
Kenji Kaneko - Field of View, Re;Birth2 ver.

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, May 04, 2018 at 4:47:03 PM

Artist: Kenji Kaneko
Title: Field of View, Re;Birth2 ver.
Source: 超次次元ゲイム ネプテューヌRe;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION
Tags: raheta_adi nepgear uni soundtrack hyperdimension neptunia
BPM: 130
Filesize: 4228kb
Play Time: 02:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.68 stars, 311 notes)
  2. Insane (3.82 stars, 465 notes)
  3. Normal (1.63 stars, 164 notes)
Download: Kenji Kaneko - Field of View, Re;Birth2 ver.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Uni best girl


Honorable Mention : Loneight for continuous support

Bubble and Qualify : mancuso_JM_, Wishkey, Hobbes2 (rebubble)
Metadata : Shurelia

  1. FunnyA
  2. beiv
  3. hypercyte
  4. Loneight
  5. Mitsuna-
  6. mancuso_JM_
  7. Wishkey
  8. Hobbes2
Topic Starter

Shurelia wrote:

title : ... 22b613.jpg
artist :
Source :

Unicode Title: Field of View, Re;Birth 2 ver.
Romanised Title: Field of View, Re;Birth 2 ver.
Unicode Artist:金子 憲次
Romanised Artist: Kenji Kaneko
Source: 超次次元ゲイム ネプテューヌRe;Birth2 SISTERS GENERATION
Hi! Modding from my queue! c:


  1. Widescreen Support: This is a bit minor but since you don't have storyboard this option is useless actually. Would you mind removing it?
  2. Background: I won't disturb a lot about this because it's only 1 pixel of difference (1365x768). Would be good if you can fix this little pixel but it's not really noticeable after all.
  3. 02:35:050 (1) - I think a finish in this spinner works pretty good due the high pitch in the song (All difficulties).

  1. 00:20:973 (2,3) - I wouldn't put a note under a slider in this kind of difficulty because in general this become a bit complicated to read, in addition I'd use only 1/2 stacks because if you mix them probably new/average players won't read this really simple. You can fix this pretty easy by moving (3) around x:356 y:96.
  2. 01:23:050 (1) - This slider end is not following the rhythm really well because there isn't any high pitch there. Try to extend this slider until 01:23:742 - to follow the instrumental closer.
  3. 01:37:819 - I think you missed a finish here, you added it in the other difficulties.
- Quite impressive job I have to say. Everything sound, flow and look really well to me! c:


  1. 00:22:127 (4,1) -Is weird to see this section spinner mapped in Normal but not here. To have a better difficulty progression, try to map this section as I did in this screenshot (as you can see here, I change a bit the combo'ing too), this definitely will help you to have a better spread.
  2. 00:38:050 (3,4) - I personally think the rhythm here is not well represented because the highest pitch appear in 00:38:165 - and you decided to don't put anything there. I'd personally use something like this instead to provide a better effect during the gameplay.
  3. 00:53:742 (1) - I'd remove this note, a 1/1 recovery time after the spinner is necessary here even if the BPM is slow. In addition, this will help you a bit more with the spread because you'll only use a 1/2 note after the spinner only in Insane and you already simplified this pattern in Normal.
  4. 01:13:704 (5) - This note doesn't provide a good effect during the gameplay, it flows just weird to me. Would be better if you remove it too.
  5. 01:58:819 (2) - A bit nitpicky here but a little curve would make this pattern look better. Give it a try, please.
  6. 02:35:050 (6) - You can maybe add a whistle or finish in this note, it sounds empty without any hitsound.
- Good job here as well. I couldn't find anything major.


  1. 00:23:511 (4) - Can you make a similar shape as you did in 00:23:050 (3) - ? Doing that, you'll have the same shape in 00:22:127 (1,2) - & 00:23:050 (3,4) - .
  2. 00:25:127 (5,6) - Is it really necesary to make the spacing between them higher than before? There isn't any pitch change there, I can understand the little jump between 00:25:357 (6,1) - but not between these objects.
  3. 00:38:165 (x) - As I mentioned in Hard, this beat sounds pretty high to don't have any note. You can make this pattern a bit difficult looking that this is an Insane difficulty. Try adding a note here, you can probably add a jumpy stream here as well.
  4. 00:51:838 (1) - Why is this spinner snapped in 1/4 ticks in Hard and here it's in 1/8? I suppose they are following the same thing in the music, so they should be snapped in the same beat.
  5. 01:01:242 (x) - I personally you can add a note here as well. There is a good sound to implement it.
  6. 01:08:280 (1) - You can add this Whistle in the sliderbody in Normal if it was intentional, it makes sense. If not, make sure to remove it here.
  7. 01:24:434 (9) - Make this slider curved as you did in the next object. It looks really nice c:
  8. 01:26:396 (1) - This slider must be snapped in 1/3 instead. Try to listen this pattern in 25% playback rate and you'll notice that, make sure to snap it in 01:26:434 - .
  9. 02:12:896 (1) - A whistle in this slider beginning sounds really good, give it a try!
  10. 02:26:742 (5,6,7) - I think you can construct a better rhythmical pattern to follow the music much closer. I'd like to recommend you this pattern instead.
  11. 02:35:050 (x) - I think you can add a note here and move this spinner 1/4 forward as you did in Hard.
- In general, jumps/rhythms makes sense. Good job here as well!

That's all!
I liked your map in many aspects, so I'd like to give you a chance to make this ranked.
Feel free to call me back when you find 4 ~ 5 more mods and you have enough priority. For now, I'll throw a star here, showing you my support!
Best of luck!
Topic Starter
mancuso_JM_ mod

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Hi! Modding from my queue! c: - hello there! thanks for coming and welcome! o/


  1. Widescreen Support: This is a bit minor but since you don't have storyboard this option is useless actually. Would you mind removing it? - sure
  2. Background: I won't disturb a lot about this because it's only 1 pixel of difference (1365x768). Would be good if you can fix this little pixel but it's not really noticeable after all. - yeah this too, will replace with higher res (1920x1080)
  3. 02:35:050 (1) - I think a finish in this spinner works pretty good due the high pitch in the song (All difficulties). - agree

  1. 00:20:973 (2,3) - I wouldn't put a note under a slider in this kind of difficulty because in general this become a bit complicated to read, in addition I'd use only 1/2 stacks because if you mix them probably new/average players won't read this really simple. You can fix this pretty easy by moving (3) around x:356 y:96. - I honestly don't want to change this because I want to emphasize the pause there and I want to add a little challenge for player. but still, i will consider this
  2. 01:23:050 (1) - This slider end is not following the rhythm really well because there isn't any high pitch there. Try to extend this slider until 01:23:742 - to follow the instrumental closer. - my reason for this is I want to let player know there's slight rhythm and music change in next part so they will not surprised with repeat slider and also it serves as a little break from continuous 1/2 back there. but you are right, will consider this. no change for now.
  3. 01:37:819 - I think you missed a finish here, you added it in the other difficulties. - seems so, thanks!
- Quite impressive job I have to say. Everything sound, flow and look really well to me! c:


