Nifty - beatmap questioner, here.
00:11:126 - Why have these here if you're only mapping k's to beat 3 for the next 15 seconds. Also, in this section you're following the drums pretty explicitly, but the first pattern is following the synth.
It would make more sense to me if you mapped (
AHH PUUSH BROKE CAN'T UPLOAD EXAMPLE) to the drums here, like at 00:12:626 - to map d d k d____k d d k d.
Oh hey you did that 00:26:340 - here.
00:41:126 - Here should be either k d k d d, or d k d k k, first is following drums, second following synth, you decide.
01:02:876 (206,207) - This doesn't match anything, the synth is on 1/2s and the drums come back in on 01:03:090 - . You should probably just put a ddk at 01:02:769 - . (same issue in next kiai and recurring sections)
01:05:126 (218) - This should be K to follow the pattern ok K's you've established.
01:35:019 (17) - You can delete this, there's pretty much no sound you're already mapping here to anyways.
01:43:590 (56) - k to emphasize that turn.
01:53:876 (103) - ^
Dunno if you're leaving notes out on purpose like at 01:59:983 - for any reason but just gonna point that out
You mapped dkd in that sequence multiple times before is why I'm speculating.
02:32:018 (273) - a k here would better fit the music.
02:53:125 - Why isn't this just one solid stream /s
Last note: why are the hitsounds so damn quiet? Usually people have to have them at least above 40 but the only time they're above 40 is in the kiai. Personally, I can't hear my hitsounds during the kiai, especially since they'e also set to soft. Consider raising all the hitsounds by 30% or so.
Once again, this beginning is super awkward, just stick to mapping k's to the actual snare hit and it'll all sound good
01:14:340 - no note here?
01:15:733 (76) - Delete this note, and place a ddd 01:15:840 - here. Much betta 4 music and playing.
01:21:197 - no note again? Probably the same for other places like this as well.
rest looks fine ye.
Hey this pretty good.
You can definitely get away with white-ticking this entire song in the Kantan, so make 01:03:626 (12) - a k and move it to the white ^^
02:26:769 (12) - here too, these are just so weird being the ONLY red-ticked note.
Other than those points it's all fine ^^ I'm gonna make some changes to my map real quick and post it in the thread now uwu