
t+pazolite - Ofcourse You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD an

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 20 марта 2013 г. at 19:15:06

Artist: t+pazolite
Title: Ofcourse You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME?
Tags: OnosakiHito j-core hardcore syndrome tano*c speedcore redalice ayumi nomiya Of course
BPM: 240
Filesize: 5943kb
Play Time: 02:15
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ono's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 881 notes)
  2. Ragnarok (5 stars, 906 notes)
  3. Taikosaki (4,83 stars, 1136 notes)
Download: t+pazolite - Ofcourse You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME?
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
240 BPM orz
2 years old map
SB by Katty Pie \*w*/
It's for approval
star ofc, kak ne zastarit \:D/
zvezda zhe

Hellzero wrote:

For Graveyard
Louis Cyphre
Impossible map
For Graveyard
I don't know which AR will better so i upload both
Impossible? For approval is ok. AR9 fits fine with such fast temp.
И чё ты сдаёшься даже не спросив мнение у БАТов. палил мапку, на апровал самое ок.
Of course I give and give and give and give you Star
ez stuff
star :D
star ☆彡
Nicely mapped, but poor song choice.
star~ :D
Star! :3
sounds like it would be 480 not 240 lol

that was not a suggestion btw, just saying
Finished Taiko diff. request with Taiko_BG.
If you want I would make also an easier Taiko diff. so more people can play it.

Download: t+pazolite - Of course you need and need and need and need Me (Hellzero) [Taikosaki].osu

Coolllllllllllllllllllllll 8-)
Medicine Melancholy
Love it.
Люблю рот всех отписавшихся здесь

Reiji-RJ wrote:

Of course I give and give and give and give you Star
Oh my god! Graveyard, a t+pazolite song. orz
Topic Starter
Don't worry. I'll resurrect it later...
Failed first try at the very ending with 90.25% accuracy and B-rank. What a pity :(

Gonna edit this later.


love it! Lets see if cookiezi can do it, rank it!
MP3 is so good. /not

Nilsso wrote:

love it! Lets see if cookiezi can do it, rank it!
He got 99.5% S with us in multi.
True thing lol was so frustrating to see the guy get S without even trying. :(
Welcome back to pending. o7
fuckin great!

I suggest...

01:16:275 (3,4) - change to like this
01:16:275 (3) - delete clap
01:16:400 (4) - add clap
01:16:650 (5) - add clap
I like this map.
Hi from my Queue

some suggestions

00:14:775 add finish
00:25:275 x:248 y:136 better flow
00:47:150 (3,4,5) - make this triplet a little curved if you do it same here 00:47:650 (7,8,9) -
00:52:275 and 00:53:400 stack they perfect
00:56:275 and 00:57:650 should be stacked perfect
01:01:275 add clap
01:01:775 ^
01:08:775 finish
01:11:275 missing clap here
01:21:275 this is unrankable i think hitburst of 01:20:275 dont let see the repeat x-x check it:

01:27:275 clap
01:27:775 ^
01:29:275 since i dont like this combo spam but is just my opinion
01:43:775 finish? kiai start there
01:46:025 (3,4,5) - make it more curved for better flow
01:50:900 (3,4,5) - make it curved like 01:51:275 (7,8,9) -
01:54:525 (8,9,1) - make it more clean look bad now x-x
02:00:775 (1,2,3) - add finish or claps in this circles since music call for they imo
02:09:525 i think clap is necesary here
02:11:525 ^
02:13:525 ^
02:13:525 (1,2) - can you move to other place get overlap by spinner hitburt maybe like 02:11:525 (1,2) -
02:15:775 finish fit better imo
02:31:775 ^
02:31:900 stack it perfect with 02:32:900
02:32:275 this overlap the repeat of 02:32:900 ( i mean the hitburst)
Here we go again.
Привет :3


• Комбо цвета лучше поменять, так как в дефаулте 2 красных цвета, да и синий с зелёным совершенно не подходят под бг. Попробуй что-нибудь типа этого ну или похожие цвета которые тебя понравятся :3

