
a crowd of rebellion - M1917 [OsuMania]

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[ A v a l o n ]
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 10 December 2018 at 19:49:39

Artist: a crowd of rebellion
Title: M1917
Tags: Warner Music Japan Xanthium 2016 Fontes
BPM: 207
Filesize: 9536kb
Play Time: 03:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Fontes' Insane - 4Key (3,76 stars, 2339 notes)
  2. Hard - 4Key (2,91 stars, 1950 notes)
  3. Maximum - 4Key (4,84 stars, 3012 notes)
  4. Normal - 4Key (1,91 stars, 1131 notes)
Download: a crowd of rebellion - M1917
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Background and Banner Edit by CDY
You can also try another a crowd of rebellion song at >this map< too

- 28/10/2018 revived the beatmap, start the modding process again
- 11/11/2018 added hitsound files, thanks Kuo Kyoka
- 13/11/2018 all diffs are fully hitsounded
- 24/11/2018 improved the background quality, thanks CDY
- 29/11/2018 fixed diff gaps, metadata, and tags
- 07/12/2018 Hitsound usage are more polished
- 10/12/2018 Bubbled by Sandalphon <3
- 23/12/2018 Qualified by Sinnoh <3
- 30/12/2018 Ranked !!!
This is Awesome !

Fontes wrote:

This is Awesome !
hi avaalonn
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[ A v a l o n ]
I think i need a GD for normal diff (below *2) hehe

Fontes' Insane

00:06:414 (6414|3) - for this note it should be moved, not in col 4 only | try move to col 1
00:09:168 (9168|0) - ^
here 01:22:356 - and here 01:22:646 not sync
01:22:646 - why here double but 01:23:226 - here no? follow the music .-. follow other notes
01:40:617 (100617|1) - I think this is not there, because here 01:40:617 (100617|1) - empty
01:52:211 (112211|1) - move ?
01:52:211 (112211|1) - not sync

Good Luck, nice pattern :D

for [ A v a l o n ] wwwwww, ga bisa panjang-panjang mod w :w | btw bang, tanggung amat 3:59 Lenght
For M4M
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

00:56:704 (56704|2) - gimana kalo pindah ke kolom 2 ?
00:57:139 (57139|0,57719|0,58298|0,58878|1) - mungkin sebaiknya dibikin double, suaranya kan agak keras
02:39:603 (159603|2) - saran pindah ke kolom 4, biar gak terlalu ribet, dan kolom 4nya gak terlalu kosong
Saran aja sih,
00:22:791 (22791|1) - ini buat gitar kan ? mending dijadiin LN sampe 00:22:936 - biar pas sama suara gitarnya
00:22:791 (22791|1,23661|0,25110|1,25980|1,27429|2,28298|1,29748|1) - sama kayak ^
Maap yah cuma nemu dikit :(
Good luck~ :3

FAMoss wrote:


Fontes' Insane

00:06:414 (6414|3) - for this note it should be moved, not in col 4 only | try move to col 1
Personally, At 4k, i dont think that the pitch must be kept. but if people feel comfortable with wat u said,
ok il consider it.

00:09:168 (9168|0) - ^

here 01:22:356 - and here 01:22:646 not sync
i know wat u mean. i used this double notes to accent this smash sound.
i think its quite normal way in 4k especially at drum sound.

01:22:646 - why here double but 01:23:226 - here no? follow the music .-. follow other notes
il delete a note.

01:40:617 (100617|1) - I think this is not there, because here 01:40:617 (100617|1) - empty
this is vocal note. i think its find, so il keep it.

01:52:211 (112211|1) - move ?
01:52:211 (112211|1) - not sync
sry i don get wat u mean. (move where?) the reason why i put 3notes at under line, cuz i wanna give accent below more than above.
and i think this placement hav a effact to concentrate above 2 notes (2 3 colum) with guitar sound.

