
orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.)

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03:49:856 (3,3) - 이 부분들은 1/6대신 슬라이더써서 속도감주는게 나은거같아서..

다 고쳤습니다 모딩 감사합니다 ㅠ
[ -Scarlet- ]
Nice stuff here~ Good luck! :D
5분 겨우 넘기셨네요 ㅋㅋ

Nice Beatmap :)
23:57 *Cellina is listening to [ orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.)]
23:58 *Len is editing [ orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUIN (Extended ver.) [Dissociative Identity Disorder]]
23:58 Len: 00:20:118 (4,1) -
23:58 Len: 00:19:507 - 여기서부터 소리가 줄어드는데
23:59 Cellina: 아맞다
23:59 Cellina: 님 글고 죄송한데 힛사는 제가 다 박아서
23:59 Len: 왜 저거 두개 간격은 좁지않고 오히려 그 전보다 넓을가요
23:59 Cellina: 힛사지적은 걍 지금다해주샌
23:59 Cellina: 잠만요
23:59 Len: 힛사
23:59 Len: 안봄
23:59 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
23:59 Len: 00:22:211 (8,1) - 이거 좀 붙이는게좋아보임
23:59 Cellina: 저 똑같이했음
00:00 Cellina: 저건 뭐랄까
00:00 Cellina: 00:22:298 (1) - 여기에 화악하는 소리랑 함께
00:00 Cellina: 새 파트의 시작같은느낌들어서
00:00 Len: 00:26:484 -
00:00 Cellina: 저렇게라도 강조시키고싶었는데 이상함?
00:00 Len: 초반부터 저리하면
00:00 Len: 좀 안좋음
00:00 Len: ㅋㅋ
00:00 Len: 전체를 끌어당기셈
00:00 Len: 00:26:484 - 여기 파트 보면
00:00 Len: 3연타 3연타 3연타 들어가는데
00:01 Len: 00:28:141 - 여기를 비워버리면
00:01 Len: 00:28:228 (6) - 이거 칠때 약간 어색함이 없지않아있음
00:01 Len: 계속들어보면
00:01 Len: 00:28:054 - 여기서 1/2 슬라를 넣고 00:28:403 - 여기에 노트를 넣어서 박자를 뒤집어버리면
00:02 Len: 어색함이 줄어듬
00:02 Len: 만약 00:28:054 - 여기에 노트를 꼭 넣어야만하겠다면
00:03 Len: 00:28:141 - 여기에도 노트를 넣어서 3연타를 이어가는게 더 좋아보임
00:03 Cellina:
00:03 Cellina: 이렇게요?
00:03 Len: ㅇㅇ
00:03 Len: 근데
00:03 Cellina: 고쳤음
00:03 Len: 아 ㄱㅊ겠네
00:04 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
00:04 Cellina: 왜요?
00:04 Len: 00:36:077 (6) -
00:04 Len: 여기
00:04 Len: 리버스 하나빼는게 좋을지도
00:04 Cellina: 음
00:04 Cellina: 저거 왜 2틱이지
00:04 Cellina: ㅋㅋ;
00:04 Len: 엥
00:04 Len: 여기
00:05 Cellina: 저 저런거 플레이에 지장줄까봐 최소 1/4박은 남겼음
00:05 Len: 1/6아님
00:05 Len: 아 아니네
00:05 Len: ㅋㅋㅈㅅ
00:05 Cellina: 저거 1/8인데
00:05 Cellina: ㅋㅋ?
00:05 Len: 저
00:05 Len: 헤드셋이고장나서 제대로 안들림
00:05 Cellina: 스피커 ?
00:05 Len: 한쪽이안들림
00:05 Len: 좀 작음
