
Top 10 Most Important CTB Players of ALL TIME!

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Hey guys, I know that there are hundreds of "Top 10 players" topics, but I hope that no one has ever created "top 10 most important ctb players of all time" topic, so I would be glad to be first! If this happened before, then I am sorry 8-)
So, I want to hear other players opinion, especially the veterans, because you saw lots of talents throughout years who had their own favourite mods and made some revoultional #1 places that we all thought were impossible to make back in the day. So this topic is not about top 10 current best players, it's about most important.
Anyway, I'll start (not in a particular order). And don't forget to make some explanations of your choices, that's necessary!

№1 : Andysun - ahhh, sweet memories of battling this guy for Easy Mode #1 places :) Andysun was very important for future Easy Mode skills improvements, especially Spinner wars, so I put him here.

№2 : Ashchaos - I am proud to know this guy, he is awesome. Back in the day he made some great #1 places that were crazy to other people including myself. Big contribution in future Hard, Insane pro's

№3 : Louis_Cyphre - Even though we don't talk for about 4,5 years, I can't take away his accomplishments. Great spinner, great FL skills, great HR skills, he was hot back in the day. Also, if I remember correctly, he was one of the first, if not the first popular Beatmaps maker from CTB community.

№4 : pieguyn (I guess it's his nickname now) - Awesome FL skills back in the day, still hard to beat some of his records.

№5 : ExGon. No explanation needed, he had some pretty good #1 places even back in 2011 (I guess) and now he beat everyone's ass.

№6 : kenji : He was great Hidden + Doubletime player, then he learned how to play with Hardrock + Hidden and became even more popular and 'dangerous'. Great contributor

№7 : Mikhe. Even though I never liked him because I still believe that he used Speed Hacks and FL hacks in CTB, but anyway, he was talented Hidden, HD+DT, HR+HD players. And a very bad FL player :D

№8 : DreStar - Awesome Spinner and a big pain in the ass for my #1 former places :D

№9 : I guess I'll put VelperK here. He was hot back in the day, he had passion and tried hard to be #1 here and he had (and has) lot of success here.

№10 : Noone else comes to mind, I forgot lots on names, just 1 name popped in my head and that's - Shana. Also very talented and succesful player back in the day.

Phew, I hope that I did it okay. Now it's your turn, guys ;)
I didn't know that 10 people played CtB...
Cyphre mapped only std version хуя се ты ещё жив :0
When you can't think of any other way of starting popularity contests.
Also being good or impressive doesn't make you one bit important, mappers are 100x times more important to ctb than ordinary top players
He Ang CTB

Cepet wrote:

I didn't know that 10 people played CtB...
HAHAHA who in the world plays CTB XD
The list is not in specific order.

CLSW is the first person that I have came up in mind. He is one of the mappers in osu!catch who revolutionized and pushed the boundary of osu!catch maps forward, by creating innovative jump and stream patterns. For instance, IMAGE MATERIAL and Genryuu Kaiko. Apart from mapping really difficult maps that may crush player's fingers, he is also versatile and able to map soft and peaceful songs. One of the maps that impressed me the most would be Sayonara I Love You.

2. ExGon
Shuttling between various maps, it is not hard to find ExGon's records, especially in the hardest maps. ExGon is an all-round player who can read and play HR, DT and NoMod well. I believe everyone of you remembered his shining play in neu. He can also read a lot of strange patterns and difficulty settings, for example SS'ing CS6 map with HR in Koibumi2000. Recently, he also conquered wh with a brilliant HDHRFL SS.

3. kenji
The former champion of CtB. kenji was one of the best players in the old days, who can read high AR maps without much troubles. He played HR mostly, such as Romantic Children. He also inspired other players to push themselves to the extreme by playing HR.

4. Dusk
Being the former #1 in osu!catch, Dusk showcased his talents in playing seemingly impossible maps. In the old days, he FC'ed plenty of maps with HT, for instance Don't say "lazy". He also play FL at that time, such as smooooch, showing his full grasp in reading. In the previous year, he conquered a lot of maps and Overdoses with DT (or NC as he prefers so). His splendid play on Akatsuki no Tsuki will etch in our hearts forever.

5. [224]Hyperw7
Looking at his list of replays, it is not surprising to see him playing HR all the time. Being a HR specialist, Hyperw7 is capable of FC'ing every maps with HR/HDHR, even though they seemed impossible. Examples are IMAGE MATERIAL and dreamless wanderer. Despite being one of the best players in HR, Hyperw7 put a lot of efforts on improving his skills. In the bygone days, he spent over 9000 playcounts on FC'ing Calamity Fortune with HR. His strength is definitely over 9000!

6. VelperK
Formerly the god in CtB, VelperK was a versatile player who can play all mods. For HD, he can read strange patterns without troubles, for example The Big Black. For HR and DT, he is also good at these mods, like Can't Defeat Airman and William Tell Overture.

