
Psot aynhnitg sracblmed but can raed by aynnoe...

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All of your post here MUST be scrambled, but do not scramble the first and last letter of each word.
(does not apply to words that have 2-3 letters)

Ex: This is an example, a guide for you.
Ex: Tihs is an exmlape, a gidue for you.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer waht
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by
itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

You can reply to any previous posts, but MUST be sracblmed also.

Sartt Now! BTW, Gurnod Ruels Alppy...
Sleep Powder
I wonedered wyh I cuold raed tpyos so esaily...

anzo-nii wrote:

Sartt Now! BTW, Gurnod Ruels Alppy...
Took me 5 seconds to realize this meant "Ground".

animask wrote:

Took me 5 seconds to realize this meant "Ground".
I Olny notecid atefr I saw yuor psot.
hey guise i just made a post in this thread
tihs trhaed is darleid
poot you
Locked and Wastelanded?

Eidt: Srory red tge OP

Lokced snd Watslanded?

Edit 2: Llrey sroyr. I'ev eard hte PO giana

Lokecd nad Wtaslnadde?
into the wasteland you go
Firo Prochainezo
seriously, did anyone not already know this?

besides animask
I didn't ;w;

NoHItter wrote:

Locked and Wastelanded?

Eidt: Srory red tge OP

Lokced snd Watslanded?

Edit 2: Llrey sroyr. I'ev eard hte PO giana

Lokecd nad Wtaslnadde?
raed the OP aiagn. The fsrit and lsat ltetres sulhod rmaein the smae.

Lceokd and Waeelsntadd?
Ist so clod in hree.

Sander-Don wrote:

no you sotp
Tihs i'nst ture. Lkie wtih the "gnuord" elpmaxe, if the wdros are selbmarcd too bad, it bemoces ilbissopme to unatsrednd tehm aawyny.

In the above sentence, I reversed each word, except for the first and last letter. It's a mess.
I culod raed taht ptfleecry. Mbyae you're jsut indricleby suiptd.
I haet tihs siht.
Nayn nayn i'm so hgih tdoay but tororomw I wlil hvae eaxms for my furute orz.

Sutipd fncreh eudcatoin.
I dno't eevn konw why I am psoting haer.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

I dno't eevn konw why I am psoting haer.
baceuse it's a tkaio pyaler cmobo.
just stop
I'm not eaxclty srue why teher's a thaerd for tihs.
wath is tish ehtero wcthcarft?
tihs taerhd is good at frist but now it's getitng sutipd lkie logioe tdaerhs

Hijiri Tezuka

Backfire wrote:

I haet tihs siht.
And yur'oe siltl dnoig it.

opooopooy <3
Topic Starter

mm201 wrote:

Lkie wtih the "gnuord" elpmaxe
I dno't konw why smoe guorp of ppeole albe to rearesch tihs...
Wlel... I tnhik if you sramcble smoe wrods, you may from (form) atnoher wrod wtih a drenffiet maneing...
Actually, these sentences are quickly readable because you realize what a word is based on what the surrounding words are. Your mind reads it in such a way to make a coherent sentence. Of course, there's a strange paradox here because you only know words based on surrounding words, so how do you know the surrounding words?!

For example, I was able to read mm201's sentence at normal speed except for the word in quotes. That word could have been anything and the sentence still would have made sense.

If I type out random words using the same rule, you probably won't be able to read it very quickly at all:

stcenene pereivw achemtatnt cclullaaotr ccolotahe aulctaly ceumoptr jnaeapse sncceie srinoudrung
Only the last one tripped me up. But yes, I suppose it relies greatly on recognition and familiarity with the words.

anzo-nii wrote:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer waht
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by
itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Atculaly it is ntaraul.(mybae???)
i got breod and dcdeeid to wirte a ltltie cdoe srlmacber tignhy of my own insetad of dniog it by hnad. arne't i cool?

yes eerpehaml you are anmaizg and it olny took you like hlaf an hour to wirte this tnihg form stracch oh god who am i kididng taht took way too lnog oh gdddod

jsut to sohw off hree's the fsrit prat of the loin knig I JUST CNAT WIAT TO BE KING lciyrs srdelcmab:

I'm gnnoa be a mghtiy knig, so eenmys berwae Well I'v never seen a king or baest with qutie so ltilte hair I'm gnnoa be the mane eenvt lkie no king was beofre I'm bhinursg up on lnkoiog down I'm wrkion on my roar Tuhs far a rehatr uiiinrsnnpg tinhg

it sort of works


rofl it's like i'm reading a ztrot post

Wojjan wrote:

Only the last one tripped me up. But yes, I suppose it relies greatly on recognition and familiarity with the words.
Ok, but how fast did you read them? As in, did you read at normal reading speed and blow through all the words in like a second (or however long it would take you to read a sentence), or did you have to stop and think for a brief moment on each one and take like 5-6 seconds total?
thsee sntencses mdae my haed hturs
It is very strange that I can read all the sentences here easily but got stuck with Lybydose's list of "random words" for a while. Makes no sense :P

Lybydose wrote:

Wojjan wrote:

Only the last one tripped me up. But yes, I suppose it relies greatly on recognition and familiarity with the words.
Ok, but how fast did you read them? As in, did you read at normal reading speed and blow through all the words in like a second (or however long it would take you to read a sentence), or did you have to stop and think for a brief moment on each one and take like 5-6 seconds total?
the first thing

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

Cute avatar Firo >w<


Ctue atavar Frio >w<


Also this:

James2250 wrote:

It is very strange that I can read all the sentences here easily but got stuck with Lybydose's list of "random words" for a while. Makes no sense :P

James2250 wrote:

It is very strange that I can read all the sentences here easily but got stuck with Lybydose's list of "random words" for a while. Makes no sense :P
It's very strange that you find it very strange considering the whole point of his post was explaining why it's not very strange.
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