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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年9月11日 at 1:12:59

Artist: Sayuri
Source: Touhou
Tags: Silver Forest Remilia Scarlet banvi Septette for the Dead Princess
BPM: 160
Filesize: 4339kb
Play Time: 02:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. banvi's Hard (4.82 stars, 303 notes)
  2. Easy (1.24 stars, 116 notes)
  3. Lunatic (5 stars, 510 notes)
  4. Normal (3.94 stars, 200 notes)
Download: Sayuri - BLOOD ON BLOOD
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Easy - 100% (by me)
Normal - 100% (by me)
Hard - 100% (by banvi)
Lunatic - 100% (by me)


  • 00:28:762 - この赤線は必要ですか?
  • コンボが長いです。3分の1くらいで切っていいと思います。
    01:29:513 (1) - finishがあったほうがかっこいいと思います。
    02:30:263 (1) - ^
  • Normalにしては、コンボが少し長い気がしました。今の半分くらいの長さでNCしてもいいと思います。
    00:31:763 (4,5,6,7) - 単発が3つ以上続くのは個人的に好きではないので、4,5をスライダーに置き換えることを提案します。
    00:41:888 - 1回目と合わせるためにadd note
    01:14:513 (3,4,5,6) - 3,4をスライダーに?
    01:23:513 (3,4,5,6) - ^
    01:29:513 (1) - finishがあったほうがかっこいいと思います。
    01:59:513 (3,4,5,6) - スタックされているので移動距離が少ない為問題はないかなと思います。
    02:02:513 (3,4,5,6) - 3,4をスライダーに?
    02:10:763 (1,2,3,4) - ^
    02:19:763 (1,2,3,4) - ^
    02:27:263 (3,4,5,6) - ^(5,6)

  • 最初に、この難易度はInsaneですが、全体的にそこまで難易度の高いものではないので、全体の難易度を整えるつもりでModしたいと思います。
    00:40:763 (1,2,3) - 3連打を控えて、スタックしてからのジャンプは少し難しい気がします。今までと同じくらいの距離で問題ないと思います。
    00:41:325 (5,6) - ^
    00:47:513 - 音があった方が良いと思います。00:47:138 (4) をリバースさせてもいいと思いますが、角度に少し違和感があるので、もしそうする場合は前後の流れを調整してください。
    01:01:013 (3,4,5,6) - 1回目はボーカルを拾って3/4のスライダーでしたが、ここではサークルになっているので、可能なら前者に揃えて欲しい気がします。ですが配置を大幅に変更する必要が生じるので、強くは押しません。
    01:02:513 (3,4,5) - ^
    01:05:138 - ここに音があったほうが、リズムがつかみやすい気がしました。もし追加する場合は、ジャンプの距離を減らしてください。
    01:05:700 - ^
    02:01:763 (3) - リズムに合ってない気がします。3/4スライダーのリバースにして、02:02:513 にノートを追加したほうが自然です。
    02:03:263 (3,4,5) - リズムが取りづらい気がします。前のパートでも使っていた2/4スライダーを使う音取りはいかがでしょうか。02:05:888 - 01:05:138と同じ感じです。スタックさせるのではなく、小さなジャンプにする感じにすればいいと思います。
    02:10:950 (2,3) - 決して跳べない距離ではありませんが、流れが悪いのでより遠く感じます。ここで無理にジャンプさせる必要はないと思うので、少し狭めるのはいかがでしょうか。
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:


  • 00:28:762 - この赤線は必要ですか? - downbeat?になってしまうので必要でしたが、冒頭にノートを配置し、赤線の位置を変更したため不必要となりました
    InsaneとNormalの難易度の差が大きいと思います。Insaneのノートを減らしてHardとするか、もしくは新たにHardを追加してください。 個人的にはHardを追加して欲しいです。- Hard diffはGuestの方をお呼びしているため、Hardは後々追加する予定です。
    しました。ついでに冒頭のノイズも消しておきました。Offsetはおそらく変わってないと思います。 - わざわざありがとうございますー! offsetはややずれがありましたので変更
    mp3の使用率が80%を切っています。冒頭部に新しくノートを配置することをお勧めします- fixed
  • コンボが長いです。3分の1くらいで切っていいと思います。- fixed
    01:29:513 (1) - finishがあったほうがかっこいいと思います。- fixed
    02:30:263 (1) - ^- fixed
  • Normalにしては、コンボが少し長い気がしました。今の半分くらいの長さでNCしてもいいと思います。- fixed
    slidertickにclapのサウンドを入れて、音を付けたほうが丁寧だと思います。- fixed
    00:31:763 (4,5,6,7) - 単発が3つ以上続くのは個人的に好きではないので、4,5をスライダーに置き換えることを提案します。 - no change
    00:41:888 - 1回目と合わせるためにadd note - ^
    01:14:513 (3,4,5,6) - 3,4をスライダーに? - ^
    01:23:513 (3,4,5,6) - ^ - ^
    01:29:513 (1) - finishがあったほうがかっこいいと思います。- fixed
    02:02:513 (3,4,5,6) - 3,4をスライダーに? - no change
    02:10:763 (1,2,3,4) - ^ - ^
    02:19:763 (1,2,3,4) - ^ - ^
    02:27:263 (3,4,5,6) - ^(5,6) - ^