7. Habin
While some of you may be unfamiliar about Habin, he is a FL lover, and he keeps on bettering his FL reading by practising tons of difficult maps and osu!catch maps. You may find his whopping records in Adularescence and XENO, proving his worthiness in reading notes with FL.

8. Spectator
A veteran player, mapper and former staff member. Spectator is able to make maps with outstanding flows and patterns, you may take a look at EOS (kamome sano rmx) and Mousou Express. Besides from mapping, he is also a great all-round player. He is capable of HR, DT and HD. Some of his amazing replays are: Genryuu Kaiko - FC with HDHR ; L'avide - FC with HDDT and Hades in the Heaven - FC with HDHR. These maps are not really easy to beat on.

9. andysun
One of the experts in the good ole' times. andysun played quite a lot of maps and showcased his strength in spinning. His spins were not beatable by most of the players at that time, for example VOiCE. He inspired CtB players to keep on improving the spinning skills. I am also one of them.

10. YounaZheng
YounaZheng was a star in the old times. He conquered a whole lot of maps and gained over 500 top ranks, which showed his power in playing every mods and spinning. Although most of the top ranks are Easy, Normal or Hard difficulties, YounaZheng was also able to play plenty Platters and hard maps with DT after a long break.


Honorable mentions:
_Asriel, Motion, Keine, mjj741, DreStar, HineX
I like how most of the players were from 2010 - 2012/2013 LUL
[Super Shock]_old
1. kenji because he is great

2.Exgon because he is great

3.[224]Hyperw7 because he is great

4.[224]Reol because he is great

5.Dusk because he is great

6.Jimmy Rustler because he is great

7.Spectator because he is great

8.Deif beacuse he is great

9.CLSW because he is great

10.mjj741 because he is great


Lolinator2000 wrote:

I like how most of the players were from 2010 - 2012/2013 LUL
Because that (2013) was when CtB totally went downhill.

I could probably even think of a list, but I'm really not into how the '16 players perform nowadays, so you'd need nostalgia goggles for that list of mine. So - perhaps later, but not now.
wheres manhole and [suicide and senyo
Why is this a thing this needs to be deleted opinionated bs forum post
I don't think that I can choose 10 best player because top rank players are all good imo ;w;

But I like Hyperw7, Morsay and Amlink ! It doesn't mean that they are the best tho ! :)

Colin wrote:

Why is this a thing this needs to be deleted opinionated bs forum post
Colin shut up
ascendance is the best ctber shame he left this world

OzzyOzrock wrote:

ascendance is the best ctber shame he left this world
holy shit i fuckingL OVE anime

Zak wrote:

Colin wrote:

Why is this a thing this needs to be deleted opinionated bs forum post
Colin shut up

Too many players that are important from back when n now, yourself Giorgos are one of those players.
Fav players are a different story however.
Tenseiga is the best
I guess I'll just make that list. First some thoughts regarding OP:

Giorgos wrote:

So, I want to hear other players opinion, especially the veterans, because you saw lots of talents throughout years who had their own favourite mods and made some revoultional #1 places that we all thought were impossible to make back in the day. So this topic is not about top 10 current best players, it's about most important.
Anyway, I'll start (not in a particular order). And don't forget to make some explanations of your choices, that's necessary!
So, I guess it's "Top 10 of most memorable players with certain mods", I guess? "Important" is a somewhat difficult word to use as there are many people with "influence" that contributed a lot to the CtB Community, for example CLSW, Deif, Ascendance, alienflybot and some more, then those with those never-forget-replays like Dusk, kenji, ExGon & VelperK and probably some insane mod/spinner specialists like DreStar (Spin), Krzysiek (HD) or Spectator (HD/HR) and those whice provide their skill by raw endurance (read: score), for example Rampage88, dbzguru32.

If one is able to count, the sum of the names I mentioned equals more than 10 already and I got at least 5 more which are worth mentioning. So I guess I should cut the "less important ones" then?

Laharl wrote:

So, I guess it's "Top 10 of most memorable players with certain mods", I guess? "Important" is a somewhat difficult word to use as there are many people with "influence" that contributed a lot to the CtB Community, for example CLSW, Deif, Ascendance, alienflybot and some more, then those with those never-forget-replays like Dusk, kenji, ExGon & VelperK and probably some insane mod/spinner specialists like DreStar (Spin), Krzysiek (HD) or Spectator (HD/HR) and those whice provide their skill by raw endurance (read: score), for example Rampage88, dbzguru32.