00:07 Len: 00:55:612 (1,2,3) -
00:07 Len: 이건 스택이 더 좋아보이는게
00:07 Len: 00:54:914 (3,4,1) - 흐름이 부드럽게 이어가는게아닌
00:07 Cellina: 아
00:07 Len: 빠아암하고 00:55:612 - 요기부터 강조준비하다가 00:55:786 - 빵 터지는느낌임
00:07 Len: 00:58:316 (2) - 언랭
00:07 Cellina: 님 그냥죄송한데
00:08 Cellina: 저 데케님파트고치는건쫌그래서
00:08 Len: 걍
00:08 Len: 고치셈
00:08 Len: 졷도신경안쓴다잖
00:08 Cellina: 언랭요소만 일단고침
00:09 Len: 01:01:368 (1,2,3) -
00:09 Len: 여기서 빰 하고 강조를 주었는데
00:09 Len: 01:02:066 (1,2,3) - 그뒤에 똑같이 써버리면 여기는 루즈해버림
00:09 Len: 01:02:066 (1) - 이 노트가 01:02:327 - 까지 가는 3/4 슬라였다면 더 좋지않았을까싶음
00:10 Cellina: 맘대루하라내
00:10 Cellina: 고쳐버려
00:10 Len: 01:08:868 (5) - 1/6
00:11 Cellina: 잠깐만요
00:11 Len: 천천히오셔두댐
00:11 Len: 01:14:798 (3,4,5) - 이부분은 좀 강조하셔야할거같음 오순도순 모여있음
00:12 Len: 그 다음 큰 비트에 어울리지않는 분위기
00:12 Cellina:
00:12 Cellina: 01:02:066 -
00:12 Cellina: 이런박자 말하는거임?
00:12 Len: ㅇㅇ
00:12 Len: 배치는 .......
00:12 Len: 센스 .......
00:12 Cellina: ...........
00:12 Cellina: 노력해볼개요
00:13 Len: 그다음 이어질 3/4 슬라 첫부분이
00:13 Len: 비트가 크기때문에
00:13 Len: 거리를 조금 벌려도 ㄱㅊ
00:13 Len: 아니면 01:18:810 (3,4,5) - 이런식도 나쁘지않다고 생각
00:15 Len: 01:21:600 (1,2,3,4) - 요기만 갑자기 1/4슬라가 4개
00:15 Len: 박자를 조금 단조롭게 할 필요가 없지않아 있어보임
00:17 Len: 01:22:298 (1,2) - 거리가 멀어서 1을 1/1박자로 착각할수도 있을거같은데 2를 1꼬리에 스택해서 이런식으로 진행된다면 01:22:821 (3,1) - 거리를 벌림으로써 그 뒤에 이어질 패턴에 대해 당황하지않게 만들 수 있을것같내요
00:19 Cellina: 다고침
00:19 Len: 01:42:879 (1,2,3) - 여기 1/6슬라로 바꾸는건어떰
00:19 Len: 01:43:228 (1,2,1,2) - 그리고 이부분을 연타로
00:19 Cellina: 1 2 3 4 부분에
00:19 Cellina: 드르르륵이 선명하게 들려서
00:20 Cellina: 1/6은 냅두는게 좋을거같음
00:20 Cellina: 12 12는
00:20 Cellina: 1/6이 막 나온 참이여서 바로 연타넣기엔 플레이하기 부담스러울거같고
00:20 Cellina: 뒤에 패턴도 고려하면 냅두는게
00:21 Len: 그럼 스페이싱이라도
00:21 Len: 조절하는게 좋을듯
00:21 Cellina: 어느 부분이요>
00:21 Cellina: 1/6?
00:21 Len: 01:42:879 (1,2,3,4) -
00:22 Cellina: 넓히라는거?
00:22 Len: 줄이는게 좋지않을가요
00:23 Cellina: 0.5정도로 줄임
00:25 Len: 02:25:438 (2,3,1) -
00:25 Len: 음
00:26 Len: 너무 탁 막히는느낌 싫지많
00:27 Len: 02:44:536 (8,1) -
00:27 Len: 이거뭔가
00:27 Len: 억지로 스페이싱 이렇게 한거같음
00:27 Len: 그냥 이렇게 붙여도
00:28 Len: 그 뒤에 나오는 2345 1234~~~~~를 충분히 살릴수 있다고 생각해용
