
#polish chat op [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +63
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As always, sometimes someone really needs to take the law into their hands. To me, this time has come and it is just the right moment to say a few words and get what i really want.
Everything begins to change... Everyone who spends their time on #polish, knows that there are more people, more players that start their journey with osu! and for no reason are dissrespected and called names only because they just started and have really little ranks and little skill in osu! There are more and more cases of spamming (not to even mention the stupidity). It takes a lot of time since a log is reported and translated to a foreign moderator and sometimes it is too late or we lose a lot of our precious time.

After the introduction it is easy to understand what I'm trying to achieve. In other words - we need a moderator who is easily available spending a lot of time on osu! and easy to contact with and who is from Poland and who is not english, french or other nationality (although i haven't seen cases like those) because as I said. we have no use in moderators that we have to translate stuff to wasting our time, but someone who will deal with the case quickly in an easy and comfortable for everyone way.

So for all above reasons, please do not put this case to one side but do something about it.

Thanks Noobita for a strength and courage. :)
agreed. no stars >.<
yo, agreed. good luck acrith with those actions
yep. I agree too ... We need a Polish mod quickly :3
I'll tell you the same thing that's told to others wanting a moderator for their channel: Use !report more.

I keep irc open nearly 24/7, and I only see 5-10 reports after looking through #bat logs for the past two months. Even if you use !report and then need to translate for an English-speaking BAT/op, it at least shows that the channel is experiencing problems and that you're trying to keep it under control. Thus, we won't add an op for your channel until we see that there's a need for one.

Derekku wrote:

I'll tell you the same thing that's told to others wanting a moderator for their channel: Use !report more.

I keep irc open nearly 24/7, and I only see 5-10 reports after looking through #bat logs for the past two months. Even if you use !report and then need to translate for an English-speaking BAT/op, it at least shows that the channel is experiencing problems and that you're trying to keep it under control. Thus, we won't add an op for your channel until we see that there's a need for one.

even if we do use report more, not all really will be dealt with will they tho? Be honest. Everyone gets bored of reports and im sure you will do as well. Looking at it even from a totally different angle - more reports = more job for you as you might be the only one really doing your job (of that i'm not sure and dont want to insult anyone) and it still takes some time since the report is send to an actual checking for its reality and banning or silencing someone. For someone that speaks fluent polish it would not be a case of translating stuff - he would just know straight away.
Well, I approve request of adding polish op...

There is always such a mess..... people are trolling as usual.. there are specific people or just new users(I won't mention any of those).. I am only one of these who usually reports spam on #polish. Good that I have friend who always help me with mess, her nick is La Cataline, but problem is she doesn't know polish. I always need to translate logs for her, in adition she sometimes gets afk and maybe late. I am osu player since 2 years and problem about polish mod was considering long time ago..

I want to add that mods sometimes doesn't care for !reports honestly, and there always are haters who are getting mad because I am reporting them.


OpticRampage wrote:

Derekku wrote:

I'll tell you the same thing that's told to others wanting a moderator for their channel: Use !report more.

I keep irc open nearly 24/7, and I only see 5-10 reports after looking through #bat logs for the past two months. Even if you use !report and then need to translate for an English-speaking BAT/op, it at least shows that the channel is experiencing problems and that you're trying to keep it under control. Thus, we won't add an op for your channel until we see that there's a need for one.

even if we do use report more, not all really will be dealt with will they tho? Be honest. Everyone gets bored of reports and im sure you will do as well. Looking at it even from a totally different angle - more reports = more job for you as you might be the only one really doing your job (of that i'm not sure and dont want to insult anyone) and it still takes some time since the report is send to an actual checking for its reality and banning or silencing someone. For someone that speaks fluent polish it would not be a case of translating stuff - he would just know straight away.
this is the arguement #filipino used and we were just ignored and thrown aside.

go figure.
good luck with this nearly impossible quest, #polish.
I approve request of adding polish op
Even if you use !report and then need to translate for an English-speaking BAT/op, it at least shows that the channel is experiencing problems and that you're trying to keep it under control.
Ill tell you something - in the polish stage theres a lot of players who doesnt know english well, so why should they report anything? "kome here mod i ned yur help plax plax"
comeon, we're lazy and we wont learn english (ofc we know basic words like a 'circle, slider, failed, mod, request, beatmap and basic communication. It's easy to say from your side, cuz as I see youre American.