  1. 00:22:127 (4,1) -Is weird to see this section spinner mapped in Normal but not here. To have a better difficulty progression, try to map this section as I did in this screenshot (as you can see here, I change a bit the combo'ing too), this definitely will help you to have a better spread. - I don't know about this. I prefer the current one with spinner I think it can convey the sound I try to follow better but when I try your suggestion (change the last note with slider tho) it's quite good. so I'll ask people about this before deciding which to use.
  2. 00:38:050 (3,4) - I personally think the rhythm here is not well represented because the highest pitch appear in 00:38:165 - and you decided to don't put anything there. I'd personally use something like this instead to provide a better effect during the gameplay. - very good!! this is very good actually but for now I just add the note in the blue line. I don't mind using your suggestion, it's good, but I want to know your opinion about this change. what do you think?
  3. 00:53:742 (1) - I'd remove this note, a 1/1 recovery time after the spinner is necessary here even if the BPM is slow. In addition, this will help you a bit more with the spread because you'll only use a 1/2 note after the spinner only in Insane and you already simplified this pattern in Normal. - deleted. it's quite nice to have break here.
  4. 01:13:704 (5) - This note doesn't provide a good effect during the gameplay, it flows just weird to me. Would be better if you remove it too. - did major change here 01:11:973 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - what do you think? I don't mind using your rhythm. it's nice to have it simple.
  5. 01:58:819 (2) - A bit nitpicky here but a little curve would make this pattern look better. Give it a try, please. - well I guess it flows better so yeah. I don't know though, I might revert it back depends on my mood xD
  6. 02:35:050 (6) - You can maybe add a whistle or finish in this note, it sounds empty without any hitsound. - whistle yes
- Good job here as well. I couldn't find anything major.

So uh... I haven't finish this mod, I'll do it later. Changes made will be uploaded.


  1. 00:23:511 (4) - Can you make a similar shape as you did in 00:23:050 (3) - ? Doing that, you'll have the same shape in 00:22:127 (1,2) - & 00:23:050 (3,4) - sure
  2. 00:25:127 (5,6) - Is it really necesary to make the spacing between them higher than before? There isn't any pitch change there, I can understand the little jump between 00:25:357 (6,1) - but not between these objects. err, not really tbh. but if there is, I want to emphasize the clap on next note. I'd like to keep it.
  3. 00:38:165 (x) - As I mentioned in Hard, this beat sounds pretty high to don't have any note. You can make this pattern a bit difficult looking that this is an Insane difficulty. Try adding a note here, you can probably add a jumpy stream here as well. - I want a little variation in rhythm and I think it fits quite nice.
  4. 00:51:838 (1) - Why is this spinner snapped in 1/4 ticks in Hard and here it's in 1/8? I suppose they are following the same thing in the music, so they should be snapped in the same beat. - fixed
  5. 01:01:242 (x) - I personally you can add a note here as well. There is a good sound to implement it. - but it won't be consistent with my rhythm. I mean, I use that kind of rhythm when there are guitar sound to follow like this 00:59:050 (1,2,3) -
  6. 01:08:280 (1) - You can add this Whistle in the sliderbody in Normal if it was intentional, it makes sense. If not, make sure to remove it here. - thanks for noticing this. it was not intentional.
  7. 01:24:434 (9) - Make this slider curved as you did in the next object. It looks really nice c: - nice
  8. 01:26:396 (1) - This slider must be snapped in 1/3 instead. Try to listen this pattern in 25% playback rate and you'll notice that, make sure to snap it in 01:26:434 - . fixed
  9. 02:12:896 (1) - A whistle in this slider beginning sounds really good, give it a try! - yeah, I guess so.
  10. 02:26:742 (5,6,7) - I think you can construct a better rhythmical pattern to follow the music much closer. I'd like to recommend you this pattern instead. - good stuff. very nice.
  11. 02:35:050 (x) - I think you can add a note here and move this spinner 1/4 forward as you did in Hard. - yep
- In general, jumps/rhythms makes sense. Good job here as well!

That's all!
I liked your map in many aspects, so I'd like to give you a chance to make this ranked.
Feel free to call me back when you find 4 ~ 5 more mods and you have enough priority. For now, I'll throw a star here, showing you my support!
Best of luck!

all done. thanks for your support! <3
Hello From My Queue~

Hilangkan centang pada "Widescreen Support" (Song setup > Design). Ini dihidupkan ketika beatmap memiliki elemen storyboard

Untuk diff ini disarankan memakai Beat Snap Divisor-nya sekitar 1/4 aja kak~ IMO

00:11:050 (2) - Ini bermasalah di bagian Slidertailnya. Seharusnya Akhiran slider ini berhenti pada 'bluetick'tepat di waktu 00:11:396. Soalnya disini terdapat bunyi drum yang sangat kuat dibanding 00:11:511 - (downbeat)

00:16:588 (1) - ^

00:20:280 (1) - ^

00:23:973 (1) - ^

00:38:742 (1) - ^

00:40:588 (4) - ^

00:46:127 (1) - ^

00:49:819 (2) - ^

00:55:357 (4) - ^

00:57:204 (1) - ^

00:59:050 (4) - ^

01:04:588 (1) - ^

01:06:434 (4) - ^

01:11:973 (1) - ^

01:13:819 (4) - ^

01:19:357 (1) - ^

01:21:204 (4) - ^

01:23:050 (1) - ^

01:24:896 (3) - ^

01:26:742 (1) - ^

01:28:588 (3) - ^

01:35:973 (3) - ^

etc.. Mungkin disini bang lebih memfokuskan ketukan pada suara piano atau alat musik lainnya. Tapi.. terserah abang aja siih mau pake saran saya atau tidak~

01:17:511 (4,5) - Contoh yang benarnya like this bang hihi

00:20:973 (2,3) - Yang ini agak sedikit membingungkan pemain (menurut saya). Saya sarankan Slider 2 dan Circle 3 dikasih jarak dan Circle 3 sama Circle 4 bertumpukkan

00:22:127 (3,4) - Distance Snap Issue
00:54:204 (3,4) - ^
01:08:742 (2,3) - Stacked isn't properly
02:05:973 (5,6) - ^

00:23:973 (1,2) - Yang ini kenapa di-stacking ya bang wkwk

00:32:280 (2) - Bagusnya ritme bagian ini konsisten dengan 00:31:357 (1)

00:34:127 (4) - Same at above

Untuk hard sama insane-nya nanti saya akan modding kembali :)
Topic Starter
FunnyA's mod

FunnyA wrote:

Hello From My Queue~

[General]Hilangkan centang pada "Widescreen Support" (Song setup > Design). Ini dihidupkan ketika beatmap memiliki elemen storyboard - done

[Normal]Untuk diff ini disarankan memakai Beat Snap Divisor-nya sekitar 1/4 aja kak~ IMO - ngga masalah sih asal notenya ga ada yang susah seperti di garis kuning etc

00:11:050 (2) - Ini bermasalah di bagian Slidertailnya. Seharusnya Akhiran slider ini berhenti pada 'bluetick'tepat di waktu 00:11:396. Soalnya disini terdapat bunyi drum yang sangat kuat dibanding 00:11:511 - (downbeat) - strongly disagree. alasan yang paling mendasar kenapa saya tidak mengikuti suara yang kamu maksud adalah karena saya ingin membuat ritme yang sederhana. player normal belum terbiasa dengan note yang terletak di garis biru, perlu "build-up" agar mereka dapat memahami ritme dan lagu sebelum menangani note di garis biru. it's normal diff afterall.

