
Is anyone able to identify this skin for me..?

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Mugi Brows
Looking to use the retro looking hit circles, and approach circles in the skin I found in this youtube video. Skip to 5:20, the skin used by -GN

Thanks in advance 8-)
Caput Mortuum
Use it like this
Is this the skin you're looking for?

Topic Starter
Mugi Brows

Eraser wrote:

Use it like this
Is this the skin you're looking for?

No it was the skin with the pink/purple/orange hit circles that -GN was using, yellow cursor at 5:20 is where it starts.
Caput Mortuum
They look pretty similar...
Search up sptf/-GN on youtube, it's his channel.
Topic Starter
Mugi Brows

Eraser wrote:

They look pretty similar...
Search up sptf/-GN on youtube, it's his channel.
Thanks for the lead, I PM'd him and asked permission to use his hit circle palette.

Edit: He doesn't respond. I want to use his neon retro hit circles they would look so good with the skin I'm making.
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