  • 最初に、この難易度はInsaneですが、全体的にそこまで難易度の高いものではないので、全体の難易度を整えるつもりでModしたいと思います。
    00:40:763 (1,2,3) - 3連打を控えて、スタックしてからのジャンプは少し難しい気がします。今までと同じくらいの距離で問題ないと思います。 - no change
    00:41:325 (5,6) - ^ - ^
    00:47:513 - 音があった方が良いと思います。00:47:138 (4) をリバースさせてもいいと思いますが、角度に少し違和感があるので、もしそうする場合は前後の流れを調整してください。- fixed
    01:01:013 (3,4,5,6) - 1回目はボーカルを拾って3/4のスライダーでしたが、ここではサークルになっているので、可能なら前者に揃えて欲しい気がします。ですが配置を大幅に変更する必要が生じるので、強くは押しません。 - no change
    01:05:138 - ここに音があったほうが、リズムがつかみやすい気がしました。もし追加する場合は、ジャンプの距離を減らしてください。- fixed
    01:05:700 - ^- fixed
    02:01:763 (3) - リズムに合ってない気がします。3/4スライダーのリバースにして、02:02:513 にノートを追加したほうが自然です。- fixed
    02:03:263 (3,4,5) - リズムが取りづらい気がします。前のパートでも使っていた2/4スライダーを使う音取りはいかがでしょうか。- 変えようと思いましたが、Insaneなのでいいかな?と思ったのでno changeです02:05:888 - 01:05:138と同じ感じです。スタックさせるのではなく、小さなジャンプにする感じにすればいいと思います。- fixed
    02:10:950 (2,3) - 決して跳べない距離ではありませんが、流れが悪いのでより遠く感じます。ここで無理にジャンプさせる必要はないと思うので、少し狭めるのはいかがでしょうか。- fixed
Modありがとうございました ;)
完成しました!結構遅くなってしまったとおもいます :o

Topic Starter

banvi wrote:

完成しました!結構遅くなってしまったとおもいます :o


そうだったんですかw イントロ急に追加してすみません :o

Suzully wrote:

Denied kudosu because of earning error. Some are still available so no need to kudosu anymore.

Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:

Suzully wrote:

Denied kudosu because of earning error. Some are still available so no need to kudosu anymore.

h-728さんご迷惑おかけしましたー :?

* Use soft hitsound, instead of normal hitsound. Like others diff
* Set the PreviewTime to "66481". Fix this using a notepad

* AR +1 or +2, your current approach rate is slow

01:28:044 (1) - Add clap at tail slider
01:28:794 (2) - ^
02:09:294 (3) - ^

[banvi's Hard]
00:30:294 (2) - New combo?

00:29:919 (2) - Clap?
00:50:544 (3) - Why finish at tail slider?
02:17:731 (4,6) - Move 1 grid left for make a parallel pattern? (Nazi)


Leorda wrote:

[banvi's Hard]
00:30:294 (2) - New combo? I think it's not necessary, so didn't change.
Thank you~
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


[Easy]- All fixed
* Use soft hitsound, instead of normal hitsound. Like others diff
* Set the PreviewTime to "66481". Fix this using a notepad

[Normal] - All fixed
* AR +1 or +2, your current approach rate is slow - AR+1 fixed
01:28:044 (1) - Add clap at tail slider
01:28:794 (2) - ^
02:09:294 (3) - ^

[Insane]- All fixed
00:29:919 (2) - Clap?
00:50:544 (3) - Why finish at tail slider? - I'm baka lol
02:17:731 (4,6) - Move 1 grid left for make a parallel pattern? (Nazi)

Ganbatte!- Arigatou :3
Thank you for Mod! ;)
I say I won't star this map but I'm staring this anyway XD.
Hey i apologize for the delay...mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

The title is incorrect. it's supposed to be "BLOOD ON BLOOD". Sayuri is the person who's singing this, so move Silver Forest in the tags since that's the group that made this song. Sayuri should be the artist.
Add rebirth in the tags. that's the name of the album this song is in.
move "Septette for the Dead Princess" in the tags since it's the original song that's playing.
the preview times are inconsistent. the easy diff is off by 31ms off compared to the other diffs.

a 0.6 DS is too close together and with AR2, it shows no flow to the song. i suggest 1.0 for a smooth flow to the song. for more effect, increase the AR by 1.
00:15:294 (1) - maybe move this between the previous note to blanket the previous circle? i think doing this would look nicer during gameplay IMO.
00:29:919 (1) - how about adding a clap to start a new rhythm in the song? it should follow that faded clap in the song if you listen carefully.
00:35:169 - add a circle with a clap. it'll be consistent with that 2/1 slider in the song since the claps are at the slidertick and the end.
00:42:669 - ^
00:46:794 (2) - add a clap at the repeat arrow. it'll be consistent with the previous repeat slider.
00:55:794 (2) - make this a default slidertick because it sounds odd and a bit unfitting with this part IMO.
01:13:044 (1) - ^
01:15:294 (2) - i feel that a clap is missing here. it sounds empty without it. add it here to maybe keep the consistency in the claps?
01:19:044 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish. the whistle isn't loud enough to match the vocals/cymbals in the song.
01:22:044 (1) - same as 00:55:794.
01:58:044 (1) - ^
02:09:294 (2) - ^
orz looks like you forgot what i said about adding more notes in easy diffs. i'll say it again. you should add more because patterns like these are boring and it might tire beginners. don't get me wrong ik that you're trying to make it easier for beginners, but at the same time, you have to make it fun and somewhat challenging for beginners by adding more notes. so i suggest filling in the empty spots and making the diff fun for beginners to enjoy. also since you have a slidertick file, add timing points to make sure that slidertick doesn't make any noise.