00:16:588 (1) - ^

00:20:280 (1) - ^

00:23:973 (1) - ^

00:38:742 (1) - ^

00:40:588 (4) - ^

00:46:127 (1) - ^

00:49:819 (2) - ^

00:55:357 (4) - ^

00:57:204 (1) - ^

00:59:050 (4) - ^

01:04:588 (1) - ^

01:06:434 (4) - ^

01:11:973 (1) - ^

01:13:819 (4) - ^

01:19:357 (1) - ^

01:21:204 (4) - ^

01:23:050 (1) - ^

01:24:896 (3) - ^

01:26:742 (1) - ^

01:28:588 (3) - ^

01:35:973 (3) - ^

etc.. Mungkin disini bang lebih memfokuskan ketukan pada suara piano atau alat musik lainnya. Tapi.. terserah abang aja siih mau pake saran saya atau tidak~ - refer to reason above, all nope for this suggestion.

01:17:511 (4,5) - Contoh yang benarnya like this bang hihi - it's not "correct" neither. part di sini beda jauh suaranya sama yang kamu sebutkan. selain itu, player juga udah mengerti kalau saya mau ngikutin suara spesifik sebelumnya di sini 01:08:280 (1,2,3) -

00:20:973 (2,3) - Yang ini agak sedikit membingungkan pemain (menurut saya). Saya sarankan Slider 2 dan Circle 3 dikasih jarak dan Circle 3 sama Circle 4 bertumpukkan - I honestly don't want to change this because I want to emphasize the pause there and I want to add a little challenge for player. but still, i will consider this

00:22:127 (3,4) - Distance Snap Issue - it's fine, really.
00:54:204 (3,4) - ^ - same
01:08:742 (2,3) - Stacked isn't properly - k
02:05:973 (5,6) - ^ - k

00:23:973 (1,2) - Yang ini kenapa di-stacking ya bang wkwk - ngga tau hahaha. tapi enak sih buat di stack imo

00:32:280 (2) - Bagusnya ritme bagian ini konsisten dengan 00:31:357 (1) - definitely not. no. just no. ritme seperti itu dipake buat hard. it's not for this one. no

00:34:127 (4) - Same at above - nope.

Untuk hard sama insane-nya nanti saya akan modding kembali :)ditunggu mod buat diff lain. thanks~

  1. Can you put other hitsounds?
  1. Move the step of the timeline to 1/2. After all, this is the normal difficulty
  1. 1/4?
  2. 00:11:050 (4) - stack this end of the slider with this 00:09:896 (2) -
  3. 00:19:819 (8,3) - ^
  4. 00:24:665 (2,3) - bad blanket
  5. 00:30:204 (7,1) - ^
  6. 00:36:204 (3,4) - ^
  7. 00:40:127 (4,1) - slightly uneven, ideally should be so 00:36:434 (4,1) -
  8. 00:44:280 (1,2) - bad blankets
  9. 00:48:665 (2,3) - bad blanket
  10. 01:00:204 (5,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 01:04:588 (1,3) - ^
  12. 01:11:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  13. 01:53:280 (5,1) - ^
  14. 02:00:665 (2,3) - ^
  15. 02:03:665 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  16. 02:05:511 (1,2) - bad blanket
  17. 02:09:204 (1,4) - blanket
  18. 02:11:050 (1) - stack this end of the slider with this 02:10:588 (5) -
  19. 02:29:511 (1,3) - slightly uneven blanket
  1. 00:13:588 (4,5) - bad blanket
  2. 00:21:434 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket
  3. 00:23:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  4. 00:25:819 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  5. 00:27:665 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 00:29:050 (5,1) - bad blanket
  7. 00:30:896 (5,6) - ^
  8. 00:42:434 (1,4) - ^
  9. 00:45:665 (4,3) - ^
  10. 00:46:127 (1,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 00:49:127 (4,1) - bad blanket
  12. 01:11:050 (2,4) - ^
  13. 01:15:319 (6,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  14. 01:27:896 (1,2) - can replace with a slider?
  15. 01:29:973 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket 01:29:973 (5,1) - it is too
  16. 01:30:434 (1,2) - bad blanket
  17. 01:56:742 (2,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  18. 02:04:127 (2,5) - ^
  19. 02:28:127 (3,4) - ^
  20. 02:32:280 (5,6) - bad blanket
Good luck :D
Topic Starter
beiv's mod

beiv wrote:


  1. Can you put other hitsounds? - such as?? if you mean custom hitsound, I prefer not to.
  1. Move the step of the timeline to 1/2. After all, this is the normal difficulty - it does not really matter imo. the map itself need some 1/4 rhythm so I guess it's cool. the reason I use 1/8 is to fine tune the slider shape when placing it for the first time. does not matter, really.
  1. 1/4?
  2. 00:11:050 (4) - stack this end of the slider with this 00:09:896 (2) - ok
  3. 00:19:819 (8,3) - ^ - ok
  4. 00:24:665 (2,3) - bad blanket - slightly fixed. can't do any better than that.
  5. 00:30:204 (7,1) - ^ - fixed on 00:31:357 (1)
  6. 00:36:204 (3,4) - ^ - ok
  7. 00:40:127 (4,1) - slightly uneven, ideally should be so 00:36:434 (4,1) - it's fine as is. the sound that follow is different from part you mentioned.
  8. 00:44:280 (1,2) - bad blankets - ok
  9. 00:48:665 (2,3) - bad blanket - k
  10. 01:00:204 (5,1) - slightly uneven blanket - k
  11. 01:04:588 (1,3) - ^ - k
  12. 01:11:511 (4,1) - bad blanket - k
  13. 01:53:280 (5,1) - ^ - k
  14. 02:00:665 (2,3) - ^ - k
  15. 02:03:665 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket - k
  16. 02:05:511 (1,2) - bad blanket - k
  17. 02:09:204 (1,4) - blanket - k
  18. 02:11:050 (1) - stack this end of the slider with this 02:10:588 (5) - k
  19. 02:29:511 (1,3) - slightly uneven blanket - k
  1. 00:13:588 (4,5) - bad blanket
  2. 00:21:434 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket
  3. 00:23:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  4. 00:25:819 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  5. 00:27:665 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 00:29:050 (5,1) - bad blanket
  7. 00:30:896 (5,6) - ^
  8. 00:42:434 (1,4) - ^
  9. 00:45:665 (4,3) - ^
  10. 00:46:127 (1,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 00:49:127 (4,1) - bad blanket
  12. 01:11:050 (2,4) - ^
  13. 01:15:319 (6,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  14. 01:27:896 (1,2) - can replace with a slider?
  15. 01:29:973 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket 01:29:973 (5,1) - it is too
  16. 01:30:434 (1,2) - bad blanket
  17. 01:56:742 (2,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  18. 02:04:127 (2,5) - ^
  19. 02:28:127 (3,4) - ^
  20. 02:32:280 (5,6) - bad blanket
Good luck :D

I'll do the rest later. updated for now
hello o/

00:12:204 (6) - Curves on slow and short sliders look messy. I'd just put the slightest curve or none at all. This is my suggestion ->
00:22:127 (1,2) - This is a good example of good use of those types of sliders from the above mod

00:53:742 (1,2,3) - I'd maybe increase the spacing of these, and reduce the spacing between these two: 00:54:434 (1,2) - . 00:53:742 (1,2,3) - These are quite clearly more stronger and important sounds compared to 00:54:434 (1,2) - , so I feel they should have more spacing emphasis. May I suggest this -> and

00:58:357 (4,5) - unsightly overlap can be easily avoided by moving this pattern (00:58:704 (5,1,2) - ) to the right ->

01:02:742 (1) - I'd stack this slider head to this slider's tail (01:01:588 (3) - )

01:02:742 (1) - This slider's shape can also be improved, like this ->

01:14:742 (4,5) - This overlap can also be avoided by moving the second slider down a little

01:19:357 (1) - I'd end this slider here 01:19:588 - then add a circle here 01:19:704 - to keep it consistent with the rest of the map (eg. 01:21:204 (1,2,3) - )
01:54:434 (1,2) - ^
01:58:127 (1,2) - ^ (im sure there are more, so i'd apply this to the rest)

01:34:588 (2,3) - Same thing here with the slow and short slider-with-curve not looking too nice. I'd just reduce the curvature of it like how I mentioned in the insane mod

I've checked through all diffs, can't think of any other suggestions gl c;
Hi, my friend. o/
Request from In-game.