Good Luck, nice pattern :D

for [ A v a l o n ] wwwwww, ga bisa panjang-panjang mod w :w | btw bang, tanggung amat 3:59 Lenght

Thank u for mod :)
Topic Starter
[ A v a l o n ]

FadillSan wrote:

For M4M
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

00:56:704 (56704|2) - gimana kalo pindah ke kolom 2 ? oke, seems gud
00:57:139 (57139|0,57719|0,58298|0,58878|1) - mungkin sebaiknya dibikin double, suaranya kan agak keras kayaknya nggk dlu deh, "music pace" nya agak menurun disini
02:39:603 (159603|2) - saran pindah ke kolom 4, biar gak terlalu ribet, dan kolom 4nya gak terlalu kosong oke
Saran aja sih,
00:22:791 (22791|1) - ini buat gitar kan ? mending dijadiin LN sampe 00:22:936 - biar pas sama suara gitarnya single note aja menurut saya udah cukup kok
00:22:791 (22791|1,23661|0,25110|1,25980|1,27429|2,28298|1,29748|1) - sama kayak ^ udah dijelaskan pada poin sebelumnya
Maap yah cuma nemu dikit :( gpp yang penting ada mod xD
Good luck~ :3
Thank you


 Normal :
  1. 00:04:965 (4965|1) - maybe must move away of this note 00:04:675 (4675|0) -, it feels better in the playing :3
  2. 00:12:211 (12211|2,12791|2,13371|2) - I think this you should void the anchor in this part
  3. 02:52:501 (172501|2) - this much for a normal imo u.u
  4. 03:39:313 (219313|0,219603|0) - ^
  5. well here there is a problem in the note distribution :

Left hand : 253 + 253 = 506
Rigth hand : 297 + 256 = 553
Right hand > Left hand
553 - 506 = 47
I think that this must be minor to 20 for give a balance in the playing
(I don't know if this will be important, but, i see in a BN mod that this was being very specify)
 Hard :
  1. 00:16:559 - here you should change one of notes by a LN, bcs you follow the guitar sounds here
  2. 00:26:269 (26269|0,26269|3) - move to colum 1 and 2 (Suggestion)
  3. 01:15:110 (75110|2) - maybe here must be a double or put under of the next note for this feels better in the playing :3
  4. 02:05:400 (125400|1) - this must be a double for consistency with this 02:04:530 (124530|2,124530|0) - u.u
  5. 02:12:356 (132356|1,132646|1,132936|1,133226|1) - anchor more 3 detected, imo a anchor minor 4 is better in this diff
  6. 03:14:820 (194820|2) - move to column 0 imo this feels better :3
"Problem Note Distribution"

Left hand : 453 + 505 = 958
Rigth hand : 521 + 472 = 993
Right hand > Left hand
993 - 958 = 35
it's fine, but tu should add more notes in the column 1 and 4

That's all
Sorry for the delay u.u


halo mod request :D

[Fontes' Insane]
00:19:313 (19313|2) - 이쪽 노트가 1번라인으로 가는게 드럼 표현에 더 적절하다고 생각이 드네요
00:17:429 (17429|3,17429|2,17864|3,17864|2) -
00:18:298 (18298|1,18298|0,18588|0,18588|1) -
00:19:023 (19023|3,19023|2,19313|3,19313|2) - 를 유지시키고 싶으시면 무시

00:31:342 - ~ 00:39:385 - 까지는 드럼음의 강조가 필요할거같습니다
막난과의 난이도 차를 두기위해서라면 별수없지만 너무 많이 허전합니다..

01:38:153 - 첫번째랑 같은느낌
02:25:690 - ^
03:46:849 - ^

01:45:110 - ~ 01:50:037 - 1번라인에 노트가 많이나와서 왼손중지가 약간 거슬리는 느낌이되네요

02:25:400 - 노트 3개가 흐름상 맞지않나요?