00:06:669 - maybe add a circle to keep the 1/1 rhythm going?
00:17:544 (4) - how about a curved slider for a smoother flow to the next note?
00:40:044 (2) - you forgot to add a whistle. add it to keep the consistency in whistles.
00:46:044 (2) - add a whistle to emphasize the instrumental in the song.
01:04:794 (3) - make this slidertick a hitsounds to keep the consistency in the claps.
01:46:794 (2,3) - i think it'd be easier if you can do Ctrl+R to this. the threw me off. in other words it surprised me during gameplay.
02:05:544 (3) - same as 01:04:794.
02:22:044 (6) - same as 00:17:544.
this time all i saw are 1/1 notes. it makes the diff look boring although the flow is there. you should either add, replace, or move these notes at the red ticks so that it'd flow to the vocals in the song. don't just reply on the 1/1 ticks, rely on the 1/2 ticks as well to make it interesting for players.

00:08:919 (1) - remove the NC for this. the instrumental is connected from the previous slider.
00:09:294 (3) - make this a NC if you follow the suggestion above. the instrumental changes in this part.
00:38:731 (5) - make this a NC. it'll be consistent with the 2 previous patterns since the lyrics change in this part.
00:39:294 (1) - same as 00:09:294 but the vocals change.
00:41:919 (3) - maybe add a clap to match the vocals in the song? it should make a nice clap pattern during gameplay IMO.
this is a pretty nice diff, but i have 1 more request. if you add whistles at the beginning of the sliders like at 02:01:794, it'll play nicely to the vocals because it sounds empty without the whistle.

since this is the Touhou map, re-name the diff to "Lunatic". why? Lunatic is the name of the hardest difficulty in all Touhou games.
00:09:294 (8) - how about aligning this to (7)? it'll make a triangle for (6,8,1) and i think doing this would flow smoother to the song.
00:49:044 (7) - remove this finish. i don't remember hearing this in the other diffs.
00:52:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - at least add claps on this stream to match the drums in the song. it sounds empty without them.
01:05:356 (5) - maybe add a finish to emphasize the vocals in the song?
01:05:919 (7) - same as above, but replace the clap for a finish, or add a clap with the finish.
01:07:044 (2) - same as hard.
01:09:294 (5) - you forgot to add a whistle here. add it to keep the consistency in the whistles.
01:29:169 (4,5) - to keep the flow going, replace this for a 1/2 slider. the 2 circles break the flow in this since the last 3 notes are sliders.
01:29:544 (1) - add a circle here and move this spinner up by 1/4 to continue the hold in the vocals.
01:42:481 - add something here til the next red tick to follow the vocals it'll match the vocals and it'll be consistent with the hard diff.
01:52:044 (1) - you can hear the cymbal clashes, so replace the whistle for a finish to match it.
01:52:794 (3) - same as above, but you forgot to add it.
01:53:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as 00:52:794.
02:06:106 (5) - same as 01:05:356.
02:06:669 (7) - same as 01:05:919.
02:18:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as 00:52:794.
02:30:387 (1) - same as 01:29:544.
same comment as hard.

I guess that's it. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Hey i apologize for the delay...mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

[General] - All fixed
The title is incorrect. it's supposed to be "BLOOD ON BLOOD". Sayuri is the person who's singing this, so move Silver Forest in the tags since that's the group that made this song. Sayuri should be the artist.
Add rebirth in the tags. that's the name of the album this song is in.
move "Septette for the Dead Princess" in the tags since it's the original song that's playing.
the preview times are inconsistent. the easy diff is off by 31ms off compared to the other diffs.

a 0.6 DS is too close together and with AR2, it shows no flow to the song. i suggest 1.0 for a smooth flow to the song. for more effect, increase the AR by 1.
- All fixed
00:15:294 (1) - maybe move this between the previous note to blanket the previous circle? i think doing this would look nicer during gameplay IMO.
00:29:919 (1) - how about adding a clap to start a new rhythm in the song? it should follow that faded clap in the song if you listen carefully.
00:35:169 - add a circle with a clap. it'll be consistent with that 2/1 slider in the song since the claps are at the slidertick and the end.
00:42:669 - ^
00:46:794 (2) - add a clap at the repeat arrow. it'll be consistent with the previous repeat slider.
00:55:794 (2) - make this a default slidertick because it sounds odd and a bit unfitting with this part IMO.
01:13:044 (1) - ^
01:15:294 (2) - i feel that a clap is missing here. it sounds empty without it. add it here to maybe keep the consistency in the claps?
01:19:044 (1) - replace the whistle for a finish. the whistle isn't loud enough to match the vocals/cymbals in the song.
01:22:044 (1) - same as 00:55:794.
01:58:044 (1) - ^
02:09:294 (2) - ^
orz looks like you forgot what i said about adding more notes in easy diffs. i'll say it again. you should add more because patterns like these are boring and it might tire beginners. don't get me wrong ik that you're trying to make it easier for beginners, but at the same time, you have to make it fun and somewhat challenging for beginners by adding more notes. so i suggest filling in the empty spots and making the diff fun for beginners to enjoy. also since you have a slidertick file, add timing points to make sure that slidertick doesn't make any noise. - I made an effort so that a beginner was not bored a little

[Normal] - All fixed
00:06:669 - maybe add a circle to keep the 1/1 rhythm going?
00:17:544 (4) - how about a curved slider for a smoother flow to the next note?
00:40:044 (2) - you forgot to add a whistle. add it to keep the consistency in whistles.
00:46:044 (2) - add a whistle to emphasize the instrumental in the song.
01:04:794 (3) - make this slidertick a hitsounds to keep the consistency in the claps.
01:46:794 (2,3) - i think it'd be easier if you can do Ctrl+R to this. the threw me off. in other words it surprised me during gameplay.
02:05:544 (3) - same as 01:04:794.
02:22:044 (6) - same as 00:17:544.
this time all i saw are 1/1 notes. it makes the diff look boring although the flow is there. you should either add, replace, or move these notes at the red ticks so that it'd flow to the vocals in the song. don't just reply on the 1/1 ticks, rely on the 1/2 ticks as well to make it interesting for players. - same comment as easy