  • Black is just suggestion, if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. 00:11:050 (2) - how about change the clap sound to whistle at slider-end? I can't find the reason for add the clap, just feeling it's randomly. I think there should have a light sound like the whistle, not a heavy sound(clap). 00:20:280 (1) - 's end same as here.
  2. 00:25:357 - add a circle and take the clap sound? It has rhythm in music, you make there is empty thus I feel weird. 02:08:742 - , 02:23:511 (3) - same as here.
  3. 01:08:050 (6,1,2) - there is maybe not suitable for newbie, beacause the stack, the 1/2 stream and 1/2 slider are mixed together to make it's hard.
  4. 02:35:050 (1) - add finish for the end or the music?
Solid diff :3.


  1. 00:12:665 (7,8) - the stream lets me get a narrow feeling, it's also a little uncomfortable for playing. So, make the stream gets a moving of feeling like this
  2. 00:25:819 (3) - make the DS consistent? I find other DS is 1.2x, but there is 1.1x.
  3. 00:31:127 (9,1) - switch the NC? just make it's easier to read, because 00:30:204 (7) - overlap with them.
  4. 00:51:665 (5) - try the NC, I don't know how to say... the combo-color is a light color, and the circle is stack with 00:50:973 (3) - so that be a little hard to read.
Nice hard :D


  1. 00:31:357 (1) - the flow isn't suitable in playing, how about like this? if you change, remember fix the DS of 00:31:704 (2) -
  2. 00:33:896 (3,4) - how about make there to this rhythm? I think it would be more suitable.
  3. 01:22:588 (1) - I don't know why there has a NC D:
  4. 01:26:396 (1) - I think it's wrong rhythm, dosen't it need to put on 1/3 line as 01:26:434 - and end at 01:26:588 - ?
Some part of 1/4 and 1/2 rhythm's DS is similar so that be a little hard to read, but it's fun to play.
Also, the AR helps them easier to read, so if you change the AR be below to 9, then you should consider to fix the DS of 1/4, 1/2 rhythm's part. and I find myself lol.
Anyway, nice diff!
That's all!
Give star and good luck, bro. :D

You start to emphasize the piano sound here, why you stopped even if the piano finishes here 01:24:896 - ? That was good :(


01:02:742 (1) - this slider shape can be improved

01:11:511 (4) - fix blanket

01:29:973 (5) - nazi but fix blanket xd

Almost nothing to say, good flow, rhythm is good to, i like it ! GL on ranking :D
Topic Starter
Mitsuna- mod

Mitsuna- wrote:


You start to emphasize the piano sound here, why you stopped even if the piano finishes here 01:24:896 - ? That was good :( - yeah, I know right. but following the piano will make the rhythm much more harder and complex. I don't want that in the part you mention. I follow the piano after that, so I guess that's enough.


01:02:742 (1) - this slider shape can be improved - fixed

01:11:511 (4) - fix blanket - k

01:29:973 (5) - nazi but fix blanket xd - ye

Almost nothing to say, good flow, rhythm is good to, i like it ! GL on ranking :D - thanks for mod!
hypercyte's mod

hypercyte wrote:

hello o/ - hi, thanks for coming!

00:12:204 (6) - Curves on slow and short sliders look messy. I'd just put the slightest curve or none at all. This is my suggestion -> - disagree
00:22:127 (1,2) - This is a good example of good use of those types of sliders from the above mod

00:53:742 (1,2,3) - I'd maybe increase the spacing of these, and reduce the spacing between these two: 00:54:434 (1,2) - . 00:53:742 (1,2,3) - These are quite clearly more stronger and important sounds compared to 00:54:434 (1,2) - , so I feel they should have more spacing emphasis. May I suggest this -> and - nice suggestion but I'll use my own pattern

00:58:357 (4,5) - unsightly overlap can be easily avoided by moving this pattern (00:58:704 (5,1,2) - ) to the right -> - well it was intended but will consider this.

01:02:742 (1) - I'd stack this slider head to this slider's tail (01:01:588 (3) - ) - I don't think it's good

01:02:742 (1) - This slider's shape can also be improved, like this -> - fixed

01:14:742 (4,5) - This overlap can also be avoided by moving the second slider down a little - ok

01:19:357 (1) - I'd end this slider here 01:19:588 - then add a circle here 01:19:704 - to keep it consistent with the rest of the map (eg. 01:21:204 (1,2,3) - ) - this suggestion is great tbh. but that (my) pattern already consistent with everything else. like... here 00:57:204 (1,2) - or 01:04:588 (1,2). no change for now but will consider this. somehow I don't want to follow the guitar 100%.
01:54:434 (1,2) - ^
01:58:127 (1,2) - ^ (im sure there are more, so i'd apply this to the rest)

01:34:588 (2,3) - Same thing here with the slow and short slider-with-curve not looking too nice. I'd just reduce the curvature of it like how I mentioned in the insane mod - ok fixed

I've checked through all diffs, can't think of any other suggestions gl c; - thanks. great mod!
Loneight's mod <3

Loneight wrote:

Hi, my friend. o/ - yoooooooooooooooo fam <3
Request from In-game.

  • Black is just suggestion, if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. 00:11:050 (2) - how about change the clap sound to whistle at slider-end? I can't find the reason for add the clap, just feeling it's randomly. I think there should have a light sound like the whistle, not a heavy sound(clap). 00:20:280 (1) - 's end same as here. - well, I copied the hitsound from insane and clap was good on insane, but I'll change on normal. it sounds better, yes.
  2. 00:25:357 - add a circle and take the clap sound? It has rhythm in music, you make there is empty thus I feel weird. 02:08:742 - , 02:23:511 (3) - same as here. - I was planning to give some space but then... yeah, it's not that good. changed
  3. 01:08:050 (6,1,2) - there is maybe not suitable for newbie, beacause the stack, the 1/2 stream and 1/2 slider are mixed together to make it's hard. - you are right but I can't find better rhythm to replace that. I mean, the sounds there needs to be emphasized thus I make it like that. I like the current one. will consider tho
  4. 02:35:050 (1) - add finish for the end or the music? ah thanks for reminding me
Solid diff :3.


