along with the argument above so if you do not agree, feel free to disagree with this too.)


If you agree with the above, please check this diff with hitsounds too. There are some hitsounds that you can move around with the implementation of the Easy changes.


00:29:147 (3,4,5,1) - This could do with a slightly larger spacing for some emphasis, just to tell the player subtly that it's the ending and it's also the most intense spot in the song.

Boss Fight

00:16:164 (1,2) - I don't like how similar this is spaced with the stream jumps, it looks and feels like the stack has a 1/4 rhythm. It's also confusing since it has the same NC pattern as the stream and it gives the player a wrong incentive of when to time their hit. It also under-emphasizes the build up of the stream.

Not much to point out, nice map.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Alphabet wrote:

G r e e t i n g s (hello Naxess and Aiess xd)


00:27:849 (2) - Missing whistle, 00:21:914 (2) - has a whistle so why not here done

I just want to say something about the use of hitsounds, generally only on this diff. I just think that it's weird seeing that you emphasize the sounds on the sliderends of 00:07:632 (3) - 00:13:567 (3) - instead of the sliderheads. With the necessity of the player clicking and holding on the sliderhead to hold until the end, it requires the use of feedback and rhythm. With you putting the emphasized whistles on the end of the slider, it seems weird since it requires no feedback to know when the slider actually ends. I'd suggest putting the hitsounds on the head of the slider to give the player feedback of when to time their hit; Most people generalize players that play easy diffs as newbies so it'd make sense to make your map as friendly as possible to give them a sense of what they're about to head into.

Adding on to this, the sliderend of 00:04:665 (3) - could be emphasized more to suit the overwhelming feeling of the triple kick at 00:05:778 (4) - . I can see that you're giving sounds that are almost equal to this triple (00:23:212 (4,5) - ) some added emphasis with the extended use of hitcircles so I think you could do the same here. I'd suggest to reduce the length of the slider by 1/1 and add a hitcircle to give some extra emphasis. (This goes along with the argument above so if you do not agree, feel free to disagree with this too.) I agree. Everything fixed


If you agree with the above, please check this diff with hitsounds too. There are some hitsounds that you can move around with the implementation of the Easy changes. Same here


00:29:147 (3,4,5,1) - This could do with a slightly larger spacing for some emphasis, just to tell the player subtly that it's the ending and it's also the most intense spot in the song. reasonable

Boss Fight

00:16:164 (1,2) - I don't like how similar this is spaced with the stream jumps, it looks and feels like the stack has a 1/4 rhythm. It's also confusing since it has the same NC pattern as the stream and it gives the player a wrong incentive of when to time their hit. It also under-emphasizes the build up of the stream. kinda fixed

Not much to point out, nice map.
Good luck~
Thank you very much ^^
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