02:46:414 - 롱노트를 안쓰는 이유는 드럼강조? ㅜㅜ 롱노트가 자연스러운듯한데

00:16:269 - mistake?

wonki : 00:35:907 (35907|1) - this note may be inconvenient for playing guitar sounds.
Niks : oh! right
00:35:835 (35835|3) - move 2
00:35:907 (35907|1) - move 4

Good map can't find error lol :D
hey fontes' req

00:21:269 (21269|0,21269|1) - 여기가 왜 2놋이되야되는지모르겠네 자세히들어보면 드럼사운드도없어 차라리 1놋으로하고 00:21:342 - 여기를 3놋으로하는게

개인적인 생각이지만 00:22:791 (22791|0) - 00:25:110 (25110|3) - 00:27:429 (27429|3) - 00:29:748 (29748|1) - 여기부분이 기타음이 뚝! 끊기는 느낌이여서
밑노트랑 잭으로 하면 꽤괜찮을거가생각함

00:44:675 (44675|3,44820|2) - 00:46:994 (46994|0,47139|1) - 00:49:313 (49313|0,49458|1) - 이부분 드럼 사운드노트인거같은데 00:44:385 물론
지금 패턴도 좋긴한데 (44385|0,44530|1) - 이거나 00:49:023 (49023|3,49168|2) - 이거땜에 깔끔하게 하려고 한의도는 알겠는데 드럼 쪽을 그냥 잭으로 하면 더좋지않을까 지금저게 기타음이라해도 드럼소리가 굉장히 잘들리기때문에 잭으로하면 칠때 더좋은느낌이될듯.

00:59:893 - 01:00:037 - 이쪽부분에 드럼노트가 없는이유가 궁금

01:18:226 - 사소하긴하지만 음살려서 넣어보는것도 괜찮을지도

02:33:081 - 02:36:269 - 이부분 좀아쉬운게 윗난이도가 2놋이라서 나같았음 걍 3놋 때려박았음 02:27:284 - 여기쪽 드럼이랑 비교해보고 알아서넣으쇼

02:46:414 (166414|3) - 이거도 그냥 기타음으로 하는게 좋을거같은데 위에는 롱놋있는데 여기만없으니 매우허전한느낌
Topic Starter
[ A v a l o n ]

Acnos wrote:



 Normal :
  1. 00:04:965 (4965|1) - maybe must move away of this note 00:04:675 (4675|0) -, it feels better in the playing :3 idk what do u mean for this
  2. 00:12:211 (12211|2,12791|2,13371|2) - I think this you should void the anchor in this part it still in the long interval, it should be still okay
  3. 02:52:501 (172501|2) - this much for a normal imo u.u a little improvisation, really boring if you only follow drums only, 1/2 notes are still okay for me
  4. 03:39:313 (219313|0,219603|0) - ^ still okay
  5. well here there is a problem in the note distribution :

Left hand : 253 + 253 = 506
Rigth hand : 297 + 256 = 553
Right hand > Left hand
553 - 506 = 47
I think that this must be minor to 20 for give a balance in the playing
(I don't know if this will be important, but, i see in a BN mod that this was being very specify) i think it's not a big problem, here a little lesson for you . . . if you playing a map then you count it bla bla bla in your head while playng ? the answer is not, you just enjoy the map that you're playing and dance with your finger with that pattern and song (as long is still fine enough with your hand) and also there is nothing always perfect in this world because we are human, not robot . . . i saw much people use this program but for me, that's not really make sense :(
 Hard :
  1. 00:16:559 - here you should change one of notes by a LN, bcs you follow the guitar sounds here i'm not following guitar here 00:16:269 (16269|0,16849|2) - it hust backsound vocal sound for the last part
  2. 00:26:269 (26269|0,26269|3) - move to colum 1 and 2 (Suggestion) okay
  3. 01:15:110 (75110|2) - maybe here must be a double or put under of the next note for this feels better in the playing :3 added
  4. 02:05:400 (125400|1) - this must be a double for consistency with this 02:04:530 (124530|2,124530|0) - u.u i didn't add it as double cuz the intensity of notes in 1/2, the previous one is 3/4 02:04:095 (124095|3,124095|2,124313|3,124313|1,124530|2,124530|0) - distance
  5. 02:12:356 (132356|1,132646|1,132936|1,133226|1) - anchor more 3 detected, imo a anchor minor 4 is better in this diff okay, re-arranged
  6. 03:14:820 (194820|2) - move to column 0 imo this feels better :3 re-arranged
"Problem Note Distribution"