Mod won't understand all of the situation if he won't get a TRANSLATED logs. in the polish stage of osu! theres a little of people can english VERY WELL. (like me hehehe)... it's just a language case.
but look from this side... moderator is needed in polish anyway, if we report ourselves or not.
Topic Starter

Nickelodeon wrote:

comeon, we're lazy and we wont learn english (ofc we know basic words like a 'circle, slider, failed, mod, request, beatmap and basic communication. It's easy to say from your side, cuz as I see youre American.
:D.. I'm learning english as well I can, but I rly needed to request translate other peoples because I'm not a master of languages :)..
I'm learning english as well I can, but I rly needed to request translate other peoples because I'm not a master of languages
for example me, nyah?
You have 0 vote(s) remaining.

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Nickelodeon wrote:

I'm learning english as well I can, but I rly needed to request translate other peoples because I'm not a master of languages
for example me, nyah?
Sure.. But I needed to requests OpticRampage too, becuase you're making grammatic issues :D..
Sure.. But I needed to requests OpticRampage too, becuase you're making grammatic issues

what you wouldnt say... xD
Just a note, why shouldn't #8 country with 13000 active users have at least one mod?
You know, I see PM requests to find La Cataline (moderator of #russian) more than I see !reports in #bat from #polish D:
So I agree, leave La Cataline alone and find yourselves a moderator.
Would have needed that for Skandinavian as well. Way too many non skandinavians appearing and spamming, Especially italians.
Personally I don't mind having ppl talk english there as long as they can speak/understand something in any of our languages that we use.

+ Support for this.

Can't vote sadly, system bugged it seems like
D: i like #polish i hope what you can find a moderator :D


sorry i dont have stars :/
I know abit of polish x:
and ive noticed this too /:

dkun wrote:

this is the arguement #filipino used and we were just ignored and thrown aside.

go figure.
good luck with this nearly impossible quest, #polish.
well maybe is wrong the way of "how you ask"
all our community asked for add Inamaru as OP and then we didn't got ignored

opening a thread just writing "we need a OP" is not helpful, let's ask all your community to choose the better person suited to this role and after this go to ask.

Lunah wrote:

dkun wrote:

this is the arguement #filipino used and we were just ignored and thrown aside.

go figure.
good luck with this nearly impossible quest, #polish.
well maybe is wrong the way of "how you ask"
all our community asked for add Inamaru as OP and then we didn't got ignored

opening a thread just writing "we need a OP" is not helpful, let's ask all your community to choose the better person suited to this role and after this go to ask.

well that is what we are doing... we are not saying WE NEED OP, we are saying that Acrith should be the op cuz he is well suited ;)

Opitc wrote:

well that is what we are doing... we are not saying WE NEED OP, we are saying that Acrith should be the op cuz he is well suited ;)
Yeah my point was direct to dkun,
also goodluck getting a OP guys ^^ , Acrith seems realy a nice guy

Lunah wrote:

Opitc wrote:

well that is what we are doing... we are not saying WE NEED OP, we are saying that Acrith should be the op cuz he is well suited ;)
Yeah my point was direct to dkun,
also goodluck getting a OP guys ^^ , Acrith seems realy a nice guy

Oh, sorry. I missunderstood you :roll:
thank you, and he really is :)
Topic Starter

Lunah wrote:

Yeah my point was direct to dkun,
also goodluck getting a OP guys ^^ , Acrith seems realy a nice guy
Haha.. Good to hear that from you :).. Thanks.

