I have been using a marked play field like Cookiezi for some time now
If you dont know what is it then just replace the scorebar-bg in your skin with is
After a while, i realized it would be super useful for some player especially it helps them to concentrate on the play field rather than looking the whole laptop (desktop) screen
But the real proplem is, whenever with player used to use Shift + Tab, the scorebar bg would hide so they cannot see the playfield since Its can only use when the scorebar bg is visible
I would like to add the play field area as a feature to the game since it would help player to concentrate to the gameplay area
If you dont know what is it then just replace the scorebar-bg in your skin with is
After a while, i realized it would be super useful for some player especially it helps them to concentrate on the play field rather than looking the whole laptop (desktop) screen
But the real proplem is, whenever with player used to use Shift + Tab, the scorebar bg would hide so they cannot see the playfield since Its can only use when the scorebar bg is visible
I would like to add the play field area as a feature to the game since it would help player to concentrate to the gameplay area