00:28 Len: 02:46:629 (8,1) - 하고 02:46:978 (4,1) - 도 마찬가지로
00:28 Len: 기존의 스페이싱에서
00:28 Len: 갑자기 커지는 연타로 바뀐다던지
00:29 Len: 노트끼리 오버랩을 어느정도 하는것도 좋아보임..
00:29 Cellina: 다좋은데 지금
00:29 Cellina: 자리가없음 ㅋㅋ;
00:29 Cellina: 재배치하는것도 일이네
00:30 Cellina:
00:30 Cellina: 대충 이렇게 합의볼 수 있습니까
00:30 Len: 안될거같으면
00:30 Len: 연타를 재배치하십시오
00:30 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
00:31 Cellina: 님이 하란대로 다 하긴했음
00:31 Cellina: 문제될건없는듯
00:31 Len: 02:46:629 (8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) -
00:32 Len: 대충 오버랩 피해서 1234 1234 말고 이런식으로 진행된다면 저는 엄청 좋다고 생각함
00:32 Len: ㅇㅇ
00:32 Cellina: 대충 저렇게됐는데
00:33 Cellina: 맞다 콤보컬러도 설정해야하는데
00:33 Cellina: ㄱㄷ
00:33 Cellina: ㅋㅋ 대충했음
00:34 Len: 03:13:403 (1,2,3) -
00:34 Len: 노트는어떰
00:35 Len: 03:16:193 (1,2,3) - 여기도
00:35 Len: 03:18:984 (1,2,3) -
00:36 Cellina: 음
00:36 Len: 그 뒤도
00:36 Len: 03:25:786 (1,2) - 여기 박자는
00:37 Len: 이런식으로 2타 2타 이어지게 하는게 좋을것같은느낌
00:37 Cellina: 저건 고쳤는데
00:37 Cellina: 1/4 슬라 세개짜리들은 솔직히 모르겠음
00:39 Len: 03:48:112 -
00:39 Len: 여기 엇박보단
00:39 Len:
00:40 Len: 03:56:135 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 여기 뉴콤
00:40 Cellina: 네
00:40 Len: 04:02:414 (3) - 뉴콤?
00:41 Cellina: 다넣었음
00:41 Len: 04:08:693 (5) -
00:42 Len: 04:08:693 -
00:42 Len: 04:08:781 -
00:42 Len: 04:08:868 - 여기서 1/6시작아닌
00:42 Len: 04:09:391 - 여기1/8
00:42 Len: 04:09:566 - 1/6
00:42 Len: 04:10:089 - 마찬가지
00:43 Len: 04:15:583 (2) - 요기 1/6
00:43 Len: ㅋㅋ
00:43 Cellina: 04:08:955 (1) - 이런건
00:43 Cellina: 걍 강조용비슷하게넣었고
00:43 Cellina: 1/6들 다 1/8로고친
00:44 Cellina: 할리퀸 박자 진자 미쳣네
00:44 Len: 제가
00:44 Len: 왜
00:44 Len: 욕먹었는지아시져
00:44 Cellina: 네
00:44 Cellina: 울정도로
00:44 Cellina: 이해합니다
00:44 Len: 제대로
00:44 Len: 안들으면
00:44 Len: 진자 다틀림
00:44 Cellina: 근데님
00:44 Len: rlc꺼도 많이 fix된거임
00:44 Len: ㅋㅋ
00:45 Len: 근데 나머지는 잘 몰겟음
00:45 Cellina: (2) 저거
00:45 Cellina: rlc도그렇고
00:45 Cellina: 1/4넣었는데
00:45 Cellina: 1/6으로 들리긴하거든요
00:45 Cellina: 근데 플레이하기도그렇고 좀 리듬 심플하게 하기위해서 1/4넣으면안됨?
00:45 Len: 1/4도 들리네
00:45 Len: 걍냅두셈
00:46 Len: 저 솔직히
00:46 Len: 04:18:112 (1) - 이렇게 갑자기 이탈해서 빢~~~~~~~~ 하는거