Opitc wrote:

well that is what we are doing... we are not saying WE NEED OP, we are saying that Acrith should be the op cuz he is well suited
I should because others want it. Thanks for support:)
Geez... report option, yeah it exist for some purpose. Seriously? Should we use it to report every one person that started to be vulgar?
It's a common thing that Polish people are a little vulgar or sometimes are lacking of good manners.

The main point is explaining (or translating) to the moderator "what's going on".
Problem... it's hard to translate polish teenagers slang or the large amount of vulgar words that we have into English. >.>''
And another thing. OP? Okay ,but who? Someone who is going to do ragequit after being a little trolled? He/She should be pretty resistant for that kind of people. Also that kind of person should know how to see a difference between trolling and stupid talk.

And "Yeah I support this idea" doesn't really help... Please give some arguments. :<

MLGnom wrote:

Geez... report option, yeah it exist for some purpose. Seriously? Should we use it to report every one person that started to be vulgar?
It's a common thing that Polish people are a little vulgar or sometimes are lacking of good manners.

The main point is explaining (or translating) to the moderator "what's going on".
Problem... it's hard to translate polish teenagers slang or the large amount of vulgar words that we have into English. >.>''
And another thing. OP? Okay ,but who? Someone who is going to do ragequit after being a little trolled? He/She should be pretty resistant for that kind of people. Also that kind of person should know how to see a difference between trolling and stupid talk.

And "Yeah I support this idea" doesn't really help... Please give some arguments. :<

I think Acrith IS pretty resistant and deserves it

Acrith wrote:

I should because others want it.

Not exactly - we just NEED IT.

Derekku wrote:

I'll tell you the same thing that's told to others wanting a moderator for their channel: Use !report more.

I keep irc open nearly 24/7, and I only see 5-10 reports after looking through #bat logs for the past two months. Even if you use !report and then need to translate for an English-speaking BAT/op, it at least shows that the channel is experiencing problems and that you're trying to keep it under control. Thus, we won't add an op for your channel until we see that there's a need for one.
It still doesn't answer my question from months ago: Why must we depend on someone else and wasting time for translations and explanations if we could deal with retards by ourselves? We've almost practically stopped using !report because no one was answering or was coming few minutes after situation has calmed, so we didn't need mod anymore. Yes, we are trying to keep our channel under control - and what is the problem to let US do that job? I don't see any.

Bass-chan wrote:

I am only one of these who usually reports spam on #polish
This so-called "spam" is usually situation when someone proves you're wrong in any discussion and you get so mad you call the mod. You're funny, sir.

Back to topic, decent people with behaviour I would like to recommend? Acrith is a nice guy and it would be good to have someone like him to watch the order. Although two guys bring up to my mind - Blackiris and MLGnom, adults with excellent attitude towards others and both are well respected in the polish community. They wouldn't do any pranks or abuse power if there wasn't a good reason to do so.

Or, eventually - me. I would be pretty good for an op as I was moderator on many forums/chats in the past so I know how to maintain the order in the public. Not as good as those 2 guys I've mentioned, but still someone who cares.
Don't ignore this thread.

+Support with an invisible star.

Edit: fartownik. Why did I forget of him? He would also do very well as an op.
Well i certainly support this one.
There is a lot of new users who like to cause problems. That's the biggest reason i usually just lurk or speak with old guys :)
Poland is one of the biggest communities here, why not support this cause?
Star from me.
really? you are sitting here considering who would be better...
the fact is the only guy who has been available on chat is acrith and he has been dealing with trolling and spammers for few hours today while it could be done in few minutes...
Agreed. Hope it won't be too late, as the channel's already dying, get a doctor in here, ASAP!
Going to +1 this, even though #polish will never get a chat OP ):
#dutch is also walking around without OP, but we never report. Why? Because it has proven so many times in the past already that the !report function is just plain useless.
Sometimes we don't even get an OP in the channel and #dutch gets fully ignored. If we do the OP requests for translation and says ''...if the person does it again contact me''. Well they aren't that retarded to just do it again, so they get away unpunished.

