
Double click to increase a new slider curve point

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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This feature will be good for mappers.
It just double click on some point of the line of the slider to increase a new slider curve point.
If you want to increase a white point is just double click. But if you want to increase a red point is double click on the white point again.
It's easier and faster than ctrl+click.
Maybe it can click+drag to the direction that you want.
o x
I don't see how this is any faster since for me my hand is always on the keyboard. There isn't any reason for them to implement something that takes no effort to already do.
Yeah, kind of pointless. Besides, this would annoy the hell outta me as my mouse has a weird thing where it doubleclicks every so often.

kingdom5500 wrote:

Yeah, kind of pointless. Besides, this would annoy the hell outta me as my mouse has a weird thing where it doubleclicks every so often.
Also, you most likely put sliders right away, only adding small tweaks if it looks bad, so there shouldn't be a need for this
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