[Insane] - All fixed
since this is the Touhou map, re-name the diff to "Lunatic". why? Lunatic is the name of the hardest difficulty in all Touhou games.
00:09:294 (8) - how about aligning this to (7)? it'll make a triangle for (6,8,1) and i think doing this would flow smoother to the song.
00:49:044 (7) - remove this finish. i don't remember hearing this in the other diffs.
00:52:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - at least add claps on this stream to match the drums in the song. it sounds empty without them.
01:05:356 (5) - maybe add a finish to emphasize the vocals in the song?
01:05:919 (7) - same as above, but replace the clap for a finish, or add a clap with the finish.
01:07:044 (2) - same as hard.
01:09:294 (5) - you forgot to add a whistle here. add it to keep the consistency in the whistles.
01:29:169 (4,5) - to keep the flow going, replace this for a 1/2 slider. the 2 circles break the flow in this since the last 3 notes are sliders.
01:29:544 (1) - add a circle here and move this spinner up by 1/4 to continue the hold in the vocals.
01:42:481 - add something here til the next red tick to follow the vocals it'll match the vocals and it'll be consistent with the hard diff.
01:52:044 (1) - you can hear the cymbal clashes, so replace the whistle for a finish to match it.
01:52:794 (3) - same as above, but you forgot to add it.
01:53:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as 00:52:794.
02:06:106 (5) - same as 01:05:356.
02:06:669 (7) - same as 01:05:919.
02:18:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as 00:52:794.
02:30:387 (1) - same as 01:29:544.
same comment as hard.

I guess that's it. GL :D
Thank you for Mod :)

Byakugan249 wrote:

↑ who is he? lol
00:08:919 (1) - remove the NC for this. the instrumental is connected from the previous slider.
00:09:294 (3) - make this a NC if you follow the suggestion above. the instrumental changes in this part.
00:38:731 (5) - make this a NC. it'll be consistent with the 2 previous patterns since the lyrics change in this part.
00:39:294 (1) - same as 00:09:294 but the vocals change.
00:41:919 (3) - maybe add a clap to match the vocals in the song? it should make a nice clap pattern during gameplay IMO.
this is a pretty nice diff, but i have 1 more request. if you add whistles at the beginning of the sliders like at 02:01:794, it'll play nicely to the vocals because it sounds empty without the whistle.
All changed! Thanks~
Topic Starter
thanks banvi~
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

Add two red lines at offset: 67044, 127794 to let the long white tick on downbeat.

00:34:794 (2) - extend to 00:35:544? Or the rhythm is difficult for new player.

01:16:606 (2) - wrong hitsound on tick
01:28:606 (2) - ^
02:29:356 (2) - ^

[banvi's Hard]
00:27:294 (1) - same as [Lunatic]
00:48:294 (4) - make a better shape? Use approach circle of (3):
00:49:044 (5) - ^
00:51:294 (1,3) - ^

00:11:919 (8) - NC here for complex pattern?
00:16:044 (4) - NC
00:16:794 (7) - ^
00:23:919 (8) - NC here for complex pattern?
00:29:731 (1) - too close to previous spinner. End spinner at 00:28:794?
00:36:294 (1,2,3) - the triple have nothing to follow, so move 00:36:387 (2) to 00:36:200?
00:46:794 (1,2,3) - ^
00:51:012 (4) - ^ let the triple end on white tick is better in rhythm
00:52:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the volume is too low here..I think 50 is good enough
01:10:044 (1) - finish? (do same thing to similar position)
01:13:044 (1) - finish on head?
01:15:294 (5) - NC here for complex pattern?
01:16:044 (1) - finish on head?
01:17:544 (1) - remove finish from head?
01:25:794 (3) - the reverse arrow is under '300'. Try to avoid this.
01:29:544 (5) - finish?
02:01:044 (1,2) - copy one from the other?
02:21:669 (4) - NC?
02:22:044 (7) - NC? The combo is too long
02:30:294 (10) - finish?

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

Add two red lines at offset: 67044, 127794 to let the long white tick on downbeat. - ok,fixed!

00:34:794 (2) - extend to 00:35:544? Or the rhythm is difficult for new player. - fixed

01:16:606 (2) - wrong hitsound on tick- fixed
01:28:606 (2) - ^- fixed
02:29:356 (2) - ^- fixed

00:11:919 (8) - NC here for complex pattern?- fixed
00:16:044 (4) - NC- fixed
00:16:794 (7) - ^- fixed
00:23:919 (8) - NC here for complex pattern?- fixed
00:29:731 (1) - too close to previous spinner. End spinner at 00:28:794?- fixed
00:36:294 (1,2,3) - the triple have nothing to follow, so move 00:36:387 (2) to 00:36:200? fixed
00:46:794 (1,2,3) - ^- fixed
00:51:012 (4) - ^ let the triple end on white tick is better in rhythm - no change
00:52:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the volume is too low here..I think 50 is good enough- fixed
01:10:044 (1) - finish? (do same thing to similar position)- fixed
01:13:044 (1) - finish on head?- fixed
01:15:294 (5) - NC here for complex pattern?- fixed
01:16:044 (1) - finish on head?- fixed
01:17:544 (1) - remove finish from head?- fixed
01:25:794 (3) - the reverse arrow is under '300'. Try to avoid this.- fixed
01:29:544 (5) - finish?- fixed
02:01:044 (1,2) - copy one from the other? - no change
02:21:669 (4) - NC? - no change
02:22:044 (7) - NC? The combo is too long- fixed
02:30:294 (10) - finish?- fixed

That's all I can find. GL~
Thank you for mod! ;)

popner wrote:

Add two red lines at offset: 67044, 127794 to let the long white tick on downbeat.