Now there are 3 or 4 channels (#skandinavian too?) who want an OP ;/
I can't see the problem by just giving them what they want and get these problems all over with.


GladiOol wrote:

it has proven so many times in the past already that the !report function is just plain useless.

exactly, and as it was said a hundered times in this post... sometimes takes A LOT of time to translate stuff :/
I dont know why shouldnt we get an OP, it costs peppy nothing (I think so!) and it can help polishers very much.. whats the problem?
just give us OP i dont see problemz. if you see, tell about it here.

Galkan92 wrote:

This so-called "spam" is usually situation when someone proves you're wrong in any discussion and you get so mad you call the mod. You're funny, sir.
Now you pissed me off. You haven't been long time on osu and you are implying that I did many useless reports to La Cataline, if not me mostly, then there would be more shitspam. I always was pming her when there was a problem, so shut the fuck up.

Fuck maybe I should give up and stop reporting, that's how users like you can't appreciate that I am helping with decreasing spam.

EDIT: I wanna just add it wasn't only me reporting of course, there were other users like Acrith or Choosen, also I have contact with LC even trough skype and she has access to logs always even when she is offline.
Topic Starter

Bass-chan wrote:

Galkan92 wrote:

This so-called "spam" is usually situation when someone proves you're wrong in any discussion and you get so mad you call the mod. You're funny, sir.
Now you pissed me off. You haven't been long time on osu and you are implying that I did many useless reports to La Cataline, if not me mostly, then there would be more shitspam. I always was pming her when there was a problem, so shut the fuck up.

Fuck maybe I wouldn't leave that and stop reporting, that's how users like you can't appreciate that I am helping with decreasing spam.
Calm down Bass.. >.<..
La Cataline
Hey, #polish. Doesn't mean I dont want you to get an OP or something, but you know, before telling that mods dont care about !report, you guys should probably try using it first.
Sorry LC, do u think we didnt try? of course we did, that was a first thing what we did.

Bass-chan wrote:

Galkan92 wrote:

This so-called "spam" is usually situation when someone proves you're wrong in any discussion and you get so mad you call the mod. You're funny, sir.
Now you pissed me off. You haven't been long time on osu and you are implying that I did many useless reports to La Cataline, if not me mostly, then there would be more shitspam. I always was pming her when there was a problem, so shut the fuck up.

Fuck maybe I should give up and stop reporting, that's how users like you can't appreciate that I am helping with decreasing spam.

EDIT: I wanna just add it wasn't only me reporting of course, there were other users like Acrith or Choosen, also I have contact with LC even trough skype and she has access to logs always even when she is offline.
I'm now considering if whether gracefully facepalm or laugh out loud this post. Your logic again screwes up, so I will just stop myself by here and not comment this.
I'm now considering if whether gracefully facepalm or laugh out loud this post. Your logic again screwes up, so I will just stop myself by here and not comment this.
I will leave that with no comment too, since it's nonsense to argue with you.

Why I would even care about you. You are now only this who complains about me so far....... yeah but realise, that each person will have haters(One person already PMed me about you and believe me, it wasn't good word about you.)

La Cataline wrote:

Hey, #polish. Doesn't mean I dont want you to get an OP or something, but you know, before telling that mods dont care about !report, you guys should probably try using it first.
so how many OPs does Russian have

perhaps if you read their argument, like the same reason we did for #filipino and for #dutch, you'd see
i'll say my damn self that 80% of the time a mod doesn't show up when you !report

fuck yeah timezones!

just remembering that you can private chat in game by a IRC chat made by peppy

this thread is becoming ridicolous
Bumping this thread. Over 2 weeks passed... and nothing.

Galkan92 wrote:

Bumping this thread. Over 2 weeks passed... and nothing.
and nothing will happen
Acrith talked with peppy yesterday, everything will be alright, so don't worry.

Bass-chan wrote:

Acrith talked with peppy yesterday, everything will be alright, so don't worry.
LF Confirm.
I think that topic can be moved to completed requests since we got an op finally.
Heart icon, please!
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