  1. 00:12:665 (7,8) - the stream lets me get a narrow feeling, it's also a little uncomfortable for playing. So, make the stream gets a moving of feeling like this -ok but I use closer distance space for this
  2. 00:25:819 (3) - make the DS consistent? I find other DS is 1.2x, but there is 1.1x. - I do this for the sake of pattern. if I move it just slightly it won't be as good as this
  3. 00:31:127 (9,1) - switch the NC? just make it's easier to read, because 00:30:204 (7) - overlap with them. -sure
  4. 00:51:665 (5) - try the NC, I don't know how to say... the combo-color is a light color, and the circle is stack with 00:50:973 (3) - so that be a little hard to read.
- don't worry I understand what do you mean and yes I change it according to your suggestion
Nice hard :D


  1. 00:31:357 (1) - the flow isn't suitable in playing, how about like this? if you change, remember fix the DS of 00:31:704 (2) - ok
  2. 00:33:896 (3,4) - how about make there to this rhythm? I think it would be more suitable. - sounds good but I don't know though. it won't be consistent with the rest of my previous rhythm. I will still consider this and might change later. it's good.
  3. 01:22:588 (1) - I don't know why there has a NC D: - lol I thought it was bad to have 2 digit notes in a single combo. then I see the stream and yeah... changed.
  4. 01:26:396 (1) - I think it's wrong rhythm, dosen't it need to put on 1/3 line as 01:26:434 - and end at 01:26:588 - ? - you are absolutely right. my bad, sorry.
Some part of 1/4 and 1/2 rhythm's DS is similar so that be a little hard to read, but it's fun to play.
Also, the AR helps them easier to read, so if you change the AR be below to 9, then you should consider to fix the DS of 1/4, 1/2 rhythm's part. and I find myself lol - AR 8.7. won't go any lower than that.
Anyway, nice diff!
That's all!
Give star and good luck, bro. :D - many thanks for awesome mod and shiny star! it feels not right when this mod get 1 kudosu while my mod of your map earns 7 kudosu lol

all updated. awating for nominator check.
Heyo o/

  1. 00:23:973 (1,2) - Tail stacking isn't that intuitive to play for a normal diff and its the only one of its kind too in this diff too, I'd just do what you did at 02:07:357 (1,2) - in the identical section and just ds it instead
  2. 00:25:357 (3,4) - Nerf DS to 1.00
  3. 01:23:050 (1) - I thik a finish (or/and whisle) would be nice here since its the start of the new section and has some lesser cymbals going for it. (All diffs if you apply)
  1. Since its not that high bpm and its an easy to read/clean hard diff, I'd reduce to ar to 7-7.5 to fit the spread better. 8 Seems a bit high for a <3 star diff too
  2. 01:26:742 (1) - Thoughts about making this a 1/2 slider + circle instead for that piano intensifying? 01:23:742 (2,3,4) - is a bit odd to be the only 1/4 piano follow in this part so reincorperating that in the next combo makes this section feel a bit more connected
  3. 01:37:819 (4) - NC? To be consistent with 00:51:665 (1) - same for 02:35:050 (6) - final note emhasis in the section mainly
  4. 02:03:204 (4) - Would be better snapped as 1/3s instead of 1/8s, First return sounds like 1/8 but it ends on the 1/3 and since you got 3 main beats here 1/3 seems the better one with the piano being 1/3s at some parts too like 01:26:280 (5,1) - (insane diff)
  1. After playing, the main thing for this diff is the spacing between 1/4 and 1/2 rhythms in same/similar combos for the non kiai parts, I'd increase the ds of the 1/2s just a bit more (like 0.2ds more is alot more noticable alrdy) so that its more easy to read what gap it is since they are a bit too similar atm, some examples below
  2. Would really reduce the HP to 6, the long spinner and the break after makes it so you really gotta spin hard on HR to pass it and hope you don't get 100s on the next combo afterwards
  3. 00:24:434 (3,4) - increase the DS here like you do with the rest of the 1/2 circles, looks too much like your 1/4s in this section
  4. 00:25:819 (1) - the sliderslide whisle here doesnt seem intentional
  5. 00:28:127 (2,3) - ^ really unintuitive to play when you compare it to 00:30:896 (5,6) - for example that is the same pattern but 1/4
  6. 00:50:742 (3) - sliderslide again
  7. 00:51:665 (5) - NC and emhpasize it a bit more with how strong it is? Same for 02:35:050 (7) - found it a bit odd with how heavy you emphasize these i the hard diff and kinda just DS it here in the insane one where your less limited than the hard diff to do stuff
  8. 01:29:511 (3) - Move a bit up for better contrast with the 01:29:973 (5,6) - spacing
  9. 02:03:204 (5) - 1/3 snap (explained in hard)
  10. 02:04:127 (2,3) - control g the rhythm here? 02:04:357 - this sound you've been following of the flute thingy is the only one in this part thats on a tail,
    would be better if it'd be mapped actively aswell like the rest imo
Looks good! Main thing I'd like to see adressed is the spacing of the non-kiai parts in the insane diff regarding 1/4 vs 1/2 rhythm gaps rest is minor stuff, so let me know when you've replied!
I was rechecking that but I saw that Wishkey modded your map. I'll wait until you change stuff to recheck it properly.

Feel free to call me back once again, when you're ready. Wishkey is ok with that! c:


Recheck time. I'll focus in things that you have in consideration in all this thread and I think that can be changed, would be better to resolve those before to move this map on.


Rukaru wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:20:973 (2,3) - I wouldn't put a note under a slider in this kind of difficulty because in general this become a bit complicated to read, in addition I'd use only 1/2 stacks because if you mix them probably new/average players won't read this really simple. You can fix this pretty easy by moving (3) around x:356 y:96. - I honestly don't want to change this because I want to emphasize the pause there and I want to add a little challenge for player. but still, i will consider this
I think I can understand your point now. Anyway, I suppose you can add a New Combo here to make this pattern easier to read.

Rukaru wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 01:23:050 (1) - This slider end is not following the rhythm really well because there isn't any high pitch there. Try to extend this slider until 01:23:742 - to follow the instrumental closer. - my reason for this is I want to let player know there's slight rhythm and music change in next part so they will not surprised with repeat slider and also it serves as a little break from continuous 1/2 back there. but you are right, will consider this. no change for now.
This pattern still sounds weird to me, sincerely, actually the beat in 01:23:742 - is much more than others you used in the whole map. If you want a pause, would be better to change 01:22:588 (6) - into a single note, the music change is much considerable in this point and you can emphasize 01:23:050 (1) - in a better way.
As I told you, would be better to have an object in 01:23:742 - , you decide if you want a single object or extend the slider, the new music change appear over there if you ask me.


Rukaru wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:22:127 (4,1) -Is weird to see this section spinner mapped in Normal but not here. To have a better difficulty progression, try to map this section as I did in this screenshot (as you can see here, I change a bit the combo'ing too), this definitely will help you to have a better spread. - I don't know about this. I prefer the current one with spinner I think it can convey the sound I try to follow better but when I try your suggestion (change the last note with slider tho) it's quite good. so I'll ask people about this before deciding which to use.
I suppose you can change that as well, as I told you, you can have a better progression. Adding an additonal thing in my thoughts, having a kiai start with passive mapping (this spinner end) it doesn't represent the music really well, especially in that kind of difficulties that they are mapped to don't be really simple. A note in 00:23:973 - can represent much better the music and I think it'll be more interesting to play.
In addition, you can take advantage of this to add a note in 00:24:204 - that it works really well.


