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Hi! I've been playing osu! osu!mania for about a month now, a month, and I thought I should introduce myself here..
I know I'm super-late now, but better late than never~
Let's be friends!
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forums! Glad to meet you
You know, there are people (like me) who are even later when doing their intro', like "6 months~1 year".

Anyways, here's a welcome, and a drink for the party! ( ' ')7U
just a month, I think thats not super late... welcome to forum!
o x
Welcome to the forums Akatsuki! I see you are interested in mania. You can post about mania over in the osu!Mania part of the forums! There is tons to see and look at over there!
If you feel up for it you can help out in the #Help channel in game and answer questions there, or you can help some people out in the Help Forum. You should also post there if you have any technical questions or problems with osu!
You can discuss anything related to anime in the Otaku Forums!
There are also Forum Games you can participate in as well! Careful though, Forum Games is located in the Off-Topic part of the forums which is where most of the nonsensical posts belong. But there is a lot of fun to be had there as well!
To clear something up since more and more people seem to make this mistake :o General Discussion is for non osu related subjects only. Wanted to point that out seeing as people make that mistake often!
Remember to read the Forum-wide Rules. Also remember there are individual Forum rules as well, you can find these stickied to the top of every forum! make sure to read them before posting so you know what is and isn't acceptable!

If you have any questions feel free to message me :D I'll try my best to help out!
Heya :D
Welcome to the forums!
Hope u enjoy it! :D
Welcome to the forums!
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