
#modreqs web

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Hello everyone!
I have the pleasure to introduce...
«Here you will find all posted maps in the last 2 days»

Mukashi mukashi, in the age before ppv2 was implemented, when someone posted his map in #modreqs, automatically was posted in the Mod Request page too, but two years ago the Mod Request page stops work. I used it a lot, so its why I made this.

"Oh, I have a suggestion"...
Its nice, but I really don't have many time (study, work, moderation, modding, mapping, etc...), so please, I really will appreciate if you make some code too!

Common questions:
If someone repost his map, it just up in the list. Index number is just to know how many maps was posted. List is cached, but its updating instantly.

Please, share it with your friends, and post your maps too. Help to make of #moderqs a nice place where found mods as in old times! ;)

Edit 2018-02-04: Up again as heroku's app.
Wow, this is really nice! Good job on this.
con que a esto te referías ... a decir verdad está bueno aunque faltan unos detallitos que probable agregues si le dan el nivel de aprobación necesario (?)
two thumbs up from me!
I love you <3

I can get rid of this now :D
great project!
great job, eru :)

Underforest wrote:

great job, eru :)
o x
I'm happy to see something like this to make finding maps to mod easier.

Good job!
Oh wow, I've wanted something like that for a long time now, thanks a lot for making this! <3 Great work :D

Only if I knew how to code ;w; I'd help you out to clarify whether the requests come for mods or GD. /w\

Bring back #modreqs!
Now if peppy could bring this up and fix the Beatmap Listing for Mod Requests
Now,if I may ask, can you add in the feature to add what the player says in chat to their map descriptions? I realise there is a small empy space below the maps themselves,so maybe add in what they said (ex, NM M4M BN REQ) kind of thing
Great! : )

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

"Oh, I have a suggestion"...
Its nice, but I really don't have many time (study, work, moderation, modding, mapping, etc...), so please, I really will appreciate if you make some code too!

I can code, but not web code :(
Some sorting mechanics would be nice. Well, if you can implement them. Everything just seem random now
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A little update about this project: the page was down 4~5 months ago because it was in a free digitalocean server, and the free time was over.
Now it is published as a Heroku's app.
Also, I migrated frontend from nothing to Ember.js, so I will be available to implement some nice things soon.

Please, share the news with your friends. Thank you!
Is it still down? Original url doesn't work and there wasn't a new link posted, not sure what to click
Try which is the same but with www. at the front
or if that still doesn't work
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Sinnoh wrote:

Is it still down? Original url doesn't work and there wasn't a new link posted, not sure what to click
DNS updates will take around 24h in most ISPs, so try using alternative DNS like or
I hope this will give a better chance for your maps to get modded unlike when i just post in #modreqs. Im just afraid this wont get big and thus will just end up like #modreqs in the osu!client.

This is a great idea though \o/
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#modreqs is like a common queue, an open table where everyone can post and take maps easily.
If people start to use the channel, then more people will post their maps in, it is about people's will, and this web is a step to make a better world for mappers and modders, it is what I believe.
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Hello, there is a little upgrade.
Thanks to iYiyo, the page have now a new and modern design!
Please, send him thanks and love n.n
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Hi, I just noticed maps were not showing in the page.
That was because links on /np are now different from before, so it's now fixed.

I know not many people remember this page, but who cares, I do xD
I checked it last week, so I care as well xD
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