• добавь в тэги: j-core, hardcore, speedcore


01:10:775(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - омг что за ужас? Сделай лучше 2 полукруга со слайдером будет хоть более читаемо, а не так что просто рандомные ноты в одной куче.
01:25:775 - тут нк, сам знаешь зачем =З
01:41:775 - на этом слайдере лучше сделать нормал саунд и появление звука от 20% здесь и по +5% на 1/2 бит, а следующий стрим с громкость 60%
01:49:775 - сделай этот стрим немного поокруглее, но это по желанию) Лично мне так нравится больше.
02:30:775 - 02:31:525 - поставь тут спиннер, как раз подходит по музыке и после брейка будет удобнее играть
02:47:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - да об этом я уже говорила, поверни их на 30 градусов каждый и сделай такой же паттерн

Вот вроде всё, и знай что я за OD 7 xD удачи няш :3
If you want to rank this, you need now an easier difficultie. UNfortunaley the new rule applies for all maps now, nvm which year they are from.
If you need help tell me please. I will mod the Ragnarok and search for mods as well. Maybe I can help you if you want to make the full map-set.
I will do what ever it needs to, to get this ranked.

OnosakiHito wrote:

If you want to rank this, you need now an easier difficultie. UNfortunaley the new rule applies for all maps now, nvm which year they are from.
hm no. Maps which have been uploaded before the established rule, can be approved now regardless of the length and complexity of the map~
Topic Starter
Natsu thx for mod :3
Katty Pie, божественный мод. Большое спасибо :3
Go go, rank this :3

Hellzero wrote:

It's for approval
Но ведь..для аппрувала нужно 6 минут длины..
Red - Unrankable
Blue - I highly recommend you to fix this
Black - Suggestion


Name of song is not right. Real name of song is: Ofcourse You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME?
..yes, of course without space and those uppercase letter are really like this, I've got the album and it's really like this. Definitely must be fixed.

Maybe add these tags:
  1. hardcore syndrome (album)
  2. hardcore tano*c (publisher of album, group where's t+pazolite from)
  3. redalice (leader of HARCORE TANO*C)
    These are imo really important. Next one is just additional, unimportant.
  4. ayumi nomiya (performer)

00:22:025 (1,2) - Maybe move on 256;40 to make stack with slider before and it will also make better triangle pattern, now it's a bit low. Imo could be higher to make player feel it's smooth and perfect.
01:13:025 (2,3) - I think these could be symmetrical with 01:12:775 (1,4) to make perfect circle.
Well.. these two things were only things which were bothering me. I think shapes are fine, symmetrical, but people maybe won't like it, because they're hard to play with this BPM, but still, I like them and I think I have nothing to say to them. Maybe use constant snap for streams, because some streams had inconsistent distance even if it was unnecessary. Like this 02:39:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). I think it could have exactly the same snap like 00:30:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) because there is almost not diffirence between them. I won't point you others, you could find them if you're going to fix this.
Also.. combo art? Why not, but I think those colors are not right.
Try to change combo colors like this in .osu file:
  1. Combo1 : 106,106,106
  2. Combo2 : 227,157,87
  3. Combo3 : 215,81,81
  4. Combo4 : 191,191,191
Why they're not right? There was first time clear white color. Yeah.. white is nice color, but in combination with that BG it's a bit hard to read. When it's changed like this, it's really much readable. Also why I changed also normal colors? Simply, these colors were too much bright and colorful so it doesn't fit background so much. You don't have to change these, but I highly recommend you to change at least that white and gray color.
I have nothing more to say, hitsounds are imo good, but I recommend you to add clap on these notes (maybe put a bit down the volume):
  1. 01:28:275 (3)
  2. 01:29:525 (10)
  3. 01:30:275 (3)
  4. 01:31:025 (6)
  5. 01:32:275 (3)
  6. 01:33:525 (10)
  7. 01:34:275
  8. 01:35:275
  9. 01:34:025
  10. 01:35:025
  11. 01:36:275 (2)
  12. 01:38:275
  13. 01:39:275 (2)
Just suggestion. If you listen music carefully you can hear there something like snare. It's really probable that I forget some.
Also I can suggest you some finishes:
  1. 00:22:775
  2. 00:38:775 (1)
  3. 00:46:774 (9)
  4. 00:54:774 (9)
  5. 01:26:775
  6. 01:27:775
  7. 01:59:775 (1)
  8. 02:47:775
Taiko diffs are imo perfect, everything fits music and I don't think there is a lot of unnecessary and inconsistent stuff.
Good luck with map.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Red - Unrankable
Blue - I highly recommend you to fix this
Black - Suggestion