[banvi's Hard]
00:27:294 (1) - same as [Lunatic] changed
00:48:294 (4) - make a better shape? Use approach circle of (3): didn't change. I think 5 ticks are better than 4...
00:49:044 (5) - ^
00:51:294 (1,3) - ^
Thank you for modding~ :D
Hi o/

Delete .osb file and full submit

01:04:794 (2) - Add finish on the whole slider? It sounds better imo
01:11:544 (3) - Add whistle on head and on the reverse arrow
00:31:794 (3) - Move the last dot of this slider by 1 grip up?
02:05:544 (3) - Add finish on the whole slider

01:04:794 (3) - Add finish on the whole slider
02:05:544 (3) - Finish on the head
02:06:106 (4) - ^

[banvi's Hard]
01:48:481 (1) - Remove NC and add NC here at (4)
01:49:981 (1) - ^
01:51:481 (1) - ^
02:28:419 (1) - Add NC and remove Nc here 02:28:794 (1)

Good diff

That's all

goodluck :)

Genkishi wrote:

[banvi's Hard]
01:48:481 (1) - Remove NC and add NC here at (4) I think it's fine
01:49:981 (1) - ^
01:51:481 (1) - ^
02:28:419 (1) - Add NC and remove Nc here 02:28:794 (1) ok
Thanks for modding~ :)
Topic Starter

Genkishi wrote:

Hi o/

Delete .osb file and full submit

01:04:794 (2) - Add finish on the whole slider? It sounds better imo
01:11:544 (3) - Add whistle on head and on the reverse arrow
00:31:794 (3) - Move the last dot of this slider by 1 grip up?
02:05:544 (3) - Add finish on the whole slider

01:04:794 (3) - Add finish on the whole slider
02:05:544 (3) - Finish on the head
02:06:106 (4) - ^

Good diff

That's all

goodluck :)
All fixed!
Thank you for mod ;)
Hi !

From my modding queue

wow , Touhou map , it pleased me much !

00:37:044 (2) - rhythm like this might be easier to read , but I'm not sure that will sound good enough for you or not
01:11:544 (3) - clap at repeated point will be better ? , sounds a bit odd at the slider tick there
01:14:544 (2) - clap at the end :o

00:51:294 (1) - a... nazi , left and up 1 grid to balance the distance , the current is too close to this one 00:50:919 (4) -

Banvi's Hard
fine ;)

00:12:294 (3) - I will move this note to 00:11:544 (6) - 's position , this feel better when it's jump
00:23:919 (1) - what's the purpose of this new combo ? , I think you new combo from white tick more than position , like these
01:15:106 (4,5,6,7,8) -
01:16:794 (3,4,5,6) -
01:17:919 (2,3,4,5,6) -

That's all from me. , Good luck on getting ranked !
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Hi !

From my modding queue

wow , Touhou map , it pleased me much !

00:37:044 (2) - rhythm like this might be easier to read , but I'm not sure that will sound good enough for you or not
01:11:544 (3) - clap at repeated point will be better ? , sounds a bit odd at the slider tick there
01:14:544 (2) - clap at the end :o

00:51:294 (1) - a... nazi , left and up 1 grid to balance the distance , the current is too close to this one 00:50:919 (4) -

Banvi's Hard
fine ;)

00:12:294 (3) - I will move this note to 00:11:544 (6) - 's position , this feel better when it's jump
00:23:919 (1) - what's the purpose of this new combo ? , I think you new combo from white tick more than position , like these
01:15:106 (4,5,6,7,8) -
01:16:794 (3,4,5,6) -
01:17:919 (2,3,4,5,6) -

That's all from me. , Good luck on getting ranked !
All fixed~
thank you for mod! ;)
Hi, from your M4M modding queue.

00:56:544 (5,6) - If you change the rhythm like this, you could follow lyrics and snare drum at once.
01:43:044 (2) - Add finish to head
02:01:044 (1) - ^
02:05:919 (4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H would avoid useless overlapping, such as 02:04:794 (2,4) and 02:06:481 (6,1)

[banvi's Hard]
Fine to me

00:27:294 (1) - Add finish. Bcuz you added it in Lunatic.
01:01:794 (3) - Change direction to make smooth flow for next note?

00:27:294 (1) - Add finish
01:11:544 (3) - 01:11:919 - make this slidertick to default.
01:14:544 (2) - Put whistle to tail instead of clap
01:15:669 (3) - Add clap
01:43:044 (1) - Add finish
02:15:294 (3,4) - I mentioned what is similar with this above

That's all. Good luck and ofc star~* ;)
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

Hi, from your M4M modding queue.

00:56:544 (5,6) - If you change the rhythm like this, you could follow lyrics and snare drum at once.
01:43:044 (2) - Add finish to head
02:01:044 (1) - ^
02:05:919 (4,5,6,7) - Ctrl+H would avoid useless overlapping, such as 02:04:794 (2,4) and 02:06:481 (6,1)

[banvi's Hard]
Fine to me

00:27:294 (1) - Add finish. Bcuz you added it in Lunatic.
01:01:794 (3) - Change direction to make smooth flow for next note?

