Welcome to the osu! map clearing tournament! Rather than a standard match-based tournament, omct! is a tournament based on passing the maps in the pool.
Sign ups are closed
discord | score submission | current week's leaderboard
How it works: Mappools will be released every Monday at 12am UTC (Sunday night for western time zones). Players have two week to pass as many maps as possible. You do not play a match with the mappool against any other player. The tournament is entirely solo.
Mappools consist of 4 different mod pools: nomod, hidden, hard rock, and double time. There is no freemod pool / tiebreaker map in these mappools.
After the week is over, the players with the highest scores will advance to the next week and have their points reset for the next mappool.
Advancement rules:
Week 1: Every player that properly signed up will play in Week 1. The top 32 players of Week 1 will advance to the next week.
Week 2: The top 16 players of Week 2 will advance to the next week.
Week 3: The top 8 players of Week 3 will advance to the next week.
Week 4: The top 4 players in Week 4 will be placed as the first, second, third, or fourth place winners of the tournament.
Score submission: [Submission link will be here when the tournament starts.]
Submission must include:
- osu! username
- screenshot of result screen (uploaded to osu.ppy.sh/ss/)
- replay file of the score (preferably uploaded to puu.sh or a similar program)
Mappools consist of 4 different mod pools: nomod, hidden, hard rock, and double time. There is no freemod pool / tiebreaker map in these mappools.
After the week is over, the players with the highest scores will advance to the next week and have their points reset for the next mappool.
Advancement rules:
Week 1: Every player that properly signed up will play in Week 1. The top 32 players of Week 1 will advance to the next week.
Week 2: The top 16 players of Week 2 will advance to the next week.
Week 3: The top 8 players of Week 3 will advance to the next week.
Week 4: The top 4 players in Week 4 will be placed as the first, second, third, or fourth place winners of the tournament.
Score submission: [Submission link will be here when the tournament starts.]
Submission must include:
- osu! username
- screenshot of result screen (uploaded to osu.ppy.sh/ss/)
- replay file of the score (preferably uploaded to puu.sh or a similar program)
score calculation
Points per score will be calculated using the following formula:
DigitalHypno - Today at 7:53 PM
0.7+((0.1^(max combo/combo)) + 0.2^(100/acc))/1.01^misses
Your total score will be added up and placed in a spreadsheet, visible here.
DigitalHypno - Today at 7:53 PM
0.7+((0.1^(max combo/combo)) + 0.2^(100/acc))/1.01^misses
Your total score will be added up and placed in a spreadsheet, visible here.
Map Suggestions: We want to know what you would like to see in these map pools! Submit a map request here.
Prizes: TBA
Schedule: Format: Month / Day / Year
Signups: 1/1/17 - 2/19/17
Round 1: 2/20/17 - 3/5/17
Round 2: 3/6/17 - 3/19/17
Round 3: 3/20/17 - 4/2/17
Round 4: 4/3/17 - 4/16/17
Signups: 1/1/17 - 2/19/17
Round 1: 2/20/17 - 3/5/17
Round 2: 3/6/17 - 3/19/17
Round 3: 3/20/17 - 4/2/17
Round 4: 4/3/17 - 4/16/17
Tournament Hosts: Flezlin, DigitalHypno, Megatron is bad
Mappool Selectors (contact DigitalHypno if interested in helping): n0ah, Megatron is bad, DigitalHypno, ChronoNig, mniminwoo
Tournament Hosts: Flezlin, DigitalHypno, Megatron is bad
Mappool Selectors (contact DigitalHypno if interested in helping): n0ah, Megatron is bad, DigitalHypno, ChronoNig, mniminwoo