00:46 Len: 다 뭐라하고싶지만
00:46 Len: 참고(1/6
00:47 Cellina: 다른분들도
00:47 Cellina: 저거플레이하기줫같다고하긴해서
00:47 Cellina: 걍이참에고침
00:47 Len: 1/6으로바꿔서
00:47 Len: 디스턴스를 좀 줄이던지
00:47 Len: 리버스를 빼서 총 5/6박만 채워지던지 하는게좋을거같음
00:49 Len: 04:20:903 - 요기도 1/6
00:49 Len: 04:22:298 (1) -
00:49 Len: 04:23:693 (1,2) -
00:50 Len: 04:22:298 (1) - 이거 직전의 34와 평행이 아니라서 좀 신경쓰임
00:51 Cellina: 다고침
00:51 Cellina: 평행도시켰고
00:51 Len: 04:30:321 (1,2) -
00:51 Len: 이거 좀 보이게 못하나
00:53 Len: 1212를 이렇게 배치하면 보이게 할수있는데 너무 불필요하게 점프를 넣은느낌이 강해서
00:53 Cellina: 저정도는
00:53 Cellina: 괜찮을거같음
00:56 Len: 이런식으로 슬라를 뽑아내는것도 좋긴함
00:56 Len: 근데 귀찮으니
00:56 Len: 04:32:414 (4) - 이거 1/8
00:56 Len: 04:32:502 - 여기서부터 울리는 3박자
00:57 Len: 04:33:112 (1) - 마찬가지
00:57 Len: 04:32:414 (4) - 요기 총 1/8으로 5박채우면 될듯
00:57 Cellina: 뭔뜻임?
00:57 Cellina: 잘 이해가 안가는데
00:58 Len: 음
00:58 Len: 04:32:414 (4) - 이게 1/6스냅이아님
00:58 Len: 04:33:112 (1) - 마찬가지
00:58 Len: 끝
00:58 Cellina: 난또
00:58 Cellina: ㅋㅋ;
00:58 Len: ㅋㅋ
00:58 Len: 저 좀 언어구사능력이
00:58 Len: 수능이후로 퇴화됨
00:58 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
00:59 Len: 04:41:135 (1) - 1/4
01:00 Len: 04:41:484 (2,3,4,5) - 1/6
01:00 Len: 슬라로 바꾸는게좋을듯
01:01 Len: 04:43:228 - 여기 1/6인데 걍 리버스슬라로 처리 ㄱ다
01:01 Len: 지금 넘 조잡함
01:01 Len: 1/4도 ㄱㅊ은데
01:01 Len: 아니면 rlc맵 박자를 택하자 ..
01:01 Cellina:
01:01 Cellina: 이렇게해도됨?
01:01 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
01:02 Len: ㅋㅋ
01:02 Len: rlc박자 ㄱ
01:02 Cellina: 사기네 rlc
01:03 Cellina:
01:03 Cellina:
01:04 Len: 님 너무
01:04 Len: 지금 계속 고치면서
01:04 Len: 본건데
01:04 Len: 그 부분만 생각하니까
01:05 Len: 계속 놓을곳이 없다던지
01:05 Len: 한정적이게만 놓고있음
01:05 Len: 안될거같으면 그 전부분이나 뒤에까지 한번 바꿔볼 생각을 하시는게 좋을거같음
01:05 Len: 너무 살릴려고하지마삼
01:05 Len: ㅋㅋ
01:05 Cellina: 흠
01:05 Len: 저같으면
01:05 Cellina: 넵
01:05 Cellina: ㅋㅋ
01:05 Len: 뒤에 04:43:839 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - 다버렸음
01:05 Len: 그리고 파트 다시만듬
01:06 Len: 왜냐하면 그 뒤에 나오는 04:44:624 (1,2,3) - 은 아무것도없이 노트3개로 처리될것이기때문에
01:06 Len: 자리 걱정할필요가 x임
01:06 Len: 혹은 1/2슬라하나에 노트하나
01:06 Len: 그 부분만 보려하지말고 그 뒤에나 앞에 변화를 준다면 지금 바꾼거랑 잘 이어질수있겠네 이런 생각 엄청중요