00:27:294 (1) - Add finish
01:11:544 (3) - 01:11:919 - make this slidertick to default.
01:14:544 (2) - Put whistle to tail instead of clap
01:15:669 (3) - Add clap
01:43:044 (1) - Add finish
02:15:294 (3,4) - I mentioned what is similar with this above

That's all. Good luck and ofc star~* ;)
All fixed!!
thanks you for mod~ ;)
Hi from PM
sorry for late
00:34:794(2) Ctrl+H?
01:26:544(2) 包むようにしてみるのはどうですか?
02:01:044(1) x:288?
02:24:294(2) ここの直線にちょっと違和感があるので、カーブさせてみるのはどうですか?
01:14:544(2) 終点を01:15:294まで伸ばしてみては?バックの音に合わせているのはわかりますが、初心者にスペーシングの変化が少し分かりづらいような気がしました。

00:48:294(1,2) ちょっと窮屈な感じがするので、カーブさせてみるのは?
01:06:669 noteか1/4スライダーを追加してみるのは?(02:07:419ではnoteを置いてあるので)
Hit Sonud
00:56:544(5) 前後の表拍にもついているので、ここにもwhistleを追加?
01:28:606(2) 始点にfinish追加?

banvi's Hard
01:28:606(4) Ctrl+R? 流れの方向に沿ってみては?

00:40:044(3) Ctrl+R? DS無視ですがジャンプの方が難易度に合っているかと思いました
Hit Sonud
00:41:544(6) clap追加?
00:53:169(5) clap→finish?
01:52:794(3) バックでシンバルが聞こえるので、始点にfinish追加

全体的に良くできていると思います! 多分moddingはあんまり役に立たないかもしれません、その時はno kdsで & star!
Topic Starter

kajiyatta wrote:

Hi from PM
sorry for late
00:34:794(2) Ctrl+H?
01:26:544(2) 包むようにしてみるのはどうですか?
02:01:044(1) x:288?
02:24:294(2) ここの直線にちょっと違和感があるので、カーブさせてみるのはどうですか?
01:14:544(2) 終点を01:15:294まで伸ばしてみては?バックの音に合わせているのはわかりますが、初心者にスペーシングの変化が少し分かりづらいような気がしました。

00:48:294(1,2) ちょっと窮屈な感じがするので、カーブさせてみるのは?
01:06:669 noteか1/4スライダーを追加してみるのは?(02:07:419ではnoteを置いてあるので)
Hit Sonud
00:56:544(5) 前後の表拍にもついているので、ここにもwhistleを追加?
01:28:606(2) 始点にfinish追加?

00:40:044(3) Ctrl+R? DS無視ですがジャンプの方が難易度に合っているかと思いました
Hit Sonud
00:41:544(6) clap追加?
00:53:169(5) clap→finish?
01:52:794(3) バックでシンバルが聞こえるので、始点にfinish追加

全体的に良くできていると思います! 多分moddingはあんまり役に立たないかもしれません、その時はno kdsで & star!
All fixed!
Modありがとでした! ;)

kajiyatta wrote:

banvi's Hard
01:28:606(4) Ctrl+R? 流れの方向に沿ってみては?

Topic Starter

banvi wrote:

kajiyatta wrote:

banvi's Hard
01:28:606(4) Ctrl+R? 流れの方向に沿ってみては?

Hi~ mod from the queue~

use some editor to slightly reduce S:C1 slider tick volume.

00:16:794 (2) - not a fluent shape. like this?


00:34:794 (5) - may be beneath the HP bar in EasyMode. move a bit downward.
00:58:794 (3) - slider start add clap
01:15:294 (6,7) - move to 01:15:106 ? if so, add sound samples like 01:15:106 (6) - (whistle --- normal); 01:15:668 (7) - clap
02:01:794 (5) - better use three-node slider rather than 5-node one.
02:03:294 (5) - ^

00:41:262 (4) - may be better at 00:41:075
00:59:544 (5,6,7) - replace with 2 sets of triplets? every set add sound sample like clap-normal-normal
01:09:294 (5) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 40
01:12:294 (3) - ^
01:21:294 (3) - ^
01:24:294 (4) - ^
02:00:294 (3) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 30
02:10:044 (6) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 40
02:13:044 (5) - ^
02:22:044 (1) - ^
02:25:044 (5) - ^
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Hi~ mod from the queue~

use some editor to slightly reduce S:C1 slider tick volume.

00:16:794 (2) - not a fluent shape. like this?


00:34:794 (5) - may be beneath the HP bar in EasyMode. move a bit downward.
00:58:794 (3) - slider start add clap
01:15:294 (6,7) - move to 01:15:106 ? if so, add sound samples like 01:15:106 (6) - (whistle --- normal); 01:15:668 (7) - clap
02:01:794 (5) - better use three-node slider rather than 5-node one.
02:03:294 (5) - ^

00:41:262 (4) - may be better at 00:41:075
00:59:544 (5,6,7) - replace with 2 sets of triplets? every set add sound sample like clap-normal-normal
01:09:294 (5) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 40
01:12:294 (3) - ^
01:21:294 (3) - ^
01:24:294 (4) - ^
02:00:294 (3) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 30
02:10:044 (6) - add clap, use timing sections, volume -> 40
02:13:044 (5) - ^
02:22:044 (1) - ^
02:25:044 (5) - ^
i fixed almost mod.
hard diff no change~
Thank you for modding! ;)
Hi:3 from My queue.