Name of song is not right. Real name of song is: Ofcourse You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME?
..yes, of course without space and those uppercase letter are really like this, I've got the album and it's really like this. Definitely must be fixed.
looks like true : D changed, also added in tags "of course" :3

Maybe add these tags:
  1. hardcore syndrome (album)
  2. hardcore tano*c (publisher of album, group where's t+pazolite from)
  3. redalice (leader of HARCORE TANO*C)
    These are imo really important. Next one is just additional, unimportant.
  4. ayumi nomiya (performer)
Added all


00:22:025 (1,2) - Maybe move on 256;40 to make stack with slider before and it will also make better triangle pattern, now it's a bit low. Imo could be higher to make player feel it's smooth and perfect. yep
01:13:025 (2,3) - I think these could be symmetrical with 01:12:775 (1,4) to make perfect circle. fixed
Well.. these two things were only things which were bothering me. I think shapes are fine, symmetrical, but people maybe won't like it, because they're hard to play with this BPM, but still, I like them and I think I have nothing to say to them. Maybe use constant snap for streams, because some streams had inconsistent distance even if it was unnecessary. Like this 02:39:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). I think it could have exactly the same snap like 00:30:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) because there is almost not diffirence between them. I won't point you others, you could find them if you're going to fix this. I prefer my spacing
Also.. combo art? Why not, but I think those colors are not right.
Try to change combo colors like this in .osu file:
  1. Combo1 : 106,106,106
  2. Combo2 : 227,157,87
  3. Combo3 : 215,81,81
  4. Combo4 : 191,191,191
Why they're not right? There was first time clear white color. Yeah.. white is nice color, but in combination with that BG it's a bit hard to read. When it's changed like this, it's really much readable. Also why I changed also normal colors? Simply, these colors were too much bright and colorful so it doesn't fit background so much. You don't have to change these, but I highly recommend you to change at least that white and gray color. Really good colours, thx
I have nothing more to say, hitsounds are imo good, but I recommend you to add clap on these notes (maybe put a bit down the volume):
  1. 01:28:275 (3)
  2. 01:29:525 (10)
  3. 01:30:275 (3)
  4. 01:31:025 (6)
  5. 01:32:275 (3)
  6. 01:33:525 (10)
  7. 01:34:275
  8. 01:35:275
  9. 01:34:025
  10. 01:35:025
  11. 01:36:275 (2)
  12. 01:38:275
  13. 01:39:275 (2)
Just suggestion. If you listen music carefully you can hear there something like snare. It's really probable that I forget some.
Also I can suggest you some finishes:
  1. 00:22:775
  2. 00:38:775 (1)
  3. 00:46:774 (9)
  4. 00:54:774 (9)
  5. 01:26:775
  6. 01:27:775
  7. 01:59:775 (1)
  8. 02:47:775
Added some hitsounds
Thanks for mod, it was really helpful

Morbon wrote:

Hellzero wrote:

It's for approval
Но ведь..для аппрувала нужно 6 минут длины..
Эта мапа слишком эпична что бы ее ранкать, только аппрув, только хардкор >:3
Yeaaahh I said you what here 5 need me >.< 2x stars :3
Okay, star~
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