
[duplicate] Boot-up channels

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
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Void Scroll
Hai~ !

Something I noticed a lot during my meager, unsignificant osu! experience is that some non-english new players - or even experimented players - tend to open the chat and immediately ask in their native language if there are others speaking their language. Although that is not a crime in itself, it tends to happen a lot (And I do mean a LOT) and it tends to give more work for global moderators and implicated players who try to reroute them to a channel in which they can find their kin.
Now, we know that osu! can track down almost anyone's country thanks to super-advanced CIA stuff, and what I've been wondering all of a sudden while chatting in the chat as I usually do is - what if on the game's startup, Bancho automatically opened a forth channel along with the #osu, #announce and #highlight channels which corresponds to the language those players speak locally ? For instance, if we see a mexican player, the game would open the #osu channel, the #announce channel, the #highlight channel AND the #spanish channel ?
Of course, no solution is magic, but if that gets implemented into the game, that would probably lower the amount of foreign players asking in a language few can understand a question that would be resolved by the language channel appropriate anyway.

What do you think ?
Do The Flop
i agree with that, there is too much people who write in their native language in #Osu , along with trolls, and Weaboos Role playing in #Osu.

At login, users should be redirected to #[their language] + #Osu, would upboat, but there is a 24 hour delay.
and i would add that there should be channels with theme (#Anime , #RolePlay) since there is a #videogames channel.

i support this aswell <3
- Auto join language specific channel on first run
- [IRC] Automatic location based !FAQ commands
- Automatic Message with tips for newcomers.

Thun wrote:

and i would add that there should be channels with theme (#Anime , #RolePlay) since there is a #videogames channel.
Both have been requested and denied. We have the forums for anime discussion (and also #english to discuss anime) and the roleplay channel just would not work out.
Most of the time, channels are only created for languge-specific community and tournament channels (e.g. #nat, #owc, etc.) so I really doubt these channels will be added specially #anime channel. Expect that you'll get spoiled by some discussions.

Marked this thread as duplicate. Support the first thread mentioned by Pawsu instead.
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