●circle size +1?Normal diff と同じだったので
●00:16:794 (2,1) - sliderの形が異なっていますが、コピーして少し対照的にするとより綺麗だと思います
●00:37:794 - ここも無音にしてみてはどうでしょう?前後のパターンをみてここにはclapの音はあわないと思います
●00:39:294 (1,2,3) - (2)がすこし隠れていて、なおかつ流れが悪いと感じました
このようにしてみてはどうでしょうか?少しここ(00:54:294 (1,2,3) - )に似た感じに置いた方がいいと思います。
●00:51:294 (1,2) - 後の(3)のfinishを強調するために始点の音量を少し下げてみてはどうでしょう?
●00:52:794 (3) - もっと曲げた方が前の(2)とのつながりがよくなると思います
●00:52:794 (3) - 終点のfinishをclapに変更?後の同じパート00:52:794 (3) - でclapを使用していたので
●01:28:794 (2) - finishではなくclapを追加?同じ間隔でhitsoundを追加することでリズムがとりやすくなると思います
●01:52:044 (1,2) - finishを追加。00:51:294 (1,2) - の理由と同じで音量は小さめで。
●02:29:544 (2) - 01:28:794 (2) - と同じです

●00:51:294 (1,2) - easy diffと同じです
●01:07:044 (1,2,3) - ここの3つのsliderは赤線の上で終わっています。後の01:10:044 (1,2,3) - ここのように赤線はfollowしなくてもいいと思いました
●01:52:044 (1) - 01:52:794 - 前のパートではここにfinishがあったので音が欲しいです。

[banvi's Hard]
●00:26:169 (6,7) - (5)と(7)の距離を考えて、もう少し右に移動してみてはどうでしょう?
●00:28:794 - 40%に変更?30%だと少し小さい気がします。
●00:29:637 - ここの緑線を00:29:169 - ここに移動?00:29:169 (1) - ここのsliderの音が小さいです
●00:51:294 (1,2,3) - 1 grid dwon?前の00:49:606 (6) - と重ねるように
●00:55:794 (1) - 始点にwhistleを追加
●01:01:794 (1) - whistleを追加
●01:43:044 (2) - new comboを追加。00:30:294 - ここと同じように、ですが数字が小さくなってしまうので無視してもらってかまいません

●00:11:544 (6,7,1,2,3) - 好みですがjumpが始まっている(6)からNew comboを追加した方がまとまりがあると思います
●00:23:356 (5,6,7,8,9) - ここも同じです
●00:36:481 (2) - stackはわかりにくいかもしれません。00:36:856 (4) - の上にかさねたり、別のところに配置した方がいいです。
●00:53:825 - noteを追加?00:52:794 (1) - からfollowしている音がここにも聞こえたので少し寂しく感じました
●01:05:731 (6,7) - 1grid 左
●01:09:294 (5,6,7,8,9) - 対照的で綺麗ですが、円を描くように配置した方がより良いと思います
●01:54:575 - 00:53:825 - と同じです
●02:23:544 (3) - 逆側に曲げた方が前後共に流れがよくなると思います

ほとんど提案です>< もうRankedしてもおかしくないと思います!ふぁいとー :oops:
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

Hi:3 from My queue.


●circle size +1?Normal diff と同じだったので
●00:16:794 (2,1) - sliderの形が異なっていますが、コピーして少し対照的にするとより綺麗だと思います
●00:37:794 - ここも無音にしてみてはどうでしょう?前後のパターンをみてここにはclapの音はあわないと思います
●00:39:294 (1,2,3) - (2)がすこし隠れていて、なおかつ流れが悪いと感じました
このようにしてみてはどうでしょうか?少しここ(00:54:294 (1,2,3) - )に似た感じに置いた方がいいと思います。
●00:51:294 (1,2) - 後の(3)のfinishを強調するために始点の音量を少し下げてみてはどうでしょう?
●00:52:794 (3) - もっと曲げた方が前の(2)とのつながりがよくなると思います
●00:52:794 (3) - 終点のfinishをclapに変更?後の同じパート00:52:794 (3) - でclapを使用していたので
●01:28:794 (2) - finishではなくclapを追加?同じ間隔でhitsoundを追加することでリズムがとりやすくなると思います
●01:52:044 (1,2) - finishを追加。00:51:294 (1,2) - の理由と同じで音量は小さめで。
●02:29:544 (2) - 01:28:794 (2) - と同じです

●00:51:294 (1,2) - easy diffと同じです
●01:07:044 (1,2,3) - ここの3つのsliderは赤線の上で終わっています。後の01:10:044 (1,2,3) - ここのように赤線はfollowしなくてもいいと思いました
●01:52:044 (1) - 01:52:794 - 前のパートではここにfinishがあったので音が欲しいです。

●00:11:544 (6,7,1,2,3) - 好みですがjumpが始まっている(6)からNew comboを追加した方がまとまりがあると思います
●00:23:356 (5,6,7,8,9) - ここも同じです
●00:36:481 (2) - stackはわかりにくいかもしれません。00:36:856 (4) - の上にかさねたり、別のところに配置した方がいいです。
●00:53:825 - noteを追加?00:52:794 (1) - からfollowしている音がここにも聞こえたので少し寂しく感じました
●01:05:731 (6,7) - 1grid 左
●01:09:294 (5,6,7,8,9) - 対照的で綺麗ですが、円を描くように配置した方がより良いと思います
●01:54:575 - 00:53:825 - と同じです
●02:23:544 (3) - 逆側に曲げた方が前後共に流れがよくなると思います

ほとんど提案です>< もうRankedしてもおかしくないと思います!ふぁいとー :oops:
All fixedです!

ありがとうございました ;)

alacat wrote:

Hi:3 from My queue.

