How can you tell for the approximate timin for the each beatmaps?
Nononoonononononononononononoonononononoonoononononononononoblissfulyoshi wrote:
If your song only has one timing, use BPM analyzer and it tends to find a fairly decent BPM. Then adjust the offset till it syncs with the music.
Here:Mentalism1 wrote:
what is a bpm analyzer and why do you say it sucks?
Not quite true Blissfulyoshi ( it halve the bpm above 170bpm)blissfulyoshi wrote:
BPM analyzer: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1707
The other major thing is that the program tends to halve the BPM when you high numbers (above 180 from my experience)
The 170 rule works best. Look inside the coding and that's how it'll figure things.blissfulyoshi wrote:
Thanks for the information Ayeen, I guess I did not play around with BPM analyzer enough.