Rukaru wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:38:165 (x) - As I mentioned in Hard, this beat sounds pretty high to don't have any note. You can make this pattern a bit difficult looking that this is an Insane difficulty. Try adding a note here, you can probably add a jumpy stream here as well. - I want a little variation in rhythm and I think it fits quite nice.
You're leaving the highest drum sound in the music without any sound, that it sounds weird, especially during the gameplay.
You can try other variety if you don't want to have more objects, a similar rhythm used in Hard for example. Take a llok at this screenshot, from 00:37:357 - until 00:38:627 -

Rukaru wrote:

hypercyte wrote:

00:58:357 (4,5) - unsightly overlap can be easily avoided by moving this pattern (00:58:704 (5,1,2) - ) to the right -> - well it was intended but will consider this.
I personally think you can fix that, the pattern will look clearer if you ask me, especially if you look at the following composition.

beiv wrote:

  1. 00:13:588 (4,5) - bad blanket
  2. 00:21:434 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket
  3. 00:23:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  4. 00:25:819 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  5. 00:27:665 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 00:29:050 (5,1) - bad blanket
  7. 00:30:896 (5,6) - ^
  8. 00:42:434 (1,4) - ^
  9. 00:45:665 (4,3) - ^
  10. 00:46:127 (1,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 00:49:127 (4,1) - bad blanket
  12. 01:11:050 (2,4) - ^
  13. 01:15:319 (6,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  14. 01:27:896 (1,2) - can replace with a slider?
  15. 01:29:973 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket 01:29:973 (5,1) - it is too
  16. 01:30:434 (1,2) - bad blanket
  17. 01:56:742 (2,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  18. 02:04:127 (2,5) - ^
  19. 02:28:127 (3,4) - ^
  20. 02:32:280 (5,6) - bad blanket
Good luck :D
It looks like you didn't answer to this one. I know there are not huge things to fix, but still, would be better to have all things clear.


I'll leave this here for now too. So you can work in Whiskey's mod and this stuff.
Let me know when you're ready.
Topic Starter
Wishkey's mod

Wishkey wrote:

Heyo o/ - hello, thanks for coming! that's very fast btw.

  1. 00:23:973 (1,2) - Tail stacking isn't that intuitive to play for a normal diff and its the only one of its kind too in this diff too, I'd just do what you did at 02:07:357 (1,2) - in the identical section and just ds it instead - ok. also all DS changed to 1.0x
  2. 00:25:357 (3,4) - Nerf DS to 1.00 - ok
  3. 01:23:050 (1) - I thik a finish (or/and whisle) would be nice here since its the start of the new section and has some lesser cymbals going for it. (All diffs if you apply) - sure
  1. Since its not that high bpm and its an easy to read/clean hard diff, I'd reduce to ar to 7-7.5 to fit the spread better. 8 Seems a bit high for a <3 star diff too - hmm.. I see. changed to 7.5
  2. 01:26:742 (1) - Thoughts about making this a 1/2 slider + circle instead for that piano intensifying? 01:23:742 (2,3,4) - is a bit odd to be the only 1/4 piano follow in this part so reincorperating that in the next combo makes this section feel a bit more connected - nice one. I can't think of that honestly. I can only think doing mini 5 notes stream or repeat slider lol. very nice
  3. 01:37:819 (4) - NC? To be consistent with 00:51:665 (1) - same for 02:35:050 (6) - final note emhasis in the section mainly - umm, no. I want to leave the follow points since that note is an extension of 01:37:127 (3) if it was a repeat slider. but I guess I'll change the last one
  4. 02:03:204 (4) - Would be better snapped as 1/3s instead of 1/8s, First return sounds like 1/8 but it ends on the 1/3 and since you got 3 main beats here 1/3 seems the better one with the piano being 1/3s at some parts too like 01:26:280 (5,1) - (insane diff) - agree
  1. After playing, the main thing for this diff is the spacing between 1/4 and 1/2 rhythms in same/similar combos for the non kiai parts, I'd increase the ds of the 1/2s just a bit more (like 0.2ds more is alot more noticable alrdy) so that its more easy to read what gap it is since they are a bit too similar atm, some examples below - I refuse to change all of 1/2. imo it's noticeable already with follow points. most of 1/2 have follow points and the opposite for 1/4. I will change some that I deem too hard to read because of the pattern.
  2. Would really reduce the HP to 6, the long spinner and the break after makes it so you really gotta spin hard on HR to pass it and hope you don't get 100s on the next combo afterwards - ok
  3. 00:24:434 (3,4) - increase the DS here like you do with the rest of the 1/2 circles, looks too much like your 1/4s in this section fixed this, +0.1 DS
  4. 00:25:819 (1) - the sliderslide whisle here doesnt seem intentional - intentional actually. all slider with whistle in this part equipped with whitsle sliderslide
  5. 00:28:127 (2,3) - ^ really unintuitive to play when you compare it to 00:30:896 (5,6) - for example that is the same pattern but 1/4 - ok moved
  6. 00:50:742 (3) - sliderslide again - unitentional
  7. 00:51:665 (5) - NC and emhpasize it a bit more with how strong it is? Same for 02:35:050 (7) - found it a bit odd with how heavy you emphasize these i the hard diff and kinda just DS it here in the insane one where your less limited than the hard diff to do stuff - makes sense. I put the last note there because I don't know where else to put lol. it seems like the perfect place for me.
  8. 01:29:511 (3) - Move a bit up for better contrast with the 01:29:973 (5,6) - spacing - ok
  9. 02:03:204 (5) - 1/3 snap (explained in hard) - understood
  10. 02:04:127 (2,3) - control g the rhythm here? 02:04:357 - this sound you've been following of the flute thingy is the only one in this part thats on a tail, - rhythm sounds basically the same. no change here. the patterns looks better that way.
    would be better if it'd be mapped actively aswell like the rest imo - nah, it will make the map too dense and feels like overmapped imo.
Looks good! Main thing I'd like to see adressed is the spacing of the non-kiai parts in the insane diff regarding 1/4 vs 1/2 rhythm gaps rest is minor stuff, so let me know when you've replied!

about beiv's mod.. I was going through issue addressed. I already wrote the responses but due to some accident (accidentally close the posting tab) the responses was gone and I don't bother to check and write it again because it takes some (or perhaps lots) time to just fixing the blanket and honestly it does not affect much in gameplay. well, I'll just leave it here then.
beiv mod continuation

beiv wrote:

  1. 00:13:588 (4,5) - bad blanket
  2. 00:21:434 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket
  3. 00:23:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  4. 00:25:819 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  5. 00:27:665 (1,2,3) - ^ - changed the pattern
  6. 00:29:050 (5,1) - bad blanket
  7. 00:30:896 (5,6) - ^
  8. 00:42:434 (1,4) - ^
  9. 00:45:665 (4,3) - ^ - does not matter
  10. 00:46:127 (1,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 00:49:127 (4,1) - bad blanket
  12. 01:11:050 (2,4) - ^
  13. 01:15:319 (6,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  14. 01:27:896 (1,2) - can replace with a slider? - no. prefer as is
  15. 01:29:973 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket 01:29:973 (5,1) - it is too - fixed the first only
  16. 01:30:434 (1,2) - bad blanket - dont care
  17. 01:56:742 (2,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  18. 02:04:127 (2,5) - ^ - its fine
  19. 02:28:127 (3,4) - ^
  20. 02:32:280 (5,6) - bad blanket - dont care
Good luck :D - thanks for mod
not answered = fixed

responses of responses box below. lol
mancuso responses

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

I was rechecking that but I saw that Wishkey modded your map. I'll wait until you change stuff to recheck it properly.