[banvi's Hard]
●00:26:169 (6,7) - (5)と(7)の距離を考えて、もう少し右に移動してみてはどうでしょう? 1gridだけ動かしました
●00:28:794 - 40%に変更?30%だと少し小さい気がします。 ok
●00:29:637 - ここの緑線を00:29:169 - ここに移動?00:29:169 (1) - ここのsliderの音が小さいです ok
●00:51:294 (1,2,3) - 1 grid dwon?前の00:49:606 (6) - と重ねるように ok
●00:55:794 (1) - 始点にwhistleを追加 うーん、少し違和感を感じたのでこのままで
●01:01:794 (1) - whistleを追加 ^
●01:43:044 (2) - new comboを追加。00:30:294 - ここと同じように、ですが数字が小さくなってしまうので無視してもらってかまいません 数字が小さくなるのでこのままで
細かいところまでmodありがとうございますー! :)
Guy, cool name.

  • • I can't find anything
  • -- Very clean diff and well the distance snap is 0,6, I recommend in you future maps to use 1,0x, otherwise good job
    - 01:12:669 (3) - Add a clap here to follow your hitsound pattern?
  • - 00:25:794 (4) - Add a new combo to follow your combo pattern?
banvi's Hard
  • - 01:15:106 (x) - Much better if you add a note here
  • - 00:35:450 (x) - Add a note here like you did here 00:32:450
    - 00:46:981 (2) - Unstack this note because is confusing to play, in my opinion try something like this
    - 02:30:294 (10) - nazi* Resnap this note onto the center please
Nice map :)
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:

Guy, cool name. - wow thanks lol

  • • I can't find anything
  • -- Very clean diff and well the distance snap is 0,6, I recommend in you future maps to use 1,0x, otherwise good job -yes i know. but sorry, i keep 0,6 distance
    - 01:12:669 (3) - Add a clap here to follow your hitsound pattern? - fixed
Normal - fixed
  • - 00:25:794 (4) - Add a new combo to follow your combo pattern?
Lunatic - fixed
  • - 00:35:450 (x) - Add a note here like you did here 00:32:450
    - 00:46:981 (2) - Unstack this note because is confusing to play, in my opinion try something like this
    - 02:30:294 (10) - nazi* Resnap this note onto the center please
Nice map :)
Thank you for modding! ;)

MoodyRPG wrote:

banvi's Hard
  • - 01:15:106 (x) - Much better if you add a note here
 Sorry , not changed since I want to keep the consistency of the rhythm.
Slidetick hitsounds are louder than ordinary hitsounds. Try this one instead.
Inconsistency in TitleUnicode/ArtistUnicode.

AR-1 and OD or HD -1
* The spacing is quite close imo. Considering the speed of sliders, It should be set to around 1.0x. Keep it in mind next time.

Set the stackleniency to 0.7

Let me know whenever you're ready.
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Slidetick hitsounds are louder than ordinary hitsounds. Try this one instead. - Thanks!
Inconsistency in TitleUnicode/ArtistUnicode.

AR-1 and OD or HD -1
* The spacing is quite close imo. Considering the speed of sliders, It should be set to around 1.0x. Keep it in mind next time.

Set the stackleniency to 0.7

Let me know whenever you're ready.
Meloさんありがとうございます!すべて修正しました~ ;)
Here you go :3
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Here you go :3
Thank you!!! ;)
go gooooooooooo
Topic Starter

Dagger-Gazel wrote:

go gooooooooooo
blud on blud o3o

  1. The correct offset is 00:00:294 (294 ms). That's because the pulses in the menu need to start where the beats start, which is at the time I provided. Please adjust this!
  2. Personally I don't like how the letterboxes during breaks look. They overlap a great part of the girl in the background, it makes it look weird. However, you may keep it if you like it since it's not a real problem.
  1. I'm a little worried about the amount of 1/4 streams (including triplets) that actually don't follow anything in the music. They play well, but are technically overmapping (since they don't really follow the music). People seem to use this a lot and I can't really understand the reason. Why did you do it? Any particular reason?
As for the rest, everything looks fine! You guys could work a liittle on slider composition, but I reckon that I might be too picky for that, so no need to worry either :P

Call me back when you fix that!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:


  1. The correct offset is 00:00:294 (294 ms). That's because the pulses in the menu need to start where the beats start, which is at the time I provided. Please adjust this! - OK!
  2. Personally I don't like how the letterboxes during breaks look. They overlap a great part of the girl in the background, it makes it look weird. However, you may keep it if you like it since it's not a real problem.- fixed :3
  1. I'm a little worried about the amount of 1/4 streams (including triplets) that actually don't follow anything in the music. They play well, but are technically overmapping (since they don't really follow the music). People seem to use this a lot and I can't really understand the reason. Why did you do it? Any particular reason?
As for the rest, everything looks fine! You guys could work a liittle on slider composition, but I reckon that I might be too picky for that, so no need to worry either :P

Call me back when you fix that!
thank you narakucrimson!
You are right, I reduced unnecessary including triplets.
There is still some repeated including triplets, however, player may enjoy these :)
Oh oh one more thing

  1. 01:07:044 - Did you notice that the kiai is only on the red timing section? The following doesn't have kiai activated, I think you should activate it so that the kiai times are consistent with the other difficulties!
That's all! No kd on this post please!
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

Oh oh one more thing

  1. 01:07:044 - Did you notice that the kiai is only on the red timing section? The following doesn't have kiai activated, I think you should activate it so that the kiai times are consistent with the other difficulties!
That's all! No kd on this post please!
ohhhh sorry ><;
fixed that! ;)
All right everything's fine! Ranked!
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Thank you narakucrimson!!! :)
congrats :)
yay :)
congrats ~
P o M u T a
1 years old o.o gratz !
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Thank you everyone <3
yay , congrats ~
s ranker disc
bloood? blooood
おめでと ㅡ !
바이러스 있다 ..
아니구나 컴퓨터 맛간거엿네
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Thank you! :D
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