講了好久了都沒動作, 先留個帖子在這, 具體希望6月前能確定規則開始報名啥的, 然後在大家學期結束後開始進行 (有可能嗎你這懶鬼)
This is a tournament everyone has a chance to beat cookiezi
- 預計是Team vs/Tag3 Team vs的方式進行. (It will be a team vs/tag3 team co-op tournament.)
- 如果確定會辦成, 我自己會贊助3份6月會員和6份1月會員. (If this tournament will be held, I'll sponsor 3 6-month supporter tags and 6 1-month supporter tags.)
- 不會選Easy, 也不會選Insane的圖, 希望最多人享受到. (Easy and Insane maps will not be picked to make the tournament enjoyable to most of the popularity.)
- 會額外存成unranked的難度, 不用擔心造坑. (Tournament will be played using unranked maps, no need to worry about bad online records.)
- 經典: 就是標準的tag3, 我們會自行作有趣的比賽用圖.
- Classic: Just simple tag3 co-op vs, we will make a FUN map to be used in tournament ourselves.
- 躲水果: Ctb模式, 接到越多飯粒(slider的小點), 越少大果和slider的中果的隊伍獲勝.
- DtB(Dodge the Beats): Under Ctb mode, Teams that hit more sliderticks (50), and less slider hits (100) / circle hits (300) win.
- 2b wins: Solo模式, 在不fail的前提下, 總分較低的隊伍獲勝. (若有玩家fail, fail玩家數較多的隊伍敗).
- 2b wins: Under solo mode, if no players fail, the team with lower total score win. otherwise the team with more failed players lose.
- 團隊合作: Solo/Ctb模式皆可, 在不fail的前提下, 隊伍中最高分的隊員和最低分的隊員得分相差較少的隊伍獲勝.
- Team Spirit: Under solo/Ctb mode, if no players fail, the team with a lesser difference between highest score and lowest score obtained by team members win.
- 我真2: Head to Head下搶到#2一方的隊伍獲勝. (在無轉盤Solo+relax或無轉盤Ctb圖 relax我覺得更適合些, 仍在考慮)
- I'm so 2: Under head to head settings, the team with a member achieving #2 final rank win. (Considering about the mode setting, i think solo/relax or Ctb/relax on a map without spinner fits)
- 我節奏感超好: 太鼓模式下HD+FL+NF總分較高的隊伍獲勝 (map不會事先公佈, 抱著好玩的心情敲自己的節奏吧!)
- I'm the best DJ!: Under taiko mode with hidden+flashlight+nofail, the team with higher total score win. (The map won't be announce until match, hit your own rhythm with a "play for fun" emotion!)
- Tournament staffs.
- Someone good at picking Ctb maps for these demands, i suck.
- More suggestions to types of the tournament maybe.