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第一版 peppy專訪

Today, I find myself with peppy, the creator of osu!. After reading through all the questions that were sent to us, we took the best ones and interviewed peppy on a variety of topics, including general management, Taiko and his personal life.

Peppy, I'm from the osu! newsletter, and I would like to know if you have some time to do a quick interview with me.


Awesome, thanks. To start things off... The first question that seems to be on people's minds is: Do you still pay for the osu! servers, or do donations totally take care of that for you?
Donations currently cover server/prize costs fully (on a monthly basis). I haven't added up the historical cost since the beginning of osu! (before donations were even accepted) to work out if we are overall positive, but I would say this is likely.

Wow, osu! sure has gotten popular then. You created one heck of a successful game. On that note, how do you feel about the popularity of osu!? To put in another way, when you first started out, did you feel like it would take off like this?
The first version of osu! was just a little testbed I was using to try out the new game libraries released by Microsoft. I didn't really expect to take it too far, but after my real-life friends showed a lot of interest I made it public.
In the beginning, things picked up quite slowly, but after a period of 6-12 months from release the growth has been pretty linear, so since that point it has not exceeded my expectations.

You must be glad/proud that your game has taken off like that then.
To keep things simple, let's say "yes" to that one!

Hah, yeah. I don't want to take up too much of your time anyways... Speaking of which, do you ever find the time to play your own game?
Only for testing, though I will usually end up playing for longer than I should once I get started. I do get together with friends and play the osu!arcade box occasionally, too.

Here's a question from a Taiko player. "There are achievements for osu! standard, and for Catch the Beat, but why haven't there been Taiko achievements added yet?"
Because no-one has created them yet. I would suggest a feature request topic. Including artwork for the achievements would speed things up, too.
Graphic assets don't just fall from the sky, unfortunately. Also, when the development team is so small, some aspects of the game regularly get overlooked.

Yeah, I would imagine so. Must be quite a burden, which I most likely won't be able to fathom. Anyway, last question. How did you come up with the idea of osu!? Some of the community knows that it sprang from “Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan” and “Elite Beat Agents”, but what made you do it? Is that beatmap about how you created osu! telling the true story?
As I mentioned before, it was just a proof-of-concept implementation to give XNA (a game library) a go. 24 hours later it had a working game and editor. I enjoyed playing Ouendan around the time I made it, and remember picturing beatmaps for songs not included in the Nintendo DS games in my head. So I made a little game to let me try that out.

And that concludes the interview! Many of the questions that were not asked can also be found on the history page. Next time, we interview ztrot, the MAT manager. If you have a question please submit it here and remember, make them interesting!









peppy:一般来说,我玩这个游戏只是为了测试,虽然通常玩得都比我预想的要久。有时候,我也会和朋友们一起玩OSU arcade box。



OSU!新闻组:是的,我能想象,这的确是一个难以以用言语就能形容的重担。好的最后一个问题是,你是如何想到OSU!这个主意的?有些玩家认为你可能是通过“应援团”或者“Elite beat agent 之类的音乐游戏想到这个主意的,但是你能告诉我们你在创立OSU时背后的故事么?


如果你想去看其他玩家们对于今天专访提出的问题,请浏览the history page,在下期期刊中,我们将访问MAT Manager跳针哥,如果你有问题,请点击here,你懂的。









peppy:一般來說,我玩這個遊戲只是為了測試,雖然通常玩得都比我預想的要久。有時候,我也會和朋友們一起玩OSU arcade box。


peppy:很簡單,因為並沒有人去設立那些成就。我建議希望看到太鼓成就的玩家在Feature Request版面開串提出。同時,如果有人願意設計成就的徽章,那麼我們可以更快速的完成,而這些東西都不會從天上掉下來。而不幸的,我們的開發團隊規模相當的小,有些對於遊戲的想法也只能暫時停留在想法而已。

OSU! 新聞組:是的,我能想像,這的確是個難以言喻的重擔。好的,最後一個問題是,你是如何想到OSU!這個主意的?有些玩家認為你可能是通過「應援團」或者「Elite beat agent」之類的音樂遊戲想到這個主意的,而你能告訴我們你在創立OSU時背後的故事麼?


如果你想去看其他玩家們對於今天專訪提出的問題,請流覽the history page,在下期期刊中,我們將訪問MAT Manager跳針哥,如果你有問題,請點擊here,你懂的。


deepsea edit:簡易排版、增加繁體版、一些潤飾。

Edit: 我也試試看好了 :D

1. 我英文非常爛
2. 有一些句子因為文意和通順的關係,並沒有完全照著原文...
3. 後半段崩壞注意(其實是無誤...)
Doomsday on Mouse vs. Tablets
By Doomsday

Y’ alright? It's Doomsday.

