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Hi everyone, I am RemedySaveMe and I'm from England. I heard about Osu! years ago and remember playing it and thinking it was way too hard. Just a couple of weeks ago it popped in my head again and I thought I's check it out again. I absolutely love it. I am level 29 can beat and couple if 3 star songs and am getting better by the hour. It really helps me to focus on something else instead on playing games that make you rage because of other people (call of duty etc). I quit Call of Duty as soon as Infinite Warfare came out this year, it was absolute garbage, don't waste your money.

I'm just looking to get into a new game for the long haul, that I can just chill with and still progress when I want. I still enjoy a couple of other games. Borderlands, Diablo 3, twitch games like super hexagon.

That's me, maybe I'll talk in the Osu! chat or on the forums.

welcome~ we're all happy you like it here~ :D
Diablo 3 is also really fun!!! I haven't played it in awhile but I loved it :3
Heya, RemedySaveMe. Call me Vee.
Welcome to the osu! forums and osu! itself!
Be sure to read the official osu! rules which can be found here:!:Rules They're extremely important and the wiki is really useful.
Also be sure to read subforum rules before posting, which can be found at the top of each subforum like so:
Enjoy yourself here. I suggest trying out the Video Games subforum.
- Jade -
Hey, welcome to osu! and the osu! forums! I hope you continue having fun!
Welcome to the community!! :)
yahallo! :D
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