Left hand : 453 + 505 = 958
Rigth hand : 521 + 472 = 993
Right hand > Left hand
993 - 958 = 35
it's fine, but tu should add more notes in the column 1 and 4
That's all
Sorry for the delay u.u
thanks for your mod <3

Niks wrote:


halo mod request :D

00:16:269 - mistake? removed a note

wonki : 00:35:907 (35907|1) - this note may be inconvenient for playing guitar sounds.
Niks : oh! right
00:35:835 (35835|3) - move 2
00:35:907 (35907|1) - move 4 done for them

Good map can't find error lol :D
Thank youuu :)

im very like with the song tpi ini sdikit mengganggu saia :D

03:58:588 (238588|1,238588|0) - ctrl + H (?) kyak kurang nyaman gimana gitu pas dimainin

dah cuma itu aja >w<

Niks wrote:


halo mod request :D

[Fontes' Insane]
00:19:313 (19313|2) - 이쪽 노트가 1번라인으로 가는게 드럼 표현에 더 적절하다고 생각이 드네요
00:17:429 (17429|3,17429|2,17864|3,17864|2) -
00:18:298 (18298|1,18298|0,18588|0,18588|1) -
00:19:023 (19023|3,19023|2,19313|3,19313|2) - 를 유지시키고 싶으시면 무시
그냥 1번라인에 노트를 추가해서 3놋으로 만들었음.

00:31:342 - ~ 00:39:385 - 까지는 드럼음의 강조가 필요할거같습니다
막난과의 난이도 차를 두기위해서라면 별수없지만 너무 많이 허전합니다..
처음엔 원래 넣었엇는데 이게 드럼라인에 2놋이 되게되면 체감난이도가 급상승하게됨..
이 난이도가 한번 리메이크를 거친맵인데 드럼놋 스트림을 짜게되면 전체적인 난이도도 같이 상승시켜야되는데 밸런스를위해 그냥 1놋스트림으로
가는쪽을 선택했음.

01:38:153 - 첫번째랑 같은느낌
02:25:690 - ^
03:46:849 - ^
모두그냥 위처럼 스네어 3놋 처리했음.

01:45:110 - ~ 01:50:037 - 1번라인에 노트가 많이나와서 왼손중지가 약간 거슬리는 느낌이되네요
저 연타는 의도된 연타임. 딱히 밸런스를 유지해야하는 구간이라고 느껴지진않다고 생각하기에 큰문제는 없다고봄니다.
막난과 다르게 2놋으로 표현하기때문에 한쪽으로 무게감을 몰아주는것도 괜찮다고 생각함.

02:25:400 - 노트 3개가 흐름상 맞지않나요?

02:46:414 - 롱노트를 안쓰는 이유는 드럼강조? ㅜㅜ 롱노트가 자연스러운듯한데
4번라인을 롱놋으로 끌어올렸소.

Wonki wrote:

hey fontes' req

00:21:269 (21269|0,21269|1) - 여기가 왜 2놋이되야되는지모르겠네 자세히들어보면 드럼사운드도없어 차라리 1놋으로하고 00:21:342 - 여기를 3놋으로하는게 낫지
자세히 들어호면 둥둥 탁 하면서 드럼킥이 들어가있음. 근데 스냅이 좀애매하긴한데 2 1 3 놋으로 바꿔줘봣음. 치기엔 더 편할듯.

개인적인 생각이지만 00:22:791 (22791|0) - 00:25:110 (25110|3) - 00:27:429 (27429|3) - 00:29:748 (29748|1) - 여기부분이 기타음이 뚝! 끊기는 느낌이여서 밑노트랑 잭으로 하면 꽤괜찮을거가생각함
좋은생각임. 근데 내가 스네어드럼과 킥에 2놋씩밖에 배정을 안했기때문에 배열이좀 흐트러질수 있고 체감난이도를 생각해서
조금 고민해봐야될듯. 이것은 킵.