01:07 Len: 마오가 직접언급함
01:07 Len: 04:27:705 (9,10,1) - 여기 스택 ㄱ
01:07 Len: 이유는 첨에 말한것과같이 부드럽게 흘러갈필요가 업슴니다
01:08 Cellina:
01:09 Cellina: 저나름대로해봄일단
01:10 Len: 끝
01:10 Len: 업뎃하기전에
01:10 Len: 카운트해제
01:10 Len: 카운트다운
  1. Remapped some parts
  2. Fixed snap issues
Dissociative Identity Disorder
  1. why people like to use long diffnames
  2. 00:01:368 (1) - normal-hitnormal or something?
  3. 00:12:356 (1) - delete this and extend 00:09:827 (1) - the spinner here? this one single note with 1 combo is pretty unnatural imo, and the blanket is off
  4. 00:14:798 (3,4,5) - this angle is very weird to play
  5. 00:27:531 (1,2,3) - the triple doesn't fit here, the heavy beat on the first circle makes the next 2 circles very empty, a reverse slider like 00:30:321 (1) - this would be better
  6. 00:30:670 (1,2) - this should be a larger jump than 00:30:845 (2,1) - due to the strong beat here
  7. 00:38:693 (1,2,3,4) - would be nicer if you make these 4 circles different, as the music here is pretty strong
  8. 00:47:066 (3) - 1 circle + 1 reverse slider is better it can follow 00:47:153 - the vocal better, like you did here 00:58:228 (1,2) -
  9. 01:08:868 (5) - reverse please, 01:08:984 - i don't get why you ignored this
  10. 01:15:583 (2,1) - make them like this for better aesthetics?
  11. 01:31:194 (3) - this should be snapped to 1/3 i think?
  12. 02:00:583 (7,1) - 02:01:281 (7,1) - this looks very random since you didn't use it anywhere else like 01:59:885 (8,1) - , also it makes a big difficulty spike
  13. 02:07:879 (3,1) - it's kinda annoying to play too but still acceptable maybe, here's a suggestion
  14. 02:13:054 (1) - curve it like 02:11:659 (3,3) - ? or just make it straight :lol:
  15. 02:16:717 - it feels empty here because it's a long sound, make try 2 circles + 1 slider to cover 02:16:891 - this beat
  16. 04:22:996 (1) - what happened here
  17. 03:50:728 (4,1,2,3) - his is tooooo hard, idk how to explain, but please nerf
  18. 04:14:275 (1,2,3,4) - avoid the overlap?