Feel free to call me back once again, when you're ready. Wishkey is ok with that! c:


Recheck time. I'll focus in things that you have in consideration in all this thread and I think that can be changed, would be better to resolve those before to move this map on.


mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:20:973 (2,3) - I wouldn't put a note under a slider in this kind of difficulty because in general this become a bit complicated to read, in addition I'd use only 1/2 stacks because if you mix them probably new/average players won't read this really simple. You can fix this pretty easy by moving (3) around x:356 y:96. - I honestly don't want to change this because I want to emphasize the pause there and I want to add a little challenge for player. but still, i will consider this
I think I can understand your point now. Anyway, I suppose you can add a New Combo here to make this pattern easier to read. - added new combo

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 01:23:050 (1) - This slider end is not following the rhythm really well because there isn't any high pitch there. Try to extend this slider until 01:23:742 - to follow the instrumental closer. - my reason for this is I want to let player know there's slight rhythm and music change in next part so they will not surprised with repeat slider and also it serves as a little break from continuous 1/2 back there. but you are right, will consider this. no change for now.
This pattern still sounds weird to me, sincerely, actually the beat in 01:23:742 - is much more than others you used in the whole map. If you want a pause, would be better to change 01:22:588 (6) - into a single note, the music change is much considerable in this point and you can emphasize 01:23:050 (1) - in a better way.
As I told you, would be better to have an object in 01:23:742 - , you decide if you want a single object or extend the slider, the new music change appear over there if you ask me. - I'm convinced. changed according to your suggestion.


mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:22:127 (4,1) -Is weird to see this section spinner mapped in Normal but not here. To have a better difficulty progression, try to map this section as I did in this screenshot (as you can see here, I change a bit the combo'ing too), this definitely will help you to have a better spread. - I don't know about this. I prefer the current one with spinner I think it can convey the sound I try to follow better but when I try your suggestion (change the last note with slider tho) it's quite good. so I'll ask people about this before deciding which to use.
I suppose you can change that as well, as I told you, you can have a better progression. Adding an additonal thing in my thoughts, having a kiai start with passive mapping (this spinner end) it doesn't represent the music really well, especially in that kind of difficulties that they are mapped to don't be really simple. A note in 00:23:973 - can represent much better the music and I think it'll be more interesting to play.
In addition, you can take advantage of this to add a note in 00:24:204 - that it works really well. after thinking a lot about this.. I guess you are right. changed


mancuso_JM_ wrote:

  1. 00:38:165 (x) - As I mentioned in Hard, this beat sounds pretty high to don't have any note. You can make this pattern a bit difficult looking that this is an Insane difficulty. Try adding a note here, you can probably add a jumpy stream here as well. - I want a little variation in rhythm and I think it fits quite nice.
You're leaving the highest drum sound in the music without any sound, that it sounds weird, especially during the gameplay.
You can try other variety if you don't want to have more objects, a similar rhythm used in Hard for example. Take a llok at this screenshot, from 00:37:357 - until 00:38:627 - well.. I guess it won't hurt to have some stream here.

hypercyte wrote:

00:58:357 (4,5) - unsightly overlap can be easily avoided by moving this pattern (00:58:704 (5,1,2) - ) to the right -> - well it was intended but will consider this.
I personally think you can fix that, the pattern will look clearer if you ask me, especially if you look at the following composition. - ok then

beiv wrote:

  1. 00:13:588 (4,5) - bad blanket
  2. 00:21:434 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket
  3. 00:23:511 (4,1) - bad blanket
  4. 00:25:819 (1,2) - slightly uneven blanket
  5. 00:27:665 (1,2,3) - ^
  6. 00:29:050 (5,1) - bad blanket
  7. 00:30:896 (5,6) - ^
  8. 00:42:434 (1,4) - ^
  9. 00:45:665 (4,3) - ^
  10. 00:46:127 (1,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  11. 00:49:127 (4,1) - bad blanket
  12. 01:11:050 (2,4) - ^
  13. 01:15:319 (6,1) - slightly uneven blanket
  14. 01:27:896 (1,2) - can replace with a slider?
  15. 01:29:973 (5,6) - slightly uneven blanket 01:29:973 (5,1) - it is too
  16. 01:30:434 (1,2) - bad blanket
  17. 01:56:742 (2,4) - slightly uneven blanket
  18. 02:04:127 (2,5) - ^
  19. 02:28:127 (3,4) - ^
  20. 02:32:280 (5,6) - bad blanket
Good luck :D
It looks like you didn't answer to this one. I know there are not huge things to fix, but still, would be better to have all things clear. - answered


I'll leave this here for now too. So you can work in Whiskey's mod and this stuff.
Let me know when you're ready.

I hope this is the last recheck c:


  1. First of all, I'd like to suggest you some new combo colours because actually they don't represent really well your background if you ask me. They are not that diffierent, but they are a bit brighter (not that much because if we do so it'll blend with your bg).
    After this introduction, I'll leave you a screenshot and a code in case you want to use it.
    Screenshot + Code

    Combo1 : 111,111,255
    Combo2 : 68,68,68
    Combo3 : 100,248,255
    Combo4 : 238,117,255

  1. 00:35:050 (1) - I have to say I don't like this slider :c. Can you do something like that for me, please?
  2. 01:52:357 (1,2,3) - *Minor Stuff* Stack them properly :P

  1. 02:11:511 (3,6) - Is there any way to make disappear this overlap? It looks really messy during the gameplay.
  2. 02:23:511 (7) - Is this whistle in the sliderbody intentional? It sounds weird to me, actually.
  3. 02:28:127 (3,4,5,6) - I think that this section has more information than is needed, I mean you can make something more enjoyable by using other rhythm instead of doing a constant 1/4 pattern without a really good logic. I know that you have 1/4 sounds in all this section, but still, I think that main sounds can be follow in a better way. You can take a look at the example1 or at the example2, where I focused to follow those sounds that I'd say are much more interesting to follow than ignore some good instrumental section as you did in 02:28:127 (3) - for example.
  4. 02:33:665 (2,3) - I personally think you can switch these objects in the timeline to provide a better rhythmical pattern.
That should be all!
Consider these points and forum PM me afterwards.
Topic Starter
mancuso_JM_'s recheck

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

I hope this is the last recheck c: - I do hope so. sorry for late reply.