00:44:675 (44675|3,44820|2) - 00:46:994 (46994|0,47139|1) - 00:49:313 (49313|0,49458|1) - 이부분 드럼 사운드노트인거같은데 00:44:385 물론
지금 패턴도 좋긴한데 (44385|0,44530|1) - 이거나 00:49:023 (49023|3,49168|2) - 이거땜에 깔끔하게 하려고 한의도는 알겠는데 드럼 쪽을 그냥 잭으로 하면 더좋지않을까 지금저게 기타음이라해도 드럼소리가 굉장히 잘들리기때문에 잭으로하면 칠때 더좋은느낌이될듯.
이게 거의 메인 멜로디랄게 드럼라인뿐인데다 브픔도 낮은편이 아니라서 전체적으로 4성이 안되기때문에 잭을 좀 지양 하려했었음.
무슨말인진 알겠는데 일단 이파트는 키아이가 아니라서 힘을 줘야할 지는 좀더 고민해봐야겟음.

00:59:893 - 01:00:037 - 이쪽부분에 드럼노트가 없는이유가 궁금
드럼을 줫었는데 내가 키타음을 잡롱 잭으로 두었기 때문에 드럼음에 노트를 더주게될 경우 치기가 좀 많이 불편했엇음.
그래서 스네어3놋제외하곤 드럼노트를 뺐음.

01:18:226 - 사소하긴하지만 음살려서 넣어보는것도 괜찮을지도
보컬을 말하는거라면 일부러 제외했음. 앞쪽의 롱놋이끝나고 피아노 강조후 바로 뒤에나오는 롱놋의 등장을 깔끔하게 하기위해서엿음.
이건 막난쪽에 건의해보는게?

02:33:081 - 02:36:269 - 이부분 좀아쉬운게 윗난이도가 2놋이라서 나같았음 걍 3놋 때려박았음 02:27:284 - 여기쪽 드럼이랑 비교해보고 알아서넣으쇼
음.. 따로 뾰족하게 더나은방법이 없는거같음. 그냥 이건 그대로.

02:46:414 (166414|3) - 이거도 그냥 기타음으로 하는게 좋을거같은데 위에는 롱놋있는데 여기만없으니 매우허전한느낌

모딩고맙소 친구들 :)
1/5 Fixed. Sorry im late Q_Q
Topic Starter
[ A v a l o n ]
hello, nm queue
will only mod fontes' insane

00:12:501 (12501|0) - separate into 2 1/2 ln? the guitar pitch is different
00:39:748 (39748|1) - would suggest to add 1 more not in |1| for kick
00:44:530 (44530|1) - ghost
00:49:168 (49168|2) - ^
01:49:458 - make the same with 00:39:458 -
01:57:501 (117501|0,117574|1,117646|2,117719|0,117719|3,117791|1,117864|2,117936|3) - seeing this thing a lot, could have make it more variated
02:36:632 (156632|3) - ghost
03:38:009 - u might want to reset the layering here, it looks so wrong compared to the actual drum sound
03:38:951 - and add 1 note for this section for same snare as before
03:40:110 (220110|1,220110|0) - 1 note is enough for this, no percussion
03:47:574 - weird here, supposed to be 3/4 snap

in general, i think this diff follows most of the layering from the maximum diff
for example
00:02:356 -
00:12:501 - 00:13:951 -
00:40:037 (40037|3) -
00:42:791 (42791|1,42791|0) -
01:06:849 (66849|3,66849|0,67719|1,67719|2) -
01:30:617 (90617|3,90617|0,90907|0,90907|3) -
01:30:617 (90617|3,90617|0,90907|0,90907|3,110762|0) -
03:58:733 (238733|2,238733|3,238733|0) -
and so on i rly lazy to look on

not saying it's bad, just, a distinct layering for the instrument would be good since u are a gd and supposed to have different style of putting the pitch in different columns.. or amount of notes also apply here

hope this helps
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