Karen wrote:

02:16:717 - it feels empty here because it's a long sound, make try 2 circles + 1 slider to cover 02:16:891 - this beat For emphasizing the strong sound 02:16:717 - , I didn't want to change it to a 1/2. And I think there's only weak sound at 02:16:891 -
I accepted all suggestions you mentioned. Thanks for check
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:

Dissociative Identity Disorder
  1. why people like to use long diffnames
  2. 00:12:356 (1) - delete this and extend 00:09:827 (1) - the spinner here? this one single note with 1 combo is pretty unnatural imo, and the blanket is off i wanted to emphasise the boom sound using a note // i fixed the blanket
  3. 00:38:693 (1,2,3,4) - would be nicer if you make these 4 circles different, as the music here is pretty strong i dont really think thats necessary
@Karen: Fixed everything except I mentioned, thanks!
there was an unrankable issue so this is bubble #1, you can ask Len again for further progress, good luck.
개같은 룰 지;ㄴ짜
01:05:554 (1,2,3) - it's weird that you didn't use a simple 3/4 rhythm here as you did in same places before, this triplet feels excessive after listening to previous parts. there might be some another sound in the background that you wanted to map here, but it's not dominant, therefore leaving only 3/4 would work only better, especially when the track is not that intense yet
01:25:089 (1,2) - this looks bad due to autostacking better to adjust this pattern
01:34:507 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - i advice to use lower spacing here, because 1/6 here might appear unreadable due to 01:32:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this stream having almost the same spacing
01:39:740 (1,2,3,4) - 1/6 appears not much noticeable here, because it's placed where a stream was before, for a player it will be an unexpected pattern, he might become distracted and not notice the approach circle and note density. also 01:39:914 (4,1) - this spacing feels weird for 1/6 gap, so i'd rather move the entire pattern closer to 01:40:089 (1) -
02:37:298 (2,1) - i don't see any reason for this spacing being significantly lower than 02:36:600 (3,1) - when the music is only raising tense

Call me back.
Topic Starter
@Kyubey: Fixed everything!
Fixed it and also changed some patterns (04:41:484 - ~) and rhythm issues (03:57:182 - ~)
We fixed broken hitsounds at 04:41:484 (2) - .
Topic Starter

Kyubey wrote:

We fixed broken hitsounds at 04:41:484 (2) - .

앙 빨리 나우렛 ㄱㄱ
I was browsing qualified, and saw this map. I love the song so I was curious as to how it was. When playing, I had a few concerns with the map, so I decided to go through it in editor and check back on the diff, and I found a few things I think should be addressed. My main concern is with the usage of 1/6 and how it's conveyed through the map

Dissociative Identity Disorder
  1. 00:38:693 (1,2,3,4,1) - Lowering this down would create a cut in this stream 00:38:345 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and help show the strong beat on 00:38:693 (1) - much more than just an NC
  2. 00:46:542 (1) - Slider end on 00:46:717 - is kinda weak. 1/4 slider + circle or just a triple would work
  3. 00:51:949 (4) - The 1/4 sounds on which you mapped this repeat slider doesn't end until when the piano comes back on, so you should probably extend it to here 00:52:385 -
  4. 00:56:484 (1) - Inverting the slider would help reduce the wrist breaking this pattern causes
  5. 01:06:949 (3) - This slider isn't following the same this as you do right before it and right after it. It should be a reverse that reverses on 01:07:211 - As it is you don't even have a slider tick to cover the 01:07:211 - sound
  6. 01:15:321 (1,2) - Why are sliders here not the same while 01:16:717 (1,2) - are perfectly symmetrical and rotated?
  7. 01:16:717 (1,2,1) - And here you are missing an important beat on 01:17:066 - with this current rhythm choice. Something like this would represent rhythm much better
  8. 01:19:507 (6) - You should also NC here
  9. 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - These is no way to differentiate the 1/6 here other than the NC. Which even then this is the first time you use NC to indicate change to 1/6th in the map, and with how often you NC in this map, it doesn't come through really well at all. Here 01:34:507 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - it works because the spacing is different from all the 1/4 around it, but back here 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - the 1/6 has bigger spacing than the 1/4. You have 1/4 NC'ed triples 01:30:670 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - and 1/6 NC'ed triples with with the same spacing. The difference is unreadable
  10. 02:17:066 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Nothing wrong here I just think this pattern is really cool
  11. 02:46:368 (5,6,7,8) - There should be a DS increase here so that the transition to 02:46:717 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - is smoother and the increase in song intensity is well represented
  12. 02:49:507 (1,2,3) - Not sure why you preferred mapping the sound on 02:49:769 - over what you were already mapping to before, which would have you make rhythm like this where you can still put emphasis on 02:49:769 - while not skipping over stuff you are mapping to.
  13. 03:00:670 (1,2,3) - Same thing applies here
  14. 02:57:007 (1,2,3) - Better to NC on 02:57:182 (3) - than 02:57:007 (1) -
  15. 03:31:891 (6,7) - You're skipping the 1/8th here. You could do it like you did here 03:33:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - with 1/8th sliders
  16. 03:44:275 (3,4,5,6) - Since you were NC'ing 1/6th before it should be done here too
  17. After doing it here 03:48:984 (3) - you are ignoring all the other 1/6 after that 03:49:507 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -
  18. 03:57:182 (1,2) - Should be 1/6
  19. 03:57:879 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Very easy to mistake for 1/6. This is because usage of 1/6 has been inconsistent for the whole map. This causes confusion as to what you are mapping, and give no feedback to the player
  20. 04:58:519 (6) - Instead of a circle you could have a 1/6 slider that ends on 04:58:577 - since the last note kinda resonates and continues
Topic Starter