  1. First of all, I'd like to suggest you some new combo colours because actually they don't represent really well your background if you ask me. They are not that diffierent, but they are a bit brighter (not that much because if we do so it'll blend with your bg).
    After this introduction, I'll leave you a screenshot and a code in case you want to use it. - ok i'll use this

    Combo1 : 111,111,255
    Combo2 : 68,68,68
    Combo3 : 100,248,255
    Combo4 : 238,117,255

  1. 00:35:050 (1) - I have to say I don't like this slider :c. Can you do something like that for me, please? - yeah, I guess I can.
  2. 01:52:357 (1,2,3) - *Minor Stuff* Stack them properly :P - nicely spotted

  1. 02:11:511 (3,6) - Is there any way to make disappear this overlap? It looks really messy during the gameplay. - it is intended, I don't want to change this.
  2. 02:23:511 (7) - Is this whistle in the sliderbody intentional? It sounds weird to me, actually. - well, it is intentional but don't make any sense, yes lol. removed.
  3. 02:28:127 (3,4,5,6) - I think that this section has more information than is needed, I mean you can make something more enjoyable by using other rhythm instead of doing a constant 1/4 pattern without a really good logic. I know that you have 1/4 sounds in all this section, but still, I think that main sounds can be follow in a better way. You can take a look at the example1 or at the example2, where I focused to follow those sounds that I'd say are much more interesting to follow than ignore some good instrumental section as you did in 02:28:127 (3) - for example. - I see, the guitar eh? I think you are right it sounds good. but I'll have to disagree since it will be inconsistent with the rest of the map (that will be the only one of the kind, I don't want to change the whole thing to balance it out.) and I intend to make it that intense here.
  4. 02:33:665 (2,3) - I personally think you can switch these objects in the timeline to provide a better rhythmical pattern. - no change. same reason as above.
That should be all! - thanks for recheck!
Consider these points and forum PM me afterwards.

all updated
Everything checks out fine to me!


I suppose you can contact Wishkey for a recheck.
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Everything checks out fine to me!


I suppose you can contact Wishkey for a recheck.
it's been a long time since my last bubble. fantastic.
thanks for your support mancuso!
before moving on, please fix the title metadata by removing the space between Re;Birth and 2 , So it'll looks like "Re;Birth2" instead.
Topic Starter

Shurelia wrote:

before moving on, please fix the title metadata by removing the space between Re;Birth and 2 , So it'll looks like "Re;Birth2" instead.

Rukaru wrote:

Shurelia wrote:

before moving on, please fix the title metadata by removing the space between Re;Birth and 2 , So it'll looks like "Re;Birth2" instead.
Feel free to fix that now if you want, I can rebubble the map afterwards.
Topic Starter
alright, metadata updated.
EDIT : wait don't bubble it yet

00:23:511 (4) - fixed this.
ok, it's good to go
Added some volume play in the intro spinner, looks good!
Topic Starter

Wishkey wrote:

Added some volume play in the intro spinner, looks good!
me be like : @2:21

all diffs -
01:23:050 (1) - this part has the same sound on the first white ticks on each measure that you did for the part at 00:16:588 (1), but its mapped with whistles here. found that odd. honestly that part at the start should just use whistles too, its the only section to put claps on the first white tick and im not rly sure why
00:38:280 (4) - I think a clap makes more sense here than a whistle, considering theres a clap in the music (applies to all diffs)
01:37:127 (5) - this sound could definitely be hitsounded in some way
01:07:819 - 01:07:934 - 01:08:050 - could be hitsounded due to the unique drumline there
02:05:280 - 02:05:396 - ^

normal -
01:22:588 (6) - missing clap
01:35:050 (2) - missing clap
02:01:357 (3) - missing clap
02:15:665 (2) - missing clap on tail
02:17:511 (4) - missing clap on tail
02:21:665 - missing clap on tail
02:30:896 (3) - missing clap

hard -
01:13:127 (4) - missing clap on tail
01:22:357 (5) - missing clap on tail
01:26:280 (5) - you could represent the piano there with a 1/3 repeat slider. you do it later on 02:03:204 (4) - anyway
01:26:280 (5) - missing clap
02:01:357 (4) - missing clap

insane -
01:07:588 (6) - missing clap on tail
01:26:434 (1) - is this nc intentional?
01:34:588 (1) - consider mapping this, having a unique drumline that go unmapped is kinda lame
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:


all diffs -
01:23:050 (1) - this part has the same sound on the first white ticks on each measure that you did for the part at 00:16:588 (1), but its mapped with whistles here. found that odd. honestly that part at the start should just use whistles too, its the only section to put claps on the first white tick and im not rly sure why - I don't see it as a problem. sounds just ok. no change.
00:38:280 (4) - I think a clap makes more sense here than a whistle, considering theres a clap in the music (applies to all diffs) - k
01:37:127 (5) - this sound could definitely be hitsounded in some way - no. don't want to use drum sampleset.
01:07:819 - 01:07:934 - 01:08:050 - could be hitsounded due to the unique drumline there - no ^
02:05:280 - 02:05:396 - ^ - same

normal -
01:22:588 (6) - missing clap - k
01:35:050 (2) - missing clap - k
02:01:357 (3) - missing clap - k
02:15:665 (2) - missing clap on tail - k
02:17:511 (4) - missing clap on tail - k
02:21:665 - missing clap on tail - k
02:30:896 (3) - missing clap - k

hard -
01:13:127 (4) - missing clap on tail - k
01:22:357 (5) - missing clap on tail - k
01:26:280 (5) - you could represent the piano there with a 1/3 repeat slider. you do it later on 02:03:204 (4) - anyway - no, it's different sound. nothing similar. this one does not need emphasize with 1/3. I mainly follow the drum on the first part.
01:26:280 (5) - missing clap - k
02:01:357 (4) - missing clap - k

insane -
01:07:588 (6) - missing clap on tail - k
01:26:434 (1) - is this nc intentional? - yes
01:34:588 (1) - consider mapping this, having a unique drumline that go unmapped is kinda lame - stream already cover that drum. I choose to follow the most dominant sound here which is not the drum imo.
that should be it I guess. time for disqualification then. rip
disqualified on request
Topic Starter
ok all updated according to my previous post. sorry it takes too long.
Let's check all claps, to don't have any problem with them in the future :P


  1. 01:22:588 (6) - Add a Whistle for consistency with Hard.

  1. 01:14:742 (3,4,5) - Really minor, but stack them properly pls.
  2. 01:31:819 (4) - Missing clap at the slider beginning.
  3. 02:35:050 (1) - What do you think about using a Normal Whistle instead? It emphasize much better the music.

  1. 01:11:511 (4) - Missing clap at the beginning of this slider, compare it with other difficulties.
  2. 01:22:588 (7) - Add a clap here to be consistent with Hard.
  3. 02:01:357 (5) - Missing clap at the beginning.
  4. 02:35:050 (1) - Same as Hard.
I'll rebubble this afterwards.
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Let's check all claps, to don't have any problem with them in the future :P - lul xD


  1. 01:22:588 (6) - Add a Whistle for consistency with Hard. - ok

  1. 01:14:742 (3,4,5) - Really minor, but stack them properly pls. - didn't I fix this before? ohwell.. fixed again
  2. 01:31:819 (4) - Missing clap at the slider beginning.
  3. 02:35:050 (1) - What do you think about using a Normal Whistle instead? It emphasize much better the music. - hmm... I don't like it somehow.

  1. 01:11:511 (4) - Missing clap at the beginning of this slider, compare it with other difficulties. - it's there now
  2. 01:22:588 (7) - Add a clap here to be consistent with Hard. - ok
  3. 02:01:357 (5) - Missing clap at the beginning. - ok
  4. 02:35:050 (1) - Same as Hard. - confirmed, I don't like it lol.
I'll rebubble this afterwards. yey~~!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa updated. nothing else changed.
looks fine
02:06:204 (6) - Add a Whistle in this sliderbody (Normal).

Same in 02:06:204 (3) - (Hard) for consistency with Insane.

In addition, I suppose you'll need a New Combo in 02:05:511 (1) - (Normal) . The music change is really notable and it'll be consistent with the other difficulties.

Sorry for missing that :c. Fix them and I'll qualify it.
Topic Starter
all fixed and updated
Selamat ya kaa ranked nya :) :)
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