Now, a common argument I often see on osu! is the "Mouse vs Tablet" one. People going on about tablets being easier to play with, or mouse being harder to play with, and some mouse users getting a superiority complex if they can clear a certain jumpy map because it's "harder to do it with a mouse", like someone running a marathon with a bad leg.

I'm a mouse user, and when I tell people that when they ask me what I use to play, they start bowing down and calling me the almighty god of the universe (I mean, c'mon, I'm not all that good really), but I dunno. I've tried playing osu! on a tablet a few times, and even though I haven't spent too much time with it, or much time at all on it for that matter, but enough to get to grips with it, I fall apart. It's hardly the magical "get-good-at-osu!" pad some seem to think it is. It's certainly more fun, and had I not spent eons playing osu! with a mouse, I would've used it to play too when I started (with it feeling a little more like EBA/Ouendan and all, and a little more intuitive), but from what I see it's not superior. For the record, I still prefer using a mouse, just because I like to contradict myself.

Now, I'm sure many of you are thinking "But Doomsday! If a tablet isn't easier than a mouse, why do so many of the top players use a tablet?" Good question! And I don't really have an answer, since I'm probably just talking out of my inexperienced backside here. I've probably only played osu! with a tablet for a few collective hours, and I'd probably need more time to really get used to it, but I did fail a few times on simple songs last time I tried, which must mean something, right?! That said, the top tablet players (You know, your Cookiezis, your Lesjuhs and so on) didn't just pick up the tablet pen and start clearing 200BPM monster maps from the get-go, obviously. I'm sure you already knew that, you're not all that silly.

Point is, from what I've seen, heard and tried, tablet is no easier than mouse. Whether in the long run I'm wrong, I sure as hell can't see myself clearing Made of Fire with one hand, eating a peach with the other, while reading the Express & Star on my lap using a tablet anytime soon; you wouldn't catch me dead eating a peach.


最近,我在osu!上看到常常被拿來吵的一件事是 "繪圖板vs滑鼠"。有人會一直講 "用繪圖板玩比較簡單" 或是 "用滑鼠玩比較難",如果用滑鼠玩的人清掉了一張有名的跳圖,就會被大家當作膜拜的對象(因為"用滑鼠玩比較難"),好像在看一個瘸子跑馬拉松一樣。

我自己是用滑鼠玩。每當大家問我用什麼來移動後,就開始向我膜拜,說我是宇宙中最強大的神 (我去,我真的沒那麼強)。自己是不知道,不過我曾經試過用繪圖板玩了幾次osu!,沒花太多時間在上面,玩到大概知道那種感覺後,我放棄了。告訴大家,繪圖板絕對不是大家想的"osu!神器"。個人認為雖然用起來的感覺很有趣,如果我之前沒有花了一億年在滑鼠上玩,我絕對會用它 (感覺比較像在玩應援團),不過體驗後感覺繪圖板並沒有特別比滑鼠好,所以我還是推薦用滑鼠,因為我不自重。

現在一定會有人問: "不過Doomsday...如果繪圖板沒像你說的那麼強,那為什麼有那麼多掛B都用繪圖板玩?" 這問題非常好,因為我也不知道。先老實說明自己坑爹的板子經驗:總共只玩了好幾小時、玩了原本一些簡單的歌卻過不去(其實應該要多花點時間適應板子的T_T),然後......好吧,其實重點是我有試過(要不然會有整整一段的文章打不出來)。即便如此,你看到的所有繪圖板神觸 (Cookiezi, Lesjuh等),他們一開始玩時絕對不能一拿起筆來就可以把200BPM的觸圖清掉,你們都應該很聰明,這道理應該早就知道了。

所以重點是,根據我的經驗,繪圖板不是神器。不論時間多長,我還是不能一隻手FC "Made of fire",一隻手吃桃子,一隻手用墊在膝上的繪圖板看報紙。至於吃桃子這事嘛...只能說你絕對看不到...
如果有任何錯誤或不妥當的地方,歡迎糾正 ;)
:P 你们这样搞队长 他会哭的
好翻譯啊,不來一發嗎 :evil:

yanggaog wrote:

Ibuki Suika
我操下期有跳针哥看了 :o

Shinkuu wrote:

Topic Starter

----- wrote:


Edit: 我也試試看好了 :D

1. 我英文非常爛
2. 有一些句子因為文意和通順的關係,並沒有完全照著原文...
3. 後半段崩壞注意(其實是無誤...)
Doomsday on Mouse vs. Tablets
By Doomsday

Y’ alright? It's Doomsday.

