NMLength: 2:48 Drain
https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1668255&m=1Difficulties preferred: there's only two, the muzu and the oni
I don't map or mod taiko, these are guest diffs. I'd really really like to be able to judge them myself, but I can't. Having gotten a std BN interested in my map, I'm curious as to the state of the rankability of the taiko GDs that I do have. Your post very clearly says "Don't ask for a check" and I'm not, I promise, it's obviously your discretion whether to even mod this in the first place. What I would very much like if possible is just a quick opinion "Yes this might be good enough for rank" or "No this probably needs more work", I'm not asking for a nomination or even a full mod if you don't want to. In std at least, it doesn't take much to see whether a map is generally ready or not, I'm hoping it's the same in taiko.