If one is able to count, the sum of the names I mentioned equals more than 10 already and I got at least 5 more which are worth mentioning. So I guess I should cut the "less important ones" then?
Title is very clear and I think that everyone understand it cause we are talking about players, not about "influence" as mappers or modders but as you said, it will be better if Giorgos change the title into: "Top 10 of most memorable players"

Here is my list:

kenji: he influenced me a lot to play with HR, my favourite HR player tbh, also we know about his skills on NM and DT.
VelperK: one of the best players I ever seen here tbh.
ExGon: this guy doesn't need explanation.
mikhe: I remenber him as a god when I started to play ctb, he was the king of every #1
YounaZheng: his spins are awesome with every mods, he stole me a lot of #1
119410501: pro HD player.
Plantifant: senpai, skilled HR player, when HR was hard, now it's easy xD
S a o r i: pro HR player too, I still remenber his first places with perfect spinners.
RAMPAGE88: skilled DT player
AleZer0: pro at every mods and specially HD, my motivation as a player.

Good memories >.<, 10 isn't enought to talk about all memorable players, YERTI, Notekuroi, PlantVSZombie, Clara, Rantanzyon, Dark Diego, DPJ9fuegos(spin with HD), etc etc.
Players = Mappers = Modders = Anyone in the CtB community imo,
as everyone here plays osu! CtB mode

Anyways it depends on how you define "important".
Agreed that I can't really call some players important in turning CtB into what is now, but here are the most memorable to me:

1. kenji - My HR inspiration, his hr scores on so many maps made him look competitive but also playing the way he wanted to
2. Berncastell - Similar reason as above, his hr scores looked really cool to me
3. [224]Hyperw7 - hr fc maps that no one else would think of as possible
4. GuruK - So good at HD
5. Senyo - The 'murica god
6. ExGon - how to ss every hard map
7. Krzysiek - tag4
8. Vernas - spooky skills
9. Velperk - hdhr + hddt maps that no one else can
10. Dusk - FL on ar9 + DT overdose

Colin wrote:

Why is this a thing this needs to be deleted opinionated bs forum post
I only started ctb like 3 years ago so I dont really know much of the older players haha

1. Ashchaos - was an insane HD player back in the day
2. Vernas - Pro
3. Mikhe - Pro
4. Ttobas - He was the original DT God
5. ExGon - Do I need to explain this one?
6. Dusk - Do I need to explain this one too xD?
7. kenji - God
8. Deif - Awesome mapper
9. CLSW - Awesome player and awesome maps
10. Spectator - Awesome player and awesome maps

I really wish I knew older players cause this top 10 from me seems heavily biased .-.
1. Houraisan-Kaguya
2. Definitely
3. Kvarc
4. corruptCTB
5. CTBcorrupt
7. Polynomicon
8. raimoncortese
9. Vernlas
10. CaCtus112
tfw m'fellow 'muricans still remember me.


Senyo wrote:

tfw m'fellow 'muricans still remember me.

I will never forget #1 on big black

Dont be that stupid, right now mappers are the most important thing that influence to CtB community

119410501 wrote:

Senyo wrote:

tfw m'fellow 'muricans still remember me.

I will never forget #1 on big black

I need to think about this topic and remember some old players before doing it ^)

Nelly wrote:

Dont be that stupid, right now mappers are the most important thing that influence to CtB community

Players of ALL TIME!
I can think on the guy who ask for the pixel jump fix and the doubletime hyperdash fix
mmm Not in order but
1: Dusk - ctb god #1
2: Exgon - ctb god #2
3: Spec / CLSW - Known for insane HD and HD/HR plays. And also both made a lot of maps for ctb.
4: Kenji / Bern - HR Gods
5: Velperk - Ctb god #3 (at least back in the day) + tag4
6: andysun / DrDre - Spin gods
7: Senyo - Biased USA LUL. ctb god #4 (at least back in the day)
8: Krzysiek - Tag 4 god
9: Shana - One of the 1st person that started doing hr on hard maps.
10: Deif - QAT + Mapper. Been here a long time.

There a lot more people that honestly be put on this list. But this is the list that popped into my head.
Prob can list 5~8 more people as honorary mentions.

Nelly wrote:

Dont be that stupid, right now mappers are the most important thing that influence to CtB community
Could be true, but as Noct Gar said, title of the thread says: CTB Players of ALL TIME!

anyways I came cause I forgot -Nekochan-, madaoB, jekasa, venlas, CTB user, Sawa88 >.<

alienflybot wrote:

Players = Mappers = Modders = Anyone in the CtB community imo,
as everyone here plays osu! CtB mode

Anyways it depends on how you define "important".
Pretty much this - in fact most mappers are also decent players (with a few exceptions). Guess it doesn't really matter if I name CLSW because of their great mapping or their great HD plays. I was thinking more of it as a bonus.

But then again, that list speaks volumes, so I'm not gonna bother with it. :'D

eldnl wrote:

I can think on the guy who ask for the pixel jump fix and the doubletime hyperdash fix
el daniel forever
Velgon Cyphre

Tenshichan wrote:

Velgon Cyphre
oh wow i remember him

Time shift, the year is now 2020

CTB is a wasteland, no one left but one lone player. The player that just couldn't quit, he lived CTB, he Breathed CTB.

