Vote for your favorite osu!catch map in this thread.
This poll is a rerun due to the previous CTB pool selection not adequately (or even slightly) representing the acclaimed maps of the community. This new pool has been compiled by members of the CTB community in collaboration with a suite of metrics to hopefully represent a broader swathe of maps.
Please note: As with the other polls, all maps with a significant amount of votes (e.g above a 10% vote threshold likely) will gain the Loved status for this round. If a map that you like already has a large number of votes, consider voting for something else.
This poll is a rerun due to the previous CTB pool selection not adequately (or even slightly) representing the acclaimed maps of the community. This new pool has been compiled by members of the CTB community in collaboration with a suite of metrics to hopefully represent a broader swathe of maps.
Please note: As with the other polls, all maps with a significant amount of votes (e.g above a 10% vote threshold likely) will gain the Loved status for this round. If a map that you like already has a large number of votes, consider voting for something else.