Now, a common argument I often see on osu! is the "Mouse vs Tablet" one. People going on about tablets being easier to play with, or mouse being harder to play with, and some mouse users getting a superiority complex if they can clear a certain jumpy map because it's "harder to do it with a mouse", like someone running a marathon with a bad leg.

I'm a mouse user, and when I tell people that when they ask me what I use to play, they start bowing down and calling me the almighty god of the universe (I mean, c'mon, I'm not all that good really), but I dunno. I've tried playing osu! on a tablet a few times, and even though I haven't spent too much time with it, or much time at all on it for that matter, but enough to get to grips with it, I fall apart. It's hardly the magical "get-good-at-osu!" pad some seem to think it is. It's certainly more fun, and had I not spent eons playing osu! with a mouse, I would've used it to play too when I started (with it feeling a little more like EBA/Ouendan and all, and a little more intuitive), but from what I see it's not superior. For the record, I still prefer using a mouse, just because I like to contradict myself.

Now, I'm sure many of you are thinking "But Doomsday! If a tablet isn't easier than a mouse, why do so many of the top players use a tablet?" Good question! And I don't really have an answer, since I'm probably just talking out of my inexperienced backside here. I've probably only played osu! with a tablet for a few collective hours, and I'd probably need more time to really get used to it, but I did fail a few times on simple songs last time I tried, which must mean something, right?! That said, the top tablet players (You know, your Cookiezis, your Lesjuhs and so on) didn't just pick up the tablet pen and start clearing 200BPM monster maps from the get-go, obviously. I'm sure you already knew that, you're not all that silly.

Point is, from what I've seen, heard and tried, tablet is no easier than mouse. Whether in the long run I'm wrong, I sure as hell can't see myself clearing Made of Fire with one hand, eating a peach with the other, while reading the Express & Star on my lap using a tablet anytime soon; you wouldn't catch me dead eating a peach.


最近,我在osu!上看到常常被拿來吵的一件事是 "繪圖板vs滑鼠"。有人會一直講 "用繪圖板玩比較簡單" 或是 "用滑鼠玩比較難",如果用滑鼠玩的人清掉了一張有名的跳圖,就會被大家當作膜拜的對象(因為"用滑鼠玩比較難"),好像在看一個瘸子跑馬拉松一樣。

我自己是用滑鼠玩。每當大家問我用什麼來移動後,就開始向我膜拜,說我是宇宙中最強大的神 (我去,我真的沒那麼強)。自己是不知道,不過我曾經試過用繪圖板玩了幾次osu!,沒花太多時間在上面,玩到大概知道那種感覺後,我放棄了。告訴大家,繪圖板絕對不是大家想的"osu!神器"。個人認為雖然用起來的感覺很有趣,如果我之前沒有花了一億年在滑鼠上玩,我絕對會用它 (感覺比較像在玩應援團),不過體驗後感覺繪圖板並沒有特別比滑鼠好,所以我還是推薦用滑鼠,因為我不自重。

現在一定會有人問: "不過Doomsday...如果繪圖板沒像你說的那麼強,那為什麼有那麼多掛B都用繪圖板玩?" 這問題非常好,因為我也不知道。先老實說明自己坑爹的板子經驗:總共只玩了好幾小時、玩了原本一些簡單的歌卻過不去(其實應該要多花點時間適應板子的T_T),然後......好吧,其實重點是我有試過(要不然會有整整一段的文章打不出來)。即便如此,你看到的所有繪圖板神觸 (Cookiezi, Lesjuh等),他們一開始玩時絕對不能一拿起筆來就可以把200BPM的觸圖清掉,你們都應該很聰明,這道理應該早就知道了。

所以重點是,根據我的經驗,繪圖板不是神器。不論時間多長,我還是不能一隻手FC "Made of fire",一隻手吃桃子,一隻手用墊在膝上的繪圖板看報紙。至於吃桃子這事嘛...只能說你絕對看不到...
如果有任何錯誤或不妥當的地方,歡迎糾正 ;)
非常棒,那我就直接弄第三篇了~ :)
YuZuKi Kenny
有沒有採訪 餅乾的?XDD
怎麼被挖出來了 :O
I Love One Piece
lol 前来捧场 顺便来看看osu杂志
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