His name is Morsay

Beizer wrote:


Time shift, the year is now 2020

CTB is a wasteland, no one left but one lone player. The player that just couldn't quit, he lived CTB, he Breathed CTB.

His name is Morsay
interest here :o
Fuka Pura
Well in my opinion, I would choose those guys:

- Andysun (My hero, my model for spins)
- Drafura / ZHSteven / Deif (Every of them are the main people who fought to set up CTB maps on osu!, sorry if I forget someone)
- Houraisen-Kaguya (Incredible player)
- XAYAZ as Saori (1st maps rank player)
- Kenji (just one of the best HR player)
- Mikhe (One of the best)
- Misa (One of strong old player)
- Jeya (Very nice player with cool HD DT scores)
- nfield (too many SS)

(Special mention for old baguette players: Irato, Lendrix, Ryuujiin)

Fuka Pura wrote:

sorry if I forget someone
We were a bit more but eldnl, Kurai and Shiro helped a lot back in the days. Having CtB maps ranked were something really unrealistic (much more like a dumb idea), Kurai and Shiro understood our arguments and pretty much allowed us to start a real discussion with the staff.
He Ang CTB
-PM- has an entire list of old players on his profile if you want to mention old players :O
2008~ had many pro mod user. i don't know all times.

but some user opened high ar+mod...

mikhe L-Lawliet andysun ledzur Ashchaos kenji darksoul ctb user velperk dusk jeya shana Berncastell S a o r i

Spectator 119410501 GuruK Alezer0 Exgon nfield giorgos Louis Cyphre nuzagoo(ggplay[n])

Nico Nico Douga set44599 misa drestar mjj741 k4mm3r HineX Plantifant keine rampage88 younazahng habin clsw Houraisan-Kaguya yerti Vernlas

Krzysiek deif kuzino Mentail NoteKuroi Rantanzyon Sousaki No492_Shaymin dbzguru32 Scorpionek Kyptoric

Nyan-Zapo himitsu- ...etc my limit..

119410501 wrote:

eldnl wrote:

I can think on the guy who ask for the pixel jump fix and the doubletime hyperdash fix
el daniel forever

Giorgos wrote:

Hey guys, I know that there are hundreds of "Top 10 players" topics, but I hope that no one has ever created "top 10 most important ctb players of all time" topic, so I would be glad to be first! If this happened before, then I am sorry 8-)
So, I want to hear other players opinion, especially the veterans, because you saw lots of talents throughout years who had their own favourite mods and made some revoultional #1 places that we all thought were impossible to make back in the day. So this topic is not about top 10 current best players, it's about most important.
Anyway, I'll start (not in a particular order). And don't forget to make some explanations of your choices, that's necessary!

№1 : Andysun - ahhh, sweet memories of battling this guy for Easy Mode #1 places :) Andysun was very important for future Easy Mode skills improvements, especially Spinner wars, so I put him here.

№2 : Ashchaos - I am proud to know this guy, he is awesome. Back in the day he made some great #1 places that were crazy to other people including myself. Big contribution in future Hard, Insane pro's

№3 : Louis_Cyphre - Even though we don't talk for about 4,5 years, I can't take away his accomplishments. Great spinner, great FL skills, great HR skills, he was hot back in the day. Also, if I remember correctly, he was one of the first, if not the first popular Beatmaps maker from CTB community.

№4 : pieguyn (I guess it's his nickname now) - Awesome FL skills back in the day, still hard to beat some of his records.

№5 : ExGon. No explanation needed, he had some pretty good #1 places even back in 2011 (I guess) and now he beat everyone's ass.

№6 : kenji : He was great Hidden + Doubletime player, then he learned how to play with Hardrock + Hidden and became even more popular and 'dangerous'. Great contributor

№7 : Mikhe. Even though I never liked him because I still believe that he used Speed Hacks and FL hacks in CTB, but anyway, he was talented Hidden, HD+DT, HR+HD players. And a very bad FL player :D

№8 : DreStar - Awesome Spinner and a big pain in the ass for my #1 former places :D

№9 : I guess I'll put VelperK here. He was hot back in the day, he had passion and tried hard to be #1 here and he had (and has) lot of success here.

№10 : Noone else comes to mind, I forgot lots on names, just 1 name popped in my head and that's - Shana. Also very talented and succesful player back in the day.

Phew, I hope that I did it okay. Now it's your turn, guys ;)

alienflybot wrote:

Beizer wrote:


Time shift, the year is now 2020

CTB is a wasteland, no one left but one lone player. The player that just couldn't quit, he lived CTB, he Breathed CTB.

His name is Morsay
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