celerih wrote:

I was browsing qualified, and saw this map. I love the song so I was curious as to how it was. When playing, I had a few concerns with the map, so I decided to go through it in editor and check back on the diff, and I found a few things I think should be addressed. My main concern is with the usage of 1/6 and how it's conveyed through the map

Dissociative Identity Disorder
  1. 00:38:693 (1,2,3,4,1) - Lowering this down would create a cut in this stream 00:38:345 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and help show the strong beat on 00:38:693 (1) - much more than just an NC NC is enough to express that part, and also I don't really think the beat on 00:38:693 - is enough tthe whole pattern, and also Len pointed that part when he was checking my map before qualify, and he told me that I don't really have to change it,
  2. 01:15:321 (1,2) - Why are sliders here not the same while 01:16:717 (1,2) - are perfectly symmetrical and rotated? why not? I wanted to put a minor difference on each pattern
  3. 01:16:717 (1,2,1) - And here you are missing an important beat on 01:17:066 - with this current rhythm choice. Something like this would represent rhythm much better As you can see the whole pattern like 01:17:240 (1,2,3,4) - , I followed the bass sound for whole song if they were strong enough to ignore the sound smth like piano.
  4. 01:19:507 (6) - You should also NC here No, I wouldn't because I wanted to put an emphasis on next combo
  5. 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - These is no way to differentiate the 1/6 here other than the NC. Which even then this is the first time you use NC to indicate change to 1/6th in the map, and with how often you NC in this map, it doesn't come through really well at all. Here 01:34:507 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - it works because the spacing is different from all the 1/4 around it, but back here 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - the 1/6 has bigger spacing than the 1/4. You have 1/4 NC'ed triples 01:30:670 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - and 1/6 NC'ed triples with with the same spacing. The difference is unreadable 1/4 were much bigger before 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - , like 01:20:903 (1,2,3,4,1) - they do have bigger spacing and this is still noticable. Also, players can see the difference of 1/4 and 1/6 approchcircle, and when I requested players to do the testplay, no one confused 1/6 and 1/4 at 01:26:019 (1,2,3) - part
  6. 02:46:368 (5,6,7,8) - There should be a DS increase here so that the transition to 02:46:717 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - is smoother and the increase in song intensity is well represented I don't wanted to put increase of ds for whole single circle, and the raises of song atmosphere starts from 02:46:717 - here, that's why i put the big spacing from there
  7. 02:49:507 (1,2,3) - Not sure why you preferred mapping the sound on 02:49:769 - over what you were already mapping to before, which would have you make rhythm like this where you can still put emphasis on 02:49:769 - while not skipping over stuff you are mapping to.
  8. 03:31:891 (6,7) - You're skipping the 1/8th here. You could do it like you did here 03:33:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - with 1/8th sliders yes there are 1/8 sounds on 03:31:891 - and 03:31:978 - , however they are not strong enough, even I asked to the BN that if I should change this, and the answer was: I don't have to. also I was following bass on 03:33:374 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - , not the piano thing
  9. After doing it here 03:48:984 (3) - you are ignoring all the other 1/6 after that 03:49:507 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -
  10. 04:58:519 (6) - Instead of a circle you could have a 1/6 slider that ends on 04:58:577 - since the last note kinda resonates and continues i don't think that's necessary
Amazing map, congratz!
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